semi structuredd意思

structured 意思
having definite and highly
"a structured environment"
resembling a living organism in organiz
"society as an integrated whole"
用作形容词 (adj.)
The cluster sample method is most often used because, in the initial stages of emergencies, people are rarely living in a structured pattern.
[计] 结构归纳法...
Societies have defined and structured rule systems of reward and punishment.
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structured question是什么意思
structured question是什么意思 structured question在线翻译 structured question什么意思 structured question的意思 structured question的翻译
structured questionstructured question 网络例句1. The instrument in question, structured and marketed by Goldman, was a synthetic collateralised debt obligation, whose performance was tied to that of residential mortgage-backed securities. & &刚才提到的由高盛构筑并推广的金融工具是一种合成抵押债务债券,其业绩和居住性抵押型证券的表现密不可分。2. R check some
understand how the exercises are sequenced and structured; make time to question children about their work to assess the effectiveness of the work. & &及时反馈,巩固;检查所有,孩子的部分作业,了解练习的顺序及结构;拿出时间过问学生的功课,以评估学习的有效性。3. The instrument in question, structured and marketed by Goldman, was a synthetic collateralised debt obligation, whose performance was tied to that of residential mortgage-backed securities. & &被质疑的工具是合成型抵押债务债券,由高盛设计和营销。该债券的表现与住房抵押贷款支持证券相关。4. In sum, through how to improve the validity of structured interviews, this paper respectively researched two key factors which were the design of structured interview question and individual detection of deception. Using empirical study to verify the effectiveness of structured interview design model and identify some applicable deception detection clues. & &综上,本论文从提高结构化面试的效度出发,分别从面试题设计和识别谎言这两个关键因素入手,利用实证研究验证结构化面试题设计工具的有效性以及验证识别面试谎言的有效线索。5. Then, we can get a lot of typical working stories on the job through behavioral event interview. Form t we can conclude competency, interview questions and score standards. All the work aimed at the design of structured interview question. Therefore, we created a system of scientific, operational, standard application of knowledge systems which used to interview evaluation. & &接着以结构化面试题本的设计为核心,通过行为事件访谈法获得大量的岗位工作事件,以这些典型的工作事例为基础提炼胜任特征和面试题本、评分要点,从而形成一套系统、科学而又富有操作性的标准化、规范化的面试测评应用知识体系。6. We used Critical Incident Technique to analyze the data on this research. By filling the half structured question paper from the sampling Hakka restaurants on Meinung, we collected the opinions of service encounter, and Hakka cultural experience from customers. Besides, we also collected the opinions of service encountr from waiters. Then we classify the question papers using two standards which are &Dramaturgical theory& and Bitner`s standard developed by Bitner et al. & &本研究采用关键事件技术(Critical Incident Technique,CIT),以半结构式的问卷、利用便利抽样方式搜集美浓地区客家餐厅服务人员与顾客对於影响服务接触与文化体验的关键事件之意见;以开放式的问卷利用立意抽样方式搜集美浓地区客家餐厅经营者对於服务接触与文化体验满意之关键事件的看法,再以「剧场理论」与Bitner et al。structured question是什么意思,structured question在线翻译,structured question什么意思,structured question的意思,structured question的翻译,structured question的解释,structured question的发音,structured question的同义词,structured question的反义词,structured question的例句,structured question的相关词组,structured question意思是什么,structured question怎么翻译,单词structured question是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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中文翻译不良的:&&&&adj. ( worst ) 1.〔用作表语 ...:&&&&n. 1.构造,结构;组织;石理,石纹。 2.建造物。 ...
例句与用法Managers face well - and ill - structured problems管理者会面临较好结构的问题和较差结构的问题。 Ill - structured problem结构不完善的问题Ill - structured problems are new or unusual , involve ambiguous or incomplete information , and are solved using nonprogrammed decisions结构不良是新出现的,而且不寻常的,解决含糊的或不完全的信息,没有项目决策可以利用。 So , it is very important to understand physics problem - solving instruction correctly and to seek a sort of equilibrium between the well - structured problem and the ill - structured problem因此,正确理解物理问题解决,在结构良好问题与结构不良问题之间寻求一种平衡则是十分重要的。 Futher research led the author to hold about the existence of multi - attributes characteristic of decision making criteria , fuzziness of decision making environment , ill - structured of decision making problems , and group decision making in the agricultural project investment decision making农业项目投资决策普遍存在决策准则的多属性、决策环境的模糊性、决策问题的结构不良性以及决策者的群体性等特点。 Through analysis , the results are as the following : ( 1 ) to prove have uncoordinated phenomenon , between the basic research for design policy and the knowledge introduction of the functionaries . ( 2 ) the most decision types of the design policy ' s functionary are messenger , and sequences are evaluator . ( 3 ) the personal knowledge backgrounds of the design policy ' s functionary influence the design policymaking . ( 4 ) the issues of the design policy belong to " ill - structured problems " , which affects the contextuality of policy knowledge所得资料经统计分析后,研究结果得知我国设计政策制定: ( 1 )基础研究与任职者所引用知识之间,存在著不能配合的现象; ( 2 )任职者知识引用的决策型态仅以讯息传递为最多; ( 3 )任职者个人的知识偏好,影响设计政策制定于不完全知识下进行决策; ( 4 )设计政策属于结构不良的政策问题,影响著政策知识环境系络的发展。 Put above hypotheses together we can propose a comprehensive solving alternative to in hence decision making effectiveness for agricultural project investment : to build fuzzy analysis hierarchy process based on entropy and fuzzy multi - attributes decision making models in the model base of agricultural project investment gdss . we can to adopt group advices and experiences , promote the opinion integration and improve the solving methods of ill - structured problems that supported by group decision support system按照这一概念框架,作者提出提高农业项目投资群体决策效果的整体解决思路:建立基于熵权的模糊层次分析法,以及模糊多属性群体决策模型的农业项目投资群体决策支持系统模型库;通过群体决策支持系统的支持,充分考虑决策群体的决策思想及经验,促进意见集结,改进结构不良问题的解决。 The main characteristics of problem - based learning are : ( 1 ) learning is student - centered ( 2 ) learning occurs in small student groups ( 3 ) teachers are facilitators or guiders ( 4 ) problems form the organizing focus and stimulus for learning ( 5 ) problems are authentic and ill - structured ( 6 ) problems are a vehicle for the development of real - world problem - solving skills ( 7 ) new information is acquired and skills are trained through problem - solving process ( 8 ) evaluation is authentic and performance - based . after describing the features of problem - based learning , this thesis compares problem - based learning with other instruction models - lecture , direct instruction , case methods , discover - based inquiry , problem - centered learning , simulation and gaming and mantle of the expert ( roles ) on three aspects : ro这种教学模式的基本特征是: ( 1 )是一种以学生为中心的教学方法; ( 2 )学习形式是以一个学生小组为单位; ( 3 )教师是辅助者、引导者; ( 4 )以问题为中心组织教学并作为学习的驱动力; ( 5 )问题是真实的、劣构的; ( 6 )问题是发展学生实际解决问题能力的手段; ( 7 )在问题解决的过程中获得新的知识、培养能力; ( 8 )真实的、基于绩效的评价。 Problem - knowledge environment , where based on solving ill - structured problems , students may construct mathematics . by " doing mathematics " or exploring " mathematics experiment " , they may invent or discover some new mathematics knowledge by themselves . this is a challenge to traditional learning , which belongs to innovative learning . in microcosmic aspects , based on broad sense of knowledge idea , we make id for primary adaptive learning environment , while based on cognitive flexibility theory , we make id for senior adaptive learning environment高级学习环境是一个再发现、再创造、建构数学知识的环境,其主要作用是促进学生基于数学问题解决,通过“做数学” 、探究“数学实验”而进行再发现、再创造和建构新的数学知识和数学模式,这是一个数学创新学习的环境。 Applying fuzzy decision making methods may solve the fuzziness of decision environment in agricultural project investment . solving ill - structured problems by group decision support systems , inducing decision makers to present and understand the problems by the use interacts with the computer system , improving the decision making effectiveness by electronic meeting . these measures may enhance the decision effectiveness in agricultural project investment针对上述问题,作者提出:用层次分析法处理农业项目投资多属性决策问题;用模糊决策方法解决决策环境的模糊性;用群体决策支持系统解决结构不良问题,通过人?机对话系统引导决策者对问题的表达和理解,通过电子会议改进群体决策效果。 &&
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