1.A:( )you riding a horse now?B:No,( )( ).I'm( )cows vs aliens.

通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。A: Good afternoon, Miller! ?B: I'm drawing a horse.A: A horse? Can you le...
周一至周六 8:30-21:00
其它登录方式:Childhood Beckons: 30 Jokes Your Kids Will Love
To say that my son loves jokes would be an understatement. I'm constantly on the lookout for more kid appropriate jokes to spare me from hearing the same ones over and over. So I thought I'd share some of the ones that make us giggle. I've also asked several amazing bloggers about their kid-tested favorites and I've included them at the end of this post. I hope your family gets a laugh, and a knee slap, out of them too!
Silly Puns
1. Why did the chicken cross the playground?&&
& -To get to the other slide.
2. What do you call a pig that knows karate?&
& -&A pork chop!
3. Why do bees have sticky hair? &
& -Because they use honeycombs.
4. Why was the man running around his bed? &
& -He wanted to catch up on his sleep.
5. What does a robot frog say? &
& -Rib-bot.&(Said in your best robot voice)
6. Why is 6 afraid of 7? &
& -Because 7 8 9!
7. What's black and white, black and white, black and white?&
& -A penguin rolling down a hill!
8. Why do cows wear bells? &
& -Because their horns don't work!
9. What does a snail say when it's riding on a turtle's back? &
& -Weeeee!!
10. How did the barber win the race? &
& -He knew a short cut.
Knock Knock Jokes
11. Knock, knock. &
& -Who's there?
& -Boo who?
Please don't cry. It's only a joke.
12. Knock, knock.
& -Who's there?
& -Nobody who?
(Stay silent)
13.&Knock, knock.
& -Who's there?
Interrupting cow.
& -Interrupting c..
(Can be used with any animal. Just interrupt the other person with the corresponding animal noise!)
14. Knock, knock.
& -Who's there?
& -Cows say who?
No silly, cows say moo!
15. Knock, knock.
& -Who's there?
& -Owls say who?
16. Knock, knock.
& -Who's there?
& -Tank who?
You're welcome!
17. Knock, knock.
& -Who's there?
Little old lady.
& -Little old lady who?
I didn't know you could yodel!
More Kid-Tested Jokes
18. What is brown and sticky?
Deborah from&
19. Why did half a chicken cross the road?
- To get to his other side!
JDaniel4'sMom from&
20. What's mom and dad's favorite ride at a fair?
- A married-go-round!
Henry son of Laura from&
21. Where do cows go on Friday night?
- To the MOOOvie theater.
Krissy from&
22. What did zero say to eight?
- Nice belt!
Danielle from&
23. Where do sheep get their wool cut?
- At the BAAAbars!
Deborah from&
24. Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Banana who?
Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Banana who?
Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
-Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say banana again?
Danielle from&
25. Where did the king keep his armies?
- In his sleevies!
Kristin from&
26. Where do library books like to sleep?
- Under their covers!
27. Why can't a bicycle stand up by itself?
- Because it's two-tired!
28. Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
- Yourself who?
Your cell phone's ringing you better answer it.
29. How do you make a tissue dance?
- Put a little boogie in it.
Kate from&
30. Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
Smell mop.
- Smell mop who?
(Potty humor at it's finest)
Rachelle from&
I hope that you discovered a few new ones, or rediscovered a few old ones (jokes as well as blogs)! Do you have a kid-friendly joke? Please share! You can leave a comment on this post or share your funny on my !&
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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."
— W.B. Yeats扫二维码下载作业帮
1.---- Can you ride a horse?---- No,I never had the chance ____.A.for learning it B.for learning how C.how to learn it D.to learn how2.Paul said,"Give me a chair _____."A.to sit B.sit C.sit on D.to sit on3.I ran too fast ______ where I was going.A.to notice B.for me to notice C.to notice for me D.and notice4.---- Have you enjoyed your visit here?---- Yes,I'll be very sorry______ .A.for leaving B.of leaving C.to leave D.with leaving5.---- I'll help you whenever you need me.---- Good.I'd like _____me tomorrow.A.you helping B.that you will help C.you to help D.that you help选项 原因
1 D 没有机会去学(怎么骑马)2 给我把椅子坐, 不能说sit a chair, 可以说成 sit on a chair, 倒过以说成to have a chair to sit on3 too... to 过分……以至于没有/不能……, 题干是说:跑得太快了,以至于没有注意方向4 造访此地时非常愉快,所以要走的时候感到遗憾,注意是要走,C
(BD都 不能与sorry搭配) 可以说I'm sorry to say ( be sorry to do sth) ,也可以说I'm sorry for that ( be sorry for sth.)5 C I'd like to do sth , 拓展为 I'd like sb. to do sth.希望以上解释能够有助于这位网友解开疑问.


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