
&&& 西安交大、清华大学等5所名校将在2010年自主招生中开展合作。目前,招生报名已启动。据悉,西安交大将在全国范围内自主选拔600~800名理工类学生、10~15名文史类学生。其中,文史类学生仅在陕西招收。这也是西安交大首次将文科生纳入自主招生对象。
&&& 偏才、怪才也有机会被录取&&&
&&& 在2010年的自主招生中,上海交通大学、中国科学技术大学、西安交通大学、南京大学和清华大学将开展合作,共同委托第三方专业机构的专家组统一命题和阅卷。命题范围不会超过中学大纲,未必比高考难,题量也未必大,但考题的灵活度更高,主要考查的是学生运用知识的能力。&&&
&&& 西安交大招生办主任郑庆华说,5所高校合作自主招生,将打破传统的以“总分排序录取”的模式。“高考看的是总分,总分不够,单科成绩即便是满分,也不会被录取。但5所高校在合作自主招生中,不同专业将采取不同的录取标准,这意味着一些偏才、怪才也有机会被录取!”
&&& 考生可同时申请两所高校&&&
&&& 按规定,每名考生可以同时申请五校中的两所,只需参加一次考试就有机会获得两所大学的录取资格。如果两所高校的要求都没有达到,考生还可以用测试成绩向第三所学校提出申请。笔试的考点将设在除青海、宁夏、西藏、内蒙古、海南之外的全国26个省市区的29个考点,其中我省设在西安市。&&&
&&& 据郑庆华介绍,西安交大的招生报名工作于11月5日开始,11月25日结束。西安交大将在全国范围内选拔理工类学生(600~800名)和文史类学生(10~15名,仅限陕西省),两类总数占西安交大本科计划招生总数的18%~20%。目前,已有1000多名学生报名。
&&& 笔试更注重学生能力&&&
&&& 据悉,西安交大招收的对象为全国的省级重点(示范)中学的优秀应届高中毕业生,报名采取“中学推荐为主,学生自荐为辅”的方式,考生可自荐报名。&&&
&&& 招生录取采取笔试、面试两阶段的方式。其中,笔试分为通用基础测试和高校特色测试两个模块。两个模块将在同一天内完成,预计时间为明年1月上旬。&&&
&&& 通用基础测试模块,理科考生的考试科目具体为语文、数学、英语、自然科学(其中物理占70%、化学占30%);文科考生为语文、数学、英语、人文与社会(其中历史占40%、政治占30%、地理占30%)。各科卷面原始分满分均为100分。&&&
&&& “高校特色测试模块,是考查学生对当前热点问题的分析、洞察和探析解决的能力。”郑庆华说,这一部分没有标准答案,主要想了解考生的人生观和价值观。&&&
&&& 考生完成笔试后,西安交大将根据“优先第一志愿,兼顾第二志愿”的原则,分别划定第一志愿、第二志愿面试资格分数线。获得资格者将于1月中下旬,在西安交大进行集中面试,对考生的自然、人文、社会、心理、能力等综合素质进行互动式的考查。&&&
&&& 取得自主招生录取资格的考生,参加完2010年高考后,可享受不同幅度的降分、加分优惠政策,从而取得西安交大入学资格。&&&
&&& 具体报名方式和咨询,考生可登录西安交大网站或联系西安交大招生办。
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陕西省图书馆设计维护 Email:西安交大2011级口语试题_中华文本库
交大 2011 级口语考试试题 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. What is your ideal job like? What can you do to make yourself competent for the job? Why do people nowadays suffer from more pressure than before? How to release pressure? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of advanced science and technology? Can you imagine the life in the future? Describe it. What are the advantages and disadvantage of the traditional way of doing things? Do you think that extraordinary events like 9/11 can make ordinary people into heroes? Talk about your own heroes from history. What qualities should a person have to make him/her a hero(ine)? Do you see heroism in yourself? Many people with disabilities achieved great success. Why do you think people with disabilities want to engage in challenges? Do you see them as heroes? Talk about a lucky or unlucky experience you or someone you know had. In what ways do computers affect our lives? In modern society there still exist some phenomena that cannot be explained by scientific laws, such as crop circles, Bermuda Triangle, etc. How do you think of these phenomena? Do you believe they have something to do with mysterious creatures from outer space? Steven Hawking has said that he is almost certain that alien life exists in other parts of the universe and he warns that a few of these species might be intelligent and threaten Earth. So he believes that man should try to avoid contact with alien life forms. What do you think of his views? Do you think Chinese men and women have similar roles to those of Russian men and women in everyday life? Do you think men and women should have an equal share of work at home? Why do you think people celebrate festivals? What’s your opinion about celebrating Western festivals in China? How can you conserve a culture and its traditions if it’s under threat from global influences? How different do you think holidays and customs are in China compared with Western countries? What skills and characteristics will make you a strong candidate for a job? Do you agree that "investing in people gives the best return you can ever hope for”? As a college graduate, Jack doesn't want to do temporary bar work. Is his point of view justifiable? Do you agree there is a generation gap? How difficult is it for your parents to understand your problems? Howe difficult is it for you to understand theirs? Do you agree that men can give boys better advice than women when they are stuck in setbacks? Books can change our life. In what ways can books change people’s life? Please explain and give some examples. Do you prefer to read old-fashioned books or e-books? Why? Talk about the books you like.
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
29. “Within books, one can find a bumper harvest. Within books, one can find houses of gold. Within books, one can find ladies as fair as jade.” These are famous sentences by Emperor 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Zhen
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