能说说adaptation theory 和accommodatingon theory 的区别么?谢谢了

&&&linguistic adaptation theory
Application of the Linguistic Adaptation Theory in Advertising Language
The theoretical framework of the present research is constructed on Jef Verschueren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory (2000) and the semantics of power and solidarity, which are proposed by Roger Brown & Albert Gilman in 1960.This thesis consists of three research questions: 1) why do people choose specific address forms in a dynamic way as a communicative strategy?
论文主要以Jef Verschueren(2000)的语言顺应理论(Linguistic Adaptation Theory)和Brown & Gilman于1960年提出的权势(power)和同等关系(solidarity)为理论框架。 本论文围绕三个研究问题展开,分别是1)在特定语境中,交际者为什么要选择称呼语的动态使用?
And in this paper there are other theories to support the Adaptation Theory, such as Searl's indirect speech act theory, Grice's theory of conversational implicatures. Verschueren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory is the backbone of this thesis.
The conceptual framework is constructed on the basis of Jef Verschueren's (1999) Linguistic Adaptation Theory. The present study aims to test whether the Adaptation Theory can well explain the linguistic phenomenon of "questioning" in interview programs and whether "questioning" is the outcomes of linguistic choices interadaptable with language users' physical world, social world and psychological world.
论文的理论框架主要以维索尔伦(1999)的语言顺应理论(Linguistic Adaptation Theory)为依据,旨在证明维索尔伦的语言顺应论是否对访谈类节目中的“提问”现象具有很强的解释力,即访谈类节目中主持人的“提问”是否与语言使用者的物理世界、社交世界和心理世界相顺应。
With Verscheren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory (1999) as the general conceptualframework, we study the deliberate misinterpretation in traditional Chinese cross talk.
Therefore, this research makes a special study focused exclusively on verbal impoliteness from the pragmatic perspective with Verschueren's linguistic adaptation theory as the theoretical foundation. The main purpose is to find out the root cause for the emergence of various impolite phenomena through a better understanding of them, and in this way provide theoretical basis and practical assistance to the discovery of fundamental ways to solve the problem of impoliteness.
The conceptual framework is constructed on the basis of Jef Verschueren's (1999) Linguistic Adaptation Theory. The present study aims to test whether the Adaptation Theory can well explain the linguistic phenomenon of "questioning" in interview programs and whether "questioning" is the outcomes of linguistic choices interadaptable with language users' physical world, social world and psychological world.
论文的理论框架主要以维索尔伦(1999)的语言顺应理论(Linguistic Adaptation Theory)为依据,旨在证明维索尔伦的语言顺应论是否对访谈类节目中的“提问”现象具有很强的解释力,即访谈类节目中主持人的“提问”是否与语言使用者的物理世界、社交世界和心理世界相顺应。
Based on Jef Verschueren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory, the author probes into the variability, negotiability, adaptability and rewardability of pragmatic vagueness, as well as the psychological preparations and various linguistic structures on lexical, syntactic and discourse levels.
Verschueren (2000)'s Linguistic Adaptation Theory is employed as the theoretical tool for the analysis of 299 question tokens found in three Chinese TV feature interview programs.
The theoretical framework of the present research is constructed on Jef Verschueren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory (2000) and the semantics of power and solidarity, which are proposed by Roger Brown & Albert Gilman in 1960.This thesis consists of three research questions: 1) why do people choose specific address forms in a dynamic way as a communicative strategy?
论文主要以Jef Verschueren(2000)的语言顺应理论(Linguistic Adaptation Theory)和Brown & Gilman于1960年提出的权势(power)和同等关系(solidarity)为理论框架。 本论文围绕三个研究问题展开,分别是1)在特定语境中,交际者为什么要选择称呼语的动态使用?
The conceptual framework is constructed on the basis of Jef Verschueren's (1999) Linguistic Adaptation Theory. The present study aims to test whether the Adaptation Theory can well explain the linguistic phenomenon of "questioning" in interview programs and whether "questioning" is the outcomes of linguistic choices interadaptable with language users' physical world, social world and psychological world.
论文的理论框架主要以维索尔伦(1999)的语言顺应理论(Linguistic Adaptation Theory)为依据,旨在证明维索尔伦的语言顺应论是否对访谈类节目中的“提问”现象具有很强的解释力,即访谈类节目中主持人的“提问”是否与语言使用者的物理世界、社交世界和心理世界相顺应。
With Verscheren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory (1999) as the general conceptualframework, we study the deliberate misinterpretation in traditional Chinese cross talk.
Based on the Linguistic Adaptation Theory proposed by Jef Verschueren, which expresses the idea that the language users make continuous linguistic choices, consciously or unconsciously, for language-internal and/or language-external reasons, this thesis attempts to impose a comprehensive view upon coherence in language use.
Jef Verschueren提出的语言顺应理论,核心阐释了出于语言内部和语言外部的原因语言使用者有意识或无意识地不断做出语言选择的观点。 基于这一理论,本文力求对语言使用中的连贯问题进行综合的分析。
Based on Verschueren's linguistic adaptation theory and meta-pragmatic awareness theory,this paper discusses the relation between discourse coherence and the language user's meta-pragmatic awareness as well as the meta-pragmatic functions of discourse coherence. The author tries to use the theory of linguistic adaptation theory to explain many discourses which seem to lack cohesive devices but are very coherent in meaning,attempting to show the complementarity between pragmatics and discourse analysis.
本文在V erschueren提出的语言顺应理论和元语用意识理论的基础上,探讨了语篇连贯与语言使用者的元语用意识之间的关系,以及不同的语篇连贯的语言标示的元语用功能,试图用元语用理论来解释许多表面不衔接但意义上很连贯的语篇,以表明语用学和语篇分析之间存在互补性。
Translation Study in the Framework of Verschueren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory
Understanding the Deictic Use of We from the Perspective of Linguistic Adaptation Theory
The theoretical framework of the present study is based on Jef Verschueren's linguistic adaptation theory (1999).
Jef Verschueren' s Linguistic Adaptation Theory , which was influenced by evolutionary epistemology,and attempted to explain linguistic structure by reference to non-linguistic pressures and causes, throws new light on persuasion.
The main contents of his Linguistic Adaptation Theory are: l)using language consists in the continuous making of linguistic choices(both in speaking and interpreting); 2) This making of choices can be understood in terms of three hierarchically related notions: variability, negotiability and adaptability, make
查询“linguistic adaptation theory”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
没有找到相关例句 The language communication of inbound travel service is a kind of intercultural communication activity.Its language pragmatic strategy is limited with the action environment.This thesis researches its opponent,aim,vocational role and language context,to illuminate that the linguistic adaptation theory is the essential requirement of this cultural and economic action. 对外旅游服务语言交际是一种跨文化交际行为,其语言使用策略受到行为环境的制约。文章从对象、目的、职业性角色和语境状况四个方面论证了语言顺应理论是对外旅游服务这一文化和经济活动的本质要求。 As we know,cohesion and coherence are two basic research areas of discourse analysis.Discourse coherence,commonly existing in verbal communication, is not only a special linguistic phenomenon but also a communicative strategy.And the process of language use is a continuous linguistic choice which is directed and controlled by people's meta-pragmatic awareness in brain.Based on Verschueren's linguistic adaptation theory and meta-pragmatic awareness theory,this paper discusses the relation between... As we know,cohesion and coherence are two basic research areas of discourse analysis.Discourse coherence,commonly existing in verbal communication, is not only a special linguistic phenomenon but also a communicative strategy.And the process of language use is a continuous linguistic choice which is directed and controlled by people's meta-pragmatic awareness in brain.Based on Verschueren's linguistic adaptation theory and meta-pragmatic awareness theory,this paper discusses the relation between discourse coherence and the language user's meta-pragmatic awareness as well as the meta-pragmatic functions of discourse coherence.The author tries to use the theory of linguistic adaptation theory to explain many discourses which seem to lack cohesive devices but are very coherent in meaning,attempting to show the complementarity between pragmatics and discourse analysis.衔接和连贯是话语分析中的两个主要研究领域。人们使用语言的过程是一个不断做出语用选择的过程,这一过程受元语用意识不同程度的指导和调控。语言交际中语篇连贯既是一种特殊的语言现象,更是一种交际策略。本文在V erschueren提出的语言顺应理论和元语用意识理论的基础上,探讨了语篇连贯与语言使用者的元语用意识之间的关系,以及不同的语篇连贯的语言标示的元语用功能,试图用元语用理论来解释许多表面不衔接但意义上很连贯的语篇,以表明语用学和语篇分析之间存在互补性。 Assisted by both the linguistic adaptation theory and relevance theory,this paper offers a detailed analysis of the whole process of human verbal communication,including the reciprocal process of language use and language interpretation.Furthermore,this study also generalizes and proposes a cognitive model of verbal communication along with its corresponding scheme. 以语言顺应论和关联理论为理论基础,分析了言语使用和言语理解过程中涉及的认知因素,并抽象概括出了言语交际的认知模式(图)。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.adaptation-theory - 必应 词典美 英 n.〔教〕适应说网络顺应论;顺应理论;适应理论n.1.〔教〕适应说顺应论顺应论(Adaptation Theory)认为语言的使用过程实际上是一个语言选择和顺应的过程.语境关系顺应是指语言使用过程中的语言选择必须要...|2.顺应理论顺应理论(Adaptation Theory)是比利时国际语用学会秘书长Verschueren于1999年提出的,他认为语言使用的过程就是在高度灵活的原则 …|3.适应理论(3)适应理论(Adaptation Theory) 与范围-频率理论(Range-Frequency Theory):适应理论与范围-频率理论的学者认为幸福感是与个体自我...|4.适应论适应论心理学专业词汇英语翻译... ... adaptation syndrome 适应综合症 adaptation theory 适应论适应论 adaptation time 适应时间 ... |5.语言顺应论本文以Verschueren(1999)的语言顺应论(Adaptation Theory)为主要理论依据,把英语和汉语话题放在以会话为框架的语料中作动态分析,发...|6.提出的顺应论Verschueren(1999)提出的顺应论(Adaptation Theory)从认知、社会和文化等多角度出发,为研究话语标记语提供了一个全新的视角。顺应 …|7.调适理论3.调适理论(Adaptation Theory):Helson(1964) 认为产品绩效若高於调适水准,则会产生正面的评价,反之则产生负面的评价。心中的期望 …|8.顺应性理论顺应理论,adaptation... ... ) adaptation theory 顺应性理论 ) theory of adaptation 顺应性理论 ... |更多释义收起释义例句释义:全部,〔教〕适应说,顺应论,顺应理论,适应理论类别:全部,口语,书面语,标题,技术来源:全部,字典,网络难度:全部,简单,中等,难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1.
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10.Viewing the
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