hope you enjoy itheep than ...

my friend and i are writing this, and all i want to say is that YES there is smut. she is amazing at wiring rough sex shit and i'm good with fluff and cute stuff...so i hope you like what we got so far, and chapter 5 will be up tom!
k I'll read it when I'm done with the fic I'm reading :)Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required.
This might be a silly question:
Does HTTP ever use the User Datagram Protocol? For example if one is streaming a MP3 or a video over the web using HTTP does it internally use UDP for the transport?
Typically, no.
Streaming is seldom used over HTTP itself, and HTTP is seldom run over UDP. See, however, .
For something as your example (in the comment), you're not showing a protocol for the resource. If that protocol were to be HTTP, then I wouldn't call the access "streaming"; even if it in some sense of the word is since it's sending a (possibly large) resource serially over a network. Typically, the resource will be saved to local disk before being played back, so the network transfer is not what's usually meant by "streaming".
As commenters have pointed out, though, it's certainly possible to really stream over HTTP, and that's done by some.
HTTP communication usually takes place
over TCP/IP connections. The
default port is TCP 80, but other
ports can be used. This does not
preclude HTTP from being implemented
on top of any other protocol on the
Internet, or on other networks. HTTP
only presumes
any protocol that provides such
gu the mapping
of the HTTP/1.1 request and response
structures onto the transport data
units of the protocol in question is
outside the scope of this
So although it doesn't explicitly say so, UDP is not used because it is not a "reliable transport".
Maybe just a bit of trivia, but UPnP will use HTTP formatted messages over UDP for device discovery.
of course not necessarily on tcp. I implemented an HTTP on UDP, for use in the industry of Satellite TV broadcasting.
Yes, HTTP, as an application protocol, can be transferred over UDP transport protocol.
Here are some of the services that use UDP and an underlying protocol for transferring HTTP data and streaming it to the end-user:
XMPP's Jingle Raw UDP Transport Method
A number for services that use UDT --- UDP-based Data Transfer Protocol, which is the a superset of UDP protocol.
The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol encapsulating HTTP as well as the above mentioned XMPP and other application protocols does have an implementation that uses UDP in this implementation is called Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS).
Push notifications in GNUTella are HTTP requests sent over UDP transport.
This article contains further details on streaming over UDP and its reliable superset, the RUDP:
Port 80 UDP is also reserved for HTTP, which I find amusing as I've never seen it used, nor could I imagine a good use for it.
Try run HTTP over UDP with node-httpp:
If you are streaming an mp3 or video that may not necessarily be over HTTP, in fact I'd be suprised if it was. It would probably be another protocol over TCP but I see no reason why you cannot stream over UDP.
If you do you have to take into account that there is no certainty that your data will arrive at the other end, but I can take it that you know about UDP.
To answer you question, No, HTTP does NOT use UDP.
For what you talk about though, mp3/video streaming COULD happen over UDP and in my opinion should never happen over HTTP.
http over udp is used by some torrent tracker implementations (and supporteb by all main clients)
The answer: Yes
Reason: See the OSI model.
HTTP is an application layer protocol, which could be encapsulated with a protocol that uses UDP, providing arguably faster reliable communication than TCP. The server daemon and client would obviously need to support this new protocol. Quake 2 protocol proves that UDP can be used over TCP to provide a basis for a structured communication system insuring flow control (e.g. chunk ids).
UDP is the best protocol for streaming, because it doesn't make demands for missing packages like TCP. And if it doesn't make demands, the flow is far more faster and without any buffering.
Even the stream delay is lesser than TCP. That is because TCP (as a far more secure protocol) makes demands for missing packages, overwriting the existing ones.
So TCP is a protocol too advanced to be used for streaming.
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