初中来讲:in the thecorner.com.cn of和at the thecorner.com.cn of有什么区别吗?

in the corner of与at/on corner of的区别
百度的on the corner of ,它指的是在物体拐角上,强调在表面上.如on the corner of the street---在街角而at the corner of 指在角上,就是边缘那个点上.如at the corner of the street----在街角.虽然翻译一样,但at有特定位置范围的,就是指的拐角上那个点,位置小而且特殊,on只要是在拐角无论在什么位置都可以说on.at the corner指在没有屏蔽的地方,比如说马路的CORNER,但是on the corner指在有屏蔽的地方比如说房屋里面的CORNER
on the corner of ,它指的是在物体拐角上,强调在表面上。如on the corner of the street---在街角 而at the corner of 指在角上,就是边缘那个点上。如at the corner of the street----在街角。虽然翻译一样,但at有特定位置范围的,就是指的拐角上那个点,位置小而且特殊,on只要是在拐角...
When Ghanaian goalkeeper Daniel Agyei then saved Brazilian Alex Teixeira's effort, Emmanuel Badu clinched the cup by placing his shot in the corner of the net.
VOA: standard.
If you look up in the corner of your Periodic Table on one of the sides, they have actually tabulated this for you.
because there is a bar on the corner of MaCarren Park that gives you Margaritas in foam cups.
Reporter Caty Weaver talked to shoppers in the Tysons Corner area of Northern Virginia, outside Washington.
VOA: special.
Over here in the lower left corner, we have elements that as a group have very low values of average valence electron energy.
Australia's newest natural burial site sits in a quiet corner at Kemps Creek, on the edge of Sydney.
VOA: standard.
If we start in the upper left hand corner of the periodic table with lithium, you can see that as we go down the table, what you're seeing is that that atomic radius is actually increasing, as we would expect.
with Muslims of countless races and ethnicities,and with roots in every corner of the world."
VOA: standard.
If, like you--, I think most of us picture these things up from a perspective in a corner of the room, up on the wall, looking down, kind of a fly's perspective.
He says security forces where being extremely careful in launching the final raid because a suicide bomber was guarding the hostages in a corner of the building.
VOA: standard.
But thankfully I also found in my trolling around this morning,something that is perhaps technically motivating and at least remains for those of you which is many of you who actually use Gmail, you might have seen a little advert in the top right hand corner recently saying new beta version of a little something called Gmail Priority Inbox.
But Samaranch turned the IOC into a financially independent organization with billions of dollars in commercial revenues - and an audience that reaches every corner of the world.
VOA: standard.
By now the cabin boy, Parker, is lying at the bottom of the lifeboat in the corner because he had drunk seawater against the advice of the others and he had become ill and he appeared to be dying.
Chelsea star Didier Drogba of Ivory Coast thrilled the fans with his blast from about 30 meters out that found the upper left corner of the goal in just the seventh minute.
VOA: standard.
Because what you don't see in this file is any code a that actually says put a letter of the alphabet at the top left hand corner of the screen and then put the next character to the right in other words, I'm taking for granted at this moment in time that my computer knows how to print something to the screen.
After 50 years of silence, I think the time has come to take stock and say, maybe we should mobilize all of the sciences to look for anything fishy, anything weird,any anomaly, both in our own little corner of the universe here on Earth and in the solar system, and far out across the galaxy."
VOA: standard.
And you're trying to deal with, 'Oh,my gosh,there's the war, and this friend of our family has been killed,' or 'Do I want to go to the prom?'" And then, walking with my Marine father, wounded Marine, that's why he wasn't active duty, walking with him,and here he's a football coach at Cal , so if we go to an athletic event, there would be people painting their
signs over in a corner of the parking lot or something and I'd be walking along and I'd be thinking that it was my job to protect my dad from the protesters.
VOA: standard.
- 来自原声例句
in the corner , on the corner ,at the corner 它们之间有什么区别?
提问时间: 14:37:23提问者:
同学你好,关于corner的几个短语:around the corner 就快到了;就在附近; in the corner 在拐角处,指的是在室内; at the corner 在拐角处,一般指在室外; on the corner 和at the corner 有时差不多;但是还有自己的用法:可以指在某个物体表面的拐角处。如on the corner of the table感谢您对新东方在线的支持和信任如您的问题未能得到妥善解决或您遇其他问题请访问: 或联系售后客服400 676 2300
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