In one word,we xinlangweshoufang...

If we could sum up all the causes of hurt,pain,and hatred in one word,it would be "expectations"
扫描下载二维码The Phenomenon of some Translations to One Word in the Translation from English to Chinese--《Time Education》2007年26期
The Phenomenon of some Translations to One Word in the Translation from English to Chinese
Yuwei :Jiangxi Vocational College of Finance and Ecnomics
There are quite a few English words that we can't find fixed Chinese words to match with in any context.This kind of words needs to be translated into different Chinese words in different context.However,this kind of words all have the most basic meaning.This basic meaning is the soul of the word.In English thinking mode,this meaning is fixed in different context,but the Chinese expression habit is different from that of English in the translation,we can't use the Chinese meaning of this basic meaning constantly in any context.We should combine different context to make different translations.From the point of view of translation,distinguishing the basic meaning and translation of a word is very important for studying this word's meaning exactly and completely.
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