dare you 什么意思come?怎样回答

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meaning between the lines.
not did no die,why you once again try?
I can't understand
the meaning of doing these useless things
(๑• . •๑)
Tink is also drunk
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was referring to the hours calc in the return expression which does use a nested ternary.
Just an FYI - there are libraries designed for handling dates. One is called . You could make this a little shorter:
class Clock ponent {
render() {
&div className=&clock&&{moment().format('h:mm:ss a')}&/div&
One of the books in the 'You Don't Know JS' series is specifically about ES6 - . If you liked the series this might be a good place to start.
Isn't most data 'relational' if you use relational concepts to describe it?
Of course you could use either and it's just a personal preference.
But I find noSQL works well when the app is quite simple and the relations are one to many like this with something like an Album belonging to only one Author and a Song belonging to only one Album. You could have a single collection of Author documents with nested albums and songs. Also because any given Artist will only have max 100s of Albums, and any given Album only 10s of songs, your documents won't grow too big. The query OP is asking about would be as simple as Authors.find({}).
Also, personally, if the frontend is written in JS and already uses objects, data modelling in JSON feels intuitive.
What is the backend? In general you shouldn't have to do three nested loops like this. If you have 10 Authors with 100 albums with 10 songs each on a page you might end up doing 10,000 API calls!! (which would be insane).
Just as an example, if you were using Mongo/Mongoose and Songs were nested in Albums which were nested in Authors you could simply call something like Authors.find({}) and the child Album and Song data would come included. If it was an SQL based back end you would do something with joins. Either way you should be able to pull all this info in 1 API call.
For this kind of app personally I'd go with a NoSQL database like MongoDB as it probably would fit you data structure well.
Thanks for the suggestions - I'll give both a go and see what tastes good.
Equal parts mayo and gochujang for me
You don't! Those are callback functions. The value of hoverIx gets determined by whatever calls the function. In this case, thats the d3 library itself, not you. You probably want to
on callbacks.
Where this code goes depends on what you've already got. This already includes the mouseover event handler.
There are lots of way you could do this and it's difficult to advise a specific approach without seeing your code. However, there are a couple of general things you need to do. First is have some way of uniquely identifying each point. It sounds like you have the same data set behind both graphs, and will always have the same number of points on each in the same order, which probably means you can just identify each point by index - ie when I hover over a point on graph a I find its index and then find the point in graph B with the same index. Code might look something like:
.on('mouseover', function(d, hoverIx) {
d3.selectAll('.distance-dots').filter(function(_, i) {
return i === hoverIx
.style('fill', red)
This code is untested and just for demo, but the idea is use on to catch the hover, use its index to filter the other set of points, then use style to change its colour.
The example you linked already accesses the extent of the brush using d3.event.selection(). The s variable in the brushed function gives the extent in pixels, and if you wanted to convert this to dates you would use your x2 scale and the invert() method:
x2.invert(s[0]) // the date of the left of the brush
x2.invert(s[1]) // the date of the right of the brush
I find myself leaning on external libraries in my code more and more these days. There are reasons you might not want to: simplicity, bloat, speed, unnecessary abstraction etc. It can though reduce the footprint of the code you have to keep an eye on. Here is a solution using the
and the d3.nest() and d3.sum() functions. I think it scores well on brevity and readability (although not so well on speed if that was a concern):
const d3 = require('d3')
var fruits = d3.nest()
.key(d =& d.name)
.rollup(f =& {
const totalWeight = d3.sum(f, e =& e.weight)
const count = f.length
const avgWeight = totalWeight / count
return { avgWeight, count, totalWeight }
This is also now quite easily extensible. Say your data changed slightly and you now had the data categorised by food type as well as name, you could just add one line:
const d3 = require(&d3&)
var foods = d3.nest()
.key(d =& d.kind)
.key(d =& d.name)
.rollup(f =& {
const totalWeight = d3.sum(f, e =& e.weight)
const count = f.length
const avgWeight = totalWeight / count
return { avgWeight, count, totalWeight }
And the output now looks like this:
{ apple: { avgWeight: 182.66, count: 3, totalWeight: 548 },
orange: { avgWeight: 127.5, count: 2, totalWeight: 255 } },
{ carrot: { avgWeight: 127.67, count: 3, totalWeight: 383 },
swede: { avgWeight: 123, count: 1, totalWeight: 123 },
spinach: { avgWeight: 166, count: 2, totalWeight: 332 } } }
You could also do this with a library like
or if you were feeling very functional . Note you probably wouldn't want to use these libraries if this was the only time in your program you needed them.
I can think of two options:
You can use the nice() method on a linear scale. This changes your domain to round numbers, and ensures that the tick positions exactly cover the domain. So for example, your domain is something like [3, 36] in the fourth linear scale in your image. If you call scale.nice() the domain changes to [0, 40] and your outermost ticks will exactly correspond to 0 and 40.
You can explicitly set the values you want your axis to use. This might work fine if you know ahead of time what the extent of your domain will be and where you want the ticks to fall, but you probably don't want to have to manually specify this each time your data changes.
Edit: the docs I sent are for D3 v4, whereas you are using v3. I expect the same things exist in v3 but I haven't checked.
Great books, Speakingjs and the ES6 one. They are quite 'encyclopedic' in style - terse, fact-based, short examples. I like them especially now as I get better at JavaScript and don't need to have my hand held through examples but usually just want a good reference for a given topic.
I don't know exactly what you are trying to do. Do you mean something like you want to be able to click on any element of any stack of the bar chart to select it, and when you do that the pie chart updates to show only the data relevant to that element? If so, you need to add an .on() to your bar chart elements to be able to detect the user interacting with it. You probably also want to give each element an id so you can identify it and then know how to update the pies:
d3.selectAll('.barStackedElements').on(function() {
var elementId = d3.select(this).attr('id)
// Update the pie with the correct data
You might also want to look at brushes for some related examples of using one chart to update another:
Haldon Forest Park? If so I think I saw that exact same cow eating mushrooms in the forest last week.
It's in units of kilocalories, not kilojoules.
So a fancy 5 course meal, but every course should have some kind of alcohol as an ingredient? Interesting! Here are some of my favourite recipes with booze in them:
Coq au vin /
Just swap the reblochon for camembert.
Mike Bostock has written a simple library for running async tasks in series. . You can see it in use in
choropleth example.
You could do this simple version of Moroccan lamb mechoui. It's a really simple but delicious rub of cumin, salt and paprika. It's great served with yoghurt and beurre noisette. Search for moro lamb mechoui.
for help using this generator.
Are all the first line capital letters intentional?
A phrase I have heard used by palaeontologists use is
(AMHs). I have seen the start of AMHs given from anywhere between 120- and 200,000 years ago.
I quite like the
theory which suggests there was a relatively rapid cultural leap somewhere between 80- and 40,000 years ago. Before then people were anatomically modern but wouldn't be considered culturally modern. After that we had art, jewellery, advanced tools and probably modern language and were much as we are today.
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