anti-reflux druganti粉丝是什么意思思

inhibition of gastric acid secretion
acid inhibition
inhibitory gastric acid
inhibit gastric acid
inhibiting gastric acid secretion
decrease of gastric acid secretion
inhibits gastric acid secretion
inhibitory effect on gastric acid secretion
Drugs inhibiting gastric acid secretion
gastric acid inhibitor
They can eat immediately after they wake. They are not on a special diet, but they do continue their anti-reflux medications.
一种药品C10H 16N 6S,其抑制胃酸的分泌,用于治疗肠胃失调(如消化性溃疡)
A drug, C10H 16N 6S, that inhibits acid secretion in the stomach and is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, such as peptic ulcers.
This is possible because stomach acid is needed to help the body absorb calcium - proton pump inhibitors work by slowing the production of stomach acid.
- 来自原声例句
n. 逆流;退潮
SAT2化学词汇大全 中英文(3) ... redistilling 重蒸馏 Reflux 回流 rubber ring 橡胶圈 ...
英语构词法(13)-单词构词法 ... influx 流入,注入 reflux 退潮 superfluity 过多,过量 ...
尿素液位传感器:液位传感器标准:化工通用词汇、PID图难点词汇及尿素设备 ... vacuum n.真空,空间,真空吸尘器 reflux n.倒流,退潮 gravity比重 ...
医学制药英语词汇第52页 ... reflexograph反射描记器 reflexometer反射计 reflux逆流回流 ...
- 引用次数:399
Conclusion:Pantoprazole is an effective and safe drug for reflux esophagitis.
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- 引用次数:68
Objectives To explore the effects of different positions and methods of tube feeding on reflux and aspiration of traumatic coma patients to seek proper feeding methods and prevent aspiration.
目的 探讨不同床头高度、卧位、鼻饲速度及鼻饲量对返流及误吸的影响找出创伤后昏迷病人适宜的体位与鼻饲方式,从而减少误吸的发生。
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- 引用次数:376
The optimum reaction conditions were determined as following: temperature:115-118℃, matter of reflux : purificatory ethyl acetate, reflux ratio:1.5-2.0.
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- 引用次数:80
Through reflux better hydraulicconditions were achieved in the system and organic acid was prevented fromaccumulation. and the efficacy of wastewater treatment was improved.
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[ 'ri:fl?ks ]
an abnormal backward flow of body fluids
the outward flow of the tide
to boil or be boiled in a vessel attached to a condenser, so that the vapour condenses and flows back into the vessel 回流
an act of refluxing 回流
(as modifier) 回流的
a reflux condenser
n. 逆流;[海洋]退潮
The seaweed coats and protects the stomach lining but also floats on top of the stomach contents, acting as a “raft” to calm things down and stop reflux.
Now the researchers are test roasting a stomach-soothing N-methylpyridinium blend. Human trials will determine if it has all the boldness with none of the reflux.
现在研究人员正在测试肠胃舒泰和N -甲基吡啶的混合物,人体测试将确定这是否会有胃酸逆流的可能。
Not only could it help prevent extra weight gain, it can also lower the risk of gastroesophageal reflux and other digestive problems that may compound sleep problems.
They are also advised not to give anti-reflux medicines for hoarseness unless they are sure patients need them.
VOA: special.
Significant gastroesophageal reflux disease due to obesity can also be treated with some bariatric procedures.
Lifestyle changes, while no cure, may reduce the severity of symptoms of acid reflux.
My chicken burrito opened the acid reflux gates and kept me up all night.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - UChicago Medicine
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Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
With comprehensive services and expertise focused on problems related to the esophagus, the University of Chicago Center for Esophageal Diseases offers a full range of medical and surgical options for treating gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Here, you’ll find a team that specializes in esophageal disease, including some of the most experienced surgeons in the world. Our surgeons are experts at performing laparoscopic fundoplication (Nissen, Toupet, Dor), a minimally invasive operation that can cure GERD--providing lasting relief without the side effects of taking medications for many decades.
A Center Focused on Esophageal Diseases
The University of Chicago Medicine is home to one of the few centers in the United States that is solely dedicated to diagnosing and treating disorders of the esophagus, including GERD. Because this is such a specialized program, our physicians have the focused expertise and depth of experience that comes from working with many patients who have problems of the esophagus. We also can offer a full range of medical, surgical and minimally invasive treatment options to meet each patient’s needs.
About GERD
GERD is more than simple heartburn. Untreated, GERD can develop into more serious conditions, including cancer for a small percentage of individuals.
It’s normal to experience gastroesophageal reflux (“acid reflux”) once in a while after eating. For most people, this acid reflux is a mild form of heartburn that can be controlled with over-the-counter medications, changes in food choices or changes in the quantity eaten at one time.
If mild heartburn persists, your primary care doctor may prescribe a stronger medication.
In comparison, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is less common but more troublesome than periodic acid reflux. In people with GERD, a higher-than-normal amount of gastric juice (acids, bile and pancreatic secretions) refluxes from the stomach back into the esophagus. Over time, this gastric juice can cause injury to the mucous lining of the esophagus (“esophagitis). Nearly half of patients with GERD will develop esophagitis, and up to 15 percent of patients with GERD may develop a pre-cancerous condition called Barrett’s esophagus.
And, a small percentage of people with Barrett’s esophagus will progress to esophageal adenocarcinoma--a form of cancer in the esophagus. A different type of cancer--squamous cell carcinoma--also can develop in the esophagus.
However, squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus is not related to GERD or Barrett’s esophagus.
Because GERD can lead to more serious conditions, it is especially important to obtain proper diagnosis and treatment. Treatment of GERD and Barrett’s esophagus both aim to prevent progression to cancer.
Diagnosing GERD
Proper diagnosis is the first step toward effective treatment. GERD can produce a broad variety of symptoms including heartburn, regurgitation, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), voice problems, feeling of a lump in the throat (globus), excess saliva (water brash), hoarseness, chest pain, bloating, early satiety (feeling full after eating a little food), belching, nausea, lung aspiration, asthma, wheezing, chronic cough or shortness of breath (dyspnea). Also, people with cystic fibrosis are more likely than average to also have symptoms of GERD.
Because of the diversity of symptoms, patients may turn to physicians who specialize in different areas, including esophageal disease, ear-nose-throat care, cardiology, gastroenterology or pulmonology for solutions. The University of Chicago Center for Esophageal Diseases draws together specialist physicians from all of these areas to collaborate as needed.
Doctors may recommend some or all of the following tests to pinpoint the cause of symptoms:
X-ray--barium swallow) to see if there is a hiatal hernia or a stricture of the esophagus.
Endoscopy – A thin, flexible tube equipped with a tiny camera and light is inserted through the mouth and down the throat.
Diagnostic endoscopy enables the physician to see inside the throat and into the stomach.
Esophageal motility testing – Our state-of-the-art esophageal motility lab has advanced technology to evaluate motility: how well the muscles of the esophagus are functioning.
Specifically, it provides information about the function of the valve located between the esophagus and the stomach (lower esophageal sphincter), and the ability of the esophageal muscles to squeeze (esophageal peristalsis).
Ambulatory impedance-pH monitoring – This test measures the frequency and amount of gastric contents (acid and non-acid) that refluxes from the stomach to the esophagus, usually over a 24-hour period.
This test involves threading a very thin tube (catheter) through the nose and down the esophagus.
The catheter is attached to a monitoring system.
&Ambulatory& means that you can walk around and do your normal activities while wearing this monitor.
Treatment Options for Adults with GERD
In most cases, GERD is a chronic condition that people live with for the rest of their lives. The only &curative& treatment is surgery, but medications and lifestyle changes are helpful for managing the symptoms of GERD.
For most patients, treatment recommendations follow a stepped approach that begins with changes in diet, losing weight, and other lifestyle changes.
Medical Treatment
Medications designed to suppress the production of excess acid are typically the next step. Antacids or histamine H2 receptor agonists therapy can be effective for many individuals with mild to moderate symptoms. Additional H2 blocker therapy or proton pump inhibitor medications may be prescribed for symptoms that are more persistent. Medications, however, are less effective when a large hiatal hernia, regurgitation, aspiration, cough and voice problems are present.
In addition, they can cause decreased calcium absorption, which can cause bone problems, particularly in post-menopausal women. This is because reflux, even with less acid, persists. While medications can lessen or control the symptoms of GERD, they do not cure this chronic disorder. Therefore, patients take the medications for the rest of their lives or as symptoms dictate.
Surgical Treatment
Approximately 20 percent of adults with GERD may be appropriate candidates for surgical treatment using a procedure called Nissen fundoplication (also called anti-reflux surgery). This procedure stops reflux of stomach contents by tightening the valve located between the stomach and the esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter). Unlike medications that provide only palliation of heartburn, surgery can cure GERD for most patients.
Surgery should be recommended for:
Patients who are young, to avoid the side effects and diminishing effectiveness of taking medicati
Post-menopausal women, for whom some anti-GERD medications raise the
Individuals with voice or respiratory problems, including hoarseness, cough or
Patients who have a large hiatal or paraesophageal hernias that make it difficult to eat.
Nissen fundoplication has been the standard surgery for GERD for nearly 50 years, and is performed by skilled esophageal surgeons at the University of Chicago hospital.
In recent years, select surgeons have turned to laparoscopic fundoplication--a minimally invasive technique that accomplishes the same results but offers patients much faster and easier recovery. Instead of making a large incision, the University of Chicago surgeon works through five tiny incisions--each measuring about one-half inch.
Nissen fundoplication surgery creates a 360-degree wrap around the esophagus. At the University of Chicago, our surgeons typically perform Nissen fundoplication using laparoscopic techniques. Nissen fundoplication is very effective for treating reflux, and helps patients avoid the need for life-long use of anti-reflux medications.
Compared to traditional open surgery, laparoscopic fundoplication offers patients:
Faster recovery (usually only one night in the hospital);
Significantly less pain because the in
Minimal scarring.
When performed by a surgeon with much experience in this minimally invasive technique, laparoscopic fundoplication offers the same high success rate for treating GERD as achieved through the traditional open fundoplication procedure. The Esophageal Center team includes some of the most experienced surgeons in the world at performing laparoscopic fundoplication.
Providing the very best treatment options for patients is a key priority here.
We continually evaluate the results (“outcomes”) of our treatment approaches and pursue opportunities to fine-tune surgical and medical solutions for patients.
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