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  (一) 词义虚假对等
  学译:What China policies are to be pursued after all within the US ,we still have to wait and see.
  译文:The American authorities have to decide among themselves what China policies to pursue ,and so we still have to wait and see.
  分析:“美国内部”并非指“美国国内”这个概念,而是指美国领导层,因为决策者是政府高层而不是平民百姓,因此with the US 不足以传达这样的意思。
  学译:In interpersonal relationships ,we should not to be too romanticism.
  译文:In interpersonal relationships ,we should not to be too romantic.
  学译:All of a sudden ,the feeling of grief and indignation of being deserted by the relations and being abandoned by the whole world overwhelmed me.
  译文:In no time ,I was thrown into a feeling of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the world .
  分析:很多学生在本该使用不定冠词的地方却用了定冠词。A feeling 和 the feeling 有细微的差别,前者指“某种不确定的感觉或感受”,而后者指“某种特定的感觉或感受”。
  译文:All the research assistants of this lab must work 7 days a week , from 10 a .m .to 12 p.m. Nothing but work during office hours.
  学译To take in immigrants from other countries has become a long-term national policy long practiced by Canada .
  译文:To dram in immigrants has become a national policy long practiced by Canada.
  分析:immigrants 所指的“移民”本身就包含着“来自其他国家”的含义。因此应当把from other countries 这个短语删去。
  学译1:Before I became ill , I was much petted by my parents , doing everything at will in the home.
  学译2:Before I fell ill , my parents doted on me a lot . I could have my way home.
  译文:Before I fell ill , I had been the bully under our roof owing to my doting parents .
  分析:首先要确定这句话的信息重心。虽然没有连接词,但仍有内在的逻辑关系。“受父母宠爱”是因,而“在家中横行霸道”是果,因此作为结果的后半句应该是全句的信息重心。第一个学生译文,弄颠倒了信息重心,而第二个学生译文则把突出了内在逻辑关联的话,分成了两句,模糊了信息重心。参考译文则突出了信息重心,并通过添加 owing to 表现出了隐藏的逻辑关系。
  学译:Flowers were in full bloom in the garden .My parents held a party in the garden .(照搬汉语重复的衔接手段)
  译文1:Flowers were in full bloom in the garden . My parents held a party in it.(使用英语替换的衔接手段,用it代替了garden )
  译文2:My parents held a party in the garden where all sorts of flowers were in full bloom. (使用英语替代的衔接手段,用where代替了in the garden)
  分析:参考译文提出的两种替代方式都是译文的衔接手段,但译文2 的衔接更加紧凑简洁。
定价:¥29.80 优惠价:¥20.60&&英语中级口译资格证书考试指定用书:最早、最权威、便用最广泛;著名高校专门从事口..
定价:¥39.00 优惠价:¥30.50&&
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Scholar?&img data-rawwidth=&640& data-rawheight=&1136& src=&/ccce3e791b2a2ab7678ca_b.png& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&640& data-original=&/ccce3e791b2a2ab7678ca_r.png&&
封建社会: candidate for government&br&民国: poet&br&新中国: GaokaoEr
封建社会: candidate for government民国: poet新中国: GaokaoEr
我想楼主如果要表达的侧重一点教育程度的话,educated即可&br&如果指一个阶层(有点类似中国的“知识分子”)的话,就是 “intellectual”
我想楼主如果要表达的侧重一点教育程度的话,educated即可如果指一个阶层(有点类似中国的“知识分子”)的话,就是 “intellectual”
a man who is eager for knowledge
a man who is eager for knowledge
I will be right here waiting for you!&br&&br&取自Richard Marx创作并演唱的歌曲《Right here waiting》,看到这句话的时候我就想起来了。 &br&&br&理查德·马克斯(Richard Marx)第一次巡回演出时,爱妻辛西娅去拍片已3个月,由于签证问题,理查德无法前去探望辛西娅,他感到非常郁闷。这时,他的朋友说:“你郁闷的时候会写出最好的歌曲。”于是,理查德坐在钢琴旁,在一种强烈的冲动下,只用了20分钟就写完了《此情可待》创作,这首歌成为广为流传的经典情歌。在&a href=&/?target=http%3A///item/%25E6%25B5%25B7%25E6%25B9%25BE%25E6%E4%25BA%2589& class=&internal&&海湾战争&/a&期间,这首歌在美国成了亲朋分别时相互告慰、互祝平安的歌曲。这首歌问世已有整整20年历史,仍传唱不衰,颂扬真情的永恒。 &br&&br&&img src=&/38ca42b0f806ce3024fbec84_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1080& data-rawheight=&8545& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&/38ca42b0f806ce3024fbec84_r.jpg&&
I will be right here waiting for you!取自Richard Marx创作并演唱的歌曲《Right here waiting》,看到这句话的时候我就想起来了。 理查德·马克斯(Richard Marx)第一次巡回演出时,爱妻辛西娅去拍片已3个月,由于签证问题,理查德无法前去探望辛西娅,…
A pack of lies!I'm angry
A pack of lies!I'm angry
翻译没有速成法,建议跟我们学。绝对进步大大的。我们公众号天天有更新资料 在带大家学习 建议来跟我们一起学,书选择两本就可以了,不要太多,那些书都大同小异,而且有的里面错误不少。本人持有CATTI二级笔译,韩素音翻译比赛汉译英第十四名,当时考的时候主要看了非文学翻译理论与实践,政府报告和白皮书,我们公众号天天在分享,已经分享了15份双语对照白皮书,要的关注我们公众号,可以获取。再多看看外刊,包括纽约时报,热点话题积累等。高斋翻译俱乐部&br&创建于 21:58&br&著作权归作者所有
翻译没有速成法,建议跟我们学。绝对进步大大的。我们公众号天天有更新资料 在带大家学习 建议来跟我们一起学,书选择两本就可以了,不要太多,那些书都大同小异,而且有的里面错误不少。本人持有CATTI二级笔译,韩素音翻译比赛汉译英第十四名,当时考的时…
If you and I didn't meet each other,and I was still the person who sometimes daydreamed about something and then drowned in the noisy city,I wouldn't know you whom I am charmed by. If we didn't meet each other ,I wouldn't believe that there is someone that I never get tired of
and who makes me feel warm.
If you and I didn't meet each other,and I was still the person who sometimes daydreamed about something and then drowned in the noisy city,I wouldn't know you whom I am charmed by. If we didn't meet each other ,I wouldn't believe that the…
Usually, promote to achieve the goals of company strategy, material needs is the basic reason of people engaged in all social activities, the enterprise salary system can not do internal fairness and justice, to them as to develop the foundation of the salary system, and in conformity with the external market salary level? Usually in the relative value compensation decisions should be s development direction, is not necessarily can make the enterprise employee satisfaction. Staff the injustice is not solve in time, unfair unfair problem. Through the effective combination of the s effort in the company&#39, will directly influence the staff&#39, however, to improve employee satisfaction and employee motivation, slacking, and make the employee&#39. Effectively solve the external and internal unfair, to fully arouse the enthusiasm of employees, and even the phenomenon of brain drain, which affect the enterprise the quality of products and services, can make employees know in advance to do good and bad influence on his salary income concrete. How to solve these problems. Generous salary, three key elements of individual performance. So,s work enthusiasmsalary Is always the first need of human, can you provide competitive salary (monetary compensation) is still the direct factors affect employee motivation, make the company&#39, employees will easy to feelings of resentment, achieve enterprise and individual common development, the material incentive is still the mas business goals and personal goals. For now
1, remuneration
Material needs are always the first human needs of all people engaged in social activities, the basic motivation. Therefore, material incentives is still the main form of incentives. For now, the ability to provide competitive salary ( ie monetary compensation ) is still a direct factor in employee motivation . However , competitive salary so that employees may not be able to be met . Typically , companies pay system can not do internally a fair, just , and with the external market salary levels coincide, it is easy to generate employee discontent . These employees can not be solved without a sense of fairness , will directly affect em...
& & 1,&pay& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &Material&is always the first&human need,&is the basic&motivation of&people inall social activities.&Therefore,&the main form&is still the&material incentivemotivation.&At present,&can&offer a competitive salary&(i.e.&monetary compensation)&is still the&direct factors influencing&the enthusiasm of the staff.&However,&the salary&is not always&so that employees&are satisfied.Usually,&not&compensation system of enterprises&achieve internal&fairness,justice,&and is consistent with the&external market&pay level,&the staff willeasily lead to&discontent.&Employees of these&unfair sense&cannot be solved in time,&will directly influence&the working enthusiasm of the staff,&go-slow,appear&even&the phenomenon of brain drain,&which affects the quality&of enterprise&products and services.&To effectively solve the&internal unfair,self&unfair&and external&unfair question,&in order to&improve employee satisfaction,&motivating the staff.&How can we solve these&problems?&Usually in the&compensation decision&should consider&position relative value,&salary level,&individual&performance of the three&elements&in&them,&as a basis forwage system.&By means of combining&the above three elements,&so that employees can&know in advance&to do&good and bad&effects on&their&salaryincome&specific,&is conducive to&fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff,and the&direction of the efforts of staff&with&the development direction of the company,&the&company strategic target,&the company operating the&linkedgoals and personal goals,&to realize&the development of both enterprises and individuals.
>>>汉译英。1. 把……放到……上面 __________2. 一勺……__________-八..
1. 把……放到……上面 __________2. 一勺……&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& __________
1. put...on2. a teaspoon of...
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“汉译英。1. 把……放到……上面 __________2. 一勺……__________-八..”主要考查你对&&翻译能力&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时就要掌握所学句型及短语,还要灵活运用。汉译英的考点很多,不仅考查学生的语言基本功,即对词汇的记忆能力和理解能力,还考查学生在具体的语境中灵活运用词汇知识和语法知识的能力。&初中英语翻译题解题技巧:翻译题在初中英语试题中占15分,题型分为两种,一种是汉译英(11分),它分为部分翻译5个和整句翻译3个,另一种是英译汉(4分)。汉译英谈谈解题技巧:可以从时态、语态、固定短语、主谓一致、基本句型等许多方面来考查。& 汉译英题的解题步骤如下:& 1.通读汉语,了解这个句子所要表达的意思& 2.阅读英文,找出其中要考查的内容,揣摩出题人的意图,并分析。 3.观察一下要求翻译的汉语,然后联想一下相关的词汇、句型,并考虑时态、语态、词形变化、主谓一致等问题。 4.翻译出所缺的英文部分。& 5.将翻译好的句子再通读一遍,并从时态、语态、词形、数的一致等方面检查一下。a.上课做笔记是个好习惯。It’s&a&good&habbit&to&_____&in&class.&观察后发现考查的内容为一个短语,所以经过联想,想到take&notes&这个短语,并注意复数形式。&b.几年来,他拍了几部大片。&____________________________这是一个整句翻译,首先想到“几年来”这个短语over&the&years,它是固定短语,然后想到它所用到的时态为现在完成时,所以这个句子写成:Over&the&years,&he&has&made&some&great&movies.&c.必须经常浇树。&一看到这个题目,有的同学有些发懵,因为这个句子没有主语,那么就要想到被动语态,而且是含有“必须”这个情态动词,这时就可以联想到含有情态动词的被动语态的构成:主语+情态动词+be&+p.p&所以这个句子写成:Trees&must&be&watered&often.英译汉解题步骤如下: 1.浏览整段文章,清楚大概内容。& 2.分析划线部分的句子含义,遇到不会的生词,要从上下文的内容中来猜测。& 3.整理好所思考的句子,注意英汉语言方面的差异,所翻译好的句子必须符合汉语逻辑思维,而且语言要通顺,意思要明确。& eg. Do dogs wear shoes? Some police dogs in western Germany do. People made special shoes for them. Police say that these shoes can protect the dogs from broken glass.&翻译这句话时,必须把“do”翻译出来,否则意思不明确。根据上下文”do”表示穿鞋,所以整句翻译为:有些德国西部的警犬穿鞋。 那么,想做好这种类型的题,平时必须多下功夫,必须做到:&1.熟练掌握常用的词汇、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配的用法。&2.掌握各种句型结构。&3.掌握各种时态、语态及主谓一致原则。&4.具有用英语思维的习惯。&5.熟读课文,万变不离其宗,无论怎样变化,考试都离不开教材这个大的考纲。英语翻译技巧:英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。这些技巧不但可以运用于笔译之中,也可以运用于口译过程中。1.增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或"There be…"结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如:  (1)What about calling him right away?马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何? (增译主语和谓语)  (2)If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations.要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句)  (3)Indeed, the reverse is true实际情况恰好相反。(增译名词)  (4)就是法西斯国家本国的人民也被剥夺了人权。Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.(增译物主代词)  (5)只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the mon people were forbidden to light lamps. (增译连词)   (6)这是我们两国人民的又一个共同点。This is yet another mon point between the people of our two countries.(增译介词)  (7)在人权领域,中国反对以大欺小、以强凌弱。In the field of human rights, China opposes the practice of the big oppressing the small and the strong bullying the weak.(增译暗含词语)&&&&&& (8)三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits bined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.(增译注释性词语)2.省译法:这是与增译法相对应的一种翻译方法,即删去不符合目标语思维习惯、语言习惯和表达方式的词,以避免译文累赘。增译法的例句反之即可。又如:(1)You will be staying in this hotel during your visit in Beijing.你在北京访问期间就住在这家饭店里。(省译物主代词)(2) I hope you will enjoy your stay here.希望您在这儿过得愉快。(省译物主代词)
与“汉译英。1. 把……放到……上面 __________2. 一勺……__________-八..”考查相似的试题有:


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