
英音 [ kwik ] ; 美音 [ kwik ] 副词1.快的; 迅速的2.短时间做成的3.灵活的; 灵敏的; 伶俐的; 机警的4.易受激发的; 敏感的5.聪明的; 有能力的ad.1.快地; 迅速地n.[sing]1.软而嫩的肉(尤指指甲下的)
A quick temper, quick tempered
B be fast at
a quick firer
quick buck
Give it a quick squirt.
He is quick with apprehension.
Have quick wits in emergency
Quick [slow] on the uptake
That boy is quick in the uptake.
apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity
with little or no delay
accomplished rapidly and without delay
any area of the body that is highly sensitive to pain (as the flesh underneath the skin or a fingernail or toenail)
hurried and brief
easily aroused or excited
performed with little or no delay
moving quickly and lightly
n. 火腿起司蛋卷
n. 遁辞,谬论,双关话
vi. 推托,诡辩,说模棱两可的话,说俏皮话
vt. 对…诡辩
n. 菲律宾正式的首都
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中文释义: 快修
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be quickbe quick 网络解释1. 快点儿& & 上操 attention drill | 快点儿! Be quick! | 集合! Fall in!2. 快点& & It's too late . 太晚了.
| Be quick! 快点! | Hurry up ,or we'll be late. 快点,要不然就晚了. 3. 快& & 孩子,my sweet | 快 be quick | 抓紧妈妈的手 to grasp Mom's hand4. 快些& & need to clean the library需要打扫图书馆 | be quick快些 | be really busy确实忙be quick 网络例句1. I'd like it to be a small and quick application. & &我想它是一个小而快速的应用程序。2. I've got to be quick. & &我得赶快了。3. I'll be quick, I don't want to take up too much of your time. & &我会很快的,我不想占你许多时间。4. You've got to be quick. & &你要快一点。5. Please be quick , i have no time . & &请你快点,我没有时间。6. I promise I'll be quick. & &我 立即去做。7. I'll be very quick. & &我很快就好。be quick是什么意思,be quick在线翻译,be quick什么意思,be quick的意思,be quick的翻译,be quick的解释,be quick的发音,be quick的同义词,be quick的反义词,be quick的例句,be quick的相关词组,be quick意思是什么,be quick怎么翻译,单词be quick是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2016  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 同义词辨析:fast、rapid、fleet、quick、speedy、hasty 和 expeditious | 活龙活现的语言故事n. 核心;伤口的嫩肉
adj. 快的;迅速的,敏捷的;灵敏的
adv. 迅速地,快
n. (Quick)人名;(英、德、瑞典、芬)奎克
快速的,活的,有生命的来自古英语cwic,活的,有生命的,来自PIE*gweie,存活,生命,词源同zoo,vival.引申词义 快速的,敏捷的。
quick: [OE] Originally quick meant ‘alive’ (as in the now fossilized phrase the quick and the dead); it was not until the 13th century that the sense ‘rapid’ began to emerge. It goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *kwikwaz (which also produced Swedish kvick ‘rapid’); and this was descended from an Indo-European base *gwej-, which branched out into Latin vīvus ‘alive’ (source of English vivid), Greek bíos ‘life’ (source of English biology), Welsh byw ‘alive’, Russian zhivoj ‘alive’, etc.The couch of couch grass [16] is a variant of the now seldom encountered quitch, whose Old English ancestor cwice may be related to quick (the allusion presumably being to its vigorous growth).=& , Old English cwic "living, alive, animate," and figuratively, of mental qualities, "rapid, ready," from Proto-Germanic *kwikwaz (cognates: Old Saxon and Old Frisian quik, Old Norse kvikr "living, alive," Dutch kwik "lively, bright, sprightly," Old High German quec "lively," German keck "bold"), from PIE root *gweie- (1) "to live" (see ). Sense of "lively, swift" developed by late 12c., on notion of "full of life."
 NE swift or the now more common fast may apply to rapid motion of any duration, while in quick (in accordance with its original sense of 'live, lively') there is a notion of 'sudden' or 'soon over.' We speak of a fast horse or runner in a race, a quick starter but not a quick horse. A somewhat similar feeling may distinguish NHG schnell and rasch or it may be more a matter of local preference. [Buck]
 Of persons, "mentally active," from late 15c. Also in Middle English used of soft soils, gravel pits, etc. where the ground is shifting and yielding (mid-14c., compare ). As an adverb from c. 1300. To be quick about something is from 1937. Quick buck is from 1946, American English. Quick-change artist (1886) originally was an actor expert in playing different roles in the same performance of a show. Quick-witted is from 1520s."living persons," Old English cwic, from
(adj.); frequently paired with the dead, as in Old English cwicum & deadum. The quick "tender part of the flesh" (under a nail, etc.) is from 1520s, as is the figurative use of it.
1. Don't worry. We'll have you out of here double-quick.
别担心,我们会很快把你从这儿弄出去的。 来自柯林斯例句 2. This delicious variation on an omelette is quick and easy to prepare.
这种稍加变化的可口煎蛋卷做起来又快又容易。 来自柯林斯例句 3. I looked at what he'd given me and did a quick subtraction.
我看着他给我的东西,快速做了个减法。 来自柯林斯例句 4. She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.
她抬眼迅速瞥了他一下,然后眼睛又垂了下去。 来自柯林斯例句 5. His friends say he was always quick to tell a joke.
他的朋友们说,以前他讲笑话总是张嘴就来。 来自柯林斯例句
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