tongue tied是什么意思啊?和ipod touch是什么有什么关系啊?

tongue-tied是什么意思 tongue-tied在线翻译 tongue-tied什么意思 tongue-tied的意思 tongue-tied的翻译 tongue-tied的解释 tongue-tied的发音
tongue-tied英 [t?? ta?d] 美 ['t???ta?d] tongue-tied 基本解释形容词舌头短的,发音不清的,结结巴巴的; 语塞; 心拙口笨tongue-tied 相关例句形容词1. He was completely tongue-tied with rage.&&&&他气得一句话也讲不出来。2. A tongue-tied silence was suddenly broken.&&&&突然,沉默无言的局面被打破了。tongue-tied 网络解释1. 1. 发音不清的:tongue-tie 短舌头 | tongue-tied 发音不清的 | tongued 说话2. 结结巴巴的:tongue-tied 舌头短的 | tongue-tied 结结巴巴的 | tongue-tietonguetie 短舌头3. 舌頭打結:一、 Make People Aware Of How You Feel | 1. Tongue Tied 舌頭打結 | 2. Get Butterflies In Stomach緊張到胃抽筋4. 911查询·英语单词4. 语塞:Pigs Might Fly 太阳从西边出来了 | Tongue-Tied 语塞 | Other Half (一对情侣中的) 那一位tongue-tied 双语例句1. Yesterday's English class, there have been a minor incident in a me since I often say that the regular practice of the sentence, the students stood up one by one they are nothing but tongue-tied and stand there, made me feel weird is that in the last English class, I also spent a lot of time to conduct a review, I review the effect of the original are so poor, the efficiency of the original lectures the students are so low, when I feel undervalued when the fall had to reflect on how to improve each a lesson in the classroom 45 minutes will be efficient.&&&&昨天的英语课上,发生了一个小插曲,一个我自认为常讲常练的句型,学生一个个站起来却都哑口无言的站在那里,更让我觉得不可思议的是,在昨天的英语课上我还花了大量时间进行了复习,原来我复习的效果是那样的差,原来学生听课的效率是那么的低,当我心情跌落低估的时候又不得不进行思考,如何提高每一节课的课堂四十五分中的效率呢。2. Ask when the policeman the girl comes to which factory work, when letting its show id card, girl immediately tongue-tied, one is passed through in the eyes flurried.&&&&当民警问少女来哪家工厂打工,并让其出示身份证时,少女顿时语塞,眼神中透过一丝慌张。3. Representative song titles are Foot-Sloggers'Tunes, Lanhuahua, Ganshengling, Guerrillas at the Foot of Mount Hengshan and Tongue-tied when I Gaze on that Face.&&&&代表 曲目有《脚夫调》、《兰花花》、《赶性灵》、《横山下来游击队》、《见面容易拉话难》等。4. 4. I'm never sure if I'm getting the best price, most of the time I get all tongue-tied when I start haggling.&&&&我总也不知道是不是买到了好价钱,大部分时间都是刚一开口侃价舌头就不听使唤了。5. In speaking English, he hesitates frequently and becomes tongue-tied.&&&&说英语时,他常打愣,张口结舌表达不出意思。6. 6. After a few sentences I became tongue-tied.&&&&我说了几句就没词儿了。7. My tongue-tied muse in manners holds her still, While comments of your praise richly compiled, Reserve their character with golden quill, And precious phrase by all the Muses filed.&&&&我的缄口的诗神只脉脉无语;他们对你的美评却累牍连篇,用金笔刻成辉煌夺目的大字,和经过一切艺神雕琢的名言。8. My tongue-tied Muse in manners holds her still, While comments of your praise, richly compiled, Reserve their character with golden quillAnd precious phrase by all the Muses filed.&&&&我的缄口的诗神只脉脉无语;他们对你的美评却累牍连篇,用金笔刻成辉煌夺目的大字,和经过一切艺神雕琢的名言。9. danci.911cha.com9. Her name was Rachel, and I mooned my way through grade and high school, strick at the mere sight of her, tongue-tied in her presence.&&&&我糊里糊涂读完了五年级和中学;在此期间,只要见到她我就动心,有她在场我就笨嘴笨舌说不出活来。10. 10. Her name was Rachel, and I mooned my way through grade and high school, stricken at the mere sight of her, tongue-tied in her presence.&&&&她的名字叫雷切尔,正是这个名字使我虚度了整个中学时光。只要一看到她的身影我就会心慌意乱,在她面前说话也变的结结巴巴。11. Her name was Rachel, and I mooned my way through the grade and high school, stricken at the mere sight of her, tongue-tied in her presence.&&&&&&她芳名瑞切尔,我的整个中学阶段一直象月亮绕着地球般地不离其左右。看上她一眼便会为之倾倒,与她面对面时是却又笨嘴拙舌。12. 12. But when he was young, he was an ugly, rustiness and tongue-tied boy.&&&&&&但小时候,他却是个相貌丑陋、声音沙哑、说话结结巴巴的孩子。13. At the Byford event I was somewhat tongue-tied. My text was too long, and I tried to shorten it as I wasspeaking.&&&&&&在佰富的活动上,我舌头却有些不听使唤-演讲稿有些太长了,我边说边想着怎么样把稿子精简一点,有些结结巴巴。14. At the Byford event I was somewhat tongue-tied. My text was too long, and I tried to shorten it as I was speaking.&&&&&&在佰富的活动上,我舌头却有些不听使唤-演讲稿有些太长了,我边说边想着怎么样把稿子精简一点,有些结结巴巴。15. That has left it tongue-tied: Tetum, the main vernacular, is seen as insufficiently developed for official use.&&&&&&这让东帝汶无所适从:德顿语,主要当地语言被认为在作为官方使用没有效率。16. If he doesn`t call, he`s probably still tongue-tied from being in your presence.&&&&&&如果他不请,他大概仍哑口无言被你的存在。17. Then I wouldn't be tongue-tied.&&&&&&那么当我看着你的眼神的时候18. Eg: I'm so nervous when I see her that I'll be totally tongue-tied.&&&&&&我见到她时,紧张得都说不出话来了。19. I'm so nervous when I see her that I'll be totally tongue-tied.&&&&&&我一见到她就紧张地讲不出话来了。20. 20. When I first met her I was just tongue-tied.&&&&&&当我第一次看到她时,我的舌头打结说不出话来。tongue-tied 词典解释1. (因害羞、紧张等)张口结舌的,说不出话的&&&&If someone is tongue-tied, they are unable to say anything because they feel shy or nervous.&&&&e.g. In their presence I became self-conscious and tongue-tied.&&&&&&&&&&&当着他们的面,我有些难为情,说不出话来。tongue-tied 英英释义adj1. unable to express yourself clearly or fluently&&&&e.g. felt tongue-tied with embarrassment&&&&&&&&&&&incoherent with grief&&&&Synonym: tongue-tied是什么意思,tongue-tied在线翻译,tongue-tied什么意思,tongue-tied的意思,tongue-tied的翻译,tongue-tied的解释,tongue-tied的发音,tongue-tied的同义词,tongue-tied的反义词,tongue-tied的例句,tongue-tied的相关词组,tongue-tied意思是什么,tongue-tied怎么翻译,单词tongue-tied是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 tongue-tied
adj. 舌头短的,发音不清的,结结巴巴的
In their presence I became self-conscious and tongue-tied.
1.unable to express yourself clearly or fluently
felt tongue-tied with embarrassment
incoherent with grief
1.He stood tongue-tied before the huge audience.
2.Some young people become self-conscious and tongue-tied in early adolescence.
3.The writers were quite tongue-tied about what would happen after the cliffhanger.
4.This eye-catching bridge design is bound to have the architectural critics tongue-tied.
5.In their presence I became self-conscious and tongue-tied.
好文推荐:ipod touch新广告歌~Grouplove《Tongue Tied》女主唱的耳坠太个性了~~
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