请你把这本书多少钱 英语还给图书馆好吗?英语

你最好在本周读完这本书,因为我要把它还给图书馆了。 _答案_百度高考
You’d better finish reading the book in this week, since I’m going to return it to the library.他必须马上把那三本书还给图书馆的英文急
He must return the three books to the library immediately.
He has to return those three books to the library at once.
He must give those 3 books back to the library right now.
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>> 英语专业四级作文范文:信息时代还需要图书馆吗
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Do Libraries Become Useless at the Age of Information? You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:
  1. 有些人认为信息时代不再需要传统图书馆了,因为. 2. 有些人认为信息时代传统图书馆仍然有重要作用,因为. 3. 你的看法. 【范文】
  Do Libraries Become Useless at the Age of Information?
  There has been a heated discussion about libraries at the age of information among people. Some people, especially the younger generation, challenge the value of conventional libraries. When they need any information in their studies or work, they can turn to their computers for help. For this reason, they do not need to go to a library for borrowing or returning one or two books.
  While others, including most old people as well as scholars, value libraries. They love libraries because they can enjoy peace and quietness in an isolated spiritual world. And they also have access to rare academic works needed for their studies in the libraries.
  In my view, conventional libraries are still available though there is still much room for
  improving. At the Age of Information, as long as knowledge is respected and cherished, libraries won’t extinct from our lives. On the other hand, libraries should not refuse the latest information technology, which will enable them to regain those young readers.
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辽宁省2016中考英语 考点聚焦 第14讲 八下 Units 9-10课件
内容提示:第14讲 八年级下Units9-10__1.inventv→inventionn发明物→inventorn发明者__2.believev→believableadj可信的→unbelievableadj难以置信的__3.usualadj→unusual反义词特别的;不寻常的__4.encouragev→encouragementn鼓励__5.peacen→peacefuladj和平的__6.collectv→collectionn收集__7.safeadj→safetyn安全→dangerousadj危险的→dangern危险__8.simplyadv→simpleadj简单的__9.mostadj大多数→mostlyadv主要地__10.scarfn→scarvesscarfs复数__11.ownv→ownern拥有者__12.trueadj→truthn真相;事实→truthfuladj诚实的;真实的__13.especialadj→especiallyadv尤其;特别;格外__1.putupatent 搭帐篷__2.encouragesbtodosth鼓励某人做某事__3.acoupleof 两个;一对;几个__4.thousandsof 数以千计的;许许多多的__5.ontheonehandontheotherhand一方面……另一方面……__6.haveproblemsdoingsth 做某事有麻烦__7.boardgame 棋类游戏__8.allyearround 全年__9.threequarters 四分之三__10.checkout 查看;观察__11.clearout 清理;丢掉__12.nolonger 不再;不复__13.partwith 放弃、交出尤指不舍得的东西__14.asfor 至于;关于__15.tobehonest 说实在的__16.accordingto 依据;按照__17.closeto 几乎;接近___1.______youever______toasciencem
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辽宁省2016中考英语 考点聚焦 第14讲 八下 Units 9-10课件


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