10-story ride ride什么意思思

& 实战演练练习31-35
15:07& 新浪教育
  练习 三十一
  1. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ___ he or she wants.
  A. however
B. whatever
C. whichever
D. whenever
  2. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I ___ for her.
  A. had to write it out
B. must have written it out
  C. should have written it out
D. ought to write it out
  3. Don’t walk too near the edge of the cliff (悬岩), you might____.
  A. blow over
B. fall over
C. carry off
D. cut off
  4. The old photo reminded her ___ the life in the past.
  5. It___ me more than three days ___ I finished writing the paper.
  A. until
  6. You needn’t pay, it’s ___.
  A. nothing
C. no more
  7. Of all the stories I ____ this one __ ?
  8. Professor Yang gave us some very good ___ ___
how to learn English well and he will also give some __ __ how to improve our spoken language .
  A. suggestion on
B. suggestions on
  C. suggestions about
D. suggestion over
  9. There are so many beautiful dresses that I hardly know ______.
  A. which to choose
B. what to choose
  C. which to choose from
D. what to choose from
  10. After finishing his work in farmland, he led the cow____ the nose.
  11. What ____ us about the teacher was his devotion ____ education.
  12. When the church clock ____ twelve, we realized it was too late. We were ___ by his speech.
  A. attracted
C. attracted
  13. Of all the colors, yellow is my _____.
  A. favorite
B. best color
  14. Vegetables ___ many kinds of vitamins and many other useful materials. So we must eat them ____.
  A. everyday
B. everyday
  C. every day
D. every day
  15. When I arrived at the company, the manager ____,so we had only time for a few words.
  A. just went away
B. had gone away
  C. was just going away
D. has just gone away
  1. B本题考查的内容是名词性从句。 答案中有两个是连接副词however,
whenever (在从句中起状语作用);另外两个是连接从句whatever, whichever( 在从句中常作主语或宾语用),而本题的宾语从句中是作及物动词 wants的宾语用。 再根据句意:“孩子要什么给什么,这被认为是不明智的。”正确答案应是 B , whatever(相当于anything that)。类似的句子:I will do whatever you wish. (从句中作wish的宾语)
  I’ll just say whatever comes into my head. (从句中作主语)
  2. C 该题中 should have done表示“过去本应该做某事,而实际上没有做”。 该题的意思是“我告诉Sally怎么到这儿, 可是我本应该为她写出这里的详细地址。”表达了一种懊悔的心情。
  3. B fall over的意思是“跌落”。
  4. B 本题考查动词remind的作用。英语中有些动词,如 remind/ rob / warn可以“+n.+of 短语”,这是一种比较独特的用法。remind...of sth.意为“提醒……某事;使某人想起某事”。
  5. B 某人花费时间做……,用动词spend、take来表示,此句的主语是it,所以动词take为最佳答案,而spend应用人来做主语。
  6. B free 在此用作形容词,意为“免费的”。free of charge “免费”。如:Children under a metre in height are free of charge. free是形容词,还可作“自由的”、“空闲的”解。
  7. D 从前面的of all the stories看这是最高级的句子。like…best意思是“最喜欢”。
  8. B advice是不可数名词,而suggestion是可数名词。advice和suggestion后面一般接介词on,也可以接about,表示“关于;就(某一方面)”。
which表示“在一定范围内选择”,而what是指“无目的的选择”;choose from的意思是“从……选择”,在这里指从这些漂亮的衣服中选择。
  10. A by在这里表示方式。如:The police man caught the thief by the arm.
strike在这里是“感动,打动”的意思。如:We were deeply struck by the beauty of the West Lake; devote或devotion与to 搭配。如:
She devoted her whole life to helping those who were homeless.
  12. B 时钟敲响用strike,表示“被……打动”也用这个词。
  13. A favorite在这里是名词,意思是“最喜欢的人或物”。
  14. D everyday是形容词,意思是“每日的;日常的”,多作定语;every day为名词短语,在句子中作状语;contain意思是“包含,含有”,多指含有的成分;include侧重于某一部分也包括在某一整体内。
  15. C 时态题。运用进行时,表达即将发生的动作。
  练习 三十二
  1. What a pity! I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was ____ in the traffic jam.
  A. broken up
B. kept back
C. held up
D. kept up
  2.―Why? Where is the key to the meeting-room?
  ―Dear me! You ____ it in the taxi!
  A. had never left
B. didn’t leave
C. never left
D. haven’t left
  3. The bank is reported in the evening paper____ in broad daylight yesterday.
  A. being robbed
B . to be robbed
  C. having been robbed
D. to have been robbed
  4. On May 1, 1995, a new law was passed. We have been working five days a week ____.
  A. ago
  5. How do you think ____ this problem?
  A. should I settle
B. I should settle
  C. I settle
D. me to settle
  6. The eggs ___ by the black hen are nearly ___ the same size.
  7. Shut up. I won’t have you ___ to your mother like that.
  A. speaks
B. to speak
D. speaking
  8.Learn from past mistakes to avoid future ____.
  A. one
  9. Water, ____ it is impossible for any living thing to exist, is being paid more and more attention by people.
  A. which
C. without which
D. without it
  10. The doctor told her to ____ eating food rich in fat to lose weight.
  A. give in
B. give away
C. give up
D. give out
  11. ―The earthquake in San Francisco destroyed a lot of houses .
  ―___ the earthquake in Tangshan.
  A. Either did
B. So were
C. Neither do
  12. The number of the women college students is ____ than ever before.
  A. much
  13. Rather than ____ on a crowded bus, he always prefers____ a bicycle.
  A. ride, ride
B. riding, ride
C. ride, to ride
D. to ride, riding
  14. For almost eight years, the city ___ dogs from being taken into it, and only ____ that it’s of no use.
  A. has tried to prevent, finding
B. has been trying to prevent, to find
  C. had been trying to prevent, to find
D. had tried to prevent, finding
  15. He gave me his card with his name and address ___ on it.
  A. writing
C. written
D. to write
  1. C 词义辨析题。hold up有“阻挡”的意思,在这里指“堵车”。break up意思是“车坏了,抛锚”。keep back意思是“使某物不能移动”,“阻止某物”。keep up意思是“保持使不低落”。因此其他答案不合题意。
  2. C never did表示“从没有过的事情,但现在发生了”,表达惊喜或吃惊,如:I never thought you would bring me a gift.
  3. D be reported to do sth.意思是“据报道做某事”。rob的动作发生在report以前,因此用完成时,bank与rob间为被动关系,因此用被动语态。
  4. B since在这里用作副词,相当于since May 1, 1995。因此句子用现在完成进行时。
  5. B I should settle this problem为宾语从句,因此用陈述句形式。
  6. C 第一空考查了表示①“撒谎”;②“放;搁;产蛋;产卵”;③“躺;卧”的三个动词的各种形式的区别,它们的原形、过去式、过去分词、现在分词分别是:
   ①vi. lie, lying
  ②vt. lay , laid, laid, laying
  ③vi. Lie, lay, lain, lying  
  7. D have sb. doing用在否定句中,表示“(不)容许;(不)许可”。
  8. B 本题考查代词的使用。从前面的mistakes的复数看,本空应用复数形式,因此用ones;that相当于the加上单数名词,其复数为those。
  9. C 本题考查定语从句介词提前的问题。从空后的it is impossible for any living thing to exist可以看出,说话人认为“如果没有水……”;空前的标点决定了用定语从句。
  10. C 本题考查词义辨析。give in的意思是“屈服;让步”;give away的意思是“分发;赠送”;give up的意思是“放弃;停止”,后跟名词、代词、动名词短语;give out的意思是“释放;筋疲力尽”。
  11. D so用在肯定句中,表示“也是如此”,同nor的用法一样,后面的动词由前面的谓语动词决定。
  12. D 修饰number的形容词是large或small,而不是many或few。
  13. C 本题考查了prefer to do rather than do的搭配。在本句中只是把rather than部分提前了。
  14. B从空前的for almost eight years排除C,D 。第二空only to find为不定式作结果状语,表示“意料之外”。
  15. C with后后的符合宾语结构。本结构为“with+名词+过去分词”。His names and address与write间为被动关系,因此用过去分词形式。
  练习 三十三
  1. I’ve got a pain here and there, so I can only more my arm ____.
  A. as far as this
B. so far as this
C. as many as that
D. as much as that
  2. Mike ____ with Janet for over one year before they got married.
  A. had fallen in love with
B. had been in love
  C. has fallen in love
D. has been fallen in love
  3.You’re lucky enough. How I ____ you your new job!
  A. wish
  4. ―Is this your coat?
  ―No, mine____ over there behind the door.
  A. is hanging
D. is hung
  5. ―I’ve just heard the tickets for the concert have been sold out.
  ―___ . I was looking forward to that.
  A. What a pity!
B. It doesn't matter.
  C. I knew it already.
D. Sorry! Sorry!
  6. It is believed that the ___diet plays in the treatment is important .
  A. part
  7. In that country, a girl is kept at home , ____ a boy is sent to school at the age of six.
  A. when
  8. The cave was quite dark inside, so he made some candles ____ light.
  A. give
B. to give
  9. They were surrounded by the enemy, but they____ at last.
  A. managed to escape
B. tried to escape
  C. tried escaping
D. managed escaping
  10. While ___ along the street, I met an old friend of mine.
  A. I walking
B. was walking
C. I am walking
D. walking
  11. I’ll never forget the time____ we learned a lot from these workers
  A. when
C. at which
D. on which
  12. ―Will you tell us something about the weather there?
  ―I ___ to that.
C. am going
D. am coming
  13. He whispered to his wife ___ he might wake up the sleeping baby.
  A. so that
B. on condition that
C. for fear that
D. so long as
  14. He ___ the uniform and appeared on the stage, ___ as a policeman.
  A. wearing
B. dressed
  C.on dressed
D. dressing
  15. ____ in her armchair , the old lady enjoyed the light music over the radio with her eyes ___.
  A. S closed
B. S closed
C. S close
D. S closing
  1. D much在这里为副词,表示move的程度。
  2. B fall in love不可以跟表示一段时间的短语。因此用be in love这一结构。3.C 从前句You’re lucky enough推知说话人羡慕“你”的工作。在这里envy后跟了双宾语。 其它答案不合题意。
  4. A 现在进行时表达状态。
  5. A 本题考查交际用语。第一个人说音乐会的票已经卖完了,第二人表示遗憾。what a pity意思是“太遗憾了。”
A 本题考查了play a…part in的搭配。
  7. B while在这里表示转折,其他连词无此意义。
  8. B 选出此空,首先理解make的意义。make 在这里是“制造”的意思,后面的不定式作目的状语。
  9. A 本题考查了manage to do, try to do和try doing的区别。manage to do sth.意思是“想法设法做成某事”,强调结果;try to do sth.意思是“试图做某事”,用过去时常表达“想做然而没有做成的事”;try doing的意思是“尝试做某事”。如:If this way is not OK, why not try doing it in another way?
  10. D 本题考查了省略。在时间状语从句、条件状语从句和让步状语从句中,如果主句的主语与从句的主语一致,谓语含有动词be,经常采用省略的形式,如He never speaks to anyone unless (he is ) spoken to. A, B句子结构错误;C时态错误。
  11. A 先行词是time,引导词在从句中作状语,因此用when。C, D介词使用错误,可以说during which。
  12. D 本空运用进行时态表达将来的动作。come to在这里的意思“谈到;涉及”。
  13. C on condition that 和so long as意思是一样的,都表示条件,而for fear that意思是“担心”,结合上下文,选出此答案。
  14.C put on表示动作;dress作及物动词时,宾语是人,而不可以是衣服,形成dress sb.或be dressed的搭配,因此第二空用dressed作状语。
  15. B seat为及物动词,意思是“使某人就座”。它的宾语是人,我们经常用它的系表结构,即 sb. be seated的形式,因此第一空用seated或sitting,第二空是with的符合结构,在这里用“with+名词+过去分词”形式。
  练习 三十四
  1. ―What’s going on there? There were too many people.
  ―A car drove ____ a truck and the driver was ____ being killed in the accident.
  A. near
B. into close to
C. next to
  2. The customer bargained with the shopkeeper for a long time , and finally they agreed ____ the price.
  3. ―I wonder whether they have enough books for each of us.
  ―There are ____, ____.
  A. if any
D. if some
  4. The police are considering the ____ the fire was started
accident at night.
  A. reason that B. possibility which C. reason which
D. possibility that
  5. Who would you rather ___ the report instead of you?
  A. write
B. have written
C. have write
D. have to write
  6. Will you persuade the teacher ____ us ___ more practical work ?
B. to do C. to do D. do
  7. As soon as they know what ____, they get down ____.
  A. to work
B. to work about
  C. to work
D. to working
  8. ―May I move your bag a little and take this seat?
  A. I don’t mind
B. Do it please
C. Go ahead
D. It doesn’t matter
  9. These wild flowers are so special that I would do ____ I can to save
  A. whatever
D. whichever
  10. The teacher told me to ___ that the door was shut.
  A. make sure
B. make it sure
C. be sure
D. be sure of
  11. ____ telephone is working here. You have to get them____.
  A. B repaired
B. N repaired
C. E to repaired
D. A to repair
  12. Tom is from Canada and he speaks Chinese very well. ____.
  A. So is Mary
B. So does Mary
C. So is it with Mary
D. So it is with Mary
  13. ―Dad, you said you would buy me a new bike the other day?
  ―Yes, it’s my ____ if you do better in your exam.
  A. idea
B. suggestion
C. promise
D. comment
  14. In order to make our city green, ____.
  A. it is necessary to have planted more trees
B. many more trees need to plant
  C. our city needs more trees
D. we must plant more trees
  15. Failure is the mother of success. Please .____ courage.
  A. keep on
B. keep up
C. keep out
D. keep up with
  1. C drive into意思是“(车)撞到……上”。第二空的next to意思是“几乎”,“险些”。
  2.C agree to, agree on, agree with都有“同意”的意思,但搭配不同。agree with后跟sb.,mind, view, thought, idea,也可以跟从句。agree to后跟proposal, plan等作宾语。agree on指“双方在某一问题上达成一致协议”。根据上下文,得出此答案。
  3. C if any是if there is any book的省略形式,表示存在。only a few为固定说法,意思是“仅仅几个”。
  4. D by accident就是原因,因此A,C不合题意。possibility后跟的是同位语从句,用that引导,that在从句中不作任何成分;which在同位语从句中表示选择。
  5. C 本题考查句子结构。我们把who防在宾语的位置就很明显地找到答案。本结构是would rather have sb. do sth.,意思是“想让某人做某事”。
  6. A persuade sb. to do sth.和let sb. do sth.都为固定搭配。
  7.C 本题考查了不定式短语作宾语和不定式作宾语。what to write about为“关系代词(what, who, which等)或关系副词(when, how, why, where等)+ 不定式”构成的不定式短语,相当于名词性从句;what作write about的宾语;write about指写的内容;get down to do意思是“着手做某事”。
  8. C 本题考查交际用语。May I…表达“请求”,对其回答要说 “Go ahead.”
  9. A whatever引导宾语从句。I can后面省略了do,whatever作do的宾语。
  10. A make sure在这里跟的是宾语从句,be sure有一定的干扰性。make sure意思是“确保”,多指通过采取措施,确保事情的贯彻;而be sure侧重心里上的“确信;相信”。
  11. B 本句的意思是“两部电话都坏了,我们要找人修一下。”第一空neither作定语,修饰telephone;第二空运用了get sth. done的搭配。
  12. D 本题考查了so位于句首的用法。So位于句首,表达“也是如此“的概念。我们看前面的句子的谓语,它们是be与speak,是系动词与行为动词,因此so后面用be和用does都不合适,so it is with表示“也是如此”。
  13.C 词义辨析题。comment意思是“评论”。idea意思是“主意,看法”。 promise意思是“许诺”。suggestion意思是“建议”。
  14. D In order to …为目的状语,其逻辑主语为we。
  15.B 词义辨析。keep on意思是“继续”,后多动名词。keep up意思是“保持,使不低落”。如:In the dark street, he kept singing to keep up his spirits. keep out 意思是“使……不进入”。keep up with意思是“赶得上”。
  练习 三十五
  1. Whenever she saw the young man, she would feel her heart ____ fast.
  A. hitting
B. striking
C. beating
D. jumping
  2. Why not ____ the teaching method and relation between you and your students?
  A. try to improve
B. to try to improve
C. trying to improve
D. trying improving
  3. Can you ____ me a few minutes? I have something important to tell you.
  A. give
  4. They all thought the forest programme ___, so they decided to put it into ____.
  A. use
B. practice
D. practice
  5. This paper is not booked separately. It is booked ____.
  A. in dozen
B. by the dozen
C. at dozen
D. for the dozen
  6. It’s high time I ___ to the station to see my friend off.
  7. ―How can we spend the night in such a small room?
  ―What about the four of us ____ cards the whole night?
  A. shall play
B. playing
D. to play
  8. ―Can you afford to travel this summer?
  ―No, I haven’t got enough money and ____ money now seems to be
necessary for the next chance.
  A. I save
B. am saving
C. to save
  9. ―He promised to come to see you .
  ―But he ___. I’ve been alone.
  A. doesn’t
B. didn’t
D. hasn’t
  10. He can speak four languages, ____English, French, Japanese and Chinese.
  A. such as
C. for example
  11. We were about to start ____ a strong wind came up and it began to rain.
  A. while
  12. Unfortunately, when I got there she ____, so we only had time for a few words.
  A. just left
B. has just left
C. was just leaving
D. had just left
  13. I was so ____ moved by the story that I could hardly fall asleep ____into the night.
  A. deep, deep
B. deeply, deeply
C. deep, deeply
D. deeply, deep
  14. Hibernating animals have stored ____ fat in their bodies during the summer and autumn.
  A. a good many
B. supplies of
C. a large quantities of
  15. He is ____ a friend to mine. He is in a way my English teacher.
  A. no more than
B. more than
C. not more than
D. nothing but
  1. C 心脏的跳动用beat一词。hit, strike指“用木棒等打”,其中strike还可以表示连续的打击。如,The rain is striking the window。hit也可以指自然灾害的侵害。 jump指从低处到高处或从高处向低处跳跃。
  2. A why not后跟动词原形;try to do在这里是“努力做某事”
  3. C spare的意思是“腾出时间或地方”。B有一定干扰性。share意思是“与……共用”。
  4. D practical在这里为形容词作宾补,意思是“符合实际的”;put it into practice意思是“付诸实施”。
  5. B by the dozen意思是“按打(即12)订购”;by在这里表示“依据”。
  6. D It’s (high)time后面的句子一般要用过去时。
  7.B how about或者what about后面跟名词或动名词,不可以跟句子 。the four of us为动名词的逻辑主语。
  8.C 不定式短语作主语。
  9.D 时态题。But he hasn’t 即But he hasn’t come;运用完成时表达现在的结果。
  10. B 本题我们极易错选A, C,such as和for example都是部分列举,而不可以是全部;列举全部时要用namely。
  11. B 本句的意思是“我们正要出去,就在这时来了一股强风,天开始下雨。” when在这里相当于and just then,意思是“就在此时”,不可以用while或as代替。
  12. C 从空后的so we only had time for a few words看,他还没有离开,但是他正要离开。在这里进行时态表达将来的动作。
  13. D deeply和deep都可以用作复词。deeply用作引申意义,如I was deeply moved by his good deeds,而deep为具体意义,如:Go deep into the cave.
A,C修饰可数名词,而fat为不可数名词,a large quantities of为形式错误,可以说a large quantity of或large quantities of。
more than 在这里是“不仅仅”的意思。
热 点 专 题
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各科辅导 |
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以下是精品学习网为您推荐的 2013九年级英语上学期期末试卷(带答案,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。
1. How do you study ____ tests? ---- I study ____ making flashcards.
A. for with B. of by C. for by D. with for
2. I used to play the piano. But now I 'm more interested in playing soccer.
A. Good idea B. People sure change C. You are right D. I am wrong
3. Students should ______ to choose their own uniforms.
A. llow B. allowed C. are allowed D. be allowed
4. ---What should I do If I had a million dollars?
--- If I ______ you, I would give it to medical research.
A. am B. was C. were D. will be
5. Would you mind turning down the music? ______
A. Yes , please B. No , not at all C. No , please D. Yes .I do
6. We shall never give up ______ for even one day.
A. studying B. study C. to study D. studies
7. I never forget the days when I enjoyed ______ a good time in Beijing.
A. have B. to have C. had D. having
8. That computer_____ me quite a lot of money.
A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid
9. There 's a teacher _____ with your parents in the teachers' office.
A. is talking B. talks C. to talk D. talking
10. My mother told me _______ junk food at school.
A. to not eat B. not to eat C. don't eat D. didn't
11. He has lost his pen. He is _______ it everywhere.
A. looking after B. looking out C. look like D. looking for
12. If you eat ________ junk food, you will become overweight .
A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too
13. I saw him ______ the game on the computer yesterday evening.
A. played B. playing C. play D. to play
14. Can you provide us ____ some information about the kinds of vacations
that you can offer?
A. in B. for C. with D. to
15. Would you like some drink? _______ .
A. I think so. B. No,thank you. C. That's all right D. Yes, OK.
16. We can't ______ making a plan. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from
A. put off B. put up C. put away D. come up with
17. Peter forgot to tell you when ________.
A. did he call you up B. he called you up C. did he call up you D. he called
18. Battery-operated slippers are used ______ seeing in the dark.
A. to B. as C. by D. for
19. Peter is better _____ English than any _______ her classmates.
A. other of B. other of C. of D. of
20. ---____ you _____ our new music teacher?
-- - No.But Jack said she _______ the music room.You can find her there.
A. H had gone to B. H had gone to
C. D has been to D. H Had been to
(A) 从方框中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话,将字母标号写在答题纸的相应位置上.(共5分,每小题1分)
Doctor: What can I do for you?
Mike: Well, I started having bad headaches last week and they are getting
worse. I can't sleep properly, I'm tired all the time.
Doctor: I see. Let me ask you some questions. 21 ___________.
Mike: No, I gave up a month ago.
Doctor: Right. I see you're a salesman.22.___________ .
Mike: Well, I normally do eight hours a day, but at the moment I am working
at least ten hours and some Saturdays.
Doctor: That is a lot. And so how do you relax?
Mike: 23.____________
Doctor: Hmm. Are you doing any exercises at the moment?
Mike: 24._________.But I'm losing a lot of wight and I don't know why.
Doctor: I think you are suffering from stress. I want you to eat a more
varied diet and to do some exercise. 25. ____________.
Mike: All right. Thank you.
A.Not really.
B.Yes, a lot.
C.Do you smoke?
D.Do you like your job?
E.On average how many hours a week do you work?
<e back and see me in a week and I'll check you again.
G.Well, I usually sit in front of the TV with a pizza and a few beers.
(B) 在下面对话的空白处填上适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整,将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上.(共10分,每小题2分)
A: 26___________________________, sir ?
B: Yes, please. 27_______________________ a pair of sports shoes.
A: What size do you want, please ?
B: Size forty one.
A: OK! What about this pair ?
B: Size forty one.
A: OK! What about this pair ?
B: Sorry ! I 28______________ black shoes.
A: Oh, we 've also got blue ones.
B: Can I 29__________________ on ?
A: Yes, please .
B: 30__________________ each pair ?
A: Thirty- five yuan.
B: All right. I 'll take it.
(A) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译。将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上。(共14分,每小题2分)
My father _____ ______ _____ TV after supper five years ago, but now he ____
_____ ____ _______ books.
_______ teenagers _______ ________ _______ choose their clothes?
School children ________ ________ ________ ______ drugs.
Diao Yu Iland ____________ _________ China from ancient times to the
My sister studied _______ _______ that her college dream ______ ______.
(B) 阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上。(共6分,每小题2分)
38.In 1938, a radio program by actor Orson Welles announced that aliens from
Mars had landed on the earth. He described where they had landed and told how
they were moving across the United States. Welles was so convincing that
hundreds of people believed the story,and panic set off across the whole
country. By the time the authorities revealed that the story was a hoax,
thousands of people had fled from their homes.
One April Fool's Day, a reporter in England announced that there would be no
more spaghetti because the spaghetti.Many people ran to their local supermarket
to buy as much spaghetti local supermarket to buy as much spaghetti as they
could. 39.By the time people realized that the story was a hoax, all of the
spaghetti across the country had been sold out.
A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fool's
Day. He asked her to mary him. She was thrilled, because she really wanted to
get married.40. However, when she said &yes&, he replied, &April Fool!& That
little joke didn't have a very happy ending. The TV star lost both his
girlfriend and his show.
(A) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,将字母标号写在答题纸的相应位置上.(共10分,每小题1分)
Children like to copy what they hear. They copy their parents, their friends
and even the TV. This teaches them how to __41___ the language. Copying is also
a good way for students to learn a second language. When you __42__ foreigners
speak English, repeat what they say as well as you can.
Children don't practic e grammar,, but use the language to __43__ things that
they are interested in. They don't __44__ their vocabulary or poor grammar. They
find ways to express themselves, and they do it successfully.
Students of English schools also pay attention to communication (交流). Look
for __45__ to talk with people in English. If you can't find a __46__ to talk
to, talk with other students in English __47__. Start an English discussion
group and talk about music, movies or anything that __48__ you.
Don't worry about __49__, what you want is to learn how to communicate
easily. Remember that you can communicate successfully even with __50__small
41.A.tell     B.read C.write D.speak
42.A.listen to B.listen C.hear of D.hear
43.A.take exams B.talk with C.talk about D.tell to
44.A.look like B.worry about C.take care of D.look after
45.A.places B.questions C.chances D.changes
46.A.video B.foreigner C.film D.people
47.A.again B.instead C.only D.instead of
48.A.interests B.improves C.allows D.troubles
49.A.exams B.looking on C.making mistakes D.books
50.A.an B.the C./ D.a
(B) 阅读短文, 在空白处填上一个适当的词,使短文在意义上和结构上完整,将答案写在答题纸上。(共5分)
One day, Kidom and his friend Dick went to the river fishing. Kidom took his
dog Vick with him. But now and then, when the dog saw a small animal or a bird,
he would run__51__ it and try to catch it. Dick hated the dog very much because
the dog frightened the fish away. &Why do you _52__ your dog here?& said Dick to
Kidom. &he __53__ here and there. All the fish are frightened and swim __54__ .&
&You are right.& answered Kidom. &Next time, I shall come without Vick. Shall we
go home now, Dick?& Just then Dick shouted, &Wait. A_55__ is biting (咬)my line.
I can feel it.& Dick was very glad. He forgot the danger. He went to pull the
line. The boy fell down into the water. &Help! Help! I can't swiim.& Dick
shouted, up and down in the water .
But Kidom could not swim, either. Just then Vick came up. The dog jumped into
the water and pulled Dick onto the dry land by biting 's shirt with his teeth.
Dick was saved. He was still holding the line in his hand. On its end was a big
51__________ 52__________ 53.__________ 54._________ 55.___________
(C) 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的词,并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余的词;共10分,每小题1分)
up take walk make early on time wait of ride late off
I've never been __56__ for school,but yesterday I came very close. My alarm
clock didn't go __57__ and by the time I woke __58__, my father had already gone
into the bathroom and I had to __59__ for him to come out. I had to really rush.
I __60__ a quick shower, had some breakfast, and then ran off to the bus stop.
Unfortunately, by the __61__ I got there, the bus had already left. I started
__62__, but I knew I couldn't get to school __63__ time. Luckily , my friend
Tony and his dad came by in his dad's car and they gave me a __64__. When I got
to school, the final bell was ringing. I only __65__ it to my class.
(A) 根据表格短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,将其字母代号写在答题纸的相应位置上。(共20分,每小题1分)
Channel 1 Channel 2
18:00 Around China
18:30 Children&s programme
19:00 News
19:30 Weather report
19:40 Around the world
20:10 TV play: Sisters
21:00 English for today
21:15 Popular music
21:55 Talk show 17:45 Computers today
18:10 Foreign arts
18:30 English classroom
19:00 Animal world
19:25 China&99
20:20 Sports
21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying
21:45 English news
22:06 On TV next week
66. If you want to watch a football game, the best programme for you would be
A. TV play B. Sports C. Around the world D. Talk show
67. The programme of ______ will let you know much about western
A. Sisters B. Around China C. Around the world D. On TV next week
68. If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, the
best programme for you is __________.
A. Around China B. Animal world C. TV play D. Foreign arts
69. English classroom is a programme that _________.
A. lets you know something about classrooms B. tells you something about
C. lets you know something about school life D. teaches you English
70. The programme at the end of Channel 2 means _______ on TV next week.
A. news B. programme C. people D. Places
Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents
are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the
cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车)
A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but
it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three
children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel They could all
travel together.
Mr.Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a
second car and bus a van. Their children sixth and seventh seat are used to put
other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they
travel. When they arrive at their grandparents&home , the suitcases are brought
into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.
Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays.
When a family are tr aveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live
in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in their
motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a
happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have
become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.
71. From the passage, a van is also called ____________.
A. a motor car   B. a motor home    C. a motorbike  D. a big truck
72. Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________.
A. sold their old house      B. moved to their grandparents&house
C.built a new place for a van       D. sold their second car
73. A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________.
A. a baby B. much money C. more than two children  D. interest in vans
74. Americans usually use motor homer____________.
A. to travel with all the family members of holiday
B. to do some shopping with all the family members
C. to visit their grandparents at weekends
D. to drive their children to school every day
75. Motor homes have become popular because___________.
A. they can take people to another city when people are free
B. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their
C. some people think motor homes are cheap
D. big families can put more things in motor homes
Ticket Prices for Shanghai Expo
Types Pre-sale(预售)Ⅰ
Mar. 27,2009
~Jun. 30,2009 Pre-sale Ⅱ
Jul. 1,2009
~Dec. 31 ,2009 Pre-sale Ⅲ
Jan. 1,2010
~Apr. 30,2010 Expo Session(期间)May. 1,2010
~Oct. 31,2010
Peak Day Ticket
(指定日门票) ¥170 ¥180 ¥190 ¥200
Standard Day Ticket
(平日门票) ¥130 ¥140 ¥150 ¥160
3-Day Ticket N/A(无) ¥400[
7-Day Ticket ¥900
Evening Ticket N/A ¥90
( )76.If Joe wanted to buy the cheapest ticket for Peak Day,he could
book(预定)one during .
A.Pre - sale Ⅰ B.Pre & sale Ⅱ C.Pre & sale Ⅲ D.Expo Session
( )77.On March 1,2010,Sue bought two Standard Day tickets for her
She paid for them.
A.¥380 B.¥300 C.¥260 D.¥180
( )78.It cost Thomas ¥160 to get a ticket for Standard Day.He probably bought
A.April 23,2009 B.August l,2009 C.February 2,2010 D.May 20,2010
( )79.Kathy spent 900 yuan on a ticket for Shanghai Expo.Her visit can last
A.one B.three C.seven D.ten
( )80.Visitors to Shanghai Expo could buy tickets only after May 1,2010.
A. morning B.afternoon C.evening D.Midnight
Birthdays are celebrated(庆祝)all over the world. Some ways to celebrate
birthdays are rather similar from county to country: candles, cakes, and
birthday wishes. But there are also different ways to celebrate birthdays. Here
are a few:
( )81. When someone is having a birthday in Denmark, you can see _____
outside the window.
A.flowers B.presents C.a flag D.a chair
( )82. In _________ flowers are put on the chair of the birthday child.
A.Japan B.Denmark C.India D.Holland
( )83. In _______, only birthday children wear colored clothes to school.
A.India B.Holland C.Denmark D.Japan
( )84. In Japan, the birthday is more important for boys when they are
A.15 B.7 C.5 D.3
( )85. The passage is mainly about __________.
A.similar ways of celebrating birthdays in some countries
B.different ways of celebrating birthdays in some countries
C.how to celebrate the birthdays.
D.Birthdays are celebrated all over the world in the same way.
(B) 根据要求完成任务(每小题2分, 共30分)
Passage 5 阅读短文,回答问题。
In the early nineteenth century, people did not use stamps. They had to pay
postage(邮费)when they received letters. Sometimes they didn't want to receive a
letter at all, but they had to pay money for it. They were unhappy about this.
The postage was high at that time, because the post offices had to send many
people to get the postage.
Rowland Hill was a school teacher in England. He was the first to think of
using stamps in the 1850s. He thought it would be much easier for people to use
stamps. They could go to the post office to buy stamps and put them on
envelopes(信封)before they sent the letters. The post office could just put
seals(印记)on the stamps so that people could not use the stamps again. In this
way, the post office did not need postman to get postage. It only needed fewer
postmen to send letters.
86.Did people use stamps in the early nineteenth century?
___________________________________ ________.
87.What did the people have to do when they received letters?
88.Why was the postage high at that time?
89.When did Rowland Hill think of using stamps?
90.What did the post office put seals on the stamps for?
Passage 6 阅读短文,填写表格,每空一词,将答案定在答题纸的相应位置上.
The following is from a survey of 15-year-old girls in Britain. Girls of this
age have different lives thsese days because they have changed their lifestyles.
Jane Kelly from Birminham talked about survey.
91._____________________ of 15-year-old girls in Britain
Average pocket money every week $5.26
The most popular subject 92_____________
Other popular subjects Maths, cookery,
English, music
The most popular sports star 93.________________
Other popular sports stars Tim Henman, Janie,
Redknapp, and Alan
The percentage of girls who usually watch TV in the evening 14%
The percentage of girls who usually listen to music in the evening
The percentage of girls who usually watch videos in the evening 8%
The percentage of girls who usually use a computer in the evening 5%
In conclusion, these days 15-year-old girls in Britain Have
Passage 7 阅读短文,从A&G七个句子中选择正确选项还原到文中,使短文内容完整,将答案定在答题纸的相应位置上.
Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way
of schoolwork, and parents might worry abo ut their child's success at school.
Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much
as they want, Do you agree?
Liu Yu, a fifteen-year-old boy from Shandong, is a running star. He is on his
school running team and has always wanted to be a professional athlete. 96
________&Of course we want to see Liu Yu achieve his dreams,& says Mr Liu, &and
we know how much he loves running. That's great, and my wife and I have watched
him in every one of his races. 97.____ But we do think that our son needs to be
realistic. Now that he is getting older, he needs to think about what will
happen 98._________ Liu Yu doesn't really agree. &Well, I think I should be
allowed to make decisions for myself,& he says. &My parents have always taught
me the importance of working hard and not just to do what I enjoy. I understand
this. 99.______ Being a professional runners is the only thing I have ever
wanted to do.
Mr and Mrs Liu b elieve that Liu Yu should study hard in the evenings, and so
they don't allow him to practice running on school nights.&I know this seem
strict,& says Mrs Liu,&but we think we're doing the right thing. He has to
understand that very few people can become professional athletes. It's very
difficult dream to achieve. We don't allow him to practice every day
A.if he doesn't become a professional runner in the end.
B.So, we don't agree that he is always running.
C.However, his parents won't allow him to train as much as he would like
D.No one could stop me running.
E.A.But I 'm serious about running.
F.because we think he needs to spend time on his homework.
G.We have nothing against running.
Ⅵ. 书面表达(共20分)将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上。
(A) 根据要求完成小作文,词数:约30词。(共5分)
Dear Li Ming,
My parents and I are going on vacation tomorrow. I need your help.
(B) 根据要求完成大作文,词数:60&80词。(共15分)
发明改变了世界,改变了我们的生活。 例如,电视经我们生活带来了许多变化和便利。请你以&Inventions&为话题,根据提示官屯一份值日生报告。
Good morning, everyone! Today I 'm going to talk about inventions.
Inventions are createed every day because people would like to make life
easier. There are many famous inventions like TV.
(A) 从方框中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话。(共5分,每小题1分)
21-25 CEGAF
(B) 在下面对话的空白处填上适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。(每小题2分)
26.Can I help you/ What can I do for you 27.Iwant to buy/ I 'd like/ I 'm
looking for 28.don't lke /hate 29.try them 30.How much is
31.used to watch is used to reading 32. Should be allowed to 33.must stay
34. belongs to 35. so hard came true 36. Mr Li spoke highly of his students.
37.Can you tell me if they are playing computer games?
(B) 阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。(共6分,每小题2分)
39.等人们意识到这是个骗局时,全国的意大利面条已经被抢购一 空了。
(A) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。(共10分)
41-45 DACBC 46-50 BBACD
(B) 阅读短文, 在空白处填上一个适当的词,使短文在意义上和结构上完整。(共5分)
51.after 52.bring 53.runs 54.away 55. fish
(C) 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的词,并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次;共10分,每小题1分)
56. late 58.up 63.on 59.wait 60. took 57.off 61.time 62.walking 64.ride
(A) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。(共20分,每小题1分)
Dear Li Ming,
My parents and Iare going on vacation tomorrow. I need your help. Could you
please help me look after my house? Please clean the house and water the
flowers. Oh, I have a dog. Will please feed my dog? And dont forget to give him
some water and take him for walk. Thank you.
Good morning, everyone! Today I 'm going to talk about inventions.
Inventions are created every day because people would like to make life
easier. There are famous inventions like the TV. It provides us with different
kinds of information so that we can know more about the world. We watch
entertainment programs to relax. Besides, some learning programs help us with
our study.
Though there have been many gteat inventions, I wish to invent a kind of pen
which can help us write more quickly and neatly. When we meet probloms in doing
our homework or taking exams, it will tell us whtat to do.
That 's all. Thank you very much.


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