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Musical Scores
Digitized scores of Franz Liszt
This project provides web access, through digital scanning and descriptive indexing, to a unique collection of rare American music material in the UNC-CH Music Library.
The 19th-Century American Sheet Music Digitization Project was funded through an Instructional Technology Grant from Chancellor Michael Hooker.
57 volumes (approximately 2250 titles) of sheet music have been indexed.
The contents of 32 of these volumes (approximately 1200 pieces) have been fully scanned and are available on this website
Selected from the Sheet Music Collection at the John Hay Library at Brown University. Consists of 1,305 pieces of American-American sheet music dating from 1850 through 1920. Includes many songs from the heyday of antebellum black face minstrelsy in the 1850s and from the abolitionist movement of the same period. Numerous titles are associated with the novel and the play Uncle Tom's Cabin. Civil War period music includes songs about African-American soldiers and the plight of the newly emancipated slave. Post-Civil War music reflects the problems of Reconstruction and the beginnings of urbanization and the northern migration of African Americans. African-American popular composers include James Bland, Ernest Hogan, Bob Cole, James Reese Europe, and Will Marion Cook
Not to be confused with sheet music, song sheets are single printed sheets, usually six by eight inches, with lyrics but no music. These were new songs being sung in music halls or new lyrics to familiar songs. Song sheets are an early example of a mass medium and today they offer a unique perspective on the political, social, and economic life of the time, especially during the Civil War.
The Rare Book and Special Collections Division of the Library of Congress holds 4291 song sheets. Included among these American songs are ninety-seven British song sheets from Dublin and London. The majority of the song sheets were published from the 1850s to the 1870s
Provides access to materials concerning J.S. Bach's autographs. Autographs and related material from various collections have been digitized and collected together in a single virtual environment. Also includes information about five musical instruments from the time of J.S. Bach: trumpet (clarino), lute (theorbo), organ, echo flutes, and violoncello piccolo
Contains history, facsimile score, and five recordings of the University of Washington fight song, Bow down to Washington
Collection of American ragtime sheet music from the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Chopin Early Editions consists of digitized images of all the music in the University of Chicago Library's Chopin collection. Users can search or browse Chopin early editions via a variety of data points, including titles, genres, and plate numbers. The Chopin collection at the University of Chicago Library consists of over 400 first and early printed editions of musical compositions by Frederic Chopin. The collection, maintained in the Special Collections Research Center, includes first editions of individual works, non-first editions of individual works, and collective editions published before 1881. The site is linked to the Chopin collection register which is updated continuously by listing new acquisitions
Sheet music and original covers of music from the UCLA Music Library's collection of popular songs originally published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Offers access to 2,300 music manuscripts from the 17th and 18th centuries
Digitized facsimile of the Breitkopf & Hartel ed. published in Liepsic after 1806 (original is 20 p. ; 24 x 32 cm.)
Indexes traditional folk songs of the world with an emphasis on English language songs
Digital images of 3042 pieces of sheet music published in the United States between 1850 and 1920 selected from the collections in the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University. The selection presents a significant perspective on American history and culture. The sheet music chosen for digital reproduction represents a wide variety of music types including bel canto, minstrel songs, protest songs, sentimental songs, patriotic and political songs, plantation songs, Civil War songs, spirituals, dance music, songs from vaudeville and musicals, "Tin pan alley" songs, and songs from World War I. The collection is particularly strong in antebellum Southern music, Confederate imprints, and Civil war songs. Piano music includes marches, variations, opera excerpts, and dance music (waltzes, quadrilles, polkas, etc.)
Index of songs from UW anthologies, fake books and other score compliations
This sheet music collection contains approximately 75 pieces of sheet music owned by the Lewis Music Library. The collection consists of popular songs and piano compositions that portray technologies (old and new alike) as revealed through song texts and/or cover art. There are no chronological limits to this collection, although most of the holdings date from approximately . Only music published in the United States is included
The Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music is part of Special Collections at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library of The Johns Hopkins University. It contains over 29,000 pieces of music and focuses on popular American music spanning the period 1780 to 1960. All pieces of the collection are indexed on this site and a search will retrieve a catalog description of the pieces. An image of the cover and each page of music will also be retrieved if the music was published before 1923 and is in the public domain. The collection can be browsed using 38 topical categories or searched by title, composer, lyricist, cover artist, first lines, publisher, etc
The Munich Digitization Centre in cooperation with the music department of the Bavarian State Library has added the first edition of the works of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy to its digital collections on the occasion of Mendelssohn{u2019}s 200th birthday on February 03, 2009. Mendelssohn{u2019}s work as edited by Breitkopf
Over 22,000 pieces of sheet music registered for copyright during the post-Civil W included are popular songs, piano music, sacred music and secular choral music, solo instrumental music, method books and instructional materials, and music for band and orchestra. Offered as part of the American Memory online resource compiled by the National Digital Library Program of the Library of Congress
"The purpose of this web site, operated by the Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum in cooperation with the Packard Humanities Institute, is to make Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's musical compositions widely and conveniently accessible to the public, for personal study and for educational and classroom use ... The digitized version offers the musical text and the critical commentary of the entire Neue Mozart-Ausgabe. Some restrictions apply to the reproduction of images of source materials, particularly in the supplement to the edition." Works may be searched by Kochel number, key, editor's name, Neue Mozart-Ausgabe series and volume number, as well as by keyword
"A web site of The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts", with visual images drawn from their extensive archival collections. "It presents a searchable database of 16,000 objects representing archival materials from one of the strongest periods in the Performing Arts Library collections."
Online collection of over 200 sheet-music compositions that reflect Lincoln and the Civil War as seen through popular music. The collection, compiled by Alfred Whital Stern (), spans the years from the 1859 Lincoln presidential campaign to the centenary of his death in 1909
Scanned sheet music from collections at UCLA, Indiana University, Johns Hopkins University and Duke University
The National Library of Canada presents a virtual exhibition entitled "Sheet Music from Canada's past." The exhibition consists of digital images of sheet music published in Canada before Confederation (1867) and during the era of the First World War (). The music was selected from the historical collection of the library
Contains all 2500 from the Trent Codices
Presents new editions of seventeenth-century compositions that have remained unpublished or that are not available commercially
The Vaxer Collection of the John Hay Library at Brown University includes a sizeable collection of Jewish music, and has been added to in recent years by collections of the publications of Metro Music, and other New York Yiddish- language music publishers from the 1880s forward. This collection focuses on the Yiddish-language musical stage of the period, and includes many photographs of performers (often in costume) and composers
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