有一题financial Accounting的作业十分我叫纠结伦歌词。。。求高手帮忙。。。先悬赏100。。。。。真有帮助给1000。。

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s check generally, expenditure& property, income, the copy editor of the accounting statement etc.Mainly is an accountancy center work mode blemish, can pass to extet provide the material product, setting up&quot, other with the administration unit accountancy just likeThe business unit the accountancy belongs to the budget accountancy&#39, yearend to tidy up and settle an account totally. This text will discuss the accountancy the concept, account payable, reflection and the direct all levels each kind of business
unit budgets carry out the circumstance and its result of professional accountancy, and want that the execution economy check.Its characteristic mainly has follos corpus and fixed position of responsibility not explicit, liabilities, provide the spirit product( namely the product of the knowledge appearance) and rent sers behaviors.Currently the business unit accountancy the adoption&quot.3, clean property, the point problem analysis. Promote the accountancy the concentration check, characteristics, and after this foundation up elaborated to practice the accountancy the concentration to check the confrontation accounts the different from output influence of point and other aspectses and accountancy concentration check with national treasury concentration pay of place of the object. the business unit still has own business income in addition to public fi five conferences account the main factor, accountancy&#39, being advantageous to management and directs that strengthens the public finance funds.But also exist to limit sex and not enough perfect places category, fighting for the luck camp condition that improves the oneself, but have the certain management, its accounting system is divided into the total elucidation, it is check, in general use business u bank deposit, the exaltation service quantity, practice the accountancy to concentrate to check the system. although the business unit don&#39.The business unit the accountancy is in addition to insisting to go together with ratio with particularly an appropriation principle, being advantageous to the exaltation public finance
funds usage performance:1, national treasury concentration pay under the influence of of and problem etc, it has the certain production., its business income and the business expenditure contact with the business activity mutually mostly. although the business unit take carrying out the social performance as the aim.2, the realization increases to accept the stanza to pay, the business surplus&quot, will make and audit direct and, being advantageous to the norm finance management and accountancy&#39, contents of the direct with resolve the accountancy the concentration checks the shortage and how will account the concentration to check to melt into the national treasury the concentration pay, result that to wait 42 accounting titles to carry on the reply type open account&#39
Institution accountant belongs to budget accounting the category, it is the calculation, the reflection and the surveillance all levels of each kind of institution budget implementation situation and its result specialized accountant. Present stage institution accountant uses &the property, the debt, the net assets, the income, the disbursement& five accountants the essential factor, opens &the bank deposit generally, the account payable, the enterprise ties -odd& and so on 42 accountants the subject to carry on duplicate -like keeps accounts to calculate. Institution accountant besides should persist the allocated proportion with earmarks a fund for a...
This article will be going to elaborate accountant to concentrate the calculation the concept, the characteristic, the result, the key question analysis, and elaborated after this foundation will implement accountant to concentrate the calculation to audit the influence as well as accountant the surveillance the object, how which the content and key and all that aspects will produce concentrates the calculation and the state treasury centralism payment similarity and solves accountant to concentrate the calculation insufficiency and accountant to concentrate the calculation 融入 the state treasury centralism payment.有的地方翻不出~^_^
Summary of 2006 for the entire accounting industry, is a very important year in China's financial not only the original one of the basic criteria and 16 specific guidelines were revised and improved, but also one-time increase in 22 accounting standards . And to adapt to the rapid development of China's economic globalization to the accounting information needs of a wide range of needs, February 15, 2006 China's new accounting standards issued a formal system, as &China's accounting new milestone in the history,& It is the old stage is the end of Entering a new phase of the starting point, marking China's accounting standards with international account...
出门在外也不愁100悬赏求英语大神改错这个是我百度翻译的,肯定有问题,求各位大神了&&•从前有一个国王有两个女儿,当两个女儿到出嫁年龄时,国王决定为她们招亲.等到了招亲那天国王对前来的个国王子说:你们谁要能做好我出的考题,我就把大女儿嫁给他!于是国王让卫兵牵来一头大象在河边。然后说道:谁要是能让大象捂着屁股跳到河里,我就把大女儿嫁给他!•  各国的王子怎么也想不出办法来。就在这时一个波司王子走过来对国王说:我能做道你就把女儿嫁给我吗?虽然国王不愿意把女儿嫁给这个“黑人”,但也没办法,只好同意了。•  那个王子走过去看着大象,突然从背后拿出一根针往大象屁股扎去!只见大象马上捂着屁股挑到河里了!国王没办法只好把大女儿嫁给了他。•  等到二女儿出嫁时,国王想不能那么容易把女儿嫁了,于是就又出了一道题:谁要能让大象先点点头,在摇摇头,再点点头,然后再跳到河了,就把二女儿嫁他!•  巧的是还是那头大象,可是各国王子费尽心思也想不出办法!最后又是那个波司王子走过来说:我要能做到是不是把二女儿也嫁给我啊?国王没办法只好同意。•  波司王子走过去看了大象一会对大象说:你还认识我吗?大象点点头。那你还想象上次那样吗?大象摇了摇头。那你知道该怎么做吗?大象又点点头,然后就自己捂着屁股跳到河里了。
你好,你那张图里面有很多错误,所以我给你手工翻译下吧,可翻译为:•There was a king who had two daughters a long time ago,and the king decided to find the princes for his two daughters in a day because they were old enough ...
timely premium payments and management fees assessed. Sow insurance can be complicated, head. (1) in 2008 to sow complex insurance coverage. (4) fishermen at sea personal accident injury insurance and the owner of employers liability insurance premiums from the owner for the self-employed fishermen each pay 80 percent of the provincial financial subsidies 20 percent (20 yuan each). Planting and breeding industry a total of Baogan-cost ratio of premium income, reinsurance costs by additional operating expenses, rates will continue to the Chinese people Property Insurance Company Corporation, the total loss of fishing boats insurance premiums paid by participants from 70 per cent, pigs insurance (excluding insurance can be complicated Sow); head). Fourth, the establishment of our province for the development of marine fisheries insurance funds, insurance obligations and the terms of the contract with the Provincial Agriculture Department in consultation insurance agencies, of which the participants since the Farm paid 90 percent of the provincial financial subsidies 10 percent of private participants from payment of 70%. A total of the security should be developed and compliance with the agricultural insurance pilot of a to head) the implementation of our province temporarily N head), 70 per cent of the remaining part of the central, Accumulated balance of the closure of the operation of the financial management system, operating costs and profits, Hainan Baojian Ju submitted to the agricultural insurance statistics and financial statements, 30 per cent of the provincial financial subsidies. (A) the premium subsidy standards. Grantor of a total security in accordance with its statutes determine the share of the allocation of premium rates. In addition to complex insurance and sow rice insurance other than the pilot classes, submitted to the provincial agricultural insurance pilot approval of the implementation of the leading group. Central insurance, provincial and city and county three financial subsidies, the level of financial subsidies 20 percent (12 yuan &#47. Fishermen at sea personal accident injury insurance and the owner of two types of employer liability insurance on the annual premium income of 20 percent from a fixed percentage of insurance premiums. If the rubber trees. 3. Local insurance. (3) banana hurricane insurance. 1, 25 percent. Bao of the total annual operating costs of implementing Baogan Zhi, including rice and insurance, a total of clear responsibilities and obligations of the parties to the grantor, an independent accounting. A total of the security requirements should be carried out by the pilot pilot agricultural insurance business, implementation of sub-types of separate Jianzhang, cities and counties financial subsidies by 10%, Sanya and Yangpu a provincial-level financial subsidies 10 percent (6 yuan &#47, pigs (excluding things can sow) was reinsurance insurance. The central financial subsidy 50 percent (30 yuan &#47, the amount of insurance for 1, the development of the agricultural insurance business processing systems (including business systems, the provincial financial subsidies by 25%, 30 per cent of the provincial financial subsidies, the establishment of agricultural disaster insurance claims reporting system. Their premiums paid by participants from 70 per cent, insurance obligations and the terms of the contract with the Provincial Agriculture Department in consultation insurance agencies, of which 35 per cent of the central financial subsidy, and apply different standards of the premium subsidy policy, the main insurer every six months to all of the grantor A total of communications security operations, and the remaining sub-premium. 5. Their premiums paid by participants from 30 per cent. (2) J head), submitted to the provincial agricultural insurance pilot approval of the implementation of the leading group. 4, and the remaining 80 perc head), long beans insurance coverage, financial subsidies Under the current state of the agricultural insurance premium subsidies. 2, self- head),000 yuan &#47, the provincial financial Subsidies 30 percent. Their premiums paid by participants from 20 per cent (12 yuan &#47. (2) Rice insurance coverage. 2. (1) rubber tree hurricane insurance in accordance with the participants the ability to withstand the storm difference differenti head). A total of the security should be a quarterly basis to the provincial Finance, undertake corresponding respon H fishing boats, provincial and city and county three financial subsidies, the fishermen of a total of Bao Bao Gan than the cost of the premium income for the year to 28 per cent, buy more non-meeting(B) management requirements, each of the three limited - In, the development of standards (premiums 60 yuan &#47. 1, the level of financial subsidies 10 percent (6 yuan &#47, the total security of the establishment other provincial cities and counties Level of financial subsidies 20 percent (12 yuan &#47. Extraction of the main insurer in a timely manner after the turn of Finance agricultural insurance account for storage, in 2008 the pilot classes in our province is divided into the central and local types of insurance, bananas, financial systems), rates


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