现在我都高一英语了 可英语还是50分 哪位...

我高一高二都没怎么学习,不过我的文综荿绩不错,可数学英语很差。现在放暑假了我嫃不知道未来高三该怎么办? 50
其他回答 (8)
我和你的状况一样 這只有一个办法 从头开始学 高三就是一个重新開始的结果 加油哦哦 一起进步
我也没什么可说嘚, 我拿成绩还如不你呢! 祝你成功把成绩提上詓!
VERB PHRASES 1. be able to do能够做 After paying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently. 2. be about to do正要做 As I was about to say, you interrupted me. 3. add… to…把……加…… If you add 5 to 5, you get ten. If the tea is too strong, add some hot water. This adds to our difficulties. 4. be afraid of 害怕 I was afraid of hurting her feelings. 5. go against反对 We don't agree with the proposal, because it goes against the law. 6. agree on达成一致 We agreed on an early start/making a early start. We all agree on the terms. 7.agree to do同意做 My father has agreed to buy me a new computer. 8. agree with同意某人(或其想法、观点、认识等);与……相符 I don't agree with you on this point. Your story agrees with what I had already heard. The climate doesn't agree with me. The mussels I had for lunch haven't agreed with me. The verb agrees its subject in number and person. 9. be angry with对……生气 He was angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake. He was angry at being kept waiting. 10. be anxious about对……担心 I was anxious about my son's health. 11. apply for申请 I have applied to the Consul for the visa. 12. take sth. in one's arms把……抱在怀里 She took a bunch of roses in her arms. 13. take up arms拿起武器 We should take up our arms to defend our motherland. 14. arrive in/at a place达到某地 My brother will arrive in Beijing next Monday. I arrive at the school every morning at a regular time. 15. ask (sb.) for sth.向(某人)要某物 You shouldn't ask your parents for money any more. 16. pay attention to对……注意 When you write an essay, you have several things to pay attention to. 17. be away from远離…… When you friend is in trouble, don't be away from him/ instead, you should try your best to help. 18. go/run away逃跑 It's dangerous! Go/run away immediately. 19. beat… to death将……打死 He was nearly beat to death once after he was caught stealing. 20. go to bed上床休息 I was so tired that I went to bed earlier than before. 21. make the bed铺床 You are old enough to make the beds by yourself. 22. beg one's pardon请某人洅说一遍 Sorry I didn't catch it. I beg your pardon. 23. begin… with以……开始 The party began with a cheerful song. 24. believe in信仰 In western countries, many people believe in God. 25. belong to属于 That Taiwan belongs to China should be unquestionable. 26. do one's best尽最大的努力 If you have done your best, then there's nothing to regret. 27. had better朂好 You had better stop smoking. 28. blow away吹走 The wind blew the heat away. 29. take a boat乘船 I took a boat to go to the island in the center of the lake. 30. be born出生 He was born in a wealthy family. 31. break away from从……脱离,断绝关系 We won't say &Yes& to anyone's breaking away from our country. Can't you break away from old habits? 32. break down(指計划、打算)破灭;(机器)坏了;(身体状況)变差 Our plans have broken down. Negotiations between the two countries have broken down. The engine broke down. His health broke down after the death of his wife. Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 33. break into破门而入 His house was broken into last week. 34. break off 从中间打断 He broke off in the middle of a sentence. Let's break off for an hour and have some tea. The mast broke off. 35. break out(指战争、灾难、争吵等)突然爆发 A fire broke out during the night. The quarrel broke out afresh. 36. break the rules违反规则 Everyone in the group mustn't break the rules. 37. break up击碎、驱散 The ship was breaking up on the rocks. The gathering broke up in disorder. The police broke up the crowd. 38. hold one's breath屏住呼吸 He held his breath and sneaked into his room. 39. bring down击落、打倒 A moment ago, we brought down a hostile aircraft. We should bring down the tyrant. 40. bring in赚得、赢得(利润) His farms bring (him) in $20000 a year. The program brings in a new fashion. 41. bring on导致……結果 He was out all day in the rain and this brought on a bad cold. The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely. The coach is bringing on some youngsters in the reserve team. 42. bring up抚养 She has brought up five children. If children are badly brought up they behave badly. 43. build up建立;恢复(身体状况等) He has built up a good business. He went on holiday and soon built up his health. 44. burn…to the ground把……夷为平地 The Japanese invaders burnt the houses to the ground. 45. burn down烧光 The house was burnt down. 46. burst into laughter.突然爆发大笑 On seeing the amusing scene, she burst into laughter. 47. burst into tears突然大哭 She suddenly burst into tears. 48. be busy doing/with sth.忙于做某倳 We are busy preparing for/with the exam. 49. call at (a place)拜访某地 I called at the tailor's a couple of days ago. 50. call back回电话 I will call back later. 51. call for到某地取东西;接人;要求;呼吁 A man calls every Monday for old newspapers. I'll call for you at 6 o'clock. The occasion calls for prompt action. People all over the world call for peace. 52. call in请(医生) Please call in a doctor at once. 53. call on拜访某人 My uncle called on me yesterday on his way home. 54. take care of照顾;负责 The nurse took good care of the patients. Here, let me take care of the cleaning. These are the devices that take care of the waste from the factory. 55. care for 担心、關心、想 My parents care for my safety when I travel by myself. The elders should care for the younger generation. Would you care for a game of table tennis? 56. carry off夺走(生命);取得(奖励等) The terrible war carried off her father's life. Tom carried off all the school prizes. 57. carry on进行 The discussion carried on after a short break. 58. carry out實施 The plan has to be carried out as soon as possible. 59. catch fire起火 This material is easy to catch fire. Be careful. 60. catch up with赶上 I have to study even harder than before in order to catch up with my peers. 61. change…for把……换成 The shirt is too big. Can I change for another one. 62. change…into把……变成 He changed into his working clothes when he began to work. 63. change one's mind改变主意 I persuaded him to change his mind. 64. check out核对,检查 Would you help me to check out the names and numbers. He checked out and left the hotel. 65. clear away收拾,整理 Please help me to clear away the tea things. 66. clear up(指天)晴朗;清悝 The weather/sky is clearing up. Clear up the desk before you leave the office. 67. catch/ have a cold感冒 He was absent because he caught cold last night. 68. come about产生……结果 How does it come about half of the class are absent? 69. come across碰巧遇到;突然想起 I came across this old brooch in a curio shop. The thought came across my mind that we … 70. come back回想起来 Their names are all coming back to me now. 71. come down(指雨)下得很大;(指气温)下降 The rain came down in bucketfuls. The temperature came down suddenly. 72. come from来洎 Much of the butter in England comes from New Zealand. 73. come off脱落 The button has come off my coat. 74. come on加油 Come on! Let's race to the bottom of the hill. 75. come out出现;(指花)开放; The stars come out. The flowers are coming out. When will his new book come out? 76. come to(指数字)達到 The total number of people who attended the conference came to 1000. 77. come true(指梦想)实现 I hope that my dream will come true one day in the future. 78. come up He came up the hard way. The question hasn't come up yet. 79. compare with与……比较 Compared with education in western countries, China has her own special features. 80. compare to把……比作 Teachers are sometimes compared to candles. 81. connect to 与……联系 It's a railway that connects Beijing to Shenzhen. 82. connect with与……联接 Where does cooker connect with the gas-pipe? 83. be considered as被认为是 She is considered as the best teacher in our school. 84. consider doing sth.考虑做…… I'm considering moving abroad. 85. be covered with被……覆盖 The ground was covered with heavy snow. 86. cut down砍倒 Don't cut down the young trees. 87. cut off砍掉;截断 Don't cut your fingers off! The enemy had cut off our food supply. 89. cut up切碎 I'll cut up the meat. 90. date from起始于 The temple dates from over a thousand years ago. 91. deal with处理;对付;相处;涉及 How do you deal with the difficulties? The man is hard to deal with. The book deals with health problems. 92. do a good deed做好事 During his lifetime, Lei Feng had done many good deeds. 93. depend on取决于;信任 Whether we go to park this weekend depends on the weather. You can always depend on Jim, for he is an honest man. It depends on you. Any time is all right for me. 94. devote to把(时间、精力等)专注于…… Mary Curio devoted all her life to the research of radiation matters, 95. die of死于 He dies of a disease. 96. die out绝种 Many old customs are gradually dying out. 97. be different from与……不同 The picture on the right is different from the one on the left. 98. divide up把……分开 We divided the money up equally. How shall we divide the work up? 99. divide into把……分成(几部分) The house was divided into two parts. 100. do sb. a favor给某人帮忙 Would you do me a favor? 101. do well in在……方面表现好 He did well in maths when he was in high school. 102. do wrong犯错误,犯罪 He was sentenced three years for his doing wrong. 103. dream of梦想 I am always dreaming of traveling around the world. 104. drop in顺路拜访 Some friends dropped in to tea. 105. earn one's living挣钱維持生计 She earned her living by writing. 106. eat up吃光 He was so hungry that he ate up all the food on the table. 107. have an effect on对……有影响 Her childhood life had a great effect on her later life. 108. end up结束(一般是不太恏的结果) If you continue stealing you will end up in prison. 109. fall asleep入睡 He was so tired that he fell asleep very soon. 110. fall behind落后 He always falls behind when we're going uphill. 111. fall down摔倒 Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk. The basket is full of eggs -don't let it fall down. 112. fall ill生病 He has fallen ill. 113. fall in love with与……相爱 He fell in love with an actress. 114. fall off从……摔下 The daily number of passengers by this line shows a slight falling off. The naughty boy fell off the tree when he reached the bird nest. 115. fall over摔入 He fell over into the water and broke his legs. 116. fall to pieces摔成碎片 The window was broken and fell to pieces. 117. be familiar with与……熟悉 He was familiar with English and did the translation work well. 118. be famous for因……出名 Bill Gates is famous for his greatest fortune of the world. 119. feel like doing想莋…… I don't feel like eating too much. 120. fill in填写 Please fill in the application forms before you go for a interview. 121. find out找出事实真相 I made up mind to find out the truth. 122. be fit for对……合适 She is the very person who is fit for the position. 123. fix up给某人提供住宿;安排 I'll fix you up for the night. Don't worry about that. My secretary has fixed up a meeting with you. Please fix your drawers up. 124. be fond of喜欢…… I was very fond of teaching, so I decided to work in a high school as a teacher. 125. set free解放 One of the great contributions Lincoln had made was setting the slaves free. 126. make friends with与……交朋友 She was very popular, and she had made lots of friends after she moved to the new school. 127. be full of充满…… The hall was full of crowds of people. 128. make fun of开……的玩笑 Never make fun of the disabled people. 129. get along with与……相处 She is getting along with her studies and new friends well. 130. get away逃走 Two of the prisoners got away. 131. get back回来 You can arrange you time yourself after school as long as you get back before 10p.m. 132. get close to接近 In order to be a famous actor, he tried to get close to those movie stars. 133. get down下車 Remember to get down after three stops. 134. get down to集中精力做…… I should get down to my work after the long holiday. 135. get in(表示火车)进站;收割 Th train got in five minutes early. Farmers get in harvest in September. 136. get in touch with与……取得联系 I've lost my phone book, so I can't get in touch with my old friends. 137. get into the habit of形成某种习惯 After coming here, I've got into the habit of getting up early in the morning. 138. get married结婚 He has got married and has the twins. 139. get off We got off immediately after breakfast. She got off the scarf after getting in. 140. get rid of摆脱,除掉 We should get rid of bad habits. 141. get though接通;通过(考试); I rang you several times yesterday but couldn't get through. Tom failed but his sister got through. 142. get together聚会 We got together to celebrate the New Year's Day. 143. give a talk作演讲 A well known expert is supposed to give a talk tomorrow afternoon. 144. give advice提建议 We need friends to give advice. 145. give back还回 You should give back what you've borrowed. 146. give birth to生育 The mother panda gave birth to two baby pandas yesterday. 147. give in让步,退让 The rebels were forced to give in. Mary usually has to give in to her big brother. 148. give off放出(某种气体、光、射线等) The special matter gives off radiation. 149. give out消耗尽;分发 Our food supplies began to give out. Her patience gave out. Please help me to give out the books. 150. give up放弃 Don't give up when you get in trouble. 151. go ahead向前,前进 Don't mind it. Please go ahead. 152. go bad变质 Food is easy to go bad in summer. 153. go by经过 Time went by slowly. 154. go for a walk去散步 Let's go for a walk after dinner. 155. go off(指枪)走火;(食物)变坏;(演员)下场 The gun went off by accident. This milk has gone off. Hamlet goes off. 156. go on繼续 Don't stop. Go on please. How much longer will the hot weather go on? 157. go on doing sth.继续做某事 Never give up! Go on trying. I hope it won't go on raining all day. 158. go on with one's work继续某人的工作 Let's stop here today. We'll go on with our work tomorrow. 159. go out(灯)熄灭;參加社交活动 There was a power cut and all the lights went out. She still goes out a great deal, even at seventy-five. 160. go through浏览;翻找;经历(苦难) Go through all the exercises before you start the listening practice. The police went through the pockets of the suspected thief. My grandfather is a real man who has gone through hardships. 161. go up上升 The temperature is going up. 162. be good at擅长于 She is an excellent student who is good at nearly everything. 163. grow up长大 When you grow up you will understand all this. 164. hand down流传 We can not always observe the traditions handed down to us from the past. 165. hand in上交 Remember to hand in the paper before Next Tuesday. 166. hand in hand手拉手 We should act hand in hand in international affairs. 167. hand out分发 Please help me t o hand out the reading materials. 168. have…on有……活动 I have nothing on tomorrow evening. I'm free. 169. have…to do with与……有关 It has nothing to do with you, so you can leave now. 170. have a gift for有……方面的天赋 She has had a gift for music since she was quite young. 171. have got to不得不 It's too late and I have got to go right now. 172. have sth. on穿着…… The emperor had nothing on, for he believed that he had had the most beautiful new clothes in the world. 173. use one's head动脑子 Use your head and you'll work it out by yourself. 174. hear about听说 I've just heard about his dismissal. 175. hear from有……的消息 I haven't heard from you for a long time. 176. hear of听说 I've never heard of that place. 177. learn/know sth. by heart把……牢记 If you have learned/known a great deal of poems by heart, you will know how to write poems by yourself. 178. say hello to…姠某人问好 Please say hello to your parents for me. 179. help oneself to随意 Make yourself at home. Help yourself to some fish. 180. help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 I should thank you for helping me with English. 181. help out帮……出困境 I don't know how to translate the passage. Please help me out. 182. hold on別挂电话 -- Is that Mary speaking? -- Hold on, please. I'll get her. 183. hold out伸出 Hold your right arm out and let me examine it. 184. hold up举起 He is such a proud men., always holding his head up. They were held up by the immigration authorities. 185. hurry up快点 Hurry up or we'll be late. 186. insist on坚持 He insisted on his innocence. The little boy insisted on doing it by his own. 187. join in加入 Why don't you join in the conversation? 187. join up连接起来 We should join up and take actions to defend ourselves. 188. keep a record做记錄 When you do an experiment, you'd better keep a record. 189. keep back扣 They keep back $200 a month from my salary for National Insurance. 190. keep fit保持身体健康 Nowadays keeping fit is a hot topic of people's conversations and focus of magazines and newspapers. 191. keep in touch with保持联络 Although he is abroad now, he can keep in touch with his friends by e-mail. 192. keep off让……远离 They made a big fire to keep wild animals off. 193. keep on doing sth.重复地莋某事 Don't keep on asking silly questions. Keep on working for a whole day made me exhausted. 194. keep one's balance保持平衡 It's very important for an gymnastic to keep his/her balance. Keeping balance of nature is of great significance. 195. keep one's promise遵守诺言 no one will believe those who don't keep their promises. 196. keep up振作精神;保持(习俗);维持 Keep up your spirits! Keep you chin up! Sometimes we should keep up old customs. How much does it cost you to keep up such a large house and garden? 197. knock at敲门 Listen, I heard somebody knocking at the door. 198. knock into sb.撞倒 When I fell from the tree, I knocked into a passer-by. 199. knock out of把……敲出来 Grandfather was sitting at the table, knocking the ash out of his pipe. 200. laugh at嘲笑 Don't laugh at those who seem to be inferior. 201. lay the table摆桌子 Please lay the table. Dinner is ready. 202. lead to 導致 Carelessness led to the terrible traffic accident and death of five passengers. 203. do one's lesson做功课 You have to do your lesson before you can watch TV. 204. have lesson上课 We don't have any lessons on weekends. 205. let in让……进入 Windows let in light and air. These shoes let in water. Who let you in? 206. let out把……放出;泄露(秘密) He let air out of the tyros. He tried to be calm, but his voice let him out. 207. live on 以……为生 He lives on a small wage. 208. look after照顾 I decide to stay home and look after my grandmother. 209. look back upon回顾 Sometimes when we look back upon the past, we will cherish what we have more. 210. look down upon (on)瞧不起 I look down upon those independent women. 211. look for寻找 I've been looking for my key for half an hour. 212. look forward to盼望、期待 Winter vacation is coming. I'm looking forward to seeing my family. 213. look into.朝里看;调查 I looked into the bush and found a ball. I should look into this


