()you stay where you areat home on saturday a、does b、do c、are d、is

1.What can you learn from Jim's reply?
A.He goes to most types of games.
B.Basketball is his only sport.
C.He plays basketball.
2.What can you infer from the dialogue?
A.The bus drivers seldom go on stake in England.
B.The bus drivers this time ask for different things.
C.The bus drivers this time again ask for less work and more pay.
3.What does the woman want to become?
A.A teacher  B.A translator  C.An actress
4.What is the woman likely to do during the festival?
A.She may do anything that she will meet.
B.She will help her mother do some shopping.
C.She will help her mother do some cooking.
5.What can you learn from the dialogue?
A.The man will have to return the book to the woman.
B.The man has already returned the book to the woman.
C.The man will keep the book for some time.
6.Where hasn't the man been in China?
A.Beijing  B.Suzhou  C.Shanghai
7.What did the man buy in Xi'an?
A.An ancient jar.  B.A wonderful knife.  C.A set of china.
8.When will the woman go to the man's house?
A.This Saturday evening.
B.This Sunday evening.
C.Next Saturday evening.
9.What can we learn about the couple?
A.The husband likes to sit in the same chair.
B.The wife doesn't like to travel.
C.They went on a trip last year.
10.How long does the voyage they talked about last?
A.Ten days.  B.Ten weeks.  C.Twenty - one days.
11.Why doesn't the wife like the kind of voyage?
A.It may cost a lot of money.
B.She doesn't like to go to so many places.
C.She dislikes going to many places and it may cost her a lot.
12.When is Alice's birthday?
A.The next day.
B.The day after next.
C.The day they had the talk.
13.What will the man and the woman buy for Alice?
A.A record.  B.Some flowers.  C.A box of chocolate.
14.In which way is the box to be faster but cost more?
A.Second class.
B.First class.
C.To a foreign country.
15.What does the man compare before making a decision?
A.Weight and stamps.
B.Price and time.
C.Forms and value.
16.What else is the man advised to do?
A.To put down a return address.
B.To buy second stamps.
C.To pay the right amount of money.
17.Why is the No. 16 bus of no use to the lady?
A.It's always late.
B.It's always full.
C.It gets off after to No. 49 bus.
18.How long will the speaker wait for a bus sometimes?
A.One hour.  B.Ten minutes.  C.Half an hour.
19.What is the maximum (最高) number of passengers a bus is supposed to carry?
A.20.  B.60.  C.129.
20.At what speed does a No. 49 bus drive on Saturday morning?
A.60m.p.h  B.80m.p.h  C.50m.p.h
1.Which model did the man order most?
A.Nokia 8210.
B.Motorola C266.
C.Sony-Ericsson T628.
2.What can you infer from the dialogue?
A.The bus drivers seldom go on strike in England.
B.The bus drivers this time ask for different things.
C.The bus drivers this time again ask for less work and more pay.
3.What does the woman want to become?
A.A teacher.
B.A translator.
C.An actress.
4.What is the woman likely to do during the festival?
A.She may do anything that she will meet.
B.She will help her mother do some shopping.
C.She will help her mother do some cooking.
5.What can you learn from Jim’s reply?
A.He goes to most types of games.
B.Basketball is his only sport.
C.He plays basketball.
6.What is the relationship between the speakers?
B.Caller and operator.
C.Secretary and boss.
7.What does the man want to do?
A.He wants to know Ms.Amanda Rhodes’s telephone number.
B.He wants to find where Ms.Amanda Rhodes lives.
C.He wants to tell the woman Ms.Amanda Rhodes’s name.
8.Where hasn’t the man been in China?
9.What did the man buy in Xi’an?
A.An ancient jar.
B.A wonderful knife.
C.A set of china.
10.When will the woman go to the man’s house?
A.This Saturday evening.
B.This Sunday evening.
C.Next Saturday evening.
11.Why is the woman worried?
A.Because she can’t speak French well.
B.Because she doesn’t have friends in Canada.
C.Because she can’t find her way to Quebec city.
12.What do we know about Montreal?
A.It is the capital of Quebec Province.
B.It is the biggest city in Quebec Province.
C.It is far away from the St.Lawrence River.
13.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.Only French is spoken in Quebec.
B.All the buildings in Quebec City are old.
C.Most people in Montreal speak French.
14.Why is the No.16 bus of no use to the man?
A.It’s always late.
B.It’s always full.
C.It gets off after the No.49 bus.
15.How long will the speaker wait for a bus sometimes?
A.One hour.
B.Ten minutes.
C.Haft an hour.
16.What is the maximum(最高的)number of passengers a bus is supposed to carry?
17.At what speed did a No.49 bus drive on Saturday morning?
A.60 mp.h.
B.80 mp.h.
C.50 mp.h.
来源:江苏省厉庄高级中学2007届高三年级第一学期第二阶段测试 英语试题
1.Which model did the man order most?
A.Nokia 8210.
B.Motorola C266.
C.Sony-Ericsson T628.
2.What can you infer from the dialogue?
A.The bus drivers seldom go on strike in England.
B.The bus drivers this time ask for different things.
C.The bus drivers this time again ask for less work and more pay.
3.What does the woman want to become?
A.A teacher.
B.A translator.
C.An actress.
4.What is the woman likely to do during the festival?
A.She may do anything that she will meet.
B.She will help her mother do some shopping.
C.She will help her mother do some cooking.
5.What can you learn from Jim’s reply?
A.He goes to most types of games.
B.Basketball is his only sport.
C.He plays basketball.
6.What is the relationship between the speakers?
B.Caller and operator.
C.Secretary and boss.
7.What does the man want to do?
A.He wants to know Ms.Amanda Rhodes’s telephone number.
B.He wants to find where Ms.Amanda Rhodes lives.
C.He wants to tell the woman Ms.Amanda Rhodes’s name.
8.Where hasn’t the man been in China?
9.What did the man buy in Xi’an?
A.An ancient jar.
B.A wonderful knife.
C.A set of china.
10.When will the woman go to the man’s house?
A.This Saturday evening.
B.This Sunday evening.
C.Next Saturday evening.
11.Where did the man work before?
A.In the bank.
B.In the shipping department.
C.In the shopping department.
12.How did the man find the wok and the workmates now?
A.The work was tiring but the people were friendly.
B.The work was interesting but the people were impolite.
C.Neither the work nor the people were satisfying.
13.What was the woman’s wish?
A.The man’s idea would come true.
B.She would make things better for the man.
C.The man would learn how to get on well with others.
14.Why is the woman worried?
A.Because she can’t speak French well.
B.Because she doesn’t have friends in Canada.
C.Because she can’t find her way to Quebec City.
15.What do we know about Montreal?
A.It is the capital of Quebec Province.
B.It is the biggest city in Quebec Province.
C.It is far away from the St.Lawrence River.
16.What can we learn from this conversation?
A.Only French is spoken in Quebec.
B.All the buildings in Quebec City are old.
C.Most people in Montreal speak French.
17.Why is the No.16 bus of no use to the man?
A.It’s always late.
B.It’s always full.
C.It gets off after the No.49 bus.
18.How long will the speaker wait for a bus sometimes?
A.One hour.
B.Ten minutes.
C.Half an hour.
19.What is the maximum number of passengers a bus is supposed to carry?
20.At what speed did a No.49 bus drive on Saturday morning?
A.60 m.p.h.
B.80 m.p.h.
C.50 m.p.h.
Henry Edwards HuntingtonHenry Edwards Huntington was born in 1850 in Oneonta,New York.In 1872 he went to work for his uncle,one of the owners of the Central Pacific Railroad.Twenty years later, Huntington moved to San Francisco at his uncle's request to share management of the Southern Pacific Railroad.On the way to San Francisco,he visited San Marino,and later bought it,which is home to his collections today.In 1902,Huntington moved his business operations to Los Angeles,where he developed the street railway system that created the structure of the Los Angeles area.He greatly expanded the existing electric railway lines,creating an extensive inter-urban system providing the transportation necessary.Huntington’s business interests continued to grow particularly in the areas of water,power,and land development;at one time he served on as many as 60 corporate boards throughout the United States.At the age of 60,he announced his decision to retire in order to devote time to his book and art collections and the landscaping of the 600一acre farm.In 1911 the large Beaux Arts building,in the charge of the architect Myron Hunt,was completed.In 1913,Huntington married Arabella Duval Huntington.She shared his interests in collecting.As one of the most important art collectors of her generation,she was highly influential in the development of the art collection now shown in the former building.In 1919,Henry and Arabella Huntington signed the agreement that conveyed their San Marino property and collections to a nonprofit educational trust,creating the Huntington,one of the world’s great cultural,research,and educational centers.Henry E.Huntington died in 1927,leaving his great treasures the Huntington,including the world—famous H untington Library,Art Gallery,and Botanical Gardens in San Marino,California to the public,which hosts more than 500,000 visitors each year.1.What can you learn about Huntington from the first two paragraphs?A.He worked in many fields before he came to Los Angeles.B.He built a house to store his art collection in San Marino.C.H e did a lot to the USA railway development.D.He founded the Central Pacific Railroad.2.What did Huntington do after his retirement?A.He devoted himself to his personal interests.B.He worked part time for non—profit business.C.H e was in charge of an educational center.D.H e shared his wife’s interests with her.3.Which of the following can best describe Huntington?A.An excellent artist.????????????? B.A talented architect.C.An ambitious educator.????????????? D.A successful businessman.4.This passage is most probably taken fromA.a science fiction????? ????????????? B.a newspaper reportC.a novel????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D.a biography 
Our boat floated on between walls of
forest. It was too thick for us to get a view of the land we were passing
through, though we knew from the map that our river must be passing through
chains of hills from time to time. Nowhere did we find a place where we could
have landed: although the jungle did not actually spread right down into
the river, banks of soft mud prevented us from going ashore. In any case, what
would we have gained by landing? The country was full of snakes and other
dangerous creatures and the jungle was so thick that one would be able to
advance slowly, cutting one's way with knives the whole way. So we stayed in
the boat, hoping that when we reached the sea, a friendly fisherman would pick
us up and take us to civilization.
As for water, there was a choice. We
could drink the muddy river water, or die of thirst. We drank the water. Men
who have just escaped from what appeared to be certain death lost all worries
about such small things as diseases caused by dirty water. In fact, none of us
suffered from any illness as a result.
One day we passed another village, but
fortunately nobody saw us. We did not wish to risk being taken prisoners a
second time: we might not be so lucky as to escape in a stolen boat again.
1.What they could see on the
boat was only___ .
A. high walls&&&&&&&& B. chains of hills& C. heavy woods D. vast land
2.They couldn't land because_______ .
A. the mud on the shore was
too soft&&&&& B. they could not find anyone
C. they could not find the mark on the map D.
the forest was too thick to go through
3.From the passage, we can
learn that_____ .
A. they were in an uninhabited area&&&&&& B. they were on a journey home happily
C. the country was a civilized society&&& D.
the country was a tropical jungle coutry
4.The best title for this
passage might he______
A. I he Problem of Landing&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Escape in the Jungle
C. An Entirely New Experience&&&&&&&&&&& D. Exploration of a River
18【题文】If you travel to a new exhibition at the San Francisco Conservatory of
Flowers, you will have chances to see some meat-eating plants. Take bladderworts, a kind of such plant, for
example. They appear so small and grow in a quiet pond. &But these are the
fastest known killers of the plant kingdom, able to capture a small insect in 1/50 of a second using a trap door!&
Once the trap door closes on the
victim, the enzymes (酶)similar to those in the human stomach slowly digest the insert.
When dinner is over, the plant opens the trap door and is ready to trap again.
Meat-eating plants grow mostly in wet
areas with soil that doesn't offer much food nutrition. In such conditions,
these amazing plants have developed insect traps to get their nutritional needs
over thousands of years. North America has more such plants than any other
Generally speaking, the traps may have
attractive appearance to fool the eye, like pitcher plants, which get their
name because they look like beautiful pitchers full of nectar (花蜜).
Hair-like growths along the pitcher
walls ensure that nothing can escape, and the digestive enzymes can get to
work. A tiny insect can be digested in a few hours, but a fly takes a couple of
Some of these pitchers are large enough
to hold 7.5 liters. Meat-eating plants
only eat people in science fiction movies, but sometimes a bird or other small
animals will discover that a pitcher plant isn't a good place to get a drink.
Paragraph 1,we learn that bladderworts can__ .
A. kill an insect in a second&&&&&&&& B. digest a fly in a few hours
C. be found floating on a quiet lake& D.
capture an insect in 1/50 of a second
the trap door of a meat-eating plant is closed, the plant is
A. fooling insects into taking a sip& B. producing nectar
C. tempting insects to come close&&&& D.
enjoying a dinner
11.Meat-eating plants can grow
in wet and poor soil because they&&& .
A. can get nutrition from animals&&&& B. don't need much food nutrition
C. can make the most of such conditions&&& D.
have developed digestive enzymes
12.What can be captured by
meat-eating plants for food?
A. A child. B. A dog.&& C. A little bird.&& D. A little fish.
19【题文】You know Australia is a big country, but you may not know how easy it is to
get around. The untouched beaches that go for miles and deserts that touch the
horizon are just there, waiting to be reached and explored. The following are
the different ways you can explore our vast country.
Flying is the best way to cover large
distances in a short time. You can spend more time on the Australia's
can't-miss landscapes and relaxing lifestyle. Moreover, competition among
airlines makes great flying fees available for you.
Australia has a vast network of
well-maintained roads and some of the most beautiful touring routes in the
world. You have no difficulty finding car rental companies at major airports,
central city locations, suburbs and attractions.
Bus travel in Australia is comfortable , easy and economical. Buses generally
have air conditioning, reading lights, adjustable seats and videos. Services
are frequent, affordable and efficient.
Train travel is the cheapest and gives
you an insight into Australia's size and variety, all from the comfort of your
carriage. Scheduled services are a great way to get quickly between our cities
and regional centers.
The Spirit of Tasmania runs a passenger
and vehicle ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania nightly. Extra sen
ices are running during summer rush hours. Sea-link ferries connect South Australia and Kangaroo
Island several times a day. Ferries connect suburbs in our capital cities.
With easy-on-the-feet pedestrian.(行人)streets, walking is a great way to get
around our cities.
Besides all the above, you can also
experience some of the longest:
tracks and trails in the world in central Australia——impressive journeys of a thousand
kilometers or more that can take several weeks to complete.
17.The underlined word
&untouched& in Paragraph 1 means__ .
A. secure&&&&&&&& B. special&&&&&&&&& C. natural&&&&&&&&& D.
of the following is true about travelling in Australia?
A.&& You can easily rent a car to
explore its beautiful touring routes.
B.& More travellers make the flying fees
among airlines higher than before.
C.& Taking a bus tour is the most
comfortable, economical and efficient way.
D.& Train services can offer you more
comfort than any other means of transport,
service between Melbourne and Tasmania usually runs_ •
A. several times a day&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. only at night hours
C. between different cities&&&&&&&&&& D.
only during rush hours
the passage, we know that_____ .
E.&& travelling in central
Australia is time-consuming
F.&& central Australia has the
world's shortest railway line
G.& pedestrian walking is a great way to
travel between cities
H.& you have no choice but to walk over 1,000 kilometers in central
20【题文】BUKHANNON, West Virginia~~Two rescue teams slowly moved along a two—mile path on Monday night to the site
of a coal mine explosion that trapped 13 miners, who had not been heard from since the early morning
Meanwhile, at a nearby church, more
than 250 family members and friends
gathered, waiting for updates on the rescuers' progress.
The miners were trapped at about .6:30 and many families weren't
informed of the accident until about 10 a.m.~~more than three hours after it happened. &It's very
upsetting, but you've got to be patient, I guess,& said John Helms, whose
brother, Terry, was trapped in the mine.
The trapped miners were about 260 fee underground and about 10,000 feet from the Sago Mine's
entrance, said Roger Nicholson, a lawyer from International Coal Group.
At a late night news conference,
Nicholson said one team had advanced about 4, 800 feet in the four hours since entering
the mine just before 6 p.m. Another team entered the mine about 30 minutes later.
He said the crew was very experienced,
with some members having worked underground for 30 to 35 years. The miners were equipped with
al&out one hour of breathable oxygen each. The company has not released the
names of the miners.
The teams test the air about every 500 feet, and have to disconnect the power
to the phones they use to communicate with the surface before doing that.
&We don't want to be electrifying anything if it's in an atmospfiere with
hurnahle gases,& Kips said.
The cause of the explosion was not
immediately known. High levels of carbon monoxide ( 一氧化物) were discovered shortly after the
explosion, which delayed rescue efforts, but those levels have weakened since
then, authorities said.
to the passage, we ran infer that_ .
I.&&&& communication with the
trapped miners was cut off
J.&&& the rescue started as soon
as the accident happened
K.& the two rescue teams entered the mine
at the same time
L.&& all the miners who were
trapped underground were still alive
the first team advanced at an average speed, they could dig about______per hour.
1,000 feet&&&&&&&& B. 1,200 feet&&&&&& C. 2,400 feet&&&&&& D.
4,800 feet
ran the passage he seen?
A. Iii a magazine.&&& B. In a science hook. C. On an advertisement. D. In a newspaper.
You wake up in the morning, the day is
beautiful and the plans for the day are what you have been looking forward to for a long time. Then the telephone rings, you
say hello, and the drama starts. The person on tbe other end has a depressing
tone in his voice as he starts to tell you how terrible his morning is and that
there is nothing to look forward to. Are you still in a wonderful mood?
Communieating with negative people can
wash out your happiness. It may not change what you think, but communicating
long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time.
Life brings ups and downs, but some
people are stuck in the wrong idea that life has no happiness to offer. They
only feel glad when they make others feel bad. No wonder they can hardly win
others' pity or respect.
When you communicate with positive
people, your spirit stays happy and therefore more positive things are
attracted. When the knife of a negative person is put in you, you have the
heavy feeling that, all in all, brings you down.
Sometimes we have no choice but to
communicate with negative people. This could be a co-worker, or a relative. In
this case, say what needs to be said as little as possible. Sometimes it feels
good to let out your anger back to the negative person, but this is to lower
you to that same negative level and they won't feel ashamed of themselves about
Negativity often affects happiness
without even being realized. The negative words of others at the start of the
day can be attached to you throughout the rest of your day, which makes you
feel bad and steals your happiness. Life is too short to feel negative. Stay
positive and avoid negativity as much as possible.
31. Which of the following shows the
position where the miners were trapped? (E: entrance P: position where the miners were trapped)
purpose of Paragraph 1 is to____ .
A. make a comparison&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. introduce a topic
C. offer an instructive story&&&&&&&& D.
tell a true story
can negative people have effect on us?
A. By influencing our
emotion.&&&&&&& B. By telling us the nature of life.
C. By changing our way of thinking.&& D.
By comparing their attitude to life with ours.
34.Some negative people base
their happiness on —.
A. their pity for other people&&&&&&& B. their respect for others '
C. building up a positive attitude&&& D.
making other people unhappy 35.According to the passage, to reduce
negative people's influence on us, we are advised.
A.& to change negative people's attitude to
B.& to show our dissatisfaction to negative
C.& to make negative people feel as hamed
of themselves
D.& to communicate with negative people as
little as possible
&&& . 【答案】36.A37.B38.A39.D40.D
&&&&&&W = Wendy
.M: I'd like to 41.d_ something with you. Do you have a
minute?&&&&&& 42. ______
W: Sure. I
just got off my eleven o'clock class. I don't have another class until this
M: Good, listen! I've just 43.r ‘ an e-mail from the computer center.
They are &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&44.
looking for students to help with the work of the school website this
They need two 45.a____ to help with the project. They asked me
if I knew&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
any qualified students who might be 47.i& in it. I thought you might
like &&&&&&&&&&48.
to have a 49.t___ .&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
W: 51.S______ interesting, but my knowledge of
computers is&&&&&&&& 52.______
53.p______ limited.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 54.
______ —
M: Well, I don't think any 55.s experience or knowledge is necessary.&& 56.
And with your interest in computers and
the Internet, I think you would be good
for the job. 57.B___ , they are paying good money. What do
you think? &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
W: It seems like a great 59.
c______to get some experience.
Thanks for thinking &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&60.


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