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牛津高中英语模块5 unit2 课文翻译
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The environment
------ Reading Our beautiful earthOur beautiful earthDo you love to live here?Our beautiful earthWhy?EnvironmentSandstormEverything was covered with sands.It looks like something like a bomb exploding not far way.Household wastesIn China millions of tons of household wastes are produced everyday.Air pollutionThe automobiles are piping out all kinds of waste gas into the atmosphere.We always can see heavy smoke is piped from the tall and ugly chimneys.Water pollution caused by chemicalsHuai River in chinaMichigan Lake in USAAs a result of the waste, what happened?Many places have been destroyed and many plants and animals have died.Some waste flows into the water andlater into the sea, killing sea creatures.What’s the effect of water pollution?The impact on human beingsMany children suffer hunger.Because of pollution many children were born abnormal.Lead-in: impactsQuestion:Why are human beings always damaging the environment?Partly due to financial benefitsUnit 2 ReadingThe economy
or the environment
-must we choose?1
What side does Ms
Lin Shuiqing and Mr. Qian Liwei each represent?Ms Lin Shuiqing represents the environment and Mr Qian Liwei represents the economy.2.By how many times has the world’s population increased since 1800?Six times.3.According to Mr. Qian Liwei , what should be done to factories that pollute the environment?They should have to pay higher taxes.Fast
readingFill in the table belowThe environment or the economy?Ms Lin ShuiqingMr. Qian LiweiJames LongenvironmentalisteconomistbadenvironmentReading strategy: reading a debateWhat is the order of a debate?1. One side:
present their points first2. The other side:
follow and present theirpoints3. Have a discussionSpeakers in a debate will represent opposite views.What is the order of a debate?The order of the debate:One side presents his points.The other side
presents his points.Open discussionReading strategyEconomyEnvironmentThe basic elements in a debate?Reading strategyWhat are the basic elements in a debate?Debatea discussion following both side’s viewsreaders “in the middle” on many difficult issuesnot make a final decision until having read or understood both sidesReading strategy: What is a debate?True or False1.The waste they create goes into the atmosphere and makes us sick.2. Many sea creatures are being wiped out by poisonous chemicals.3. Qian believes that people are more important than creatures.4. Qian thinks that paying a higher price for some things is good for the economy in some ways.5. Qian agrees that those factories which pollute the environment shouldn’t have to pay higher taxes.TFTTFPut the subjects each speaker talks about in the correct order.Liu ShuiqingQian Liwei61432553124wasteFishingconcernedjobsrecycledEffectiveSugge-stionshighergrownproduction12345678910Let’s have a debatehostAn arguable topicone sidethe oppositesideDeveloping the economy is more importantthan protecting the environment.Discussion① Are we causing some damage to our earth?② What should we do to save our earth and protect our environment especially in our daily life?Take away all the rubbish in the classroom after class.Write a composition on how to achieve a balance between the economy and the environment.Surf the Internet for more solutions to environmental protection if possible.Homework:Thank you!Good bye!牛津高中英语模块五unit2&project课文翻译
14-10-05 &匿名提问


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