black markersblack是什么颜色意思?

adj.黑色的 n.黑色
扫描下载二维码black rhinos的意思是什么呢?
作者: 独立制片人
Blackmagic URSA是世界首款高端数字电影摄影机,它的诞生将颠覆传统现场工作流程。这款摄影机的设计符合工程学原理,无论是大型的摄制团队还是小规模单人拍摄都可使用。URSA内置多项精彩功能,包括超大10英寸折叠式现场监视器、用户可更换的大尺寸Super 35全域快门4K图像传感器,内置双卡录像机,可录制RAW和ProRes格式。由于传感器和卡口组件可以更换,因此您可以选择EF或PL镜头卡口,甚至配备B4卡口的广播级视频传感器。也就是说,您将来还可以更换传感器,升级到最新传感器技术,无需购置新机!专业级数字电影摄影机为电影长片、广告等拍摄设计!Blackmagic URSA专为拍摄高端电影长片、广告、电视剧集、纪录片、电子新闻采集、音乐电视等所设计。当进行大规模团队摄制时,这款摄影机可以轻松安装高档电影镜头、轨道、跟焦器、遮光斗等套件。它的内置示波器可以查看曝光、对焦和音频电平等,使摄影师随时获得完美画面效果。摄影助理可通过另外一块屏幕检查和更新摄影机各项参数,以免影响摄影师的摄制工作。如果您从事单独拍摄工作,您可以使用这款摄影机自带的折叠式监视器、内置示波器以及内部录像机,无需另购其他设备。这款摄影机功能齐全,配备完善,并同时具备超便携设计!颠覆性设计有了它便有了所有现场设备!Blackmagic URSA具有专业级机身体积,可容纳超低噪音冷却,支持高帧率拍摄的同时也可防止机身过热。此外,其机身由金属打造而成,坚固耐磨,适合大型电影拍摄团队使用,用户可在现场安装其他传感器进行装备升级。摄影机功能分布合理,摄影师、摄影助理以及师可各司其职,互不干扰。摄影师工作站配备超大10英寸折叠式现场监视器,以及独立的5英寸屏幕用于显示设置、摄影机状态以及波形;摄影助理工作站配备独立屏幕用于摄影机设置、状态查看以及波形显示;音响师工作站则配有音频表、各项控制以及音频接口。摄影机自带超大屏幕,您无需再另行购置现场监看设备,并且便于携带,可迅速转移设备拍摄下一个镜头。收起监视器后即可出发!缔造Ultra HD臻美画面Super 35超大传感器搭配电影级动态范围URSA是真正的专业数字电影摄影机,它配备4K传感器、全域快门,以及超宽12挡动态范围,完胜普通视频甚至高端广播级摄影机,使画质得到明显提升,可媲美数字电影。它的超宽动态范围可保留暗部和亮部细节,让您在后期制作进行调色时拥有更大的灵活性。而它的Super 35超大传感器可拍出浅景深,高分辨率Ultra HD 12 bit无损Cinema DNG RAW格式更能为您带来惊艳画质!您可以Apple ProRes(TM)格式拍摄Ultra HD或HD视频,最大限度降低存储要求,从而简化后期制作工作流程!双卡录像机不间断录制一录到底,精彩瞬间绝不错过!Blackmagic URSA配备双卡录像机,您无需中断录制更换存储介质。对于历史事件、重要访谈等需要不间断录制的情况,这是一项不可或缺的重要配置!第一张卡录满时,请在第二个卡槽插入另一张CFast卡,摄影机会自动开始在第二张卡上记录,让您有时间更换存储卡并保持不间断录制!内置录像机采用新CFast卡技术,能以超快350 MB/s的速度录制,十分适合高帧率RAW录制!这样您就可以记录RAW文件,并在10英寸屏幕上回放拍摄视频供摄制组监看了!用户可自行更换传感器和镜头卡口组件各类传感器和镜头卡口组件任您选择!Blackmagic URSA配备模块化传感器和镜头卡口组件,用户只需卸下4颗螺钉即可轻松完成拆卸。摄影机的传感器及镜头卡口组件包括传感器、镜头卡口和镜头控制接口,当新的传感器问世时您可以自行升级。也就是说,您只需花费购买新机的一小部分费用便能再次拥有一部新的摄影机了!目前共有4款型号供您选择!URSA EF 型号配备惊人的4K Super 35传感器、 全域快门,以及支持自动镜头控制的EF镜头卡口,以便您使用使用佳能、蔡司等公司的低 成本数码单反相机镜头!URSA Broadcast, 型号将于2014年晚些时候上市,它的传感器和以上两款型号不同, 专为Ultra HD广播级视频所设计,并搭载广播级B4镜头 卡口和广播级镜头控制接口,以及内置ND滤镜轮。URSA PL 型号配备惊人的4K Super 35传感器、 全域快门,以及电影专用PL镜头卡口。这尤其适用于拍电影专用的PL卡口镜头,并能拍摄出最具电影光学质感的画面!URSA HDMI 型号配备HDMI 4K输入和用于连接数码单反等摄像机的固定板,因此无需自带传感器。超越普通视频摄像机和数码单反,获得更好的ProRes拍摄、监看、音频和时间码等功能!内置现场监看!折叠式10英寸屏幕成就超大寻像器!告别沉重的现场监视器吧,因为Blackmagic URSA自带折叠式10英寸屏幕,是迄今全球最大的寻像器!这块超亮的屏幕即使在户外拍摄甚至日光直射时也能让您清楚看到画面内容;而且它还具备超宽可视角度,就算您将镜头摇移到很偏的角度也可以看得一清二楚。当以Ultra HD拍摄时,在较小的寻像器上对焦是个难题,但是URSA的超大10英寸全高清屏幕可以使您清楚查看到画面每个细节,让您完美对焦、取景和曝光!由于这块屏幕是可以倾斜的,因此您在拍摄较低或较高的镜头时可以调整屏幕查看拍摄画面!增设两块5英寸触摸屏全面控制摄影机,面面俱到!URSA配备全球最直观和最先进的触屏摄影机用户界面!机身两侧各设有一块5英寸触摸屏,让您对摄影机设置、控制以及监看工具等尽在掌握!您可通过左侧触摸屏快速进入所有主设置,无需进入繁琐的菜单层层查找!右侧的触摸屏可反馈格式、帧率、快门角度等设置!它可清楚显示时间码,此外,还有动态直方图用来检查各项电平,并有带削波提示的动态音频示波器,以及用于检查和调整对焦的最新示波器!广播级接口标准接口,无需定制Blackmagic URSA配有标准广播级接口,您无需购买昂贵的定制线缆!它具备12G-SDI输出,可下变换为HD,也可直接使用,获得惊人的Ultra HD画质!此外,它的12G-SDI输入可在进行现场活动拍摄或使用外部视频源时通过10英寸大屏幕返送节目视频!它还另设一路SDI输出,用于连接外接寻像器及目镜。音频方面,摄影机设有2路带48伏幻象电源的专业XLR接口,以便您使用音响行业顶尖的麦克风。此外,它还具备时间码输入/输出以及一个LANC接口,可用于遥控摄影机、镜头以及配件。广播级标准电源兼容业界标准电源URSA使用标准4针12V到30V的XLR广播级电源接口,可连接外部电源。此外,它还设有安装螺口和电源转接口,可在摄影机身背部安装第三方V-Mount电池和Anton/Bauer Gold Mount电池扣板,这样您便可以将电池集成到摄影机上。另外,它还配备标准4针XLR 12V输出电源接口,无需购买昂贵的定制线缆就可以使用各类第三方寻像器。简言之,您可以将手头的一切装备和配件集成到这部摄影机上!贴心设计,即装即用!根据制作需要自定义装备!Blackmagic URSA机身分布着众多安装点,以便您可以自行安装喜爱的配件。机身底部配有标准三脚架快速释放安装板,便于您安装行业标准三脚架。寻像器接口采用标准电源和BNC SDI接口,适用任何寻像器;摄影机顶部和把手配有3/8英寸螺纹孔,可依您偏好安装各类配件!标准电池可安装到机身后侧,因此机身底部的轨道安装板可用来安装标准轨道。可如此灵活便捷地根据不同制作需求进行集成,只有URSA可以做到!附赠DaVinci Resolve软件内附行业标准调色工具!Blackmagic URSA自带完整版DaVinci Resolve 11软件,支持Mac和Windows系统,为您带来更多调色功能,充分发挥URSA的卓越画质。您可使用Resolve Live功能直接从摄影机上进行实时调色。现在您在调整照明的同时进行调色了!此外,您还能获得完整版创意一级调色和二级调色、Power Windows以及更多功能!另有DaVinci Resolve的先进剪辑功能,包括全面的多层时间线Ripple、Roll、Slide和Slip片段修整以及标题功能!有了Blackmagic URSA和DaVinci Resolve,您将获得制作和后期制作的全方位解决方案!4款Blackmagic URSA供您选择:Blackmagic URSA EF零售价45900元革命性的数字电影摄影机,可自行升级组件,搭载EF镜头卡口和4K Super 35传感器以及全域快门,配备12G-SDI,内置10英寸监视器、CFast双卡录像机、示波器、音频表及更多功能! Blackmagic URSA PL零售价49700元全画幅数字电影摄影机,可自行升级组件,搭载电影行业PL镜头卡口和4K Super 35传感器以及全域快门,配备12G-SDI,内置10英寸监视器、CFast双卡录像机、示波器、音频表及更多功能!Blackmagic URSA Broadcast即将上市搭载视频广播专用的Ultra HD传感器,并配有广播级B4镜头卡口和广播级镜头控制接口,配备12G-SDI技术,内置ND滤镜轮。Blackmagic URSA HDMI即将上市不自带传感器,配备HDMI 4K输入接口,自带连接板可连接HDMI摄影机获得URSA优质的录制、监看、音频和时间码。Edius多机位剪辑的运用及注意事项多个机位同时拍摄,中间最好不要停机,以方便后期对齐素材。1、创建4个轨道,分别将需要剪辑的素材拖入四个轨道之中,EDIUS最多可以支持8个机位的同时剪辑,在这里我就演示4个机位的操作.另外将素材拉入时间线之后,一般情况下是最上层素材覆盖下层素材,如果我们这是输出到的话,也就显示最上层的素材画面,我们分别用1,2,3,4 表示4个素材。2、在工具的模式中选择多机位编辑模式,在机位选择中分别可以看到2位,3位,5位,8位机位的选择,我们暂时选择5个机位。3、这时我们可以看到监视窗口中同时可以看到4个轨道上的素材,分别也有1,2,3,4 表示,原版中的画面就是目前输出到监视器中的画面,因为还没有剪辑,所以目前也只能看到最上轨素材也就是第四个画面图象。4、接下来我们开始对画面进行剪辑,在监视窗口中选种一个画面,我们选择第二个画面,双击它,这是我们可以看到该画面外框边蓝,同时原版画面也就是目前图象输出的画面为第二个素材的画面,有监视器的朋友可以观察以下其变化。5、同样我们在时间线上也可以清楚地看到,刚才选定的素材2保留实体,其它三根轨道的素材都出现了虚体。6、根据以上的方式,我们可以在时间线窗口中任意选取需要的素材,移动时间线,进行剪辑.过程很简单,先在时间线监视窗口中选择素材,移动时间线,双击就可以截取你所要选择的素材了。7、4个机位的素材分别剪辑完成,目前在时间线上输出的素材分别为:素材2 ,素材3 ,素材4 素材1 ,素材2 ,素材4,素材3,选取素材之后,我们可以在模式中选择压缩至单个轨道。8、最终,所有您剪辑的素材将会被添加到一层新的轨道上,这样基本上就完成了EDIUS中的多机位剪辑的功能了.大家可以清楚看到之前选择的素材已经重新排列在新的轨道中,当然,如果有监视器的话,我们也可以清楚看到多个素材已经被清楚剪辑完成了。对初学者有用的EDIUS技巧及快捷方式1. 将视音频素材拖拽到音频轨道上,比如1A,你可以去除视频内容,直接使用音频(反之就是去除音频,使用视频)。 2. 当在时间线上移动素材时按住Shift键,可以暂时去除吸附功能,做细微的调整。 3. 在时间线指针位置按下Ctrl+T,你将在素材库得到一张可用作冻结帧的静态图片。Ctrl+T会自动记住上一次手动静帧输出。如果上一次图像输出是下场的TGA,Ctrl+T将创建相同的格式。 4. 将时间线指针放置在两个时间线素材之间,选择其中一个,按下Alt+1——将创建1秒钟的转场;以此类推,Alt+2为2秒钟转场,Alt+3为3秒钟…… 5. 在素材库中右单击素材,选择属性,你可以修改画面宽高比、场序或者素材缩略图。 6. 在属性页里还能修改音频立体声,或者左右单声道。 7. 在右键——布局中裁剪或者拉伸任何素材。 8. 使用“Page up”和“Page down”剪辑点之间快速移动。 9. Ctrl+1到Ctrl+0用来快速缩放时间线工作区域,Ctrl+1=放大到1帧显示级别;Ctrl+0=缩放到适合整个工程长度;Ctrl+2和Ctrl+3通常是不同编辑时最常用的。 10. 右单击任何音频或者透明度调节线上的节点,选择移动,你可以使用鼠标滚轮或者输入数值来改变音频dB或者透明度%。 11. 按住Alt上下移动调节点时,所有调节点都会受影响。 12. 选中一个音频文件,点击Shift+V将快速创建一个V静音。这个V静音的长度可以在应用设置——V静音持续时间中设置。 13. 需要复制/粘贴一个转场,只需要简单地在信息面板拖拽它到另一个新的素材上即可。 14. 需要一次性在所有素材上加上相同转场,Shift+A选择整个时间线,或者Ctrl+A选择整个轨道,将转场拖拽到打头的2个素材之间即可。(如果你仅需要在某些素材之间添加,使用Ctrl逐个选择) 15. 使用混音器可调节单个轨道的音量或者同步调节任意数量的轨道音量。 16. 可以在使用前在预览窗口点击转场的名称以预览其效果,同时,在任何转场参数设置面板里也可按播放键预览转场效果。 17. 使用布局工具可以快捷地混合4:3和16:9素材。在V1轨上放置一个常用的16:9背景或者动态素材,在V2上放置一个4:3素材,右单击4:3素材并选择布局。在对话框里在下拉预设菜单选择“合适宽度”。 18. 如果希望Titlemotion Pro初始的默认设置是你喜欢的字体、效果和对齐方式等等,只需要将所有参数设置成你想要的,然后在文件菜单,单击模板管理,在默认模板处点击更新。 19. 需要知道时间线上某段内容时间长度的话,在内容的始末端使用I键和O键定义入点和出点,预览窗口下的参数将会显示持续时间。 EDIUS 多机位剪辑超强新插件pluraleyes edius 2.0 下载软件简介:pluraleyes应用大大加快了多机位的工作流程, 多采取和双音频制作系统. 通过分析音频信息, Pluraleyes同步音频和视频剪辑自动, 而不需要时间码, 拍板或其他特别的准备.
pluraleyes可以为广泛使用的项目, 从婚礼现场节目,纪录片和, 商业, 独立电影......难得做一回搬运工呵呵本帖隐藏的内容/download_trial.php?version=edius keygen.rar 达芬奇11 beta版终于出来了【附下载地址】购买了达芬奇9、10版本的老师,可以直接下载,免费的,插上加密狗后,可以使用。如果没有购买过达芬奇的老师,可以下载体验版。如无法下载,可以加QQ:,我传给您。下载地址:达芬奇苹果版/DaVinciResolve/beta/DaVinci_Resolve_11.0b1_Mac.zip达芬奇windows版本/DaVinciResolve/beta/DaVinci_Resolve_11.0b1_Windows.zip达芬奇linux版本/DaVinciResolve/beta/DaVinci_Resolve_11.0b1_Linux.zip达芬奇Mac体验版/DaVinciResolve/beta/DaVinci_Resolve_Lite_11.0b1_Mac.zip达芬奇windows体验版/DaVinciResolve/beta/ 达芬奇11版本新增功能介绍:What's new in DaVinci Resolve 11.0New Features OverviewMulti-user collaborative workflow with simultaneous editing, grading and metadata entry (Full Version only)User selectable enhanced and optimised foreground and background render cachingCompletely New Multiple Level Render Caching includes selectable cache points for source, nodes, clip and timeline, cache indicators on edit and color page showing selection and status of cache and user sele ProRes, DNxHD, Uncompressed 10-bit and 16-bit floatProject setting to enable/disable background render cachingDual monitor user interface supportApple certified ProRes decode and encode support on LinuxHigh performance OpenFX framework extension for multi GPU OpenCL and CUDA pluginsGUI support fo English, Japanese and ChineseUser customizable keyboard shortcuts and presetsMultiple auto save versionsMedia PageClone tool for SD Cards, SSDs and disk drives includes multiple destination clone and checksum reportNew reveal or hide clip metadata window optionMedia Pool thumbnail clip detail popup now displays clip frame rateSplit Clip operation automatically moves the focus to the newly created clipCamera metadata support for RED and Sony Raw clipsEdit PageEditing and AssemblyKeyboard absolute or relative timecode input for all viewers and timelineCreate Timeline Using Bin and Create Timeline Using Selected Clips to quickly assemble a timeline from any media in the media pool, with or without mark in/out preserved and using original clip orderFull JKL transport control now includes frame by frameSource/Timeline viewer playhead gangingSplit video and audio in and out points on source and timeline viewersSlide source destination selector in the track control managerShift click and drag to constrain clips in time while moving them to higher or lower tracksAbility to deselect a gap by clicking itThrough Edit Indicator on the timeline with join through edit command4-up display for slip and slideOption-dragging the top or bottom of a simple edit point turns it into a split edit pointOption arrow key to move clips vertically up and down tracksSub-clips are easily generated using the viewerEnd of timeline is now indicated on the viewerEditable names for video tracksTimeline tracks display number of clips on the trackInspector selector for Video, Audio, OpenFX adjustment optionsUser defined favorite transitions, titles OpenFX plugins and generatorsEditing of compound clipsStereo Decision List import supported via ColorTraceAdded support for AAF import/export for Avid Superimpose effect as normal composite with opacityAdded support for double-clicking the clip shown in the filmstrip to open the clip in source viewerTrim EditsYou can now always roll and edit in selection or Trim modeTrim Start and Trim End let you resize the in or out point of a clip that intersects the playhead to the current playhead positionSymmetrical and Asymmetrical trimming with multiple selections at onceExtend edit command for single and multiple edit selectionsJKL dynamic trimming to dynamically resize or trim the selected editJKL dynamic Slip or Slide to dynamically slip or slide the selected clipOption U key will now toggle Edit Point TypeU shortcut selection will switch a selected clip among Video+Audio, Video Only, Audio Only/ shortcut selection to Play Around ClipMove/Trim/Edit a selected edit or selection of clips based on timecode entryAudioAudio crossfade with 0dB, +3dB and -3dB transition optionsAdaptive audio track option to map up to 16 audio channelsClip audio mixerNumeric editing of audio mixer fader valueOption to use system audio even when Desktop Video is selected for useSource viewer audio waveform display with each audio channel displayedMultiple zoom selection for audio in source viewerTrack audio mixer offers mono channel routingDisplay of multiple channel audio waveforms in user selected timeline audio clipTransitionsAdd default transition to selected edit pointsDefault transition contextual menu includes duration selectionsInspector now includes a transitions duration parameterInspector includes transition start on edit, center on edit and end on edit optionsAlso includes ease in, ease out and ease in/out transition optionsConcurrently add transitions to multiple selected edit pointsExtend edit command to extend clips to the playheadOval Transition now includes aspect ratio supportDefault transition supportFavorite transitions indicatorsCommand drag and bump a clip in a track generates a dissolveImage dissolve modes, Video, Film, Additive, Subtractive, Highlights and ShadowsNew transitions - Box, Heart, 5 Star, TriangleEffectsEdit keyframe timeline with curve editor including spline based (bezier) ease-in/ease-out and linear selectionsGraphics files have default duration for editingCopy and paste all attributes to multiple clipsOpenFX plug-ins can now be used for transitions and generatorsRetime Clip menu now also appears on the right click contextual menuTitlesExtension of rich title generation tools including stroke size and color, over/underline and strikeout, tracking, line spacing and capitalizationUnderline and behind graphic bars for textTimeline listTimeline Folders to manage timelines in the timeline listAddition of Creation and Modified Date data in timeline listName, creation and modified date filters for timeline listPop-up menu to filter out all but .xml or .aaf for .edl files in the xml, aaf and edl importerMarkers and Edit IndexAdd markers to Source Clips, in the Source Viewer of Media or Edit pages, for referenceAdd notes to flags and markers with color selectionKeyboard shortcuts to jump to previous/next markersOption to ripple timeline markers when any track is rippledSnapping on timeline markersFlags and markers now shown in Edit IndexAdditional Edit Index fields - start and end source timecodes, slate timecode, audio TC, resolution codec and source frame rateSort Edit Index with display selectorsThe edit index list includes 'Show Through Edits' and Offline clips optionsAdded support for Import/Export timeline markers from EDLFlags are stored and loaded from timeline clips instead of media clips for pre- conformed timelineAdditional Keyboard ShortcutsAdditional play commands - Play In to Out, Play Around In, Play Around Out, Play to Out.Previous/Next Gap shortcuts - governed by auto selectionNew shortcut key to focus on Media Pool Folder viewCommand # keys to focus on Media Clips, Effects, and Edit IndexColor PageCamera Raw palette now includes Highlight and Shadows recovery, Saturation, Contrast, Midtone Detail, Color Boost Lift and Gain controlsAll Camera Raw controls now available on the BMD control panelHighlight and shadow recovery, Color Boost and Midtone Detail now available in all corrector nodesColor Chart based auto color balanceEnhanced grading Group management with Pre-Clip and Post-Clip node graphsAdditional keyer finesse controls for cleaner keysAdditional Split Screen group to show all highlight viewsSplit Screen has a new Show Outline option in View menuGallery stills and memories now selectable in one Split Screen groupGrab stills is also available from group node graphsNew saturation vs saturation curveNew LAB colorspace selection in corrector nodesDense color matching for Stereoscopic 3DKey lock option for node sizing to allow objects to be moved into selected areaBroadcast Safe out of limit display and soft clip level selectionWindows now include Opacity for greater control of isolationsMultiple layer OpenEXR support in the node graphGallery page now directly accessible from the Color pageSingle frame track forward and backward mode using for complicated tracksUpdated Softlight composite modeTimecode type display selection now uses a context menuTimeline markers and flags with notes now shown on Color pageMultiple user named PowerGradeTM AlbumsNode icons to display tools used on each nodeNode editor mute icon to display when bypassedOption click Enhance Viewer mode to display full screen viewerOption to hide the mini timelineTint control for Arri Raw filesPhantom Raw debayer improvementsAutomatic dead pixel concealment for PhantomCineColor page viewer toolbar for selection of viewer and modesVideo scopes now refresh in real timeCinemaDNG RAW settings includes new 4K Production Camera specific log curveShift Down + Ref On/Off can be used to Invert Wipe on the Resolve Control SurfaceAdded support for H/V ratio when using extreme blurs beyond 1.0Added ability to use alpha output of OFX plugins from a nodeDeliver PageImproved H264 encoding including bitrate control (Mac and Windows only)Support for AAC audio encoding (Mac only)Expanded render queue for clearer display of render jobsRender source clips at source resolution optioneasyDCP generation now support inclusion of subtitlesFolder path retention now selectable from top or bottom of folder pathRender settings refined into standard, intermediate and advanced lists to speed selectionOption to use cache for rendering when cache resolution matches render resolutionGeneral EnhancementsUpdated BMDFilm and BMDFilm4K to Rec709 LUTsVFX I/O LUTs for BMDFilm and BMDFilm4KBMDFilm and BMD4KFilm IDTs for ACES workflows with ProRes source materialNative ACES support for RED r3d filesSupport for Red SDK 5.0Users can now use drag and drop to move projects in the Project ManagerSupport for new ACES 0.7.1 standardSelectable ACES version in Master Project SettingsSupports easyDCP IMF encoding and decodingShared media path mapping support for sharing/moving projects between Mac, Linux and Windows systemsGrass Valley HQX and HQ Quicktime encoding and decoding on Mac and WindowsMXF OP1a encoding support to allow video and audio in the same file12 bit RGB DPX decoding and encoding supportOption to select 6G-SDI in UHD monitoring modeDecoding of Panasonic MTS videoDecoding support for Sony RAW MetadataLZW compression option for TIFF rendering12-bit 4:4:4 video monitoring support with Decklink 4K Extreme and Ultrastudio 4K (up to Stereo 2K DCI)12-bit 4:4:4 video monitoring support with DVS Atomix (up to 4K DCI) - Linux only4:2:2 4K 60P video monitoring support with DVS Atomix - Linux onlyAdded support for 44.1 KHz audioSupport for OpenEXR 2.1On the DaVinci Control Surface. Shift Down + Ref On/Off will now Invert WipeMinimum system requirements for MacMac OS X 10.8.5 Mountain Lion12 GB of system memory is recommended and 8 GB is the minimum supportedBlackmagic Design Desktop Video version 9.9.3 or laterCUDA Driver version 6.0.37NVIDIA Driver version – As required by your GPURED Rocket-X Driver and Firmware or laterRED Rocket Driver and Firmware or laterMinimum system requirements for WindowsWindows 7 Pro 64 bit with SP112 GB of system memory is recommended and 8 GB is the minimum supportedBlackmagic Design Desktop Video version 9.9.3 or laterNVIDIA/AMD Driver version – As required by your GPURED Rocket-X Driver and Firmware or laterRED Rocket Driver and Firmware or laterMinimum system requirements for LinuxCentOS 5.432 GB of system memory is recommended and 16 GB is the minimum supportedBlackmagic Design Desktop Video version 9.8 or laterNVIDIA Driver version 331.67RED Rocket-X Driver and Firmware or laterRED Rocket Driver and Firmware or later<span style=" font-family: 华文细黑;


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