
出门在外也不愁你现在的位置 : &
  Key Sentences(重点句子) 921. We d like to go to Tiantan Park. 我们想去天坛公园。 922. One
  922. One of my friends told me it's very difficult to get a cabin Beijing.
  923. What is the rate?
  924. Mine is 1. 2 yuan a kilometre.
  我的车是1. 2元钱一公里。
  925. Do you use the metre?
  926. Does this car belong to you?
  927. Do you have a good business being a taxi driver?
  928. I've rented the car since last year.
  929. Look at those yellow minis,the drivers are almost all the owners.
  930.To the Nike Company,the fifth Avenue.
  931. Slow down please so that I can enjoy the sights.
  932.There're blue sky,beautiful trees and big buildings ahead.
  933. We'll walk over to the White House for a visit.
  934. Let me check the metre out.
  Dialogue A
  Driver:Hello. What can I do for you?
  Betty:We'd like to go to Tiantan Park.
  Driver:Get in,please.
  Betty:One of my friends told me it's very difficult to get a cab in Beijing.
  Driver:That was several years ago. Now you see taxis every-where in Beijing.
  Betty:And the price is rather cheap. What is the rate?
  Driver:Mine is 2 yuan a kilometer. Some others,like those yellow ones,are much cheaper,only 1 yuan per kilo-meter.
  Betty:Do you use the meter?
  Driver:Here it is. That's the regulation.
  Betty:Do you receive tips?
  Allen:How nice you people are.
  Betty:Do you make cars in China or import them from abroad?
  Driver:We used to buy a lot from Germany and Japan,but now we've begun to produce them ourselves. We have several good jointventure car plants in China.
  You see this red one,that black one and the blue one here are all made in China.
  Betty:How nice!Does this car belong to you?Do you have a good business being a taxi driver?
  Driver:I've rented the car since last year. It's too much for me to buy this luxurious one. Look at those yellow minis,the drivers are almost all the owners.
  Betty:I see.
  Driver:Here we are.
  Betty:That's 30 yuan. Keey the change.
  Driver:Just a minute. Here's your change.
  Dialogue B
  Mark:Hurry up,John. We'll be late.
  John:Wait a minute!
  Mark:Taxi is coming. Taxi!
  Cabby:I'm afraid it's taken,sir.
  Mark:It's all right.
  John:Here comes another taxi!Hey,taxi!
  Cabby:Step in,please!Where do you wish me to take you?
  John:To the Nike Company,the fifth Avenue.
  Cabby:OK. Close the door,please.
  John:Slow down please so that I can enjoy the sights.
  Cabby:If you are not in a hurry.
  John:No. We've got lots of time.
  Mark:It's all traffic. Are you sure we're on the right road?
  Cabby:Sure enough.
  Mark:Look!We have to stop for the red light.
  Cabby:It's green now. But we can't move. We're in a trafficjam.
  John:Let's go back to that crossroad and turn the other way.
  Cabby:This is one way traffic.
  John:Enough!Enough!Nothing but vehicles!
  Mark:Look,John!There're blue sky,beautiful trees and big buildings ahead. What nice pictures!
  Cabby:Ahead is the White House!
  John:Really!Am I in a dream?
  Cabby:Here you are.
  John:Just drop us here. We'll walk over to the White House for a visit. How much is the fare?
  Cabby:Let me check the meter out. Oh $ 28.
  Mark:John,you get the money ready?
  John:Yes,here's $ 30. Keep the change.
  Cabby:Thank you. Enjoy yourselves!
  John,Mark:Have a nice day!
  Words and Expressions
  regulation n. 规定
  jointventure car plants &合资汽车厂
  luxurious a. 豪华的;奢侈的
  traffic jam &交通拥挤
  vehicle &n. 车辆
?根据机构、课程学时、学员基础、课程班制价格都各不相同;更多口语课程对比:Key Sentences(重点句子)  921. We'd like to go to Tiantan Park.  我们想去天坛公园。  922. One of my friends told me it's very difficult to get a cabin Beijing.  我的一个朋友告诉我说在北京很难找到出租车。  923. What is the rate?  要多少钱啊?  924. Mine is 1. 2 yuan a kilometre.  我的车是1. 2元钱一公里。  925. Do you use the metre?  你使用计价器吗?  926. Does this car belong to you?  这辆车是你自己的吗?  927. Do you have a good business being a taxi driver?  出租车生意好吗?  928. I've rented the car since last year.  我从去年租了这辆车。  929. Look at those yellow minis,the drivers are almost all the owners.  你看那些黄的面包车,多数司机都是开自己的车。  930.To the Nike Company,the fifth Avenue.  到第5大街的耐克公司去。  931. Slow down please so that I can enjoy the sights.  开慢点,我们好欣赏景色。  932.There're blue sky,beautiful trees and big buildings ahead.  晴空丽日,前面是婀娜多姿的树木和高楼大厦。  933. We'll walk over to the White House for a visit.  我们步行到白宫参观吧。  934. Let me check the metre out.  我察看一下计价器。&
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英语口语会话800句Unit 35:乘出租车常用句型及对话
英语口语会话800句Unit 35 乘出租车&
1. I'd like to go to...
A: Good day, sir. Where're you going?
B: I'd like to go to the train station, please!
2. Could you please turn the volume down?
A: I'm sorry to bother you, but could you please turn the volume down a bit?
B: Oh, I'm sorry!
3. Would you like a beetle nut?
A: Would you like a beetle nut?
B: No, thanks!
4. Could you please drive a bit faster?
A: Excuse me, could you please drive a bit faster?
B: Ok, no problem!
& 没问题!&
5. I'm in a hurry!
A: I'm in a hurry. Please drive a bit faster!
B: Sorry, I can't, I'll get a ticket.
6. I think your meter is broken.
A: Sir, I think your meter is broken.
& 先生,我想你的计程表坏掉了。&
B: But it's ticking.
7. Would you like me to show you around?
& 您要我带您绕一绕吗?&
A: I'm not very familiar with the city.
B: Would you like me to show you around?
8. Could you please open the trunk for me?
A: Could you please open the trunk for me?
B: Certainly.
9. Are you sure this is the right route?
A: Are you sure this is the right route?
& 你确定这条路线对吗?
B: Don't worry, sir. This is the short cut.
10. The roads are closed for construction.
A: The roads are closed for construction.
B: But they were open just two hours ago.
11. Trust me, sir. I know the city by heart.
A: I thi go two blocks and then turn right onto first street.
B: Trust me, sir. I know the city by heart.
& 先生,相信我,我对这里熟得很。
12. Please pull over right in front of the coffee shop!
A: Please pull over right in front of the coffee shop!
B: OK! That's a hundred and fifty NT? Please.
& 好的,一共是150新台币。
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