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名称: Tree of Savior (English Ver.)
发行日期: 日
玩 Tree of Savior (English Ver.)
Greetings, Saviors.
We have compiled and uploaded the list of known issues. We are aware and currently working on those issues.
Please let us know via Support Ticket if you are experiencing other problems. When reporting issues, please be as detailed as possible. Screenshots, character/Team/server/class details, and timestamps would be greatly appreciated. That way we can have more information to work with on a more specified problem allowing it to be resolved faster.
Greetings, Saviors.
Please check the link below for the announcement. Thank you.
Tree of Savior (&TOS&) is an MMORPG in which you embark on a journey to search for the goddesses in a world in chaos. Fairy-tale like colors accompanied with beautiful graphics will have you savoring every precious moment experienced throughout your gameplay.
Major Characteristics :
Distinct Art Style
Massive Freedom of Choice - develop your own playstyle
Team Battle League (PVP Content) - Joust your skills with others in the arena!
Guild Wars (GvG Content) - No place is safe from enemy guild members, in the open field or even in instance dungeons!
Cute and charming looking characters and background
Diverse costumes and expressions
80 character classes, 7 ranks - Enough class and rank combinations to keep you tinkering for your exact build
Hidden/advanced classes achieved only through special requirements
Diverse themes comprising a multitude of worlds and levels
Abundant field and dungeon contents and hidden quests
More than 200 unique boss monsters
Freedom of Choice :
Different jobs, skills, and stats giving possibility to a variety of combinations
No fixed route, choose which path you wish to take
Community :
The community can be accessed anytime no matter where you may be
Automatic Party Finding - Form parties with nearby players that will automatically disband when far apart
Give low-level characters opportunities to join raids even at early stages of game play
Servers use active matchmaking to call for automatic party finding
Statistics :
Information is accumulated and posted to show rankings for almost everything in-game
The statistics provided allow players to see how other players are doing
操作系统: Windows XP
处理器: Intel Pentium Core 2
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: NVIDIA Geforce 8600
DirectX 版本: 9.0c
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Keyboard, Mouse
操作系统: Windows 7 or later
处理器: Intel i3 or later
内存: 8 GB RAM
图形: NVIDIA Geforce GTS 450 or later
DirectX 版本: 9.0c
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Joypad available
(874 篇评测)
(10,305 篇评测)
The concept of the game is very nice. If you enjoyed playing Ragnarok Online, you would enjoy playing this game. HOWEVER, there are an absurdly large number of flaws that would deter many players, and even force players to quit this game very quickly:- Poor server stability and location. For some reason IMC has lumped the servers all in the east coast for US servers. This means that anyone playing on the west coast will consistently have a ping of 150+ms. In addition, lag spikes due to memory leakage (or whatever the heck they are doing) can cause your ping to skyrocket to 6000+ms. ALOT of rubberbanding ensues due to this.- Poor optimization. In this day and age, one would expect a game to be running fairly smoothly. For example, TF2 (a game fro 2007) still runs decently even in non-vanilla severs that holds 32 players, with particles and projectiles flying left right and center. With this game, a boss fight with no more than 32 players degrades to a slide show. You would probably get a better framerate using Microsoft Powerpoint, hitting F5, and mashing the right key.- Management and team working on the game. I don't know what in God's ??????? these people are doing. An autistic person coupled with Down Syndrome could probably manage this better. There are countless bugs that the community brings up (party questing bugs, weapon swapping lag just to name a few), and none of the them are resolved.There are no updates from the development group to inform on the progress. Instead, we typically receive disappointing updates (such as more costumes that you must use real money to pay for, and their associated loading screens to advertise them), and the Q&A sessions answer absurdly trivial questions that they probably pulled out of the deepest pits of their ???.
Bots are rampant in the game and IMC's attempt to deal with these bots results in the player experience and quality of life to be quite deplorable. There are no GMs to actually deal with said issue. Seeing a GM is basically like seeing a unicorn: you'll never see one, because they're probably aren't any.All in all, while the concept of the game is very good, poor management and the inability to optimize this game's coding will send it to its deathbead. I wouldn't be surprised if the game kicks the can by September or October.
I have been playing this game for the last month.Im a casual gamer, so i log in a few hours per day.I play Silute SA server.Recently talking about 2 weeks ago, game turned to be unplayable, server is unstable as hell you get disconnected from server every 20-30 minutes, if you think about bossing or going into dungeons, forger about it... you will either die or lose all your progression when disconnected.Game feels like on beta test. If you are SA player and you like to play in with low ping stable server, do not create a char in Silute.This is an awesome game, but untill futher notice, Silute server is unplayable.
Got depressed after reading other reviews and doing research just google and you'll realize why this is a waste of time. never rlly made it into the game take my advice go play something else i dont think this will last long. and whats really sad is this could have been an awesome game. free to play really sux these days.
Token of Savior.You need Tokens to play as regular MMO.Would be better if the game is offine game or Lan game.
Tree of Savior...The first time I loaded the game up a few months ago, it placed me into the Asian Server automatically. I made a character and then got everything setup. All was going well in the first 10 minutes, then I got a quest where I completed the objective and went to turn it in, nothing happened. Talk to an NPC to turn it in, but the talk trigger never triggered. I had to disband the quest and start over. Then it awarded. Then the quest after that, I had to do some staff configurations and I did but the completion never triggered.I think the good thing about this game was the uninstall.
BUGS! BUGS! There are major bugs that doesn't allow you to play with friends(getting stuck in cutscenes)! Its been 2 weeks, and it's still not fixed! IMC just didn't try hard enough to make this game playable. Imagine a single player game with HUGE lantency...
If you like bugs glitches disconnection and poor fight mechanics, this is the game for you.
Visually It looks stunning...Launching cute animals 50 feet up the air in the first 10 minutes of your gameplay as a wizard is satifying..11/10 - would launch more animals in the air
Lots of character customization. Lots of potential, once all the kinks are worked out (e.g. link penalizes allies, sadhu position lags, zombies' AI is ~.~). Props to the game developers for working on these issues, fighting bots, and NOT making this a pay to win game. In the meantime, lots of fun if only for the story, dungeon parties, and even the kill counts and item collections.Use the addon Excrulon to track kill counts, among other bonus infos.
Great game with a fun storyline. I would reccomend this
有 9 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
With 184/6
2 Cleric/Kravis/Sadhu, recently quitted the game because of these reasons.1.Monster bottleneck - There are many maps that monster spawned less than people who is farming there. It causes many people start suffering to farm on the items they need. Especially on a quest items that the npc required.2.Quest bottleneck - At a later time (mostly when you are about to change class. For example, around level 70s, 170s) you will find out that there is no quests that match out your level and you have to do a quest that mostly overleveled of your characters. Some maps are +10 of your level and the monster of that area usually more than 10 level of your characters and the game make a penalty to increase the mobs damage more than usual.3.EXP card system - The card system makes the group of players scattered apart. Many people start &not to use& there exp cards and grind out like a guide founded in Reddit. It causes some of the players to left behind since there is a quest bottleneck. People who spent out all there cards will have a hard time to find party to match out their level in both maps and instance dungeons.4.Lagness, delay and instability - It has been improved somehow since the first day of the server, but there are still some bots, bugs and spammers around the server.5.Limited in trading - This one is a mandatory system that should be implemented for the players to trade freely. It should not be blocked and give this advantage to the player who is willing to pay for a real money. The reason &to block an RMT player out& or &controlling the game economy& is not quite strong enough since the economically design allowed the people to trade out the &cash items& between the players. It shows that the company is indirectly supported the RMT.6.Limited amount in instance dungeon/mission joining - For the same reason of #5, they are trying to control the players out not to receive more experience and items. Basically to slow down the players progress and cause the boredom of the game to people since there is nothing to do. It is related to #1 and #2 I have mentioned above since you are hitting the huge wall
between job changes or starting on an end game phrase.7.Flooding of RMT/scammer in town - You can see this on a main starting towns. Bots keep spamming the message and create the lagness/annoying to the players since they are located at a major point such as a warping fountain, repairman or shops.8.Monster spawning time in some maps and oddly drop rate - From #1, we can see that not only there are less monster on some area, monster spawning time are also awfully adjusted. Some of them are up to few minutes to be respawned and cause people to keep waiting for it forever. Also, some monsters are even harder to get the items since it has really low drop rate such as a red Infrorocktor who drops a Red infrorocktor shells at Mage Tower 3F. It is insanely takes around one full day to get just 2 pieces to turn them into an npc. (based on my and my brother experience who is done the quest at a different time because the quest is spawned from daily npc in Fedimian).9. Monster stats are not evenly balanced - Some monsters have an insane amount of hp that have to use &full combo& to get rid just one monster down while many other monsters in the same map use only few hits of the skills to take them down. The hp of that insane mobs are 10 times larger than the other mobs in the same map.10.Game doesn't suited for solo player - I understand that &game online& is based on the multiplayer that has to group up together to achieve some hard quests. However, this game is so hard even just trying to do some
basic quests. Mostly when you are entering the stage before the ending game (around 170s) you will find out that there will be actually no suited quests available for you. Many classes have to give up due to the lack of something such as dps, sustainable and few players to party with since many of the high players are premade group who is aiming for group battle. Also, the matchmaking system for instance dungeon are really bad.11.Class (un)balance - Most of the class you will see in the server today are the archer/mage based class that can boost out a maximum possible damage, wave clear. And the class that mostly rare to find is support based. The more level you have, less cleric-base support class you can find in the instance dungeon because this based class is really hard to grind up. (Even my character has to play as a attack/support to keep up the level when soloing since it is really hard to find the party to leech the experience). It creates a lag of class variety since the game has a strong point of many various class you can choose, but there are few classes that really effective (OP) and make the people only play few of the classes.12.Limited number of people to join queue when it reaches the maximum number that server can handle - Not only on
a character login state, but on the instance dungeon. This limited number has been lately fixed.13.Some of the quests are carelessly created without an actual test - Some of quest are hardly to do such as a monster dragged quest that has to lure the monster near to the location and killed. Since there is #1, monster usually spawned really less and has to wait for a really long time. You have to spend up to few hours to done the quests. You cannot pulled out the mobs further away from the quest point because the faraway mobs will reset the threat and relocate back to the initial position. Also some quests like &Carving the pillar& has absurdly long delayed time that the npc will spawn to get the quest. This quest has to wait around 2 hours for npc to spawn up for 5 minutes to done that quests.14.Do not have a global quest tracker - You will never know that you are missing some quests unless you are using an add-on (that is legally to use in game) and causes many players underleveled they should be. This is one of the example shows the carelessness and laziness of the developer to implements many of the mandatory functions to help out the players. (For add-on information, search &Tree of savior add-on Manager& and you will see many useful add-on that developers &should& implemented them on their server).15. Randomly froze while loading - Sometimes when you are changing the channel or maps, the loading screen is struck at 75% and you have to close and re-open the client. I'm not sure this one has been fixed or not.16. Skill cooldown does not relate to skill used and mana - You can see that some class based has unfairly amount of cooldown time. For my experience is cleric magic based class. You have one full wombo-combo skills set and has to wait around 30s to use that combo again. From #9, you can see that it takes loads of time to beat out few mobs. This one also create the boredomness to the players since they cannot massively beat out the moderate amount of mobs. Additionally, some of the multiple amount of cast skill cd counted when finish casting on the last spell activated. You can see it when whether you insta-double cast the spell or delay-cast the spell (around 10-20 seconds later from the first one). The cooldown will equally toggled.17.Some patches are not available in global server - This is well-known among the veteran players that the company decide not to patch in some of the patch that already updated in a Korean server such as no cooldown on Skyliner skill (here is patch details link)
This review are written based on my experience in the game so far until I decided to quit.I'm not gonna review on the cash-items since I've not bought any of them.Due to wording limitation, you can find more reasons from another veteran player on
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
Played 700+ Hr. 4-6 100+ lv char. all main class.1. IMC is very bad at solving online game. they work like 5 years ago company that deal with the complaining first not the system. All the anouncement disappointed me and cannot solved the bot, gold selling, in&out-game bug sustainly.2. There are so many class to play and it's fun to play at low lv 1-120 after that all people move to Demon Prison 2nd floor.The monster and map balance is awful there are not many grinding and farming spot and the useless spot is real useles.3. from the (1) there are too many, so
many bots, they may not steal your exp but they dump the market with farming items. You may buy them cheap but also selling cheap too. This game needs huge amount of gold to self upgrade not include equipments the how can we find the gold since the selling items are cheap. People move to farm at the Best farming spot in (2) so low lv player cannot grind abd hit a big wall.4. Mission System. With 3 Chars. playing, I killed 9 Golems and their pals a day for 2 months. This is real boredom.And back to the loop. No grinding spot, no items, no money, STUCK.5. The so many classes to play, only a few useful and strong enough to pass the wall at lv 186 and can find a grinding party after that. No more solo grinding after 240(except some class like Druid or Fletcher).6. So many annoying + stupid restriction. no money trade. market price restriction. 2 days delay for money after market sell. I felt like playing an Off-line game.7. Wanna play with friends? No hope. Cannot use Party Search with friends. Cannot grinding with more than 10+ lv diff. and not many grinding spots. 8. Too low chance for boss box random. Opened more than 400 box with nothing but talt and card. Then how can I get money. Farming spot already filled with bots and the market is dumped with bots items.
Welcome to the Tree of Restrictions.If I would have a penny for every restriction. I would have none because pennies are restricted.
After spending like 500+ hours into the game here is my opinion about this game
Tree of savior is just a game that publisher intended to grab fast money and focus on other project as fast as they can.At first glance it seem to be a very promising game with a lot of stuff and old school game play that &feel& like Ragnarok Online. but when the game launch it turn out to be lackluster in everyway compare to other mmo in the market which are acceptable by most players and we can wait if the the company that manage the game understand the problem and come out with a good solution to fix the problem but appearently IMC the company that managing this game is not good at management at all each patch released feel like a slap in the face to the players no bug fixing , adding more bugs add only cash shop item to grap money when the game needed content to sustain it playerbase etc. this is the reason this game is dying at fast rate and i'm pretty sure if it still like this it might disappear from steam soon. I'm absolutely love this game and hope that IMC will realize what they need to do to keep this game alive and bring back the player but as for now me as well as a lot of my friends going to take a break from the game or even quiting it if the game still tend to go downhill
After playing for 800 hrs the game starts to lose steam, I seriously would have liked to recommend this game, even spent hundreds of dollars on it, but the truth is at it's current state the game is not playable. even the end game where you can only do is freaking Dungeon and Quest fails you, every map brings Disconnection, the worst part is if you get disconnected its to hard to get back since the server is not good, for the meantime if they can't fix this DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME!Pro:
- The game is entertaining to explore for your first char
- Great visual
- Great soundtrack
- diverse job types that can keep you busy for months
- nostalgic feel for those RO enthusiast
- neat GUI
- Grind fest GALORE!
- GM and Admins are responsive and is always trying to clean the game from (hacks, bots, RMT..etc)Con:
- BUGS, NOPES, BUGS everywhere
- Not much content after your first char (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
- Lack of PvP system that makes the game stale once you reach max level
- Unbalanced game play for Job Types
- Magic & Everyone
- The Con is the CON since there is no need to put points on other ATTR for your char
- ATTR are not balanced a WIZ can go on without an INT and just place it on their CON! CON! CON!
- items doesn't matter you can use your equipment from lvl 75 till your 280 ( cough ~ Cafrisun ~ cough)
- NO NEW CONTENT, the main quest just drops after reaching Fedimian
- GIMMICK's that aren't even rewarding or interesting
- WORLD BOSS HUGGING, want to get rich? hug the spot with lv 280 char and camp there FOREVER!
- MSPEED is love, MSPEED is life.. want to win ? invest in this and you will win the whole game.
- No use for GUILDS since there is no GUILD WARS or EVENTS I know that this game is still in ALPHA but at lease try to put in competitive contents for your game. PvP is where you should be able to have fun with your hard earn char not leave it as a display on your lounge once it reaches max level.I will change the review again once I reach 1500 hours of game play as this is my 2nd review, that is if I ever reach it, hopefully I don't drop this game before that happens.1st Review (POSITIVE)2nd Review (NEGATIVE)
IMC are possibly the worst game company I've ever seen.They break things every patch instead of making things better.Ignore any and all community feedback and do absolutely nothing about major issues that are killing the game.I could go on but there's plenty of negative reviews that echo my same thoughts.It's almost heartbreaking to see a game that I've spent 1000 hours on go down the sh*tter, but that's exactly where it's headed.
Unless you have hundreds of hours to spare, don't play this game.And if you plan to use more than one character, better have thousands of hours to spare.The appeal of this game, for me at least, is the depth of the class system. You really have to plan out what path you're going to take through the classes beforehand, once you make a class choice, you can't change it. That's not necessarily a bad thing, I enjoyed looking at all the options and planning it out, but unfortunately it just feels wayyy too slow to get somewhere. It seems decently paced at first but it quickly turns incredibly slow paced. Oh, the quests don't feel slow... but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere, it's just going from one quest to the other... one map to the other. It wouldn't be as much of a problem if I had more skills or things to play around with, but it takes just so long to get the class levels..And it's hard to experiment because of all this.. you pretty much have to ditch those hundreds of hours and restart if you're not satisfied with what you got, or want to try something different.The social side of this game isn't very good, because of just how linear it is, and that you can't just jump in with some high level friends, they lower the exp you get if you're 10 levels away from the monster levels.
So you just have to team up with people around your level.. which might work for some, but I just thought more about the social aspects...It's too bad, because the art in this game is gorgeous, and the combat system isn't all that bad, except when the lag kicks in and doesn't register the damage correctly.
The reason I'm not recommending it is just because the progression, character-wise especailly, is just too slow, and I can tell it's going to take hundreds more hours just to see more interesting development I want for my class and skill choices.If for you it's incredibly rewarding to spend incredible amounts of time to finally get the character developped like you wanted, and don't mind simple quest after simple quest just to progress, then you might really enjoy this game because no other games have a class system like this one, from what I've seen, but for most, it'll just feel too tedious.
有 4 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
- 3+ MONTHS AND NO CONTENT PATCHES- Extremely intrusive chat filter- B O T S
E V E R Y W H E R E - Gold sellers- Recently a patch was implimented that reduced the number of channels on all maps in order to increase server efficiency, but all it's doing is hurting the games economy even more.- Massive restrictions have been implimented to combat gold sellers and bots, but its doing more harm to the players than anything, and the gold sellers and bots haven't slowed down at all. I don't think I've ever seen a company as dedicated to combatting bots as IMC. Or as effective.- Guild system requires you to undergo enormous grind and to sacrifice your level 226+ character to make a guild, even then the player limit is only ~40, and guild activities are very limited.- Terrible client optimization- Broken and imbalanced PvP and GvG, complete with blatant spawnkilling and 0.5 fps with more than 5 characters on screen- Extremely linear leveling route- All leveling beyond 230 is pure monster grinding. This would be fine if the game didn't spoil us with solo quest grinding for the first 229 levels.- No endgame content- Bugged controls and platforming- Horrible hit registration- Extremely long respawn timers, forcing players out of grinding/questing/farming spots because there isn't enough monsters for everyone- High level content is reskinned maps and enemies with inflated health and damage- World boss monopolization, allowing these groups to dominate the market- Terrible class balancing- Pet AI is horrendous- No official documentation on any game mechanics- Thoughtless auto-matching system- You are rewarded more using the auto-matching system instead of forming your own party with friends. This game actually punishes you for trying to socialize.- Broken and easily exploitable game code that allows ANYONE to do almost anything- SERVER INSTABILITY- Rampant sh*tposting on shout chat and forums with almost no moderation. Gay pornography was present on the forums for almost 3 hours before any mods took action.- Extremely incompetent developers.The game itself has zero resemblance to the original RO. IMC used &Project R1& as the pilot name, mentioned RO in interviews and used the RO aesthetic in Tree of Savior. Don't say this game shouldn't be compared to Ragnarok Online.
PROS1. Good music2. Nice animation3. Game is really enjoyable early on when you can explore alot of different stuff4. Alot of classes.5. Grindy (can be a con if you dont like grinding)CONS1. Lag issues especially in bigger towns no matter what engine you have.2. TONS of bots spamming world chat and crushing game economy.3. Trading restrictions (need to buy token)4. Absolutely no diversity in end game content, people literally run same mission everytime and few dungeons. You wont find groups to find different tihngs.5. Worst classes balance i everseen.Swordsman tree is literally useless and people are refusing to take them in groups, even if you take peltasta you are only useful for grouping mobs which other classes like certain mage build can do while providing alot of utility.Mage class is overpowered and not comparable to others, you cant dodge magic, they can put all their stat points into hp and still deal highest damage not to mention the utility they give to groups. Also people mostly create mage classes with certain builds and leave them afk farm which completely crushes other players expierence and economy even more, since
if you are dps swordsman or archer you cant compare your dmg to even mage MINION which is auto farming while player is watching movie or sleeping.6. One of the worst communities which feels like made of 12years old kids. People with stronger classes (like mages with minions mentioned above) will literally come to your grinding spot and tell you to &gtfo& and you cant do anything about it. People will rush bosses leaving all players behind without loot, or leave instance if they die blaming tank or healer.7. IMC refuses to implement korea patch changes which fixes classes atleast abit.Dont waste your time. You will be completely dissapointed in the end.
1. They use a server software, not server hardware, meaning they hire from amazon for a portion of their server allocation meaning at most, the game holds 10k people at any one time without lag, anymore and you have serverwide lag2. The cosmetics all follow the artstyle of the game, gloomy, not very bright, doesnt stand out at all3. Balance is ????4. They got really lazy with the maps, its quantity now, not quality, so many maps have 0 quests, there is no reason to be there really other than xp card5. Costs about 500 mil gold to max your skills which cap at lvl 100, at lvl 100 your skills double in dmg so very very important to max them6. Talt7. No job change8. Queue bugs9. Dungeons are boring as ????, they dont feel special10. Quests get lazy as ????11. Mobs get 50k hp later on, and unless youre elementalist youre expected to party up or youre screwed12. No quests past lvl 240, rest is dungeon or grind mobs13. Horrible game optimization, lagging with only 2-3 characters on screen14. Map bugs15. Your pets in-game count towards your maximum character limitThe game starts good, then it just falls off... they focused too much on quantity towards the end, forgetting the quality put into the earlier mapsA great base gameThats all i can sayEverything else is so ????
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