
Mom:John,how is your English examination?John:Mom,I think I did well.Papa:John,have you completed all the items?John:Yes.And I reviewed it for two times.Mom:Mary,How about your English?Mary:Mom,I feel it is very difficult.Papa:John,you can help Mary on English.Mary:John,can you teach me English this holiday?John:OK,no problem.Mom:English is an important language,you two need work hard on it.Mary:Yes,Mom,I will study English hard.John:Yes,I feel it is very interesting.Papa:Good.Sometimes we can speak English at home.Mom:Yes,exercise can help you improve your English.John:Mom,we can also put the names on the tables,chairs,and so on.Mary:Good idea.So we can know more words.
您可能关注的推广请英语高手帮忙~~! 编一篇两个人的对话,没人10句话左右,对话内容要涉及:人与自然、人与科技、生活态度_百度知道
请英语高手帮忙~~! 编一篇两个人的对话,没人10句话左右,对话内容要涉及:人与自然、人与科技、生活态度
Nice meeting you too.B,how is are the things going:well?A.: not already: it sounds great. Nice meeting you.Do you have some idea. B: Hi.A?A:wonderful: Wd like to.B: Bye?Kay:will you come,Kay:hello. If you are hired. ByeA:how ah: Do you have any working experience: No? A;ll try my best to do it well if I&#39: You are very welcome: Thank you very much for your time.B.B: Any day since next week, when can you start to work?A. I will notify you once the decision is made:i&#39.,have you planed it.see youA: Hello. But I&#39.A: That&#39. I m 18 years old: OK?A?A.B: Because it will help me with my tuition?Kay. My name is Bill?AA. My name is Bm hired?Kay. $8&#47?A. B;s about right, I guess.B,long time no seekay, majored in Art and Science Dm glad to. Can you introduce yourself please. I&#39: uh: Are you aware of the pay for this position.the weekend is coming: Why are you intersted in being a clerk in the library: Because I love reading and like to deal with books.A: I&#39:Hi
&& 关于音乐
Music dialogueJane met Linda on the bus. Jane is listening to her I-pod.L: (waves her hand) HI, Jane, how is everything?J: (takes off her headphone) Hi, Linda. How are you?L: I am fine. How about you?J: I am fine, too. Where are you going?Linda: I am going to the bookstore to see if I could pick up some good books there. You were listening to your I-Pod just now. J: Yeah, I love music. Music is my life. And I love this I-pod to death. It is like I am carrying a music library where I go.L: Oh yeah? Tell me your favorite singers.J: quite a lot. I like Backstreet boys, Britney Spear, Justin Timberlake, and Beyonce and so on. How about you?L: I like old songs. I like love songs. Those songs cloud last forever.J: Name some good songs, please.L: Simon & Garfunkel, you know these two songs” The Sound of Silence”, “ El Condor Pasa”?J: yeah, very good.L: I like Bee gees, too. Too bad one of the brothers died two years ago. I don’t think we could find another band like this one.J: How about U2? It is very popular.L: Right. Some of their songs are easy listening. But some are heavy metal which I don’t like. I prefer soft rocks.J: It’s great that we both love music. . I don’t know if anyone could live without music.L: I agree with you... When I am down, music cheers me up. When I am lost, music guides me through. When I am tired, music soothes me gently. When I am weak, music lifts me up.J: Music is our world. Linda, I have to get off now. It seems we could keep this topic on and on.L:Maybe we should meet on a nice weekend and we will just talk about music all day. Does that sound good?J: Absolutely. I will call you. Bye!L: Bye! Have a good day!J: You, too. 2.&& A---customer& B—waiterA walks into a restaurant. B: Hi! How many?A: One.B: This way, please.A: Thanks.B: What would you like to drink? (Gives A a menu)A: Iced water with lemon, please.B: Here you are. ( A gives a glass of iced water.) What would you like to order today?A: Give me one spring roll and the lunch special” Chicken with broccoli with white rice.B: spring roll and the chicken with broccoli with the white rice. Anything else?A: No. Thanks. After waiting for about 7 or 8 minutes, A hasn’t got his food yet.A: Excuse me, sir!B: yes?A: I have been waiting for my food for about 8 minutes. I have an appointment at 2:30.B: I am sorry. Let me check with the kitchen.B (comes back and says) I am sorry. You still have to wait for about three minutes.A: This is really ridiculous. It took too long. I want my order now or just cancel it for me.B: I am really sorry. The chief is new. Let me push the order for you.B: (brings the tray out): here you are. I am really sorry.A: Never mind.B: ok, enjoy your lunch.A: thanks.
A: Sorry I'm late. Have you guy waiting long?B: No not so long. C: It's 7 p.m. now. So what you guy hungry for?A: I don't konw. How about this restaurant?C: Okay. This restaurant look very nice.B: Can we eat now? I'm so hungry.(In the restaurant)C: So what do you guy want to eat?A: How about a turkey?B: Okay. I want some stinky tofu.C: Oh... I love stinky tofu.(They eat now)C: This stinky tofu is so good, I love it!A: The turkey is good too, do you want some?B: No thanks. I'm still enjoy these noodles. The sauce is so good.A: I'm full now.B: Me too. So what do we do next?C: That's go to the night market!中文翻译:A: 对不起,我迟到了!!你们等很久了吗??B: 还好没有很久。C: 已经7点了。你们想吃甚么呢??A: 我不知道要不要去这间餐厅??C: 好啊!这间餐厅看起来很漂亮!!B: 我们可以吃了吗??我很饿了!!(在餐厅里)C: 你们想吃什么呢??B: 要不要一只火鸡A: 可以啊, 我想要一盘臭豆腐C: 噢, 我爱臭豆腐(在吃)C: 这个臭豆腐很好吃, 我喜欢.A: 这个火鸡也很不错, 要来一点吗?B: 不用了, 我还在享受这碗麵呢! 这个作料做的真好.A: 我饱了!B: 我也是, 那等一下我们要干嘛呢?C: 我们再去夜市逛逛吧!
&& 很贴近生活吧。。。o(∩_∩)o 哈哈
1。 A: so that do you think of our project? we did a pretty good job? &&& B: i agree. i think the presentation was impressive. &&& c: yes. that was good team work. &&& b: however i thought we could have spend more time analyzing the information and resources we found. we had two weeks before the final presentation and wasted almost half of the time gathering resources. we could have been more efficient. &&& c: and we should improve our communication next time if we're still a team. i mean every time i sent emails out to let you know the time and place of out meeting, none of you replied me. we need to exchange cellphone numbers so that we can talk about the project when we need to. i know everyone has different schedule and it's hard to have everyone at a meeting. but we can at least try! &&& a: you're right, if we had more time we'd probably figure out more arguments that are contributive. and we should have meetings in person instead of through emails. so that we can make sure everyone understands what's going on. but the out come was good and that's all counts for me. congrats! team! *** 2. &&& a: it always take me forever to memorize those vocabularies! why is it so hard?&&& b: well maybe you're not remembering them in the right way.&&& c: yeah. i used to have to spend at least two hours a day reading the textbook and listen to tapes. so that i can first remember how to pronounce a word, and then make sure i know how to spell.&&& a: but i don't know how to spell! do you have any suggestion for me? &&& b: i can help you, i learned a program called FoxEnglish when i was little and it really helped! you first have to know how many ways a letter could pronounce and when to pronounce what. for instance, &&& C, sounds like
&& 是一起的。。估计读完你导师也睡着了 。。。。
Jacob: Hi guys! Yooh what's going on buddy? Terry: Nice to see you again Jacob! Sam: Hi what's up man, how's going today? Jacob: Can't be better, i was handing out with my baby all day long, that was actually fabulous time,we went to walmart, costco.And You know Matt Damon was out there showing his summer debut,absolutly incredible! And i got his signature. Right,that big budget movie is really a Thrilling, sublime plot! great acting! Sam and Terry, you guys will have to watch it, haha! Sam: Oh really? Sounds great, all right,i trust you this time. Anyway i throught you will order that DVD editon, you just got your $6,000 home theater last week man, don't tell me that's your living room mirror. Jacob: Oh my friends, just read the cast. Tom Hanks, Brad petter, George Clooney and my favorite MATT DAMON!!!!!!End of story,it really worth your 2 hours cinema time! Terry: You got me. i will do the samething if i was you, just scan those awesome names. Jacob: honestly, but this is still not on my top list, i have seen a thriller called infernal affairs. Have you guys hear that before? It's a Hongkong cop movie, A gripping,intense ride played out between Liu Dehua and Liang Chaowei. that's just kind of movie that you will never forget, simply stunning! Sam: Yeah i think i heared little bit about that movie, but there are some voices criticizing that it is partly overrated. Jacob: It hasn't suprised me at all, you always have tons of viewers with totally different gustations. You can not satisfy all. Terry: That's right, Jacob. Jacob: And you guys know the guy Wu Zhenyu? Holly!Holly! He is my God, an great emotional actor,you guys better go and watch his performance in especially cop thrillers. Honestly you will feel sad for his death although he is a bad character in the movie, not every actor can reach that level, you know. Sam:Ok! but when do you change into a optimist? everything in your words sounds nothing is better than that!.....Ha ha,i am just kidding, man. Nice time with you,we better go now, yeah still have to take care our business you know. We will see ya tomorrow. take care buddy. Terry: Bye! Jacob: i appreciate your time, see you guys soon!
雅各:嗨,伙计们!Yooh到底怎么回事哥们儿?  特里:很高兴再见到你雅各!  山姆:嗨!什么人,今天要去吗?  雅各:不可能更好,我跟我的孩子送出了一整天,这实际上是难以置信的时间,我们去了沃尔玛,全球你知道马特o达蒙在外面炫耀他的夏季,说的非常难以置信的!我得到了他的签名。对,那个大的预算的电影真是一场、崇高的阴谋!伟大的表演!山姆和特里,你们要看它,哈哈!  山姆:哦,真的吗?听起来很好,好吧,我相信你了。无论如何我还是通过你将订购,DVD editon,你刚收到你们的6000美元的家庭影院上周的人,不要告诉我,那是你的客厅的镜子。  雅各:噢,我的朋友,只是读。汤姆·汉克斯、布拉德皮特,乔治·克鲁尼和我最喜欢的马特o达蒙! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !结束的故事,它真正值得你的2小时电影的时间!  特里:你问倒我了。我要做的,如果我是你的话,samething扫描那些可怕的名字仅仅。  雅各:老实说,但它还不是在我的顶级表,我看过一部叫做《无间道》。你们听说过吗?这是香港警察的电影,引人入胜,强烈的骑打出了Chaowei.刘德华和梁之间,只不过是什么样的电影,你将永远不会忘记,只是太好了!  山姆:是的,我想我听到一些关于那部电影,但仍有一些声音批评,这部分高估了。  雅各:它没有让我惊讶,你总是有一大堆的听众观众gustations完全不同。你不能满足所有。  特里:没错,我名叫雅各。  雅各,你们认识那家伙吴来吗?霍莉!冬青!他是我们的神,一个伟大的情感的演员,你最好去看他的表现,尤其是在警察的恐怖片。你会觉得悲伤,诚实,虽然他是他死在电影中“不匹配字符,而不是每个演员都能达到这个水平,你知道的。  山姆:好吧!但是当你改变成一个乐观主义者吗?在你的话听起来什么都比那个好! .....哈哈,我只是开玩笑。美好的时光,我们最好去跟你现在是还是要照顾好我们的业务,你知道的。我们会再见了照顾好伙伴。  特里:再见!  雅各:我很欣赏你的时候,看到你们!            Lobel的小故事从Arnold“饼干”找到灵感,写下这段对话.感觉挺有意义的。    将power意志力  迈克(M)丹尼(C),汤米(T)——-classmates  场景——学院的宿舍里  丹尼是玩电脑游戏对他的笔记本电脑。汤米睡着了。  迈克回来,从一个早上慢跑。      男:嗨,阿丹,你在干什么?  医生:我玩战争的工艺。  男:汤米吗?  医生:Shiiiii !  男:是什么?发生了什么事?  医生:别你看到了吗?他还在睡觉。  男:我的天啊!我简直不敢相信这一点!这几乎是9。他起床了。你不记得我们被要求做了三个人对话为明天的口语课吗?  是的,我喜欢。你醒来的时候,我将扮演一个托米更圆的战争的工艺。  男:你最好别打吧。我们没有那么多的时间准备这个对话。汤米!汤米!醒醒吧!该起床了!  师:5分钟时间,请。  麦克:没门,何塞。时间过的真苍蝇我们还有很多事情要做。快点。  师:(汤米坐在在床上)我可以躺下两分钟,仅仅两分钟吗?当丹尼结束了他的比赛,我将会做得很好。(的话),我不知道我为什么这么困倦。(汤米躺了。)  男:伙计们! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !我真的生气了。时间等待任何人。如果你不停止你现在正在做的事,我要找别人来作我的伙伴。  和T:好吧。所有的权利。我们听你。    男:那样才像话。我们需要将权力。  和T:什么是意志的力量吗?  男:意志努力不去做一些你真正想做的事。  医生:你的意思是说像试图去玩战争的演技?  迈克:是的。  老师:你是说就像忍住不熬夜到很晚吗?  男:没错。  丹尼关掉他的电脑。汤米起身去洗手间。  两分钟后三个maskeetters正在他们的任务。  丹尼:迈克,我可以稍微休息一下?让我玩一圈,我们将继续我们的工作吗?  汤米:迈克,我可以躺一会儿吗?我背疼。  迈克:不!不!不!让我们完成我们的工作之前,我们什么也做不了。我们需要将力量! ! !  丹尼和托米:那是真的。我们需要意志的力量!我们听你的。
从Arnold Lobel的小故事"Cookies"找到灵感,写下这段对话.感觉挺有意义的. Will power意志力 Mike(M) Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates Scene----in the college dorm Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping. Mike came back from a morning jogging. M: hi, Dan, what are u doing? D: I am playing war craft. M: Where is Tommy? D: Shiiiii! M:What? What's the matter? D: Don't u see? He is still sleeping. M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It’s almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class? D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and I will play one more round of war craft. M: You'd better stop playing right now. We don't have much time to prepare this dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! Time to wake up! T:five more minutes, please. Mike: No way, Jose. Time really flies.We still have a lot to do. Hurry up. T: (Tommy sits up in his bed) Can I lie down two more minutes, please, just two more minutes? when Danny finishes his game, I will be fine.(Yawns) I don't know why I am so so sleepy. (Tommy lies down again.) M: Guys!!! I am really angry now. Time waits for nobody. If you two don't stop what you are doing now, I will find somebody else to be my partners. D and T: all right. All right. We listen to u. M: That's more like it. We need will power. D and T: what is will power? M: Will power is trying hard not to do something that you really want to do. D: You mean like trying not to play war craft? Mike: right. T: you mean like trying not to stay up late? M: right. Danny turns off his computer. Tommy gets up and goes to the bathroom. Two minutes later the three maskeetters are working on their assignment. Danny: Mike, can I take a little break? Let me play one round and we will continue our work? Tommy: Mike, Can I lie down a minute? My back hurts. Mike: No! No! No! Let's finish our work first before we do anything. We need will power!!! Danny and Tommy: that's true. We need will power! We listen to you.
其他回答 (1)
13.Who do you wish to talk to?您要找谁呀?14.Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?15.Hello!Is Sue there?喂!是休吗?16.Yes,speaking.是的,我就是.Dialogue AA:Hello?B:Hello.is this 4474716?I'd like to speak to Mr.Wang,please?A:I'm sorry.Mr.Wang is out right now.B:May I know when he'll be back?A:I don't know,but he will certainly be back for lunch.This is his wife speaking.Can I take a message for him?B:Thank you,Mrs.Wang.Please tell him to be at the airport one hour before tomorrow afternoon.A:Very good.I'll let him know as soon as he comes back.But,may I have your name,please?B:This is Lin Ming.Thank you.Bye.A:Good-bye.Dialogue BA:Good morning.B:Good morning.This is Li Gang here I'm calling from New York in America.A:How can I help you?B:I'm trying to get hold of Mr.Chen.Is he available?A:I'll just find out for you,sir… Hello,are you still there?Unfortunately,Mr.Chen is not available at the moment.Wouldyou like me to put you through to Mr.Li?B:Yes,please.That's very kind of you.A:You're welcome.Dialogue C(A:Jane B:Mary C:Sue)A:Hello!B:Hello!Good morning.Who is that speaking?A:It's Jane.I'm so sorry that I made such an early phone call.B:It's nothing.Who do you wish to talk to?A:Is Sue James in?B:Sue!Jane wants you on the phone预定房间里面有,选一个吧
1 Hellow,this is Tom. May I speak to Amy?
Sorry, she is out now.
Could you take the note?
………………2 Hellow, this is Sunny Inn. What can I do for you?
Hellow, I wanna book a ...
L:Oh,today's weather is awful.The wind blows so strongly and dust blows everywhere.M:Yeah,it's terrible.But you know,it's not uncommon to have such dust storms in Beijing.L:Why do the dust storms come so strongly this year?I've never seen such strong storms before.M:According to the meteorologists view,the dust weather has much to do with the scarcity of rain,the dry air and exposed soil with immature plants in the area.L:Right,right.M:And the worsening desertification is another major reason.L:To tell the truth,I don't like Beijing for two reasons.One is the pollution,and the other is the serious traffic jam.M:Desertification and pollution caused by the heavy industries and car exhaust emission makes Beijing an entremely dirty city to live in.L:In China,economic development has often been achieved at the cost of the environment.M:But Beijing has tightened its environmental protection measures in the past few year.L:Yes,Beijing hopes to host a "Green Olympics".M:I hope Beijng starts to take on a new look now.L:I hope so.


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