sspost上海英语报纸2012年12月六级单词2月3日的第七版的word box中的单词和例句(所有的)大约12个左右,所有的都要

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烟人考函〔2012〕 4 号 各县市区人事考试中心,市直有关部门(单位)人事科,驻烟单位人事处(科):   我市2012年度全国专业技术人员计算机应用能力、等级统一考试报名工作业已结束,但仍有部分考生因种种原因错过报名。为方便广大专业技术人员能够顺利参加职称评审,定于近期开展专业技术人员和计算机应用能力考试的补报名工作。现将具体工作通知如下:   一、补报名方式和时间 【外语教育&网】  2012年度全国专业技术人员计算机应用能力、补报名统一采用网上报名、网上缴费的方式。网上报名、网上缴费具体时间安排为<font color="#ff年2月3日9:00至日16:00.   二、其它事项   (一)请补报名考生充分了解有关政策规定及报考须知,按规定报名。考生因报错科目(模块)、类别、级别、语种等而不能正常参加考试的,由本人承担相应责任。   (二)在报名期间已经正确填写个人信息但未上传照片或者未成功缴费的考生,可登陆补报名网站,直接输入报名序号登录系统完成报名,不必重复填写个人信息。   (三)完成缴费后发现信息错误,可由考生本人持加盖单位人事处公章的介绍信、本人身份证及《人事考试网上报名信息更正(删除)申请表》到烟台人事考试中心考务科办理更改。信息修改时间为日正课时间,其他时间不受理信息修改业务。 烟台市人事考试中心二〇一二年一月二十九日
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实验班  签署协议,不过退费  1200元/门
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实验班  免费赠送上一年课程  1200元/门
特色班  免费赠送上一年课程  400元/门
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精品班  免费赠送上一年课程  800元/门
实验班  免费赠送上一年课程  1200元/门
特色班  免费赠送上一年课程  400元/门
通关班  免费赠送上一年课程  600元/门
精品班  免费赠送上一年课程  800元/门
实验班  免费赠送上一年课程  1200元/门
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B:What Your Doodles Say (Part Two)
Level: Four
How do you draw a doodle? Are you what you doodle? Let’s find some more meanings of your doodles.
You are drawing a lovely flower. It has soft, round petals. You may be a sociable person. If the centre of your flower is a circle, but your petals are sharp, you may hide a warm heart.
Ambitious people often draw stars. Lots of little stars mean: you are happy. A big star means: you’ve set a goal.
Squares and Boxes
A square means: you are thinking through a problem. What if your squares become a box? You’ve made a decision, right?
You want to doodle your name? In fact, that means: you want to say to your parents, “Let me do what I like!”
B:Super Classroom
B:Going for a Drive
Level: Four
What a sunny day! It’s time to go for a drive! Justin is driving the car. Selena is sitting beside him.
Selena: What does this sign mean?
Justin: It means “Don’t enter!”
Selena: OK. Let’s go another way.
Justin: On this road, I must drive carefully.
Selena: Why?
Justin: This sign means: the road is slippery.
Selena: Here’s a sign. What does it mean?
Justin: It means “Don’t make a U-turn.”
Selena: Hurry up!
Justin: No, we must slow down. Look at this sign. Someone may cross the road.
Selena: Must we follow the car?
Justin: Yes. This sign means we mustn’t overtake.
Selena: Well, well, we are in a traffic jam.
Justin: And I can’t sound the horn.
Selena: Oh, no!
B:Next One, Please.
Level: Three
Nurse: It’s your turn, Sir. The doctor is waiting for you in the room.
Patient: Okay. Thanks!
Doctor: Come in!
Patient: Hello, Doctor!
Doctor: What’s wrong with you?
Patient: Oh, Doctor, you must help me. I feel so lonely, and no one seems to notice me....
Doctor: … Next one, please.
B:Story Zone
B:The Wild Swans (Part Two)
Level: Four
&&&&&& Elisa missed her brothers very much. “Where are my brothers?” One day, she asked a woman passing by, “Have you seen eleven princes?”
&&&&&& The woman said, “I have not seen eleven princes, but I have seen eleven swans. You may find them near the river.” So Elisa waited beside the river. One night, eleven swans came to the river and turned into eleven princes.
&&&&&& Elisa was so happy to see her brothers again. They cried and embraced each other. Elisa wanted to help her brothers to get rid of the magic curse. A fairy appeared in her dream that night.- 蓝火柴518
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