Your effort is much ______ as we all benefit美国官网 from it

Your effort is much ______ as we all benefit from itA、appreciatedB、approvedC、appealedD、applied_百度作业帮
Your effort is much ______ as we all benefit from itA、appreciatedB、approvedC、appealedD、applied
A,赞赏B,批准C,呼吁D,应用你的努力是非常______大家都从中受益。选择A .受到大家赞赏。
A 如果满意请采纳专科英语试题答案46-第2页
10. May I have a word with you _____D_____ of the lesson?A. in the end
B. to the end
C. on the end
D. at the endII. Reading ComprehensionA team of archaeologists (考古学家) has gone to New Mexico to look for proof of one of the greatest stories of the 20th century: the UFO crash at Roswell.William Foleman, an archaeologist at the University of New Mexico, agreed to excavate (发掘) the site where the UFO supposedly crashed in 1947.What exactly happened on the site is unclear. In 1947, a young man discovered some debris (碎片) on the field. After investigating the crash, the US Army announced they had recovered a “fly disc”.Several hours later, an Air Force general announced that the crash was caused by a weather balloon again. The field was closed off for several days while the military cleaned up the site.Believers claim that the military found a crashed UFO, along with several dead bodies at the site. This story has inspired countless books, movies and TV shows, but no one has been able to find any evidence to support it.In 1997, the Air Force said the weather balloon story was made up and that the military was actually conducting a crash-test program with balloons.But Foleman isn?t so sure. While he says he?s “Still uncertain” about UFOs, he knows that “something happened in July 1947”. 1. Some people believe a UFO ____C______ at Roswell.A. Landed
C. crashed
D. disappeared2. An archaeologist went to the site to look for ___B_______.A. Answers
B. evidence
D. fossils3. In 1947 some debris (残骸) was found _____A_____.A. in a field
B. in a park
C. in a house
D. on a military base4. The Air Force said the debris had come from a(an) ____D______.A. plane
C. explosion
D. weather balloon5. In 1997, the Air Force said their original story was ____A______.A. False
C. unclear
D. exaggerated (夸张的)
Sports一、单元学习目标1. 熟练掌握课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。2. 理解课文的主旨并能较熟练的翻译课文。3. 能运用课文中学过的英语单词、短语和句型进行造句和简单写作。4. 掌握应用文日程安排的写作。 二、单元重点、难点1. 熟练掌握本单元课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。重点单词: association
tradition 重点短语:be similar to
as well as
prepare for ?重点句型:as they call it, as we know it
非限制性定语从句More people watch soccer than any other sportSince that time, it has become a tradition …2. 重点掌握课后的练习题,尤其是有关词汇、句型和翻译的练习题。3. 掌握应用文日程安排的写作。 三、单元练习题 I. Choose the best answer from the four choices.1. The weather in Guilin is ____D______ that in San Francisco.
A. the same as
B. similar with
D. similar to2. _____B_____ the heavy snow, they would have arrived at the meeting place on
time. .A. Because of
B. but for
D. Despite3. She gazed at the tiny _____A_____ of the candle.A. flame
D. burst4. I suggest you have your speech _____D_____ so that the audience will not be bored.
A. shorten
B. to be shortened
C. shortening
D. shortened5. ____B______ the difficulties that we may face, we?ll go on with the project.A. Given
B. In spite of
C. Thanks to
D. Because of6. When can you get the book _____B_____ into Chinese?A. translate
B. translated
C. translating
D. to be translated7. They _____C_____ two major snowstorms so far this winter.A. had
C. have had
D. had had8. ____C______ his parents? disagreement, he married his beloved girl.A. Now that
B. Because of
C. Despite
D. Although9. The fireman reached the top floor _____C_____ a long water pipe.A. with the purpose of
B. on account ofC. by means of
D. in the course of10. I?d like to _____A______ your essay with you when you have time.A. go over
D. go afterII. Reading ComprehensionDo you know American Toughman? That is amateur boxing competitions around the U.S. Compared to professional boxing matches, a Toughman fight could not be simpler. Passing a brief physical examination and paying $50 get you a pair of gloves. The fights take place in three two-minute rounds with the winner decided by points awarded by a judge.The prize money doesn?t compare with professional matches either. Some professional boxers make millions every time, while the most a Toughman competitor can hope for is $1,000 for winning a series of fights. Some fighters hope that a Toughman boxing match will lead to fame and fortune though. Mr. T, a famous tough guy actor, got his start in Toughman, but that kind of success is one-in-a-million.Another difference between Toughman and professional matches is that Toughman fighters usually have no idea what they?re doing. The $50 entrance fee doesn?t buy a minute of training. Experienced fighters are trained to protect themselves as well as attack their opponents, but Toughman fighters could barely keep their hands up. Art Dore, who founded the league 24 years ago, admits, “These guys can?t fight.” This kind of inexp 12 people have been killed in Toughman matches, four in the past nine months alone. 1. Participation in a Toughman competition costs ____B______.A. $1,000
C. millions dollars
D. one million dollars2. A Toughman fight usually last ____D______ minutesA. one
D. six3. The main reason that some boxers are hurt in Toughman fight is that they _____B_____.A. have improper manners
B. are lack of trainingC. are distracted by the noisy crowd
D. are controlled by unfair judges4. The most famous person to emerge from Toughman competitions is __C________.A. Lennox Lewis
B. Art Dore
D. Mike Tyson5. It is __B____ that participation in Toughman can lead to fame and fortune.A. common sense
B. very rare
C. never seen
D. natural
Interpersonal Relationships一、单元学习目标1. 熟练掌握课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。2. 理解课文的主旨并能较熟练的翻译课文。3. 能运用课文中学过的英语单词、短语和句型进行造句和简单写作。4. 掌握应用文邀请函的写作。 二、单元重点、难点1. 熟练掌握本单元课文中出现的重点单词、短语和句型。重点单词: solution
impression benefit issue
appreciate 重点短语:get/be angry with sb.
talk on and on
get along with重点句型:stop doing sth.would rather … than …have trouble (in) doing sth.2. 重点掌握课后的练习题,尤其是有关词汇、句型和翻译的练习题。3. 掌握应用文邀请函的写作。 三、单元练习题 I. Choose the best answer from the four choices.1. Many of the same techniques were applied __B______ the solution of industrial,scientific and medical problems.A. within
D. at2. Your effort is much _____A____ as we all benefit from it.A. appreciated
B. approved
C. appealed
D. applied3. The __D___ of blood always makes her feel sick.A. view
D. sight4. We got into a violent __B___ about whether to go by sea or by air.A. opinion
B. argument
C. hesitation
D. doubt5. The boss interviewed every applicant in ___B______ and talked with each person for 15 minutes.A. surprise
D. case6. One of our ___C_____ is to always use the material of the best quality.A. theories
C. principles
D. forms7. When learning a foreign language, the best ____B_____ is to speak as much aspossible.A. advantage
B. approach
D. principle8. It?s up to you to ____A_____ or refuse it. No one will really interfere.A. accept
B. receive
C. take up
D. except9. You must take the ____C_____ for the failure of the business.A. regret
C. responsibility
D. concern10. He said he had great ___C____ she would do the right thing. A. knowledge
B. understanding
C. confidence
D. dependence II. Reading Comprehension Interpersonal Relationship James is a middle-aged New York builder. He?s lonely. Just like everyone else, James needs human contact from time to time, and he?s found a way: at cuddle (拥抱) parties.New York can be a terrible place: it has a high murder rate and some seriously disturbed people living in it. But James says he?s comfortable at a New York apartment with twenty strange people. The floor of the “cuddle zone” is soon covered with complete strangers snuggling (依偎) and cuddling, but that?s as far as it goes.
Cuddle parties are the latest trend for lonely, isolated city folks who want to meet people and become safely intimate. The safety comes from rules before you come, bring clean clothes, ask permission before you cuddle, and keep your clothes on. “We have ?cuddle lifeguards? to make sure everyone sticks to the rules,” says Mihalko. The lifeguards make sure nobody gets out of line, and everyone goes home feeling better than when they arrived.Once the cuddle party is in full swing, people are soon crawling on top of one another, stretching out like dogs ready for a nap. Mihalko admits that the whole idea “might seem a little odd” at first. But research has shown that being touched by other people helps reduce stress and can help sick people heal faster. 1. According to the passage, which of the following about James is true?CA. He is old
B. He is rich and happy.C. He constructs buildings.
D. He has established cuddle parties.2. What is the relationship among people at the cuddle parties? DA. They are friends.
B. They are relatives.C.
They are lovers.
D. They do not know each other.3. What do people do at the cuddle zone? BA. They talk and cuddle.B. They snuggle and hug.C. They cuddle and take off their clothes.D. They cuddle and kiss.4. What should “cuddle lifeguards” make sure?AA. Everyone being cuddled should be glad to do so.B. People should not make friends in the parties.C. Strangers should not cuddle each other.D. People can get out of line.5. From the passage, we can infer that ___________.CA. people in New York feel especially lonelyB. New York is a terrible city to live in包含各类专业文献、高等教育、专业论文、应用写作文书、文学作品欣赏、幼儿教育、小学教育、各类资格考试、行业资料、专科英语试题答案46等内容。 
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Your effort is much ______ as we all benefit from itA、appreciatedB、approvedC、appealedD、applied
Your effort is much ___A、appreciatedB___ as we all benefit from it被动态being appreciated表示收到感激,句子翻译时根据语言习惯把被动翻译为主动语态:我们都很感激你的付出,因为我们都从中获益.
… be 16、On hearing his cry, the thief took a _ from the windows我的英语还可以我觉得学好英语最重要的是记老师写的笔记,那是最重要的,老师
A Your effort is much appreciated as we all benefit from it


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