beautiful girland elega...

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English Word Structure - The Latin Part
Supplement-Spelling rules
The ‘root prefix’-‘ex’
&‘ex’ C is a Latin word that expresses the following ideas:
1. ‘out’, ‘up’ ‘at’ or ‘off’ or ‘away’, as for example in the word ‘exclaudere’, meaning literally ‘to shut out’, from which we get the English word ‘exclude’.
2. I this root can intensify the action of the verb which it precedes, for example: ‘exaggerare’ from ‘ex’ + ‘aggerare’ meaning ‘to heap up’, from which we get ‘exaggerate’. In this sense the ‘ex’ means ‘too much’. This figurative sense would be: ‘to lay on thick’ in the Germanic idiom.
表强烈程度。这个词根会强化它后面动词的行为,例如:从由“ex” + “aggerare” (意为“堆积”)而构成的拉丁语单词“exaggerare”中,我们引申出了“exaggerate”(夸张)。在这种情况下“ex”的意思是“太多了”。它的引申意义在日耳曼语的习语中是“to lay on thick” (夸大的赞扬、恭维)。
3. It can also have a sense of: ‘fully’, for example: from ‘ex’+‘videntum’, from which we get ‘evident’, meaning ‘seen clearly’.
它同样有“完全的、全面的”的意思,例如:由“ex” +“videntum”我们引申出了“evident”,意为“被看得地很清楚”。
4. Used as a ‘living prefix it either has the meaning ‘outside’ or ‘former’( see examples below.)
The form of the ‘root prefix’ ‘ex’ is governed by spelling rules, which are set out below:
“前缀词根”“ex”的形态是由它的拼写规则决定的。 其拼写规则见下:
No change rule
1. The ‘root prefix ‘ex’ does not change form before Latin words that begin with vowels or any of the following consonants: c, h, p, q, s, and t. For example:
&&& “前缀词根”“ex”在以元音开头的单词之前、以辅音:c,h,p,q,s和t 开头的单词之前,不改变其形态。例如:
= ex + cidere
from which we get the English word:& ‘excise’
2. The ‘root prefix’ ‘ex’ never changes when used as a ‘living’ prefix. For example:
an ex-footballer, or an ex-businessman,
or ex-directory.
In such words a hyphen is always used.
Double consonant rule
The ‘x’ of the ‘ex’ changes in front of a word beginning with the consonant ‘f’, and is replaced by the first consonant of the word. This produces a double consonant, for example:
From ‘ex’ + ‘facere’
= e+f +facere
from which we get the English word: ‘effect’
Drop the ‘x’ rule
The ‘x’ of the ‘ex’ drops out in front of a word beginning with the consonants: b, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, and v. for example:
&&&&&&&&&&& 如果“ex”在以辅音:b, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, 和 v开头的单词之前, 去掉“ex”中的“x”。例如:
&‘ex’ + ‘ducere’
= ‘educere’
from which we get the English word: ‘educate’
This study has been divided into 5 parts: Part 1 has all the words that follow the “No change rule’. Part 2 has all the words that follow the ‘Double consonant rule’. Part 3 has all the words that follow the “Drop the ‘x’ rule. Part 4 has all the words that are of a different Latin origin, and Part5 has all the words beginning with ‘e’ that are from other origins.
Note:  The main task of this study is to learn the spelling rule of the ‘root prefix’ ‘ex’. The words in the lists are included to give examples of how the rules work and are not for memorisation.
Leave the details and let the differences of the specific meanings be, if you are not completely sure of them. Firstly, try to get the general idea and look carefully how roots combine together.
If you use your energy and stutdying time correctly then you will soon master these rules, and then you can concentrate more and more on the meanings of the roots.
Slowly you will build up your knowledge, and you will start to recognize roots in other words.
注意:&& 这节课的主题与任务是学习“词根前缀”“ex”的拼写规则。如果你试图学习或记忆下面单词列表中的单词,你会发现自己正离题越来越远,而且在短时间内是不可能一下子把这么多相似的单词都记住的。这些相似性可以帮助你更好地理解这些单词中内在的拼写规则,但却会使你在集中记忆这些单词时越记越混乱。放下细节的部分,允许具体意义的不同――即使你不完全确定它们的意义,抓住整体规律――看看词根与词根是怎样根据要表达一定意思的需要而按照某种内在规则组合在一起从而呈现出形态上的不同的。规律――是学习这节课的目的,请正确合理地运用你的学习时间与精力。在今后的学习中,随着你对更多词根含义的理解及对词根结合规律的掌握,你会发现你并不需要记忆单词。
No change rule
第一部分 没有变化的规则
Before the vowels: a, e, i, o, and u.
在元音a、e、 i、 o 、u之前
Before the consonants: c, h, p, q, s, and t.
在辅音c、 h、 p、q、 s、t之前
exacerbation ex- "thoroughly" + acerbus "harsh, bitter," from acer "sharp, keen." exact (adj.) ex- "out" + agere "drive, lead, act."
exaggerate ex- "thoroughly" + aggerare "heap up," from agger (gen. aggeris) "heap," from aggerere "bring together, carry toward," from ad- "to, toward" + gerere "carry." exalt L. exaltare "raise, elevate," from ex- "out, up" + altus "high." examine L. examinare "to test or try," ult. from exigere "weigh accurately" (see exact). First record of examination in the sense of "test of knowledge" is from 1612; shortened form exam first attested 1848.
example eximere "take out, remove" (see exempt).
exasperate ex- "thoroughly" + asper "rough."
exercise (n.) ex- "off" + arcere "keep away, prevent, enclose,"
exigency L. exigentem (nom. exigens), from exigere "to demand" (see exact). exile (v.) ex- "away" + root al- "to wander"
exempt (adj.) ex- "out" + emere "buy," originally "take,"
exit (n.) L. exit "he or she goes out," ex- "out" + ire "go."
exonerate ex- "off" + onus (gen. oneris) "burden." exorbitant ex- "out of" + orbita "wheel track."
exuberant ex- "thoroughly" + uberare "be fruitful," related to uber "udder
Before the consonants: c, h, p, q, s, and t.
在辅音c、 h、 p、q、 s、t之前
excavate ex- "out" + cavare "to hollow," from cavus "cave." exceed ex- "out" + cedere "go, yield." excel ex- "out from" + -cellere "rise high, tower," related to celsus "high, lofty, great,"." excellent L. excellentem (see excel).
except ex- "out" + capere "take," excerpt (v.) ex- "out" + carpere "pluck, gather," from PIE *kerp- "to gather, pluck, harvest." excess excedere "to depart, go beyond" (see exceed). exchange (n.) L. ex- "out" + cambire "barter" (see chang
excise (v.) - "cut out," 1490 (implied in excision), from M.Fr. exciser, from L. excisus, pp. of excidere "cut out, removed." excite ex- "out" + ciere "set in motion, call."
exclaim ex- intensive prefix + clamare "cry out, call." Spelling influenced by claim. exclamation (see exclaim). exclude ex- "out" + claudere "to close, shut."
excommunication from ex- "out" + communis "common." excrement from ex- "out" + cernere "sift, separate" (see certain). excretion - 1603, from L. excretus, pp. of excernere "to discharge" (see excrement). excruciate ex- "out, thoroughly" + cruciare "cause pain or anguish to,"
exculpate ex "from" + culpa abl. of culpa "blame." excursion ex- "out" + currere "to run." Sense of "journey" first recorded in Eng. 1665. excuse (v.) ex- "out, away" + causa "accusation, legal action" (see cause).
escape L. ex- "out of" + L.L. cappa "mantle."
escort (n.) ex- "out" + corrigere "set right."
exhale ex- "out" + halare "breathe." exhaust (v.) ex- "off" + haurire "to draw up" (as water),. exhibition ex- "out" + habere "to hold."
exhilarate ex- "thoroughly" + hilarare "make cheerful," from hilarus "cheerful." exhortation ex- "thoroughly" + hortari "encourage, urge." Verb exhort is c.1400. exhume. ex- "out of" + humare "bury," from humus "earth."
expand ex- "out" + pandere "to spread." Sense of "grow larger". ex parte - 1672, legal term, "on the one side only," from L. ex "out of" + parte,
expatriate (v.) ex- "out of" + patrie "native land," from L. patria "one's native country,".
expectorate ex- "out" + pectus (gen. pectoris) "breast." expedient expedire "make fit or ready, prepare" (see expedite).
expedite (v.) ex- "out" + *pedis "fetter, chain for the feet," related to pes
expel ex- "out" + pellere "to drive."
expend ex- "out" + pendere "to pay, weigh." Expenditure is from 1769. expense (see expend). experience ex- "out of" + peritus "experienced, tested."
experiment& (see experience).. expert (adj.) (see experience).
expiation ex- "completely" + piare "propitiate, appease," from pius "faithful, devout."
explanation ex- "out" + planus "flat."
expletive ex- "out" + plere "to fill." Sense of "exclamation
explicate (see explicit). explicit ex- "out" + plicare "to fold." "
explode ex- "out" + plaudere "to clap, applaud," of uncertain origin.
exploit (n.) L. explicitum "a thing settled, ended, displayed," neut. of explicitus, pp. of explicare "unfold" (see explicit. explore ex- "out" + plorare "to cry."
explosion (see explode for origin and sense evolution). exponent (see expound).
export (v.) ex- "away" + portare "carry." expose (v.) (see expound. exposition (see expound).. ex post facto - 1632, from M.L. ex postfacto "from what is done afterwards." expostulate ex- intensive prefix + postulare "to demand."
expound ex- "forth" + ponere "to put," with intrusive -d. express (v.) ex- "out" + pressare "to press, push,"
expropriation ex- "away from" + propriare "to appropriate." expulsion (see expel). expunge ex- "out" + pungere "to prick, stab." expurgation ex- "out" + purgare "to purge."
exquisite ex- "out" + qu&rere "seek.""
In the case of ‘ex’+ a Latin word beginning with ‘s’, the ‘s’ drops out creating the following exceptional forms:
在“ex” +& 一个以“s”开头的拉丁语单词时, “s”被去掉从而产生了下列单词的特殊形态:
exert ex- "out" + serere "attach, join."
expect ex- "thoroughly" + spectare "to look," freq. of specere "to look at."
expire ex- "out" + spirare "breathe. execution ex- "out" + sequi "follow." Sense of "put to death" is from M.E. legal phrase such as don execution of deth "carry out a sentence of death." Literal meaning "action of carrying something into effect"
executive (see execution).
existence ex- "forth" + sistere "cause to stand," from stare "stand."
extant ex- "out" + stare "to stand." Sense of "in existence" appeared in Eng. 1561. extinct (see extinguish). extinguish ex- "out" + stinguere "quench," from PIE *steig- "to prick, stick, pierce." extirpation ex- "out" + stirps (gen. stirpis) "a root, stock of a tree." exude ex- "out" + sudare "to sweat" (cognate of O.E. sw&tan "to sweat"). exultation ex- "forth" + salire "to leap."
extend ex- "out" + tendere "to stretch."
extenuate ex- "out" + tenuare "make thin," from tenuis "thin." exterior L. exterior, comp. of exterus "outer," comp. of ex "out of."exterminate ex- "out of" + termine, abl. of termen "boundary, limit, end." external (see exterior).
extemporaneous ex- "out of" + tempore, abl. of tempus (gen. temporis) "time."
extol ex- "up" + tollere "to raise," from PIE *tel-, *tol- "to bear, carry."
extortion ex- "out" + torquere "to twist." extra The prefix extra- was only recorded in classical L. in extraordinarius, but has been much used in modern formations such as extraterrestrial extract (v.) ex- "out" + trahere "to draw." The noun is first recorded 1549. extradition L. ex- "out" + traditio “a delivering up, handing over," tradere "to hand over." extraneous - 1638, from L. extraneus, from extra "outside of." extraordinary extra ordinem "out of order," from extra- "out" + ordinem "order." extrapolation extra + (inter)polation;
extrasensory coined as part of extrasensory perception in J.B. Rhine's work. extravagant L. extra "outside of" + vagari "wander, roam
extreme (adj.) (see exterior).
extricate ex- "out of" + tric& (pl.) "perplexities, hindrances," of unknown origin. extrovert extra "outside" + L. vertere "to turn."
extrusion ex- "out" + trudere "to thrust, push,"
Part 2第二部分
Double consonant rule
Before the consonant f.
efface es- "out" + face "appearance," from L. facies "face." effect from ex- "out" + facere "to do." effeminate ex- "out" + femina "woman." Rarely used without reproach.
effervescence ex- "out" + fervescere "begin to boil," from fervere "be hot, boil."
effete ex- "out" + fetus "childbearing, offspring." efficacy (see effect). efficient (see effect). effigy ex- "out" + fingere "to form, shape."
effluence ex- "out" + fluere "to flow" (see fluent).
effort& ex- "out" + fortis "strong."
effrontery ex- "out" + frontem (nom. frons) "brow" (see front).
effusion ex- "out" + fundere "pour."
exfoliate ex- "off" + folium "leaf."
Drop the ‘x’ rule
Before the consonants: b, d, g, j, m, n, r, and v.
在辅音c、 h、 p、q、 s、t之前去掉“x”的规则
ebullient e- "out" + bullire "to bubble" (see boil).
edit& see edition.
edict e- "out" + dicere "say." edition from ex- "out" + -dere, comb. form of dare "to give,"
educate ex- "out" + ducere "to lead."
educe (see educate).
egregious ex "out of" + grege, abl. of grex "herd, flock."
egress ex- "out" + -gredi, comb. form of gradi "step, go." ejaculate ex- "out" + jaculari "to throw, dart," jacere "to throw."
eject ex- "out" + -icere, comb. form of jacere "to throw." Ejector seat is from 1945
elaboration ex- "out" + laborare "to labor."
e- "out" + lancer "to throw a lance," from L.L. lanceare, from L. lancea "lance." elapse ex- "out, away" + labi "to slip, glide."
elation ex- "out" + ferre "carry." election ex- "out" + -ligere, comb. form of legere "to choose, read."
elevate ex- "out" + levare "lighten, raise," from levis "light."
elicit ex- "out" + -licere, comb. form of lacere "to entice."elide ex- "out" + -lidere, comb. form of laedere "to strike." Phonological sense is first recorded 1796. eligible (see elect). eliminate ex "off, out" + limine, elite L. eligere "choose" (see elect).
elocution eloqui "speak out." ex- "out" + loqui "speak."elongation& ex- "out" + longus "long."
eloquence ex- "out" + loqui "speak."
elucidate ex- "out, away" + lucidus "clear" (see lucid). elude ex- "out, away" + ludere "to play."
emaciate ex- "out" + macies "leanness," from macer "thin."
emanation ex- "out" + manare "to flow." emancipate ex- "out, away" + mancipare "deliver, transfer or sell," emasculate ex- "out, away" + masculus "male" (see masculine).
emend ex- "out" + mendum (nom. menda) "fault, blemish
emerge ex- "out" + mergere "to dip, sink" (see merge).
emeritus ex- "out" + merere "to serve, earn."
emigration ex- "out" + migrare "to move." Emigrant first recorded 1754. emigré (see emigration). Originally used of royalist refugees from the French Revolution
eminent ex- "out" + minere, related to mons "hill" (see mount).
emissary (see emit). emission (see emit). emit ex- "out" + mittere "to send."
emollient ex- "out" + mollire "soften," from mollis "soft." emolument ex- "out" + molere "to grind." emotion ex- "out" + movere "to move."
emulsion ex- "out" + mulgere "to milk."
enervation ex- "out" + nervus "sinew." Fig. sense is from c.1555
enormous ex- "out of" + norma "rule," Eng. -ous substituted for L. Cis
enumeration ex- "from" + numerare "to count, number," from numerus "number." enunciation ex- "from" + nuntius "messenger."
eradication eradicare "root out," from ex- "out" radix (gen. radicis) "root." erase ex- "out" + radere "to scrape."
erosion ex- "away" + rodere "gnaw."
erudite L. eruditus, erudire "instruct," from ex- "out" + rudis "unskilled, rude." eruption erumpere "break out, burst forth," from ex- "out" + rumpere "to break, rupture."
escapade L. *excappare (see escape).
evacuate ex- "out" + vacuus "empty.". evade ex- "away" + vadere "to go, walk." evaluation ex- "out" + value (see value). Evaluate is an 1842 back-formation.
evanescent ex- "out" + vanescere "vanish." evaporation ex- "out" + vapor "steam" (see vapor). evasion L. evadere "to escape" (see evade). Evasive (in reference to actions, utterances) is from 1744. event ex- "out" + venire "come.".
evict ex- "out" + vincere "conquer."
evident ex- "fully, out of" + videntem
evince ex- "out" + vincere "overcome." Not clearly distinguished from evict until 18c. evocation ex- "out" + vocare "to call."
evolve ex- "out" + volvere "to roll."
Words with a different Latin origin
eager L. acer (gen. acris) "keen, sharp" (see acrid).
eagle L. aquila "black eagle," fem. of aquilus "dark colored" (bird).
ebriety - "state or habit of being intoxicated," 1582, from L. ebrietatem, from ebrius "drunk." The opposite of sobriety. echelon L. scal& (pl.) "ladder, steps."
edible L. edere "eat." edifice L. &dificare "to build," from &dis, variant of &des "temple
edify L. &dificare "to build, construct," in L.L. (see edifice). egalitarian L. &qualitatem "equality." The noun is 1920, from the adj. embarrass in- "into, upon" + V.L. *barra "bar."
embellish em +bel "beautiful," from L. bellus.
embouchure Fr en- "in" + bouche "mouth," from L. bucca "cheek." embrace en- "in" + brace "the arms," from L. bracchium (neut. pl. brachia).
Emil/Emily - male/fem. personal name, from Fr., from L. Aemilius, (see emulation).
emperor L. imperiatorem (nom. imperiator) "commander, emperor," from stem of imperare "to command" (see empire). empire en- "in" + parare "to order, prepare."
employ in- "in" + plicare "to fold." Sense of "hire, engage"
emporium en- "in" + poros "passage, voyage," ult. from peirein "to pass through." empower en- + power.
emulation L. &mulationem, from &mulari "to rival, strive to excel," Related to L. imitari "imitate," and to L. imago "image." enable en- "make, put in" + able (q.v.). enact en- "make, put in" + act (q.v.). enamel en- "in" + amailler "to enamel," variant of O.Fr. esmailler, from esmail "enamel," enamor en-, causative prefix, + amour "love." encampen- "make, put in" + camp (q.v.). encapsulate en- "make, put in" + capsulate (see capsule. encase en- "make, put in" + case (q.v.). endeavor L. debere "to owe."endorse en- "put on" + dos "back," from L. dossum, var. of dorsum.
endow en- "in" + O.Fr. douer "endow," from L. dotare "bestow" (see dowry). endure in- "in" + durare "to harden," from durus "hard."
enhance.L. inaltare "raise, exalt." The -h- in O.Fr. supposedly from infl. of Frankish word for "high." enmity (see enemy).
ensign L. insignia (pl.) (see insignia). Sense of "banner, flag" is c.1400;
ensue in- "upon" + sequi "follow" (see sequel).
enter L. intrare, from intra "within," related to inter (prep., adj.) "among, between."
enterprise from entre- "between" + prendre "to take."
entertain (from L. inter) + tenir "to hold" (from L. tenere).
entice L. in- "in" + titio "firebrand," of uncertain origin.entire in- "not" + root of tangere "to touch." entitle in "in" + titulus "title" (see title).
entity L. ens (gen. entis), to render Gk. philosophical term to on "that which is."
entry (see enter).environment (see environs
environs en- "in" + viron "circle, circuit," from virer "to turn." envisage en- "cause to" + visage "face." envision - 1921, frm en- "make, put in" + vision (q.v.). envoy L. in "on" + via "road." envy from in- "upon" + videre "to see."
equable L. &quabilis "equal, consistent, uniform," from &quare "make uniform."
equal L. &qualis "uniform, identical, equal," from &quus " of unknown origin
equanimity &quus "even" + animus "mind, spirit." equate L. &quatus, &quus "level, even, equal."
equator.L. &quator diei et noctis "equalizer of day and night"
equerry.Fr. escuerie,.L. scuria "stable," from O.H.G. scura "" or from O.Fr. escuier "groom," from V.L. scutarius "shield-bearer." In either case, spelling infl. by L. equus "horse," to which it is not related. equestrian L. equester (gen. equestris) "of a horseman," from eques "horseman, knight," equilibrium L. &quilibrium, from &quus "equal" + libra "a balance, scale, plummet,"
equinox L. &quinoctium, from &quus "equal" + nox "night."
equity from &quus "even, just, equal."
equivalent L. &quus "equal" + valere "be well, be worth." equivocation L. &quus "equal" + vocare "to call."
era L. &ra, era "an era or epoch from which time is reckoned," erect (adj.) e- "up" + regere "to direct, keep straight, guide."
err L. errare "wander" (a general Gmc. borrowing, cf. O.H.G. arunti "message," O.N. erendi), from PIE base *er- "wander around." Related to O.E. ierre "angry, straying." errand - O.E. &rende "message, mission," from P.Gmc. *&rundjam. errant Fr. errant, prp. of errer "to travel or wander," from L.L. iterare, from L. iter "journey, way," from root of ire "" 2. O.Fr. errant, pp. of errer (see err). Much of the sense of the latter has gone with Eng. arrant erratic L. erraticus, from erratum, pp. of errare "to wander, err" (see err).
erratum L. erratum (pl. errata), errare (see err). erroneous from errare "to wander, err." error (see err). escalator Otis Elevator Co. moving staircase, coined from escalade, Fr., where it meant "an assault with ladders on a fortification" (from L. scala "ladder") + -ator in elevator
especially L. specialis "belonging to a particular kind or species," from species "kind." Latin words with initial sp-, st-, sc- usually acquired an e- when borrowed by O.Fr.
espousal L. sponsalia, neut. pl. of sponsalis "of a betrothal," from sponsa "spouse." espresso It. caffe espresso, from espresso "pressed out,"
esprit Fr. esprit "spirit, mind," L. spiritus "spirit."
essay Fr. essai "trial,".L. exagium "a weighing, weight," from L. exigere "test," from ex- "out" + agere essence L. essentia "being," imitation of Gk. ousia "being, essence" establish stabilire "make stable," from stabilis "stable.". estate L. status "state or condition," from root of stare "to stand."
esteem L. &stimare "to value, appraise,"
estimation L. &stimationem "a valuation," &stimare "to value" (see esteem).
estrange L. extraneus "foreign" (see strange). estuary L. &stuarium "a tidal marsh or opening," from &stus "boiling (of the sea
et al. abbrev. of L. et alii (masc.), et ali& (fem.), or et alia (neut meaning "and others." et cetera L., lit. "and the others," from et "and" + neut. of ceteri "the others."
eternal L. &ternalis, &viternus "of great age," from &vum "age."
etude L. studium. Popularized in Eng. by the etudes of Chopin.
Latin expressions used in English
ex officio L. ex "out of" + officio, abl. of officium "duty" (see office).
Words with a non-Latin origin
each - O.E. &lc "ever alike," from a "ever" + gelic
ear (1) - "organ of hearing," O.E. eare,
ear (2) - "grain part of corn," from O.E. ear (W.Saxon), &her (Northumbrian)
earl - O.E. eorl "nobleman, warrior" (contrasted with ceorl "churl"),
early - O.E. &rlice, from &r "soon, ere" earmark - 1523, from ear (1) + mark.
earn - O.E. earnian "get a reward for labor
earnest - O.E. eornoste "passion, zeal" The proper name Ernest is from the same root. earring - O.E. earhring, from ear + hring (see ring (n.)).
earth - O.E. eor&e "ground, soil, dry land," earthling - O.E. eyr&ling "plowman" (see earth
earth-mother Ger. erdmutter. earthquake earth + quake. O.E. had eor&din in this sense. earwig O.E. earwicga, from eare (see ear (1)) + wicga "beetle, worm,"
ease Fr. aise "comfort, pleasure," of unknown origin, easel Du. ezel "easel," originally "ass," from M.Du. esel, from L. asinus "ass,"
east - O.E. east,. Easter - O.E. Eastre austra-, from PIE *aus- "to shine" (especially of the dawn
easy - c.1200, "at ease," from O.Fr. aisie, "to put at ease," from aise (see ease). eat - O.E. etan (class V past tense &t, pp. eten), eau - Fr. for "water," in various combinations such as eau de vie "brandy"
eave O.E. efes "edge of a roof,"
eavesdropper O.E. yfesdrype "place around a house where the rainwater drips off the roof," from eave + drip. ebb - O.E. ebba, Ebenezer Heb. ebhen ezar "stone of help," from ebhen "stone" + ezer "help." ebony Gk. ebenios, from ebenos "ebony," Egyp. hbnj or another Sem. source.
eccentric Gk. ekkentros "out of the center" (as opposed to concentric), from ek "out" + kentron "center" (see center). ecclesiastic Gk. ekklesiastikos "of the (ancient Athenian) assembly," later, "of the church," echo Gk. echo, personified as a mountain nymph, from ekhe "sound."
eclectic Gk. eklektikos "selective," lit. "picking out,"
eclipse Gk ek "out" + leipein "to leave" (cognate with L. linquere).
ecology Gk. oikos "house, dwelling place, habitation" + -logia
economy Gk. oikonomia "household management," oikos "house" + nomos "managing," from nemein "manage." The sense of "manage the resources of a country" (short for ecstasy Gk ek "out" + histanai "to place, cause to stand."
ecto- - comb. form of Gk. ektos "outside" ecumenical Gk. oikoumenikos, from oikos "house, habitation." eczema Gk. ek "out" + zema "boiling," from zein "to boil,"
Edam - 1836, cheese named for Edam, village in Holland where it was originally made. eddy O.N. i&a "whirlpool," O.E. prefix ed- "again, ," cognate of L. re-. edelweiss.G. edili "noble" weiss "white." edema Gk. oidema oidein "to swell," from oidos "tumor, swelling,"
Eden Heb. edhen "pleasure, delight," Edgar - male proper name, from O.E. Ead-gar, lit. "prosperity-spear." edge& O.E. ecg "corner, edge," also "sword," Edith O.E. Eadgy&, from ead "wealth, prosperity, happiness" + gu& "war."
&Edmund O.E. Ead-mund, lit. "prosperity-protector."
Edna from Heb. ednah "delight" (see Eden). Related to Ar. ghadan "luxury." Edward O.E. Ead-weard, lit. "prosperity-guard."
Edwin - O.E. Ead-wine, lit. "prosperity-friend." eel& O.E. &l,
eerie O.E. earg "cowardly, fearful,"
effendi Turk. title of respect corruption of Gk. authentes "lord" (in Modern Gk. aphente).Egbert O.E. Ecg-beorht, lit. "sword-bright." egg O.N. egg, which vied with M.E. eye, eai (from O.E. &g)
egg (v.) O.N. eggja "to goad on, incite," from egg "edge" (see edge). egghead egg (n.) + head. Sense of "intellectual"
ego L. ego "I" (cognate with O.E. ic, see I).
egoist/egotist Fr. egoisme, egoiste,
egret Gmc. origin (cf. O.H.G.
see heron). Egypt Gk. Aigyptos "the river Nile, Egypt," from Amarna Hikuptah, eider Ger. Eider or Du. eider, both from O.N. &&ar, gen. of &&r "duck." eight O.E. eahta, &hta, Eileen Celtic (cf. Ir. Eibhlin) but influenced in form by Helen. eisteddfod "annual assembly of Welsh bards," W., lit. "session," from eistedd "to sit" (from sedd "seat") + bod "to be." either& O.E. &g&er, contraction of &ghw&&er "each of two, both," from a "always" + ge- collective prefix + hw&&er "which of two, whether."
eke O.E. ecan, eacan, eacian "addition, reinforcement,"
elastic (adj.) Gk. elastos "ductile, flexible," related to elaunein "to strike
elbow - O.E. elnboga, from ell "length of the forearm" + boga "bow,
elder, eldest - O.E. (Mercian) eldra, eldrost, comp. and superl. of eald, ald "" elder(berry) - O.E. ell&n, ell&rn "elderberry tree," origin unknown,
eldorado Sp. El Dorado "the golden one," Eleanor - from Proven&al Ailenor, a variant of Leonore
&Electra Gk., lit. "shining, bright.". electric Gk. elektron,
electrocute (see electric) + (exe) electrode (see electric) + Gk. hodos "way." electrolysis (see electric) + Gk. lysis "a loosening," from lyein "to loosen, set free." electron from electric; electronic. elegant eligere "select with care, choose." classical L. elegy Gk. elegeia ode "an elegaic song," from elegeia, fem. of elegeios "elegaic,"
element L. elementem "rudiment, first principle, matter in its most basic form," origin unknown
elephant Phoenician (cf. Hamitic elu "elephant,"
eleven - O.E. endleofan, lit. "one left" (over ten
elf - "race of powerful supernatural beings in Gmc. folklore," O.E. elf, &lf,
Eli - male proper name, Heb., lit. "high." elixir Ar. al-iksir, probably from late Gk. xerion "powder for drying wounds," from xeros "dry."
Elizabethan (Heb. Elishebha "God is an oath,"
elk O.N. elgr or O.E. elh, eolh,
Ella - fem. proper name, when not a dim. of Eleanor, it is from O.H.G. Alia, from al "all." Ellen - fem. proper name, an older form of Helen (q.v.). ellipse Gk. elleipsis (see ellipse), because the conic section of the cutting plane makes a smaller angle with the base than does the side of the cone, hence, a "falling short."
ellipsis Gk. en- "in" + leipein "to leave." Grammatical sense first recorded 1612. elm - O.E. elm,
elope es- + M.E. lepen "run, leap," or M.Du. (out)lopen "run away."
else - O.E. elles
e-mail short for electronic mail. embalm en- "cause to be" + baume "balm"
embankment embank "to enclose with a bank" (1576). embargo in- "into, upon" + *barra (see bar). embark from barque "small ship" (see bark (n.)). embassy Gaul. *ambactos "dependant, vassal," lit. "one going around." embattle en- + bataille (see battle).. embed en- + bed. ember - O.E. &merge "ember," merged with or infl. by O.N. eimyrja,
embezzle embesiler "to steal, cause to disappear" (
embitter en- + bitter (q.vemblem "embossed ornament," em- "in" + ballein "to throw." embody en- "in" + body (q.v.). embolism Gk. embolimos, embolme "insertion," or embolos "a plug, wedge."
emboss Fr. embocer, from boce "knoblike mass" (see boss (2)). embroider en- "in" + broisder "embroider," from Frank. *brozdon,
embroil en- "in" + brouiller "confuse," from O.Fr. brooillier
embryo Gk. embryon, en- "in" + bryein "to swell, be full." emerald Gk. smaragdos "green gem,"
emery Gk. smyris "abrasive powder," perhaps from a Sem. source. emetic Gk. emetikos "causing vomiting," from emesis "vomiting," from emein "to vomit," emir Ar. amir "commander" (see admiral). Emmanuel Heb. Immanu'el, lit. "God is with us." empathy translation of Ger. Einfühlung (from ein "in" + Fühlung "feeling Gk. empatheia "passion," from en- "in" + pathos "feeling" (see pathos). emphasis Gk. emphasis "significance, indirect meaning," en- "in" + phainein "to show." emphysema Gk. emphysema "swelling," en- "in" + physan "to blow," from physa "breath, blast." empirical Gk. empeirikos "experienced en- "in" + peira "trial, experiment." emplacement - 1802, from Fr. emplacement, from en- + placement. empty - O.E. &mettig "at leisure, not occupied, unmarried," emu - "large Australian bird," Port. ema "crane, ostrich," of unknown origin
encephalitis - 1843, by influence of Fr. encéphalite, from Gk. enkephalos, from en- "within" + kephale "head" + -itis. enchantment in- "upon, into" + cantare "to sing."
encircle en- "make, put in" + circle (q.v.). &enclitic Gk. enklitikos "throwing its accent back en- + klinein "to lean." enclose en- + close (encode en- "make, put in" + code
encompass en- "make, put in" + compass (q.v.). encore Fr. encore "still, yet, again," probably from V.L. phrase *hinc ad horam "from then to this hour."
encourage en- "make, put in" + corage (see courage). encroach en- "in" + croc "hook," from O.N. krokr "hook." Sense of "trespass" is first recorded c.1534. encyclical Gk. enkyklios "in a circle, circular" (see encyclopedia). encyclopedia (from en- "in" + kyklos "circle") + paideia "education, child-rearing,"
end - O.E. ende,
endanger en- "make, put in" + danger (q.v.). Endangered species first recorded 1964. endear en- "make, put in" + dear. Endearment "act of endearing" is from 1663. endemic Gk. endemos "native," from en- "in" + demos "people, district." endive Gk. entybon probably of Eastern origin (perhaps from Egyptian tybi "
endlong - O.E. andlang (prep.), see along. &enema Gk. enema "injection," en- "in" + hienai "send" (cognate of L. jacere). enemy in- "not" + amicus "friend." energy Gk. energeia "activity, operation," en- "at" + ergon "work."
enfold - c.1425, from en- "make, put in" + fold. enforce - 1340, from en- "make, put in" + force. enfranchise in" + franc "free" (see franchise). engage en "make" + gage "pledge," through Frankish engender in- "in" + generare "beget, create." engine in- "in" + gen-, root of gignere "to beget, produce."
England - O.E. Engla land, lit. "the land of the Angles" (see English). English O.E. Englisc, from Engle (pl.) "the Angles,"
engrain Fr. graine "seed of a plant," also "cochineal"
engrave en- + obsolete verb grave "carve." engross. en gros "in bulk, in a large quantity, at wholesale," as opposed to en detail.
engulf en- "make, put in" + gulf (q.v.). Enid Welsh eneit, "purity," lit. "soul," enigma Gk. ainigma, from ainissesthai "speak obscurely, speak in riddles,"
enjoin in- "on" + jungere "join." enjoy en- "make" + joir "enjoy," from L. gaudere "rejoice."
enlarge en- "make, put in" + large (q.v.). enlighten (O.E. had inlihtan), "to remove the dimness or blindness
enlist en- "make, put in" + list (q.v.). enliven en- "make, put in" + liven (see live). en masse Fr., lit. "in mass." Enoch Heb. Hanokh, lit. "dedicated, consecrated,"
enough - O.E. genog, a common from ge- "with, together"& + root -nah, "reach, attain"
en passant - 1665, from Fr., lit. "in passing." In reference to chess, first attested 1818. enquire inquire. An alternate form mainly used in sense of "to ask a question." enrage en- "make, put in" + rage "rabies, rage" (see rage). enrich en- "make, put in" + riche "rich" (see rich). enroll en- "make, put in" + rolle (see roll). en route - Fr., lit. "on the way," from en- "make, put in" + route (see route). ensconce en- "make, put in" + sconce "small fortification, shelter," probably from Du. schans "earthwork." ensemble in- intensive prefix + simul "at the same time."
enshrine en- "make, put in" + shrine (see shrine). enslave en- "make, put in" + slave (see slave). ensnare - 1576, from en- "make, put in" + snare (see snare). ensure en- "make" + O.Fr. seur "sure," probably infl. by O.Fr. asseurer "assure." entail from en- "make" + taile "legal limitation,"
entente Fr. entente "intent entendre "to direct one's attention (see intent
enthrall en- "make, put in" + thrall enthrone Gk. enthronizein, from en- "in" + thronos "throne." enthusiasm Gk. enthousiasmos, from enthousiazein "be inspired," en- "in" + theos "god.". entomb en- "in" + tombe "tomb" (see tomb). entomology Gk. entomon "insect" + logia "study of."
entourage en- "in" + tour "a circuit" (see tour
entrails.L. intralia "inward parts, intestines" interaneus "internal," from inter "between, entrance (see enter).
entrance (v.) - "to throw into a trance," 1593, from en- "put in" + trance (q.v.). entrapment en- "make, put in" + trap (v.) entreat en- "make" + traiter "treat." Meaning "to beseech, implore" is first attested 1502. entree "opening piece of an opera or ballet," Fr. entrée, (see entry). entrench en- "make, put in" + trench (q.v.). entrep&t - "warehouse," L. interpositum "that which is placed between,"
entrepreneur Fr. entrepreneur "one who undertakes or manages," entropy Gk. entropia "a turning toward," from en- "in" + trope "a turning." entrust in" + trust (v.) (q.v.). entwine en- "make, put in" + twine (q.v.). envelop en- "in" + voloper "wrap up," of uncertain origin, perhaps Celtic. envelope a back-formation of envelopper "to envelop" (see envelop). enzyme Gk. enzymos "leavened," from en- "in" + zyme "leaven." Eocene Gk. eos "dawn" (see eohippus) + kainos "" along with Miocene and Pliocene, eon Gk. aion "age, vital force, lifetimeepaulet epaule "shoulder," from O.Fr. espaule, from L. spatula "flat piece of wood, ephemera epi "on" + hemerai, dat. of hemera "day
epic Gk. epikos, from epos "word, story, poem." epicure Gk. Epicouros (341-270 B.C.E.),
epidemic Gk. epidemia " epidemic disease" from epi- "among, upon" + demos "people, epidermis Gk. epidermis, from epi- "on" + derma "skin." epiglottis Gk. epiglottis, from epi- "on" + glottis, from glotta, variant of glossa "tongue." epigram Gk. epigramma "an inscription, ," from epigraphein " inscribe" (see epigraph). epigraph epi- "on" + graphein "writeepilepsy epi- "upon" + lepsis "seizure," from leps-, "take hold of, grasp."
epilogue Gk. epilogos "conclusion of a speech," from epi- "upon, in addition" + logos "
episcopal L. episcopus (see bishop).. episode Gk. epeisodion "addition," epi- "in addition" + eisodos "a coming in, entrance" (from eis "into" + hodos "way"). epistemology - "theory of knowledge," Gk.," epi- "over, near" + histasthai "to stand."
epistle Gk. epistole "message, letter epi- "to" + stellein "send."
epitaph from epi- "at, over" + taphos "tomb, funeral rites." epithet epi- "in addition" + tithenai "to put." epitome Gk. epitome "abridgment," epi- "into" + temnein "to cut."
epoch Gk. epokhe "stoppage, fixed point of time," epi- "on" + ekhein "to hold."
eponymous Gk. eponymos "given as a name," from epi- "upon" + onyma,
epoxy epi- + oxy(gen). R
epsilon Gk., lit. e psilon "bare -e-, -e- and nothing else,"
equip O.N. skipa "fit out a ship," from skip "ship."
erg "unit of energy in the C.G.S. system," Gk. ergon "work." ergo L. ergo "therefore," possibly from *ex rogo "from the direction," from ex "out of" + root of regere "to guide." ergonomics Gk. ergon "work" + (ec)onomics. Eric - male personal name, from O.N. Eirikr, lit. "honored ruler, from P.Gmc. *aiza- "honor" + *rik- "ruler." erne O.E. earn "eagle,"
Ernest - male proper name, see earnest. erode& see erosion. erogenous Gk. eros "sexual love" + Eng. -genous "producing."
Eros - god of love, c.1386, from Gk., lit. "love,"
erotic (see Eros). Eroticize is from 1914.
ersatz Ger. Ersatz "units of the army reserve," lit. "compensation, replacement, substitute," from ersetzen "to replace." erstwhile M.E. erest "soonest, earliest" (see ere) + while (q.v.).escarpment from It. scarpa (see scarp). Eskimo Algonquian word, such as Abnaki askimo (pl. askimoak), Ojibwa ashkimeq
esophagus Gk. oisophagos "gullet," lit. "what carries and eats," oisein, "to carry" + -phagos, from phagein "to eat." esoteric Gk. esoterikos "belonging to an inner circle," from esotero, comp. adv. of eso "within." ESP acronym for "extra-sensory perception." Esperanto "one who hopes," "Langue internationale," a book about the artificial published 1887 by its inventor, Lazarus Ludwig Zamenhof (). espionage source akin to O.H.G. spehon "spy." Esther Heb. Ester, from Pers. sitareh "star," related to Avestan star- (see star). etch from Du. etsen, from Ger. &tzen "to etch,"
ethanol (see ethyl). ether Gk. aither "upper air," from aithein "to burn, shine,"
ethereal Gk
ethics Gk. ethike philosophia "moral philosophy,". ethnic Gk. ethnos "a people, nation
ethos Gk. ethos "moral character, nature, dispositioncustom," concept in Aristotle (
ethyl Gk. aither (see ether) + hyle "stuff." Ethylene is from 1852; ethane
etiology - "science of causes or causation," Gk. aitiologia "statement of cause,"
etiquette Fr. étiquette "prescribed behavior," from O.Fr. estiquette "label, ticket."
etymology Gk. etymologia, from etymon "true sense" eteos "true") + logos "word." eucalyptus Gk. eu- "well" + kalyptos "covered," for the covering on the bud.
Eugene - male proper name, Gk. Eugenios, from eugenes "well-born" (see eugenics). eugenics Gk. eugenes "well-born, of good stock," from eu- "good" + genos "birth."
eulogy Gk. eulogia "praise," from eu- "well" + -logia "speaking,"
eunuch Gk. eunoukhos of eune "bed" + -okhos, from stem of ekhein "to have, hold."
euphemism eu- "good" + pheme "speaking," from phanai "speakeuphony eu- "good" + phone "sound, voice," related to phanai "speak." euphoria eu- "well" + pherein "to carry." Non-technical use, now the main one, dates to 1882. eureka Gk. heureka "I have found (it)," European Gk. Europe, "broad face," from eurys "wide" + ops "face."
eurythmic eu- "well" + rhythmos "rhythm." Eustace - eu- "well" + stakhys "ear (of grain)." Eustachian tubes, in anatomy, so called for euthanasia eu- "good" + thanatos "death." first recorded in Eng. 1869. Evan - Welsh form of John, form influenced perhaps by Welsh ieuanc "young man" evangelist eu- "good" + angellein "announce," from angelos "messenger."
eve O.E. &fen, Eve - fem. proper name, from Heb. Hawwah, lit. "a living being." even - O.E. efen evening O.E. verb &fnung "grow toward evening," ever O.E. &fre,
every - O.E. &fre &lc "each of a group," lit. "ever each"
evil - O.E. yfel
ewe - O.E. eowu, fem. of eow "sheep,"
ewer Fr. eviere "water pitcher," parallel form of aiguiere, L. aquarius " for water aqua. exchequer Fr. escheker "a chessboard," L. scaccarium (see check). Its government financial sense began under the Norman kings of England and refers to a cloth divided in squares that covered a table on which accounts of revenue were reckoned with counters. Respelled with an -x- based on the mistaken belief that it was originally a L. ex- word. exegesis Gk. exegeisthai "explain, interpret," from ex- "out" + hegeisthai "to lead, guide." exemplary L. exemplaris "that serves as an example," from exemplum "example."
exorcism Gk. exorkizein "exorcize, bind by oath ex- "out of" + horkizein "cause to swear," from horkos "oath."
exotic Gk. exotikos "foreign," lit. "from the outside," from exo- "outside," from ex "out of." eye - O.E. ege. eyelet - "small hole," M.E. oilet, from M.Fr. oeillet, dim. of oeil "eye," from L. oculus. Spelling infl. by eye. eyesore eye + sore (n.). eyetooth - 1580, so called for its position immediately under or next to the eye. eyewash - "a wash or lotion for the eyes," &
Exercises for self study
1.&&&& Practice visually comparing the words in Parts 1-3 with the words in Parts 4 and 5.
What are the main differences that you can find?
2. Try to find words that begin: ‘eff…. , that are not. Latin.
3. Look at the exceptions and analyze them according to the rules.
4. Give some examples of ‘ex’ used as a living prefix.
举出几个 “ex”在单词中被作为自由前缀运用的例子。
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