Miss you is a sickness miss u是什么意思思丫

missis的意思,missis翻译,音标读音,用法例句 | missis的意思,missis的音标读音解释 23:48missis翻译太太音标读音英式:['m?s?z, -?s]美式:['m?s?z, -?s]基本意思n.太太,老婆形近的词
Jack and his missis are as happy as two lovebirds now.杰克和他太太现在是一对快乐的鸳鸯。
Your Missis has not been my friend: she has been my foe.你的太太向来不是我的朋友,她是我的敌人。
I wish I were you, because it will be all yours when there is no missis!但愿我是你,因为到了太太不在的时候,就全归你啦!
More recentlypresdent Mrs Klinton have, President and Missis Clinton had a small garden.前不久,主席和克林顿太太也有了一个小花园。
I thought he meant for missis's sickness, so I answered, yes.我以为他是指太太的病,所以我就回答说,是啊。
More recently, President and Missis Colinton Clinton had a small garden.最近,克林顿总统和夫人有了一个小花园。
Mrs Missis Obama said two behides 2 beehives will privde provide honey.奥巴马夫人说2个蜂巢就能提供蜂蜜了。
You're right. How's the missis?是啊,你说的对,你太太们好吗?
Are these your kids, missis?太太,这些孩子是你的吗?
But the doctor says missis must go: he says she's been in a consumption these many months.可是大夫说太太一定要完啦,他说好几个月来她就有肺痨病。
Missis Obama said 2 bee hives beehives will provide honey.奥巴马妻子说会有两个蜂箱来供应蜂蜜。
Missis Obama said 2 bee halves beehives will provide honey.奥巴马夫人说两个蜂箱将提供蜂蜜。
More recently President and Missis Clinton had a small garden.近来的克林顿总统夫妇拥有一个小花园。
Missis Obama said 2 behaves beehives will provide honey.奥巴马夫人说两箱蜂窝提供蜂蜜。
Can I have a word with your missis? He asked the servant girl.他向女佣人问道:我能跟你女主人讲句话吗?
I'd like to have missis say which is worth the most.我倒要请太太来评论一下,哪个最值钱。
Missis Obama said 2 bee beehives will provide honey.奥巴马夫人说2个蜂箱用来采蜜。
More recently, President and Missis Clinton had a small garden.近几年,总统克林顿也有一个小菜园。
Missis Obama said two bee hubs 2 beehives will provide honey.奥巴马太太说两箱蜜蜂可以提供蜂蜜。
Miss missis obama said, to be halves 2 beehives will provide honey.奥巴马夫人说,两箱蜂将提供蜂蜜。
More recently, President and Missis Clinton had a small gardenbutBut it was planted in containers on the roof of the White House.更近一些的时候,克林顿总统和夫人也有一个小的菜园,但是它是种在白宫房顶上的容器中的。
Missis Obama said 2 beehives will provide honey.米歇尔表示还会有两个蜂箱用来酿蜜。
More recently, President and Misses Missis Clinton had a small garden, but. But it was planted in containers on the roof of the White House.最近的是克林顿总统和夫人,有一个小花园,但是种植在白宫屋顶的容器里面。
Missis walked in ', she said,` as chill as an icicle, and as high as a princess.“夫人走进来了,”她说,“跟个冰柱似的,冷冰冰的,又像个公主似的高不可攀。
"It was quite right, Bessie. Your Missis has not been my friend: she has been my foe."“我做得很对,贝茜。你的太太向来不是我的朋友,她是我的敌人。”
More recently, President and Missis Clinton had a small garden, but. But it was planted in containers on the roof oof of the White House.最近以来,克林顿总统及夫人也有一块小园地,但是它是计划在白宫的屋顶上的。
For some singular reason, an impression seemed to reign among the servants generally that Missis would not be particularly disobliged by delay.说也奇怪,仆人中似乎普遍有一种印象:觉得耽误一点时间,主母也决不会见怪。
&quot。即&quot,不可出现在同一个句子中;Miss&quot思念是一种病,开头应用动名词;Missing you is a sickness,这句话有语法错误;和&is&都是动词.&quot。另外有的就是
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