if you got youthe ball 是谁唱的 知道的 回答给10金币

  在美国 get 这个动词用的很多, 可惜一般的学生对于这个动词所知有限, 大概只知道 get up, get off 这几个简单的用法, 其实从 get 变化出来的动词何其繁多, 它也是口语英语中很重要的一个部份, 我整理出一些常用但大家可能不熟悉的用法分享给大家.  例如要是人家要发传单给你, 而你手上已经有一张了, 你该怎么回答? 最近我就遇到这种情况, 于是我就照著中文的意思说: I already have one.
发传单的人楞了一下, 说 You got it? 后来想想, 似乎在这种情况下只要说 I got it.
就可以了, 而不需说那么长又那么绕舌的一句:
“I already have one.”  1. Get out!  太离谱了吧.!  Get out 有二个不同的解释, 一个就是指滚开的意思, 例如你在作事情作得很烦, 可是偏偏有人不识相一直跑来找你聊天, 你就可以对他说, “Get out of here.” 或是只讲 “Get out.” 另外 get out 也有 I don't believe you! 的意思.
比如说上次我跟一个老美说我同学刚毕业就找了一个年薪七万的工作, 他就跟我说, “Get out.” 表示他一点都不相信我说的话.  2. Ten bucks to get in.  入场费是十元.  记得我第一次去美国的 pub 的时候, 我想问门票是多少钱, 于是我就问 How much is the admission fee? 听来是不是怪怪的? 后来多跟老美接触, 我才了解他们就直接用 get in 来表达这个意思, 如 How much to get in? 就是门票多少钱? 而 Ten bucks to get in 就是说门票是十元.  3. We both agree we'll get around to it!  我们都同意我们迟早会去做这件事.  Get around to it 是个很有用的片语, 它说的是一件你想去做, 但不是很紧急的事, 等你有空时才要去做.
比如说有人跟你介绍有一个餐厅很棒很棒, 说的天花乱坠, 问你想不想去, 你就可以回答 “I will get around to it.”
意谓著等我有时间我会去看看. 值的注意的是这个 to 是介系词, 所以如果后面要接动词必须改成 V-ing , 如 “I'll get around to putting the photos in the album.” 就是说等我有空我会把相片放在相簿里.  4. Does he ever get tired?  他有没有觉得累过啊?  这句对话是出自有一次我去老美家做客时, 他们家有个小 baby 跑来跑去, 一付精力充沛的样子, 我的朋友不禁感叹地问, Does he ever get tired?
get tired 就是觉的累的意思, 我们的直觉反应可能会说 feel tired 但这种说法并不如 get tired 来的常见.
例如打球时你觉得累了. 你就可以说, “I am getting tired!” 我开始觉得累了.  5. I never get caught.  我从来没被警察抓过.  第一次听人家这么说时, 因为我不知道可以这么说, 所以我一直把它理解成 get cold. 我得到感冒的意思, 所以各位就可以想像再下来会发生什么好笑的事. 这句话也就等于 “I never get a ticket.” 另外, get caught 也可以指被雨淋到了, 比如说外面正下著大雨, 你一回家就有人问你, “Did you get caught in the rain?” 就是问你有没有被雨淋湿.  曾经有人问我, 我昨天淋雨走路回家怎么翻, 我的直觉反应就是, “I got caught in the rain on my way home yesterday.” 但这句话听来不对, 因为 get caught in the rain 是那种意外被雨淋到, 并非你自愿要淋雨的, 后来这句话我问老美, 原来答案是, “I walked home in the rain yesterday.” 听来的确顺多了.  6. You will get used to it!  你会习惯它的.  Get used to 是一个很常用的片语, 表示习惯于某件事, 例如我说美国的天气很乾燥, 你就可以回答我 “You will get used to it!” 要注意的是, get used to 跟 used to 是截然不同的意思, used to 是说过去习惯如何如何, 例如, “I used to get up at 5:30.” 言下之意就是你过去都是 5:30 起床 (当兵的时候), 但那已经是过去式了.  7. I need some time to get my stuffs together.  我需要一点时间把我的数据整理一下.  刚来美国时总是不知道把我的数据“整理一下”该怎么说, 我一直想不出整理该用哪一个动词比较恰当.
后来在偶然的机会中听老美这么说 get my stuffs together. 我觉的这正是我们说的把数据整理一下的意思. 但是如果你坚持要用单一的动词来形容整理, 我想 organize 会是不错的选择.  另外我想补充的是 get together 并在一起
就是 meet,聚在一起意思例如, “Can we get together tonight?” 意思就是今晚我们可不可以碰面? 以前我把这个词误会成男女朋友的“在一起” 因为有一个老美问我 “Can we get together?” 我还以为他对我有意思.  8. Do you know how to get there?  你知不知道该怎么去那里?  这样的句子我们会习惯说 “Do you know how to go there?”
但是以我个人的经验, 老美比较喜欢用 get there. 这样说听来比较道地, 所以我现在也学会用 get there 代替 go there 了.  9. I got stuck!  我被困住了.  可以使用 Get stuck 的情况很多, 例如开车出门遇到大塞车, 你就可以说 “I got stuck in the traffic.” 或是双脚陷在烂泥中, 你也可以说 “I got stuck in the mud.” 或直接说 “I got stuck.”  10. Got you!  骗到你了吧!  比如说你说了一个笑话别人却信以为真, 你就可以很开心地说 Got you! 意思就是我骗到你了, 你上当了! 或者是去打球时你打了一个吊球别人没接到, 你也可以兴奋地大叫
“Got you.” 附带一提, 一般的人不会念成 “Got you.”, 他们会说成 “Gotcha!”  如果你曾仔细听过老美之间的对话, 我想你会发现, 越简单的动词用得越多.
老美尤其偏爱像是 get, make 或是 take 这几个简单的动词, 但是偏偏很多人都搞不清楚什么时候要用 get, 什么时候要用 take. 举个例子吧! 比如说你跟朋友约好了一起要去看表演, 你跟你朋友说, 你帮我拿一张票, 这个 “拿” 要用什么动词好呢? 是 take 吗? bring 吗? 还是 get ? 大家先想想看这个问题.  这一集要再来谈谈 get 这个字, 之前曾写过一篇关于 get 的笔记, 但我觉得没有抓到这个字的精髓, 所以再补写一篇.
我想 get 的用法实在太多太多了, 而且字典上市面多得是.
这里我想仅就一些我觉得容易混淆及一些大家可能不会想到这样用的用法作介绍.  1. I got a ticket for you.  我会帮你拿一张票.  如果你能正确地使用 get 当作这个句子的动词, 那么你的感觉还蛮正确的, 不然就是你已经偷看到了这次的主题了!
通常一样东西原来不是你的, 而你获得了这样东西, 就要用 get.
例如你得到一样生日礼物, 你就可以说, “I got a present.” 或是你收到一封信, 这封信在你收到之前都不是你的, 所以你也可以用 get 当动词, 像是, “I got a letter from my sister.” (我收到我姐寄来的一封信.)
同样的, 就“拿一张票”这件事来讲, 这张票原来也不是你的, 所以你就要说, “I got a ticket.”  至于 take 和 bring 的意思是蛮接近的, 都是指去拿一件原来已经是属于你的东西, 但通常 take 是指“拿去”, bring 指“拿来”. 例如你说, “I will go home to take your ticket.”
就是说这张票你可能早就买好了, 你只不过要回家去拿而已. 同样的, 你说 “I will bring you the ticket.” 也是指这张票原来是你的, 你只不过是带来给人家而已.  最后补充一点, 另外还有一个字 fetch 它指的是指拿去又拿来, 例如你丢东西给狗去捡, 狗跑过去再把它捡回来这就是 fetch. 或是你去机场把人给接回来也可以用 fetch. 注意一下这几个字之间的区别.  2. Somebody get them the ball.  谁去帮他们捡个球吧.  有一次我们在宿舍外的草坪一边烤肉, 一边看人家在打沙滩排球, 结果有一次球出界, 滚到我们附近, 结果有一个老美看到了, 就说了, “Somebody get them the ball.” 我这时才恍然大悟, 原来捡球就用 get the ball 就好了.  而且大家有没有发现, 老美很喜欢用 get somebody something 这样的句型.
例如上一句, 我帮你拿一张票, 你也可以说成, “I got you a ticket.” 听来更是简洁有力.
这也正是老美最喜欢用的说法.  3. Can you get me out there.  你能不能带我去那边?  在最新的 007 电影 The World Is Never Enough 里, 当 007 发现输油管里被放了一颗炸弹的时候, 他就跟身边的人说, “Can you get me out there?” 就是说, 你能不能把我弄过去那里? 我想这个地方如果说成 take me out there 也可以, 但因为人家是 007 啊! 所以我们还是学他这样说, “Can you get me out there?” . 而且这样子讲意思比较像是把我 “弄” 过去那里, 而不单纯只是“带”我去那里.
像这种句子日常生活中常用到, 各位应该要多多熟记才是.  4. I'll get back to you if I find something new.  如果我有什么新发现的话, 我会再回来找你.  如果单看中文, “我会回来找你.” 一定会有不少人蠢蠢欲动想要把它翻成, “I'll come back to find you.” 那就大错特错了. 其实很简单, 只要翻成 “I'll get back to you.” 不就完事了吗? 而且轻松愉快.
像这种用法, 特别喜欢用在要回答别人问题的时候. 只要你一时回答不出对方的问题, 你都可以说, “I'll get back to you later.” (我晚点再告诉你.)  我们在讲电话的时候也常常用 get back to you. 例如二个人讲电话讲到没什么话讲了, 你说我明天再跟你聊吧, 这里就可以说, “I'll get back to you tomorrow.” 或是比如说你打电话给人家, 人家不在, 你就可以在他的电话答录机上留言, “I'll get back to you later.”
(我晚点再找你.)  5. You'd better eat the soup before it gets cold.  你最好在汤变凉前把它喝了.  Get 本身有“从 A 状态变成 B 状态” 的意思在里面.
很多人一听到“变”成怎样, 心中的第一个跑出来的字就是 become. 其是在生活美语当中, 用 get 的机会远超过 become. 例如天色变暗就是用 “It gets dark.” 那如果是变得越来越怎么样, 则用现在进行式加上比较级, 例如天气变得越来越热, 你就可以说, “It's getting hotter.”
记得有一次听广播, 有一个听众从迈阿密 (美国佛罗里达最南边的城市)
打电话进来, 他就跟主持人说, “When the weather is getting hotter, the chicks are getting hornier.” (当这里的天气越来越热, 这里的女孩也越来越骚.) 虽然是有点太那个, 但是我觉得还蛮有趣的.  6. Can I get you alone?  我能不能跟你单独处一会?  大家都有类似的经验吧?
在一个人声吵杂的环境当中, 你想要跟某人讲一些很重要的话, (也许是要“作”一些很重要的事. Who knows?)
这时你就会说, “我们能不能单独谈谈?” 这句话英文怎么说? 想不到这么简单吧? 就是 “Can I get you alone?” 乾净俐落. 当然你也可以说, “Can we have a private moment?” 意思完全相同.  还有另一个情况也蛮常见的, 比如你跟人家说, 我能不能占用你一点点的时间, 你会怎么造句? 没想到老美也是用 get 就搞定了. 他们会说, “Can I get you a second?” 这句话也是很漂亮吧! 这些都是我在日常生活中跟老美学来的句子喔!  7. Tell everybody to get involved this activity.  告诉每个人都来参与这个活动.  大家分得清楚 join 跟 get involved 之间的区别吗? 我想这样讲各位可能会比较明白, join 就是所谓的“参加” 而 get involved 是所谓的 “参与”. 我想参加非参与, 参加是说成为某一个团体的新成员或是加入某一个活动, 而参与是指从事各项活动而言. 比如说社团现在有一个音乐会, 要请大家上台表演, 或是帮忙安排场地, 你就可以跟大家说, “Everybody please get involved.”  8. I hope everybody can get together on Sunday.  我希望大家星期天的时候大家可以聚一聚.  只要是几个人聚在一起就是 get together. 例如我们在作大型的 project 时, 老美就会说, “Let's get together to discuss the topic this afternoon.” (我们大家下午聚一聚讨论这个主题.)
另外还有一次大家要一起去看美式足球赛, 可是现场人非常地多, 为了怕大家走散, 就有人说, “Everybody gets together.” (大家靠在一起, 不要走散了.)  Get something together 我也常听他们讲, 就是说把东西整理一下, 例如有人下午要上台作报告, 早上他就会说 “I have to get my stuff together.” 或是也可以说, “I have to organize my stuff.”  9. We are trying to get rid of the mice in this house.  我们试著要把屋里的老鼠除掉.  Get rid of 指的是除去某些另人很讨厌的东西, 或是很讨厌的人. 例如有人很烦, 你就可以说,“I will get rid of him.” 这句话昨天我去看一部电影
Stuart Little 时也听到一次, 就是他们家的猫 (Snowbell) 很讨厌 Stuart, 它就跟其它的猫说了, “I will get rid of that mouse.”  10. I really got a kick out of bungee jumping.  我从高空弹跳中得到快感.  Kick 除了一般大家所熟知的意思: “踢” 之外, 在口语的英文中也有兴奋, 快感的意思.
所以老美常会说, “I got a kick out of something.” 或是 “I got a kick from something.” 就是说他对这件事情感到十分兴奋. 比方说高空弹跳 (bungee jumping) 吧! 那么贵又那么可怕, 你问人家为什么还喜欢去玩, 别人可能就会说, “I don't know. I just got a kick out of it.” (我也不知道, 我就是从其中得到快感.) 同样地, 这句话也可以说成, “I'm thrilled.” 或是 “I got the groove.”羊氏 Club°
关于 If U Got The Balls(Rnb)节奏动感的女唱(送牛牛小妹)° 的评价
安沫馆()音乐闲话交流群&&欢迎喜爱音乐 热爱交流的朋友加入
音乐如你,分享常在。欢迎 QQ群:&& Sound controlt*3欢迎您~
我也要高考了 坏笑
歌手:Katelyn Clampett 歌名:If U Got The Balls
if U got the balls这个才是正确的名字错一个词都搜索不到- -
If You Got The Ball
攒一个 大家都喜欢
好听啊!~~~~~~~love the way you lie是阿姆和碧昂斯唱的还是蕾哈娜呢?
love the way you lie是阿姆和碧昂斯唱的还是蕾哈娜呢? 5
  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
  But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
  But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie
I can't tell you what it really is
  I can only tell you what it feels like
  And right now it's a steel knife in my wind pipe
  I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight
  无法呼吸 但是我仍在尽力坚持
  As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight
High off the law, drunk from my hate,
  It's like I'm huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate
  And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me
  She f**king hates me and I love it.
  Wait! Where you going? I'm leaving you
No you ain't. Come back we're running right back.
  不,你不能走。回来吧 我们重新来过!
  Here we go again
  It's so insane cuz' when it's going good it's going great.
  I'm superman with the wind at his back
  She's Louis Lane but when it's bad it's awful, I feel so ashamed I snap
  Who's that dude? I don't even know his name
I laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low again
  我揍了她 ,告诉她我再也不会妥协了
  I guess I don't know my own strength
  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
  But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
  But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie
  You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe
  When you're with 'em
  You meet and neither one of you even know what hit 'em
  你们满足了 而你们没一个人知道到底在干什么
  Got that warm fuzzy feeling
  Yeah, them those chills you used to get 'em
  Now you're getting f**king sick of looking at him
  You swore you' never do nothing to hurt him
  Now you're in each other's face spewing venom in your words when you spit them
  You push pull each other's hair, scratch claw hit him
  Throw him down pin him
  So lost in the moments when you're in them
  It's a race that's the culprit controls your boat
  So they say you're best to go your separate ways
  Guess if they don't know you cuz' today that was yesterday
  Yesterday is over it's a different day
  Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her
  Next time you show restraint
  You don't get another chance
  Life is no Nintendo game
  But you lied again
  Now you get to watch her leave out the window
  I guess that's why they call it window pane
  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
  But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
  But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie
  Now I know he said things hit things that we didn't mean
  And we fall back into the same patterns same routine
  But your temper's just as bad as mine is
  You're the same as me
  But when it comes to love you're just as blinded
  Baby, please come back
  It wasn't you, baby it was me
  Maybe our relationship wasn't as crazy as it seemed
  Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
  All I know is I love you too much to walk away though
  Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk
  Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk
  I told you this is my fault
  Look me in the eye ball
  Next time I'm pissed, I lay my fist at the drywall Next time.
  There won't be no next time
  I apologize even though I know it's lies
  I'm tired of the games I just want her back
  I know I'm a liar
  If she ever tries to f**king leave again
  Im'a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire
  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
  But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
  But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie
其他回答 (3)
不用怀疑 就是和Rihanna唱的 Eminem2010年专辑中的
明星领域专家Sex Therapy_百度百科
收藏 查看&Sex Therapy
《Sex Therapy》是美国创作歌手的第四张个人创作专辑,也是该专辑的同名歌曲。音乐作品外文名称Sex Therapy专辑语言英语专辑歌手Robin Thicke专辑时长56:45曲目数量17音乐风格R&B,Soul,Hip-Hop,Jazz唱片公司环球唱片制作人Robin Thicke,Jay-Z,Snoop Dogg,Lil Wayne,Estelle唱片销量40万+发行地区美国,欧洲
在“Something Else”仅仅发行了7个月后,官网宣布,Thicke将在2009年末发行他的第四张录音室专辑“Sex Therapy”,专辑的发行一拖再拖,最终直到12月15日才正式面世,“Sex Therapy”的首支单曲是邀来坐镇的“Melple”,同时,Thicke还将与合作的“Rollacoata”作为针对国际市场的单曲放出。专辑的第二支单曲是与Snoop Dogg合作的“It‘s in the morning”,Robin本打算将与Nicki Minaj合作的“Shaking it for daddy”作为“Sex Therapy”的第三支单曲,但发行最终取消。在接受Blues&Soul杂志主编Pete Lewis采访时,Thicke这样评价自己的这张专辑:一直以来我深受,以及的影响,但在这张专辑里我想要展示自己血液里的基因,我从小听着RUN DMX,,Biggie以及Tupac等人的歌长大,所以我真的很想做出一张这样的专辑来。”2009年的早些时候,Thicke还出现在了Leighton Meester的处女单曲“Somebody To Love”中。Thicke还告诉MTV,他对于Lil Wayne能够参与自己的第四张录音室专辑感到高兴,他同时还提到,自己和Wayne互相参与了彼此的过去两张专辑。“我们就好像对方的护身符一般。”Thicke开玩笑地说道。日,Thicke出现在了ABC电视台的跨年晚会当中,他现场演唱了三首歌曲。随后他与Melanie Fionla一同加入了的“The Freedom Tour”巡演。截止到2011年10月,“Sex Therapy”在美国的销量累计达到了40多万张。
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专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情
Sex Therapy
Make You Love Me
It's In The Morning
Shakin' It 4 Daddy
Start With A Kiss
Million Dolla Baby
2 Luv Birds
Brand New Luv
Please, hold for the doctor.
The doctor will be right with you.时长:04:23
Oh you, I’ve been goin’ crazy
I wanna buy a ring and make you Mrs. Sexy
Want you to have my kids and help you make your next G
Tell me how I can’t miss this on beat
Me and Jay-Z were cooler than...
Seen an all world cover girl
Hey lady, I’m sorry if you’re in a rush
Don’t let me hold you up or intervene or interrupt
But you got the look, I wanna get to know ya better
I had to let her know, yo, I couldn’t sweat her
’Cause if you were to see what I was seein’
Almost looked Korean but European
When she spoke her accent was self-explanatory
Even her body language told a story
Her name was Mahogany, prince name was Ebony
I said my name was Rob and this is Jay-Z
Baby, oh yeah
I want you to be my, oh yeah
Oh you, I’ve been goin’ crazy
I wanna buy a ring and make you Mrs. Sexy
Want you to have my kids and help you make your next G
Tell me how I can’t miss this on beat
Oh you, I’ve been goin’ crazy
I wanna buy a ring and make you Mrs. Sexy
Want you to have my kids and help you make your next G
Tell me how I can’t miss this on beat
It’s funny how times flies when your havin’ fun
We got close and it was almost one
She kissed me slow but you know how far a kiss go
Fuck around and miss the show
So I told her hold that thought real tight
We’ll finish where we left on later tonight
In a rise I knew that she wanted my agony
Agony, agony in her body
Baby, oh yeah
I want you to be mine, I want you to be mine
Oh you, I’ve been goin’ crazy
I wanna buy a ring and make you Mrs. Sexy
Want you to have my kids and help you make your next G
Tell me how I can’t miss this on beat
Oh you, I’ve been goin’ crazy
I wanna buy a ring and make you Mrs. Sexy
Want you to have my kids and help you make your next G
Tell me how I can’t miss this on beat
Showed her some sites then I took her to the condo
She’s poppin’ but don’t know me so well
She asked me how come I don’t smile
I said everything’s fine
But I’m in a New York state of mind, baby
Yeah, I said everything’s fine
But I’m in a New York baby, state of mind, oh yeah
Oh you, I’ve been goin’ crazy
I wanna buy a ring and make you Mrs. Sexy
Want you to have my kids and help you make your next G
Tell me how I can’t miss this on beat
As we reach the kingdom she said
Bring some champagne out and entertain then sing some
Sentimental song, real gentle
It hit the spot then you know where we went to
As we embraced and felt our heart pumpin’
She was in the mood for somethin’
So I layed back on my back and relaxed
It wasn’t the Perion that made me collapse
Oh you, I’ve been goin’ crazy
I wanna buy a ring and make you Mrs. Sexy
Want you to have my kids and help you make your next G
Tell me how I can’t miss this on beat
Oh you, I’ve been goin’ crazy
I wanna buy a ring and make you Mrs. Sexy
Want you to have my kids and help you make your next G
Tell me how I can’t miss this on beat
Hey, I want you to be mine
I want you to be mine, I want you to be mine
I want you to be mine, I want you to be mine
I want you, I want you baby, to be mine时长:04:35
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Stressed out uptight, over worked wound up
Unleash what you got let's explore your naughty side
Follow me where we go, we don't need no bread crumbs
Cant you see baby you're the only one
You are my love, you are my love
Let me be your medicine
Cuz I got one thing on my mind I'll be your valentine
Spread your wings and baby fly away
It's your body you can yell if you want to
Loud if you want to, scream if you want to
Just let me love you lay right here girl don't be scared of me
Give you sex therapy, give you sex therapy
It's your body we'll go hard if you want to
As hard as you want to, soft as you want to
Just let me love you lay right here I'll be your fantasy
Give you sex therapy, give you sex therapy
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Baby less all for you to do is let your body be
I'll lick you down and make you feel like you 'bout it 'bout it
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, the doctor's here for you
Take you like Twilight I'll bite your neck
You don't have to stay in the rain I'll get you wet, yeah
Push you up against the wall ,turn you out and turn you on
Eh eh whoa
It's your body you can yell if you want to
Loud if you want to, scream if you want to
Just let me love you lay right here girl don't be scared of me
Give you sex therapy, give you sex therapy
It's your body we'll go hard if you want to
As hard as you want to, soft as you want to
Just let me love you lay right here I'll be your fantasy
Give you sex therapy, give you sex therapy
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa oooo
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa oooo
Whoa-oh oh oh oh, yeah yeah yeah yeah
Girl it's your body we can do whatever you like
Girl it's your body we can do whatever you like
It's your body we can ride and rock and roll
Ride and rock and roll,ride and rock
O-o-o-OH oh oh oh
It's your body you can yell if you want to
Loud if you want to, scream if you want to
Just let me love you lay right here girl don't be scared of me
Give you sex therapy, give you sex therapy
It's your body we'll go hard if you want to
As hard as you want to, soft as you want to
Just let me love you lay right here I'll be your fantasy
Give you sex therapy, give you sex therapy
Girl it's girl it's girl it's your body
We can do, can do, (sex therapy) can do
Girl it's girl it's girl it's your body
We can do whatever (sex therapy) you like
Just let me love you lay right here girl don't be scared of me
Give you sex therapy, give you sex therapy时长:04:02
I know you wanna
I know you wanna
I know you wanna
i like to play cheek to cheek,
2 kids in the sandbox baby,
You remind me of St Tropez,
Sandy beaches, yachts yeh and champagne,
tuxedos and Jet Skis babe,
I leave you down at the babe,
and baby when we dream, when we dream,
when we dream, we be dreaming in French baby,
Imma treat ya like a lady
you will be my pretty baby,
we can spend all my money baby,
cheek to cheek girl, me I play
Imma treat ya like a lady
you will be my pretty baby,
we can spend all my money baby,
I know you wanna,
I know you wanna,
I know you wanna,
I know you wanna
No Habla Ingle,
cos me I play,
St Tropez down in ,
yacht docked not far away,
Black Brigitte Bardot Beyonce,
Avantgarde, love on tux
call me Picasso, Im art on yachts,
Pardon me, oui, in Paris,
Champagne spilling out of my oui oui (wee wee),
Pardon my French,
the je ne sais quoi got me on cloud 9,
we finna take off,
Paris was a tease now we in the Maldives,
sipping Blanco smoking on tea leaves,
isn't this great, strawberry Crepes,
down in Capri in the Grotto we play,
up next Sardinia, me and little Tina,
turn up, tell me have you seen us,
Imma treat ya like a lady
you will be my pretty baby,
we can spend all my money baby,
cheek to cheek girl, me I play
Imma treat ya like a lady
you will be my pretty baby,
we can spend all my money baby,
I know you wanna,
I know you wanna,
I know you wanna,
Me I play, I take you to the lead brasserie,
we take a show at the crazy horse,
then got nothing on you
because like the Eiffel Tower
you can take me to the highest babe,
like a lady, I take you shopping at Chanel babe,
afternoon tea for two at the Ritz babe,
my lady dont lift things, open doors, stand alone,
not when she with me baby,
Imma treat ya like a lady
you will be my pretty baby,
we can spend all my money baby,
cheek to cheek girl, me I play
Imma treat ya like a lady
you will be my pretty baby,
we can spend all my money baby,
I know you wanna
You remind me of Monaco babe,
Mt Blanc princess Grace babe,
chips in Monte Carlo babe,
be my million dollar baby,
by the end of the trip you be a Billion dollar lady,
wrap you up babe, in . rose babe,
French country side babe,
I can pay for acting lessons,
you become a movie star make more than me babe,
Imma treat ya like a lady
you will be my pretty baby,
we can spend all my money baby,
cheek to cheek girl, me I play
Imma treat ya like a lady lady
you will be my pretty baby,baby
we can spend all my money baby
I know you wanna
Imma treat ya like a lady
you will be my pretty baby,
we can spend all my money baby,
cheek to cheek girl, me I play
Imma treat ya like a lady lady
you will be my pretty baby, baby
we can spend all my money baby,
I know you wanna
I know you wanna
I know you wanna
I know you wanna
I know you wanna,
I know you wanna,
I know you wanna,
I know you wanna,
I know you wanna,
Im the kind of guy
who lives life on the edge
the kind of guy you'd wonder
&is he messin with my head&
you're tired of going places
you can't scream and shout
tired of someone saying
when you can and cant go out
and ima show you how
it feels when its good
you know i do anything
you're boyfriend ever could
then your boyfriend ever could
then your boyfriend ever could
ima do it better then your boyfriend ever could
ima make you love me baby
baby ima show you how
ill make you love me babe
baby you gon want me now
ima make you love me baby
baby ima show you how
ima make you love me baby
baby you gon want me now want me now
i can reach your mind
fantasies in your head
you could look at me
and see that im the man
i'll put a little romance
and some action in your pleasure
you wanted mr big
mr big is in your hands
and ima show you how
it feels when its good
you know i do it better
than your boyfriend ever could
then your boyfriend ever could
then your boyfriend ever could
ima do it better then your boyfriend ever could
ima make you love me baby
baby ima show you how
ill make you love me babe
baby you gon want me now
ima make you love me baby
baby ima show you how
ima make you love me baby
baby you gon want me now..
And I want you
and how I want you to want me
I want you
and yes I want you to want me
I want you
and how i want you to want me
I want you
and yes I want you to want me
I know you've been kissin
the back of your hand
what you need to do
is try it on a real man
put the towels in the dryer
so they warm after the shower
im like big foot
the man your momma said dont exist
then your boyfriend ever could
then your boyfriend ever could
ima do it better then your boyfriend ever could
ima make you love me baby
baby ima show you how
ill make you love me babe
baby you gon want me now
ima make you love me baby
baby ima show you how
ima make you love me baby
baby you gon want me now want me now时长:03:01
(Robin Thicke)
Im in the mood for lovin
Well be touchin, Well be huggin
Im in the mood for lovin
Well get into..
Its in the morning I wanna touch
Its in the morning I wanna love you
Its in the morning no interruptions
Its in the morning, Sex in the morning
Its in the morning I wanna touch
Its in the morning I wanna love you
Its in the morning no interruptions
Sex in the morning, Sex in the morning
You know I love it first thing
Cuz you just let it marinate, let it marinate
Ill wait for you to open your eyes
Look at me and smile
You know what I want do
You slowly pull down the sheets to reveal what you keeping wide
I cant push sleeping anymore and you got the hottest body
I got the hottest hottie
Let me put some cream in your coffee
Its in the morning I wanna touch (Yeaa)
Its in the morning I wanna love you (I wanna love you)
Its in the morning no interruptions
Its in the morning, Sex in the morning
Its in the morning I wanna touch (I wanna touch you)
Its in the morning I wanna love you (I wanna love you)
Its in the morning no interruptions (Ooo)
Sex in the morning, Sex in the morning (Sex in the morning)
(Snoop Dogg)
Spin this, bubble like a chemist
Baby said she been a menace, like Dennis
So Im up in this, rack-et like a tennis
Dont interrupt me baby boo cuz I aint finished
Real spendin, feel how Im gettin it
You girlfriends is jealous cuz Boss Dogg aint hittin it
Early in the morning makin breakfast in the kit-nen
After ya finished you bout to get the din-nen
Im in the mood for lovin well get into
Its in the morning-
Handle ya business
Physical with the fitness
Can I get a witness?
Tremendous, splendid
Ya hittin it, and bitten it
Done that, been there
Out that, In there Yea
Your sex in the morning, it feels so good
Your sex in the morning, it feels so good
And Im so horny for your body girl
Wrap your legs around my back
Get it get it yup yup, you got it girl
Its in the morning I wanna touch
Its in the morning I wanna love you( I wanna touch you)
Its in the morning no interruptions
Its in the morning, Sex in the morning (Sex in the morning)
Its in the morning I wanna touch (I wanna touch you)
Its in the morning I wanna love you (I wanna love you)
Its in the morning no interruptions (Ooo)
Sex in the morning, Sex in the morning (Sex in the morning)
Daddy.. oh daddy
Papi oh papi
I need dance
Cause she shakin it for daddy (yeah)
She shakin it for me (yeah)
She shakin it for daddy (yeah)
She Shakin it for me
She liftin up her ass,
and she drop it to the beat
She shakin it so fast,
for the cash.. Ching-a-ling
She ready and
she lookin for a bank roll.. Ching-a-ling
She movin right around,
like a mari-go.. Ching-a-ling
She be like: I be, I be,
I be, on that money shit (Ching-a-ling)
She be like: I Be, I be,
I be, on that money shit (yeah)
I be, I be, I be, I be,
I be on that money shit
Get da sloppy toppy roger copy I be running shit
Money in the air its a festival
Cause I ba-ba-ba-ba-ball no testicals (hm)
Im flyer than an eagle thats balding
I throw it back like hair lines, thats balding
I say balling, I dont mean spaldings
I never answer when the referees calling
she got me jerkin in the back
Think Im bout to fall in love
Cause she make that booty roll
When she comin down the pole
Thats when she comin hard
From cash to credit cards
Got me spendin all my money
Shit, I couldve bought a car (yeah)
You know you like it bad
You know you like it bad
Yeah I like it bad, (ohh)
yeah I like it bad
You know you want it bad
Yeah you want it bad
Yeah I want it bad, oh-ohhh
Cause she shakin it for daddy (yeah)
She shakin it for me (yeah)
She shakin it for daddy (yeah)
She Shakin it for me
She liftin up her ass,
and she drop it to the beat
She shakin it so fast,
for the cash.. Ching-a-ling
She ready and
she lookin for a bank roll.. Ching-a-ling
She movin right around,
like a mari-go.. Ching-a-ling
She be like: I be, I be,
I be, on that money shit (Ching-a-ling)
She be like: I Be, I be,
I be, on that money shit
And when I saw the girl grab me
And she whispered in my ear
She said this other girl aint doin shit
Its crackin over here
She put my hand on her booty
And she jigglin me woozy
Now we bout to make a movie
In the club, go stupid
You know you like it bad
You know you like it bad
Yeah I like it bad,
(ohh) yeah I like it bad
You know you want it bad
Yeah you want it bad bad
Yeah I want it baby
Cause she shakin it for daddy (yeah)
She shakin it for me (yeah)
She shakin it for daddy
She Shakin it for me
She liftin up her ass,
and she drop it to the beat
She shakin it so fast,
for the cash.. Ching-a-ling
She ready and
she lookin for a bank roll.. Ching-a-ling
She movin right around,
like a mari-go.. Ching-a-ling
She be like: I be, I be,
I be, on that money shit (Ching-a-ling)
She be like: I Be, I be,
I be, on that money shit
You was sleeping on me
thinkin it was slumber time
Now imma trender topic lil mama number sign
Wa-wanna play, Meet me at the fumble line
Cause Im a ninja, Cowabunga time
Buzzing like a bee,
but no I dont sting-a-ling
I show dem da middle finger ring
school bell a-ring-a-ling
Stick shift the ding-a-ling,
Ball like Yao Ming-a-ling
Cuse me, Whatt happen?
Im flyerr den a robin
Im flyer then an Eagle,
Yea Donovan Mcnabban
And wen I pop dat pussy,
I pop it on his Suzuki
I pop it so crazy cookie
Im rockin them daisy dukies (oh)
I be shakin it for daddy,
He want more more more
Got that Bently, Got that Caddy,
And theyre all 4 door
If I pull him by the collar,
Boy he gonna holla
I be shakin it for daddy,
He want more more more
Cause she shakin it for daddy (oh)
She shakin it for me (yeah)
She shakin it for daddy (oh-ohh)
She Shakin it for me
She liftin up her ass,
and she drop it to the beat
She shakin it so fast,
for the cash.. Ching-a-ling (ooh)
She ready and she lookin
for a bank roll.. Ching-a-ling
She movin right around,
like a mari-go.. Ching-a-ling
She be like: I be, I be,
I be, on that money shit (Ching-a-ling)
She be like: I Be, I be,
I be, on that money shit
She shakin it for daddy
She shakin it for daddy
She shakin it..
I be on that money shit
I be on that money shit
I be on that money shit
OH oh oh时长:04:39
Nice, oh no, done did it, Kid Cudder
Move in the game like that, rock star
None other, Cleveland representer
I intergalactic
Playing eight balls with a goon in a pool hall
And I got a little jar in my pocket
Baby girl on all my balls trying to hold it all
Lot of girls crazy, you know they want a bum of it
I feel damaged, fuck it, who doesn't?
You show me somebody, I show you a liar
Show me his niggas and I show you a whiner
No, no, no, we don't need no lighters
Get liquor for the balance the balance
Never get trees, so I climb to the atmos
See, this is exactly what happens
When girls in the room and asses and asses
Come take a ride, these elevators in my mind
Taking you up to floors you'd never thought you'd find
I'm at your front door, I need an encore
Please let me in, let me in, let me in
I can't stop it, drop it, leave it alone
I can't use it, abuse it, it's taking my soul
I can't stop it, off the ledge now
Stop it, off the edge now
Stop it, I'm in the air now
Stop it, I can't stop falling
I'm fallin', fallin'
And I'm moving so fast, I might never go back
And I'm fallin', fallin'
Don't you give up on me, I keep calling for you, calling for you
Baby, baby, baby, baby
I said baby, baby, I said baby, baby
I said baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Thinking about what am I doing with myself
My guilty pleasures have been out weighing my good health
Stop it, I'm running bad lies
Stop it, I'm on the wrong side
Stop it, it's after midnight
Stop it, it's after midnight
I can't stop it, drop it, leave it alone
I can't use it, abuse it, it's taking my soul
I can't stop it, off the ledge now
Stop it, off the edge now
Stop it, I'm in the air now
Stop it, I can't stop falling
I'm fallin', fallin'
And I'm moving so fast, I might never go back
And I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
Don't you give up on me, I keep calling for you, calling for you
Baby, baby, baby, baby
I said baby, baby, I said baby, baby
I said baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Feels like I'm all alive, feels like another why
Feels like I'm gonna die, feels like I'm going crazy
I just can't let it go, I just can't get control
I keep holding onto you, please baby, don't let go now
I can't stop it, off the ledge now
Stop it, off the edge now
Stop it, I'm in the air now
Stop it, I can't stop falling
I'm fallin', fallin'
And I'm moving so fast, I might never go back
And I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
Don't you give up on me, I keep calling for you, calling for you
Baby, baby, baby, baby
I said baby, baby, I said baby, baby
I said baby, baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby时长:01:18
It starts with a kiss
Private clubs
Role playing
I like to watch
Worship me (worship me)
It beings with kissing (it starts with a kiss)
1. Kiss me (kiss me)
2. Seduce me (Seduce me)
3. Tease me
4. Worship me (worship me)
5. Tie me up, tie me down (tie me down)
6. Sixty nine (sixty nine)
7. Role play with me
8. In a chair, on the stairs (on the stairs)
9. Beg for it
[Robin:] yeaaahhhh
10. Make me beg for it (make me beg for it)
[Robin:] whooo
I'll be the doctor you be the nurse
I can go second you can go first
Whatever's right for you, girl you just can't miss
No matter whatcha do as long as your with me
It starts with a kiss时长:04:15
it's fashion (x3)
It's strobelight, it's fashion, it's strobelight
It's rollacoasta!
slap me in my face, punch me in the eye.
do me how you want baby but just don't say goodbye
tell me i'm no good, tell me i'm not right
just let me lay beside you when you fall asleep tonight
trow your hands up
take me to the top
up side down i never wanna stop
take me to the limit till i drop
rollacoasta make you scream (make you scream alright)
make you scream, make you scream
take me back, take me back
one more time around the track
one more time just on the top let me ride with you tonight
here we go round and round twist and turn i'm heavenbound
one more time around the track
tell me that you knowaaaaaaa (x2)
It's fashion it's strobelights
it's rollacoasta
hate me in the morning
sex me up at noon
girl have me for dinner, baby tease me with your food
get mad at me for drinkin' shout at me to stop
but you know i'm the only one that ever hits your spot
trow your hands up
take me to the top
up side down i never wanna stop
take me to the limit till i drop
rollacoasta make you scream (make you scream alright)
make you scream, make you scream
take me back, take me back
one more time around the track
one more time just on the top let me ride with you tonight
here we go round and round twist and turn i'm heavenbound
one more time around the track
tell me that you knowaaaaaaa (x2)
It's fashion it's strobelights
it's rollacoasta
one more time (x2)
It's fashion
take me to the edges one more time
I'll come right down again
take me on a ride boy if you dare
you know i'm going in
rollacoasta make you scream, make you scream
trow your hands up
take me to the top
up side down i never wanna stop
take me to the limit till i drop
rollacoasta make you scream (make you scream alright)
make you scream, make you scream
take me back, take me back
one more time around the track
one more time just on the top let me ride with you tonight
here we go round and round twist and turn i'm heavenbound
one more time around the track
tell me that you knowaaaaaaa (x2)
it's fashion it's strobelights it's rollacoasta (X2)
it's fashion, it's strobelights, it's...
rollacaosta make you scream, make you scream(x3)时长:03:11
I lost my way, I did so much wrong
God, I need a friend to help me get along
I need my baby, gotta get her back
I need lady luck to get her from where I'm at
Gotta make it rain, million dolla baby
Make it rain, million dolla baby
Make it rain, million dolla baby
Luck be a lady, luck be a lady tonight
I lost my soul out on that road
Sat in the darkness, ain't leading me home
I need my baby, my lover, my muse
Hold onto me baby, don't let my hand go
Gotta make it rain, million dolla baby
Make it rain, million dolla baby
Make it rain, million dolla baby
Luck be a lady, luck be a lady tonight
Got me singing, yeah, yeah, hoo
I'm hot at the tables, I'm seven-eleven
I'm playin' for hours, I'm bettin' on even
The waitress is rockin'
I need some more deuce please now
I'm doubling up, I have money to spend
And I look at the dealer, thinking, &Should I hit?&
And I'm shaking my hands
And I could see you bet good now
Make it rain, million dolla baby
Make it rain, million dolla baby
Make it rain, million dolla baby
Luck be a lady, luck be a lady tonight时长:03:35
She loved to fly' She ran away
From something at home' she would not say
She needed new friends' no doors would open
She had no place to stay
Then came a bird' Who knew the town
Who barely ever left the ground
They saw each other' they saw forever
They both knew it right away
Two love birds' two love signs
You got me going out of my mind
I love you for a lifetime
You got me going out of my mind
Two love birds' two love signs
You got me going out of my mind
I love you for a lifetime
You got me going out of my mind
They had it good' not lots of style
Not lots of money' just lots of love
She started working' he learned to cook
Somehow they made their way
Then they started flying all around on their own
Up in the sky and now they're never ever home
They started fighting' then it got silent
They didn't know how to make it without each other
They're just two love birds' two love signs
You got me going out of my mind
I love you for a lifetime
You got me going out of my mind
Two love birds' two love signs
You got me going out of my mind
I love you for a lifetime
You got me going out of my mind
Two love birds' two love signs
You got me going out of my mind
I love you for a lifetime
You got me going out of my mind
Two love birds' two love signs
You got me going out of my mind
I love you for a lifetime
You got me going out of my mind
Two love birds' two love signs
You got me going out of my mind
I love you for a lifetime
You got me going out of my mind时长:03:02
Doctor, I have a pain
All over my body
And oh doctor, I heard you were the best
Can you help me? Oh doctor, can you heal me?
Do you think I can be cured?
Doctor can you heal me? I hear you're the best
Oh, hello...
I'm glad you can make it
Can I offer you a, cocktail? Some roses or champagne perhaps?
We have some chocolate covered strawberries, if you like
Whatever you want, whatever you need
I got you, I got you, I got you...I got you baby
I got you, and you got... me too
Well I will play, we'll always text each other
XXX, we'll always be together
Come with me, f*** with me... please?
And when I tell you, I got you
You know that I'm in it babe (I got you babe)
So just put on your dress, put on your heels
Let's get away (let's get away, get away, get away)
Okay, why don't you tell me what's troubling you?
Girl] My man don't take me nowhere
Thicke]Oh, I have just the thing for that
Please hold for the doctor...
My doctor will be right with you...
(ooohh) the doctor will see you now...
I got you, I got you, I got you...I got you baby
I got you, and you got... me too
The diamonds, the parties, the trips around the world
Your XXX, you'll always be my girl
Just come with me, f*** with me... please?
And when I tell you, I got you
You know that I'm in it babe (oh, I got you)
So just put on your dress, put on your heels
Let's get away
Baby I got you
And when I tell you, I got you
You know that I'm in it babe (I got you)
So just put on your dress, put on your heels
Let's get away (let's get away, get away, get away)
Isn't this nice?
It's jus right' it's jus right
A million words will never say
The way I truly feel about
The one I just can't live without
Coz it's like that' it's like that
The way you move' the way you dance
The way I know the moment when
You need my love' you need my hand
And all I wanna do is see you
All I wanna do is please you
I'm hypnotized by everything you do
I hope I'm jus right for you
And baby I know' you're the only one for me
And it's right there on your lips
And it's right there in your kiss
And baby I know' you're the only air I breathe
And it's right there on your lips
And it's right there in your kiss
Jus right' jus right' jus right (Whoo)
Jus right' jus right' jus right
Jus right' jus right' rightjus
Jus right for me
I'll take you here' I'll take you there
I'll take your body anywhere
Baby I'll work so hard for you'
To make your fantasy come true
Coz it's like that' it's like that
I got your front' I got your back
Well take it slow' we'll make it last
Coz it's like that' it's like that
A little bit sweet' a little bit spice
A little bit naughty' a little bit nice
Tell me baby that you need me too
That I'm jus right for you
And baby I know' you're the only one for me
And it's right there on your lips
And it's right there in your kiss
And baby I know' you're the only air I breathe
And it's right there on your lips
And it's right there in your kiss
Jus right' jus right' jus right (Whoo)
Jus right' jus right' jus right
Jus right' jus right' jus right
Jus right for me
It's like that' it's like that
Jus right' jus right时长:03:34
I'm 'A drive you crazy
Till you be my baby
'Cause your giving me the signs.
Its just a matter of time, till your mine.
So you stay on my mind,
24/7 on my mind.
And I keep reading into every one of your moves,
Every little thing you do,
Thinking, should i pursue you?
Should i pursue you?
So i start making plans.
Take you out to slow dance.
Light up a romance.
Wrap your hands in my hands.
Then I hold you.
We get closer.
And I want you.
And I want to drive you crazy, love.
How can I just let go,
If your eyes say yes, but you won't fall in love?
If I were a painter, you'd be my mona lisa.
If I were a scientist baby, Id find the right chemistry.
So you say yes to me, and I keep hanging on, hanging on.
Till you say yes to me, say yes to me, say yes.
I'm 'A drive you crazy
Till you be my baby
I will drive you crazy
Till you be my baby
So I'm back in my room.
Yesterday's ended too soon, way too soon.
Staring at the canvas, watching the time pass by.
I got all the wrong colors spread out around me.
My glass of champagne is almost empty.
Every stroke I make is a stroke on your body.
Run my mind through your hair, its only you I see.
So i start making plans.
Take you out to slow dance.
Light up a romance.
Wrap your hands in my hands.
Then I hold you.
We get closer.
And I want you.
And I'm gonna drive you crazy love.
How can I just let go,
If your eyes say yes, but you won't fall in love?
If I were a painter, you'd be my mona lisa.
If I were a scientist baby, Id find the right chemistry.
So you say yes to me, and I keep hanging on, hanging on.
Till you say yes to me, say yes to me, say yes.
I'm 'A drive you crazy
Till you be my baby
I will drive you crazy
Till you be my baby
I'm 'A drive you crazy
Till you be my baby
I will drive you crazy
Till you be my baby时长:03:00
oh...it's a new luv,
it's a new day ,
it's a new one,
it's back new love u and me
...wanna oh...
i'll never fall in love so happy for the new love...
like the frist fall it slow,
with the day would u will hold.
baby fit only be
scary dapple u and me
don't matter if it's cold,
i got u give me wrong.
u make me fell like a child,
i just want to make u smile.
oh...we just won't gei it go part,
hold it get it hit get start,
it's so simplify,
we just wanna be with love
oh...it's a new luv,
it's a new day ,
it's a new one,
it's back new love u and me baby...wanna
oh...i'll never fall in love so happy for the new love...
it's a new luv,
it's a new day ,
it's a new one,
it's back new love u and me baby...wanna
oh...i'll never fall in love so happy for the new love...
come and see oh my love ,
i can't get nothing there,
thing is tips on ur back ,
i just want to make u smile.
u never have to be in love ,
oh u got me keeping warm.
i change the way to look at me,
i just want to make u smile
oh...we just say it no up the half day
watching it pass go bye,
we knew washing it handing your skirt,
can u feel my jacket hold u both cause i
it's a new luv,
it's a new day ,
it's a new one,
it's back new love u and me baby...wanna oh...
i'll never fall in love so happy for the new love...
it's a new luv,
it's a new day ,
it's a new one,
it's back new love u and me baby...wanna oh...
i'll never fall in love so happy for the new love...
This song is dedicated to all the mammas.
All the beautiful women.
No matter what color.
My mamma Marie... Robin's mom Gloria
Yeah we see you shinin'
You all diamonds
We love you
Like a butterfly, you made your way out to the shell
Oo, Like and angel, you finally got your wings
And all of the promises you made yourself
Are finally taking shape
You can only hold something so beautiful down so long
Until it finds the light of day
Pressure builds diamonds
Shining so bright for you to see
Pressure builds diamonds
Sparkling for everyone to see
Pressure builds diamonds
Shinin' so bright
Uh, Picture a cold winter
Me, you , middle women hat and dinner
Philipe Childs a mister
Its the Robin Hood and the plot gets thicker
I know you think I'm bout my girl
My mamma, my unborn daughter, my world
but daddy used to beat you harder than the five barrels
He left you in the ocean and you came back a pearl
He put you through hell, I put you in diamonds
Forget about that nigga, we dont need him Mamma!
I know your only son was drama
You wanted Obama but he was Osama
On the block in its suicide bomber
Then I got shot and went to jail comma
If that aint karma, me and my girl lost a baby in the womb
and it changed my armor
Pressure builds diamonds
Shining so bright for you to see
Pressure builds diamonds
Sparkling for everyone to see
Pressure builds diamonds
Shinin' so bright
All the ladies in the back
All the girls in the front
Everybody with ya diamonds
Yeah keep on shinin, yeah keep on
All the women across the world
Especially my girl
Just like the ocean makes the pearl
Pressure builds diamonds
(diamonds ... pressure builds diamonds...)
You can only hold something so beautiful down so long
'Til it finds the light of day
Pressure builds diamonds
Shining so bright for you to see
Pressure builds diamonds
Sparkling for everyone to see
Pressure builds diamonds
Shining so bright for you to see
Pressure builds diamonds
Sparkling for everyone to see
Pressure builds diamonds
I see you shining baby
I see you shining baby, diamonds,
I see you shining baby, diamonds,
Like a diamond baby, diamonds,
I see you shining baby, diamonds,
I see you shining baby, diamondsRobin Alan Thicke,简称Robin Thicke,是一名美国-加拿大的创作型歌手,作曲家和演员。他是演员Alan Thicke以及Gloria Loring的儿子。Thicke曾与,,,,以及Mary J. Blige等流行艺人有过合作。他也因为自己为Usher以及制作的专辑以及获得了广泛的认可。除此之外,Thicke还在推出的歌唱比赛最美和声中当中担任导师一职。[1] 在成为一名歌手之前Thicke一直位居,他为著名歌手Brandy的同名专辑创作了歌曲Love Is On My Side,他还为Jordan Knight工作,Jordan Knight于1999年发行的同名专辑中便包括了数首Thicke的作品。除此之外,Christina Aguilera处女专辑中的歌曲 &When You Put Your Hands on Me&以及Mya的&No Tears on My Pillow&也出自Thicke之手。 1999年,他与Walter Afanasieff合作写下歌曲 &Fall Again&,这首歌原本被选中收录在Michael Jackson2001年的专辑“Invincible”中,但最终歌曲却未能完成。在自己的早期音乐生涯中,Robin以自己的姓Thicke为艺名,这种状况一直持续到2005年。在成为一名歌手之前Thicke一直位居,他为著名歌手Brandy的同名专辑创作了歌曲Love Is On My Side,他还为Jordan Knight工作,Jordan Knight于1999年发行的同名专辑中便包括了数首Thicke的作品。除此之外,Christina Aguilera处女专辑中的歌曲 &When You Put Your Hands on Me&以及Mya的&No Tears on My Pillow&也出自Thicke之手。 1999年,他与Walter Afanasieff合作写下歌曲 &Fall Again&,这首歌原本被选中收录在Michael Jackson2001年的专辑“Invincible”中,但最终歌曲却未能完成。在自己的早期音乐生涯中,Robin以自己的姓Thicke为艺名,这种状况一直持续到2005年。
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