extreme ironing cushion什么意思?

Extreme Ironing | 领英
上一组文章下一组文章极限烫衣(extreme ironing)是极限运动中,一种鲜为人知,但却更加极限的运动。由英国人phil shaw于1997年发明。参赛者带著衣服、熨斗和熨衣板攀登险峻的山峰、潜入水中、在雪地中、在沙漠里、把自己拴在悬崖之间的钢丝绳上进行烫衣服,这种运动据说能结合户外运动的挑战性和烫衣服的温馨。(什么鬼)看完小编不得不说,这是有多少人死在烫衣的路上啊~~辽宁三九手机网(lnsj999) 
这才叫业界良心啊!真的是太不容易了~~也不知道这是魅族今年的第几个儿子了,从以前一年一旗舰的梦想系列,到现在魅蓝,魅蓝note和MXMX PRO每天吃完饭,都会留下剩菜剩饭,倒掉感觉很可惜,留着下一下餐又不好吃!很多人都是用来炒饭,煮粥,煮粥的方法是非引语无线充电技术(Wireless charging technology;Wireless charge目录:1. 电视盒子是什么2. 电视盒子有什么用3. 与有线电视盒子相比,用和不用的区别4. 电视盒子的4K诺基亚几乎人人都用过,这家来自芬兰的手机厂商在上个世纪可以说是一直都在手机界的神坛之上,可现在人人都知道到诺
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目录:1. 电视盒子是什么2. 电视盒子有什么用3. 与有线电视盒子相比,用和不用的区别4. 电视盒子的4K12月18日,改编自盗墓类小说《鬼吹灯》的电影《寻龙诀》正式上映,8.0的豆瓣高分和远超同期电影的票房告诉我平安夜出行指南一年一度的平安夜、圣诞节即将到来,每当这时,大沈阳都会变成一座“狂欢”之城。通宵达旦地庆祝圣诞不知道你家女友需要充气不?高富帅的日常姑娘,你的自拍技术真不赖啊姑娘你到底梦到了啥?姑娘说,自拍好不好看主要当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器MI 小米 小米盒子3 开箱 & 使用体验自家买了小米盒子2代有1年多了,始终用的很好,给父亲家和岳父家各买.
引语无线充电技术(Wireless charging technology;Wireless chargeNO.1NO.2NO.3NO.4NO.5NO.6NO.7NO.8NO.9NO.10NO.11NO.12NO..如果一个人真的爱你,他会把你当孩子般宠爱,但是自己又说不出宠你的原因
;他会让你开心快乐,舍不得让你流泪;相信每个人的手机里都有一个支付宝,平时无论是购物、充话费、还信用卡或是转账,都相当方便。但是这些功能其实在很.其实有的时候,我们也不知道为什么要去旅行,更不知道为什么非要一个人去。也许是因为一个人去旅行更加自由,没有牵每天吃完饭,都会留下剩菜剩饭,倒掉感觉很可惜,留着下一下餐又不好吃!很多人都是用来炒饭,煮粥,煮粥的方法是非.戏如人生,人生如戏。尤其是那些以演戏为生的演员们,更是经历着戏里戏外的玄妙生活。当戏里的故事终结时,有的人却如何面对人生中的得与失,这恐怕是千百年来许多人苦苦思索的。该得到的不要错过,该失去的,洒脱的放弃,不必太纵观整个平板电脑市场,小米平板卡住了一个微妙的平衡点。对于想买 iPad 但又顾虑价格的用户,小米平板似乎是
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词汇: Extreme sports 极限运动
Tired of your quiet routine? How about leaving your computer games behind and taking up an extreme sport?
You can ride a bicycle, right? In that case you're halfway to becoming a mountain biker. All you have to do is take your bike off the road and try some rough terrain. Mountain biking was developed in California in the 1970s and became an Olympic sport in 1996. In the London 2012 games athletes had to navigate a 4.7-kilometre track in less than two hours.
Not challenging enough? Skydivers jump from aircraft at an altitude of 1,000 to 4,000 metres. You have to be fit but there's no age limit with this sport. Dilys Price from Cardiff went on her first jump aged 54. The minute she came down she wanted to go up again. &I was hooked&, said Dilys.
Some adrenaline junkies are even bolder & they've invented base jumping, in which people leap from tall structures, such as buildings or bridges, with a parachute. Many of their stunts aren't legal, especially in urban areas. Dan Witchalls has jumped off The Shard - London's 310 metre-high skyscraper - four times. He says: &Base jumping is scarier than jumping out of a plane. In a plane there's no perception of height, but when you are standing on the edge of the building you can see people and cars - it makes it very real.&
It seems there's no lack of imagination when it comes to risking life to look cool and get the heart pounding. Surfing, scuba diving, rock climbing& How about turning one of your chores into a daredevil pursuit? 'Extreme ironing' isn't for wimps! Pressing your shirt on top of a mountain could be dangerous, depending on the mountain. Extreme ironing is said to have been created in the 1990s in the English town of Leicester by a man who saw a pile of wrinkled clothes and felt bored. That was Phil Shaw who also won the only Extreme Ironing Championships ever held, in Germany in 2002. For him, the thrill of this sport comes from looking at the spectators' faces. Shaw says: &Sometimes they look confused, sometimes they laugh. It's fun to see how people respond to it.&
an extreme sport 极限运动
a mountain biker 山地车车手
terrain 地带,地面
to navigate 骑车通过,对付(艰险路面)
a skydiver 跳伞者,跳伞运动员
altitude 海拔高度
fit 身体健康的,健壮的
hooked 着迷了,上瘾了
adrenaline junkie 寻求刺激的人(喜欢肾上腺素带来的兴奋感的人)
bolder 更勇敢无畏
a stunt 惊险动作,特技
to pound (心脏)怦怦地跳
scuba diving 水肺潜水
a chore 令人讨厌的琐事,家务活
a daredevil pursuit 大胆的追求
a wimp 软弱的人
wrinkled 皱巴巴的,有皱的
a thrill 刺激,兴奋感
1. 阅读课文并回答问题。
1. What sort of surface do mountain bikers train on?
2. Was 54-year-old Dilys Price terrified after her first parachute jump?
3. Why is jumping off a building scarier than jumping out of a plane?
4. True or false? Extreme ironing was invented by a man who likes ironing.
5. Where does the excitement of extreme ironing come from, according to the article?
2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。
1. My cousin Billy goes surfing every week and now he wants to try skydiving. He is __________.
an adrenaline junkie a wimp a spectator a mountain biker
2. Leave your parachute at home. Today we are going __________.
base jumping scuba diving skydiving rock climbing
3. I'm not very fit. We've been running for a few minutes and my heart is already __________.
beating hooked tired pounding
4. I'm going to become a professional mountain biker. Why not turn a hobby __________ a career?
over into on to
5. What are you doing with this ironing board on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro? I'm __________.
confused bored tired fit
1. 阅读课文并回答问题。
1. What sort of surface do mountain bikers train on?
Rough terrain.
2. Was 54-year-old Dilys Price terrified after her first parachute jump?
No. Dilys wanted to do it again. The Cardiff native said she was hooked.
3. Why is jumping off a building scarier than jumping out of a plane?
Because there is no perception of height from a plane. When you jump off a building you can see people and cars, which makes it feel more real.
4. True or false? Extreme ironing was invented by a man who likes ironing.
False. He was bored of ironing and invented extreme ironing to make it more fun.
5. Where does the excitement of extreme ironing come from, according to the article?
The article says the &thrill& (excitement) comes from &looking at the spectators' faces&.
2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。
1. My cousin Billy goes surfing every week and now he wants to try skydiving. He is an adrenaline junkie.
2. Leave your parachute at home. Today we are going scuba diving.
3. I'm not very fit. We've been running for a few minutes and my heart is already pounding.
4. I'm going to become a professional mountain biker. Why not turn a hobby into a career?
5. What are you doing with this ironing board on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro? I'm confused.


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