ambition是什么意思 can sometimes cloud

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乖乖@回转在空中 叶子@叹息的流年 小六子@君非玉2 二玉@蔷薇未眠夜 薇薇@凝望—几轮回 翼宝宝
小彧(老实说你和东方彧卿什么关系) 幽幽(我想说为什么排行榜找不到幽幽了?)
小炎 小唯@熏夜夜 夜夜
小匣子暂时这里,各位看官请留下你们的回复~------------------------我是分割线----------------------------- ===================李白篇=======================The great ambition can sometimes, only hang the cloudsail to aid the sea.
Lash the waves of water flow more, drinking more unhappy.
Everyone was born for a good purpose. The gold spent will always return with no loss.
See how the Yellow River's waters move out of heaven.Entering the ocean, never to return. See how lovely locks in bright mirrors in high chambers, though silken-black atmorning, have changed by night to snow.(万恶的翻译。。。。 )
Christmas comes but once a year. And never tip his goldencup empty toward the moon!
Out laughing, I Basil how generation.
nobody can see ancient moon now, but thepresent moon once shone ancients."【难度君来了】
Leaving me, the day of yesterday would not stay on.Troubling my mind, the day of today filled up withworries.(自认为,白大叔的这句话,还蛮有气势。)
Oh, go and ask this river running to the East if it can travelfarther than a friend's love?
I send my sorrow to the moon, the wind until Yelang west.
Over the quiet marsh-land flies a white egret, and mango-birds are singing in the full summer trees.
Was the plum, when you passed my silken window, openingits first cold blossom?
Clear color Tsui, Xi Lan nowhere.
Generous on the sword, singing into a gentleman.
A forbidden city roof holds tw the foliage of spring shelters
Under the crescent moon a light autumn dew has chilled the robe she will not change.
Flower petals drift like wind, as it blows. Without effort on man's part, water flows. Lovers harbour the same yearning, when apart both hearts melancholy brew.
One can't obstruct this mutual flow of souls. One may ease the frown, only to find the heart in sorrow drowns.
Wild goose passes also, sad, it is old timesacquaintance however.
The falling deep, outside the curtain supports the red snow.
Was cold to the burning incense is dreaming, don't worry about people not afford.
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[appreciation] This poem style &grace, and& thirty-nine fifty-nine &to Li Bai& of antiquity. &Antique& is not the same with the critical spirit of writing, but t
he poem, vice versa. The creation time is about Li Bai's &gold& and left Changan. At this time, he has been living in Changan for two or three years, the court and the social ills have a lot of experience. He from their own experiences and see the court unreasonable human phenomenon, anger Erzhi produced the thought of seclusion, concurrent and as a poem. At the beginning of the four sentence &high hope the whole world, world how long. The frost group autumn wind, cold, autumn is the wild &see. The vast sky, but see the frost covered everything, the west wind wilderness, endless vast empty and desolate desolate scene. This is nature scene, autumn picture, is the portrayal of social cold. Not only the body cold and chilling poet. Sixth, the fifth sentence, that he suffered a bad one. When he was 41 years old, was admitted to the Changan, the Academy honors. The initial excitement, want to have a lot of as, but the value of the late Xuanzong, politics is becoming to the corruption and darkness, virtuous and talented scholar repeated rejection, and persecution. Li Bai's mettle upright, to black ones is not flattery, thus being calumny, slander, less than 2 years in Changan, was forced to resign from Beijing, so the issue of more than 2 lines of verse. The 2 sentence is that he didn't envy glory, splendour, wealth and rank. Seventh, eighth, shows that he is not by fate &by day mask go Hui, clouds without end& caused by. &This is the sunset afterglow brightness&, metaphor here is unknown state. &Cloud&, Yu slander his evil forces. Tenth, Ninth sentence, to further explain the phenomenon that the court used improper. &Mandarin& is the legendary noble birds, &non parasol tree not only, non practicing real food, non Liquan do not drink&; &thorns& but two spiny evil wood, non &Mandarin& can cease. However, &Yuanyang& actually living in this, in contrast to how strong and proud of the &bird&. Poet in order on the dislocation phenomenon analogy gentleman displaced, Xiaorendezhi social phenomenon. At the same time, but also specify the itself suffered is talented and not treat. Twelfth, the eleventh sentence, that the poet helpless and helpless mood. He could not change the situation, but also free to sing &hermitage,& the hard road to vent on social injustice protest. Return to Tao Yuanming &return to speech&; &Jiange&, refers to the Meng diners Feng Huan because of not be reused once bomb sword song intended to leave things. They have become the spiritual weapon of the losers in the feudal society. Poet as a weapon, ready to turn on one's heel! &Antique& (thirty-nine) and &hard road& is the same as Li Bai, but the style is different. Xinglunan Frank agitation: anger is not met, shouting &road such as the sky, I may not be out alone: confidence, mad song& ambition can sometimes straight hanging cloud sail toaid the sea &, reflects the main style of the unique qualities of the poet and the poem of Li. &Antique& (thirty-nine) is reserved and tortuous, and feelings. With the style and content of the most similar is &archaic& (the fifty-four) are not in anger. 3 reference answer: (1) (3) () A (2) (4 points): The splendor of perishable, many contradictory things
On the upside, the social reality with a small man in On their own, be frustrated for all one's talent aspirations blighted experience anger. 4 (10 years in Shanghai volume) read the following verse, completed fourteenth a 16. (8 points) [] Pinghu Yuediao music Yaomiao Rachel club Wang Yun Shetan smoke light scattered forest crow, wine Duojia view. The Charlie Bucket out laughing sound, twang, soil outside the picturesque mountain song. To be cool, Xishan gas, do not envy the good. [note]: &. The 14 activities are briefly described in the yaomiao day. (2 points) 15 of the first verse is an incorrect analysis (3 points) A. this song describing yaomiao Sheri activities scene, showing the local folk customs. B. &Shetan smoke light scattered forest crow& suggests that the villagers held Festival season. C. &picturesque mountain& describes the bright scenery of mountains, rendering foil Sheri activities. D. this song with the word fresh and elegant, but the overall still not lose the character of simple and plain. 16 &do not envy the good& in high school textbooks which poem in the poem? How to express the emotion? (3) 14 analysis: the problem of reducing the living situation of students, that is, poetry appreciation of the &bubble& ability. From the description of the poem: &obviously, wine, because the harvest outlook Duojia& and &the twang Bang drink...... Laugh, sound &, playing piano, singing, laughter and noise. Answer: the villagers drink a toast, playing the song, laughter. Resolution 15.: activities of the agency is offering a two seasons of spring and autumn. Therefore, &she Tan smoke light scattered forest crow& does not suggest that season, only to see the sacrificial scenes. Here is the autumn autumn is the agency agency, fifth days after the beginning of autumn &a harvest celebration, ritual celebrations. That is the autumn agency is &wine concept, suggesting a season Duojia& should be the one. Other options right: A and 14 C in the scenery of the characteristics and description of role
D. the so-called &with pure and fresh and elegant, but as a whole is still not lose the character of popular Mau Park&, refers to is using a number of allusions (soil song Pavilion &,& Xishan Shuangqi &, do not envy Rixi good&) is &elegant&, but literally understandable, a natural stream
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The great ambition
长风破浪(The great ambition)会偶尔、直挂云帆济沧海(Sea)是巴乔的神色沮丧,无论才能、知识多么卓著,如果缺乏热情,则无异纸上画饼充饥,无补于事。
to be ambitious and unafraid
骇浪 in English, Dictionary... ...
长风破浪 to be ambitious and unafraid (idiom)
长风破浪 to be ambitious and unafraid (idiom)
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[cháng fēng pò làng]
ride the wind
brave the wind and the waves
The great ambition can sometimes, only hang the cloud sail to aid the sea.
The long breeze ride the waves a meeting sometimes, hangs cloud sail benefit sea.
Winds and waves stop sometimes, hoisting the sails to travel in the vast sea.
- 来自原声例句


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