Guess!boy girlor girl怎么读

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Who&s your &&.?
What&s he /she like ?
江西南昌 李小兰:龙春来老师,我考上了… 呵呵…这里面有老师的帮忙嘛…!!谢谢老师!都是老师教导有方!真想有机会请老师大吃一餐……谢师宴!这里面绝对有你的功劳!那么耐心看我的练习…提意见! 布袋:郭西平老师,我笔试过了! 学员:看到王利科老师在上面辛苦喊了一天,下课都被团团包围狂问问题,我就知道是个好老师,我也希望如果能够成为老师,我也希望自己能要做到像您一样优秀。福建学员江琴:郭老师,我江琴,我过了,面试成绩还不错,感谢郭老师的辅导。
福州学员刘晓芳:非常感谢宋炜老师的教导,我一直觉得我很笨,不会说话,老师给我的鼓励很大啊!沈阳学员闫春:今天说的时候完全是在你帮助下整理出来那个我的个性模板,再稍稍加了一点点东西,结果比我对手高了7分江西南昌 廖丹:龙春来老师,我第一名,表现非常好,我觉得是超常了一点发挥的,说了十几分钟,一下稿子都没看,一直都有微笑,评委也对我笑呢,所以我好开心,而且我一点都不紧张。
福建、福州 林静:田惠伊老师, 我是林静,考的是泉州的第一名 !江西、吉安吴瑾:忠心的谢谢田惠伊老师,无法用语言表达的感谢! 河南郑州李娇:雷智慧老师,我仿佛考过了……
江西南昌 周丹:龙春来老师,我面试通过了。总体成绩第三。谢谢!
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Boy or girl
Am I having a boy or girl?
In this article
Watch how your baby develops into a boy or girl.
You're bound to be curious about your , even if you're waiting until the
to find out. But what if you could tell just by the season in which you conceived, or by what
your partner has? Folk tales are one thing, but what real-life factors may affect the gender of your baby?
Will I have a baby boy?You may be slightly more likely to conceive a boy if:
You and your partner are living together
One large study of 86,000 parents showed that couples who were living together when they
were slightly more likely to have a boy (Norberg 2004).
Just over half (51.5 per cent) of couples living together before
had a boy, compared with 49.9 per cent of those who lived apart. But why
results in more boys is not entirely clear.
You've been living together for less than a year
If your relationship is new and exciting, you'll probably be having
(Brewis and Meyer 2005). Frequent
gives male sperm a slightly bigger advantage than usual.
Male sperm are lighter, have smaller heads, and shorter tails (Jongbloet 2004). They can swim more easily through the slightly less , which coincides with the beginning and the end of your . This includes the time of
(Jongbloet 2004).
Some experts think that female sperm are more likely to reach the egg in the middle of your fertile period (James 2008).
By having frequent sex, you are more likely to have sex at the start and end of your fertile window, when male sperm have a slight advantage.
You're feeling stressed
Boys tend to be conceived at times of sustained , such as during and following a war (Helle et al 2009, Hohmann et al 2010).
One theory is that the mum's high
leads to increases in testosterone and cortisol (Grant 2007, Grant and Irwin 2009). This may lead to changes in the egg, which make it easier for male sperm to penetrate.
Just how this happens isn't clear, but there is still so much we don't know about the exact moment of .
You have a higher calorie intake
One study divided 740 British women into groups according to their
(Mathews et al 2008). Of the women who had the highest energy intake (about 2,413 calories), 56 per cent had boys. Of the women who had the lowest energy intake (about 2,283 calories), only 45 per cent had boys.
Boys are more fragile and are statistically less likely to be conceived, or to survive pregnancy, when
is short. Girl sperm are more robust, so in harder times they may be more able to survive.
But it's clear that, whether you're having a boy or a girl, a
is important both
Will I have a baby girl?You may be slightly more likely to conceive a girl if:
You're over 35 years old and the dad-to-be is over 40 years old
and , the more likely the female sperm are to fertilise the egg (Matsuo et al 2009). This could be due to hormonal influences in the woman as she ages. And in , the female sperm is more likely to win the race. The quality of sperm deteriorates with age and older men produce fewer male sperm.
Or it could be because we tend to
(Brewis 2005) as we get older. Also, older couples may be more likely to have sex in the middle of the fertile period, when female sperm may have the edge over male sperm.
You suffer badly from pregnancy sickness
If you have
(hyperemesis gravidarum), you're slightly more likely to have a baby girl.
A review of 13 studies found that 55 per cent of babies born to women who'd had severe pregnancy sickness were girls (Veenendaal et al 2011). This was compared with 49 per cent in the control group of women who didn't suffer from it. Some experts think that this is due to high levels of the hormone oestrogen, which is linked with .
You were born in a tropical climate and conceived there
Fancy a long holiday, somewhere warm?
It's not clear how much time you and your partner would need to spend in a
for there to be any effect, or if you would need to have been born there, too. But a global survey of birth data showed that more girls are born in the tropics (the region around the equator) than anywhere else in the world (Navara 2009).
One theory is that the hormone melatonin has an effect. Melatonin causes changes in the reproductive systems of animals in response to the length of the day. More females are born when the days are longer. Or it could be that a
alters the survival of male or female sperm in semen.
Your baby was conceived in the winter
However, in some countries, more girls are conceived in winter, and more boys are conceived in the summer (Cagnacci et al 2003, Melnikov and Grech 2003).
have noticed this effect in their animals for many years.
This may be because more viral and bacterial infections are around in the winter. As male sperm and embryos are more fragile, girls may be more able to withstand mums
than boys.
Dad-to-be's job involves pollutants or stress
A few studies have looked at the
and the ratio of boys and girls born to them. They found that jobs that involve stress or pollutants seem to result in more girls.
Though they were small-scale studies, which only looked at certain occupations, dads with the following jobs resulted in more girls than average:
professional driver (James 2008)deep-sea diver (James 2008)submarine sonar technician (Volk 2004)flour mill worker (Milham and Ossiander 2008)high-performance pilot (James 2008)
You conceived after having your ovulation induced hormonally
Some studies carried out among women who used hormones to induce ovulation, such as , show that you are slightly more likely to have a girl if artificial hormones are involved (James 2008). However, other experts aren't convinced.
You already have two or more children
It's possible that the more children you have, the more likely you are to have a girl. This may be due to the fact that the more pregnancies you have, the higher your levels of the hormone gonadotrophin (James 1980). Some experts have claimed that these higher hormonal levels could be linked to a higher chance of having a girl.
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Last reviewed:&October 2013
Brewis A, Meyer M. 2005. Marital coitus across the life course. J Biosoc Sci 37(4):499-518
Cagnacci A, Renzi A, Arangino S, et al. 2003. The male disadvantage and the seasonal rhythm of sex ratio at the time of conception. Hum Reprod 18(4):885-7
[pdf, accessed September 2012]
Grant VJ. 2007. Could maternal testosterone levels govern mammalian sex ratio deviations? J Theor Biol 246(4):708-19
Grant VJ, Irwin RJ. 2009. A simple model for adaptive variation in the sex ratios of mammalian offspring. J Theor Biol 258(1):38-42
Helle S, Helama S, Lertola K. 2009. Evolutionary ecology of human birth sex ratio under the compound influence of climate change, famine, economic crises and wars. J Anim Ecol 78(6):1226-33
Hohmann S, Roche S, Garenne M. 2010. The changing sex ratios at birth during the civil war in Tajikistan: . J Biosoc Sci 42(6):773-86
James WH. 1980. Gonadotrophin and the human secondary sex ratio. BMJ 281:711–712
James WH. 2008. Evidence that mammalian sex ratios at birth are partially controlled by parental hormone levels around the time of conception. J Endocrinol 198:3-15
[pdf, accessed September 2012]
Jongbloet PH. 2004. Over-ripeness ovopathy: a challenging hypothesis for sex ratio modulation. Hum Reprod 19(4):769-74
[pdf, accessed September 2012]
Mathews F, Johnson PJ, Neil A. You are what your mother eats: evidence for maternal preconception diet influencing foetal sex in humans. Proc Biol Soc 275(-8
[pdf, accessed September 2012]
Matsuo K, Ushioda N, Udoff LC. 2009. Parental aging synergistically decreases offspring sex ratio. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 35(1):164-8
Melnikov VN, Grech V. 2003. Seasonality of live birth sex ratio in south western Siberia, Russia, . J Epidemiol Comm Health 57(6):471-2
[pdf, accessed September 2012]
Milham S, Ossiander EM. 2008. Low proportion of male births and low birth weight of sons of flour mill worker fathers. Am J Ind Med 51(2):157-8
Navara KJ. 2009. Humans at tropical latitudes produce more females. Biol Lett 5(4): 524-527.
[pdf, accessed September 2012]
Norberg K. 2004. Partnership status and the human sex ratio at birth. Proc Biol Sci 271(-10.
[pdf, accessed September 2012]
van Dyk Q, Mahony MC, Hodgen GD. 2001. Differential binding of x- and y-chromosome-bearing human spermatozoa to zona pellucida in vitro. Andrologia 33(4):199-205
Veenendaal MV, can Abeelen AF, Painter RC, et al 2011. Consequences of hyperemesis gravidarum for offspring: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BJOG 118(11):1302-13
Volk B. 2004. Evaluating the sex ratio in the offspring of US Navy submariners. Mil Med 169(11):890-3
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We want to make your experience easy and help you quickly find information that matters to you. By using our site, we assume that you consent to our use of these cookies. To learn more about our cookies, including how to opt out, please review our .Unit 1 Welcome Back To School! 第二课时
  学习者分析:通过前一课学习,学生对单词&boy&和&girl&已不陌生,学习起来也不会感到吃力。因此在教材处理上把歌曲&Boy and girl&放到本堂来学习,同时使词汇教学与歌曲教学结合起来,增强了知识的趣味性。
  2、能听懂、会说&Watch out! &这个短语并能在情景中运用。
  3、会唱歌曲&Boy and Girl&。
  1、重点:学习单词boy和girl,并能用&I&m a boy.&或&I&m a girl.&来介绍自己。
  2、难点:让学生理解&Watch out! &的含义,并能在情景中运用。&Boy and Girl&这首歌曲中的歌词,如 &Do you want to be my friend?Yes,I want to be your friend.&学生较难掌握,在教学时要注意逐步渗透。
  Activity1. Warm-up/Review
  1、Enjoy a song:&Morning Song&
  2 、Greeting:
  T:Good mornmg,boys and girls.Nice to see you again.
  Ss:Nice to see you.
  (1) Game:看看贴贴
  活动前教师在黑板上贴上4张具有明显特征的人物身体图片,请学生看图片上的服装为这4个身体配上头像,比如:Mike,Sarah等人物。教师介绍,如:This is Mike.Hes a boy?This is Sarah.She is a girl.
  (3) Lets chant&Boy or girl&.
  (Boys:Boy or girl?Boy or girl? Im a boy.Youre a girl.Lets go to schoo1.
  Girls:Boy or girl?Boy or girl? Im a girl.Youre a boy.)
  (4) game:请一学生上讲台背对大家,请另一学生用假声对他打招呼,如:Hello!Good morning!等。其他学生齐问:Guess!Boy or girl?请讲台前这位学生做出回答。
  2、教学&Watch out!&
  以上一环节的情景为基础,突然出现一男孩踢过来一个球,提醒其他学生注意的画面。引出&Watch out!&学说&Watch out!&
  (设计意图:在实际情景中引出Watch out!有助于学生对它的理解。)
  3、教学歌曲&Boy and Girl&
  Activity3. Extension/Consolidation
  1、记者招待会:准备三个盒子,放有写明姓名、年龄、性别的纸条。请学生抽取三张纸条,并采访。采访内容可为:Whats your name?How old are you?Boy orgirl?
  2、《活动手册》第2页:Listen and match。
  Unit 1 Welcome Back To School! 第二课时 (Part A Let&s learn Part B Let&s sing)
《Unit 1 Welcome Back To School! 第二课时
教案》摘要:会说&Watch out! &这个短语并能在情景中运用。 3、会唱歌曲&Boy and Girl&。 重点与难点: 1、重点:学习单词boy和girl,并能用I&m a boy.或I&m a girl.来介绍自己。 2、难点:让...: ◇
&? &? &? &? &? &? &? &? &? &? &? &?
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All Rights Reserved 版权所有 
美国的时尚潮牌GUESS手表定位是“年轻、性感、勇于冒险”,这一定位吸引着年轻人的焦距。因此GUESS手表热衷参与时下年轻人最IN的活动,更多与粉丝的近距离互动只有GUESS手表。第一届AMC Live Rock On摇滚吧!成都音乐节将于近期在成都新都区保利198公园举行。届时作为时尚先锋领导者的GUESS手表将携手“TG时尚”在音乐节一线和你一起摇滚青春、摇滚脉搏。摇滚吧!青春GUESS手表摇滚季(9月20日&#日)旨在捕捉音乐节现场的潮流身影,只要你的装扮够新潮、够吸睛、够不羁,那么我们寻找的GUESS BOY OR GIRL毫无疑问就是你!有音乐,有时尚,更好礼相送,开始火辣你的造型吧!时尚大片,拍摄在即!这些潮人们已经加入了GUESS BOY OR BOY的行列,你还在等什么呢?敢秀的你只要晒出你的靓照并且发送至GUESS手表、饰品的公众微信平台,就有机会参加最佳GUESS BOY&GIRL评选。具体细则请持续关注GUESS手表、饰品和TG。更多资讯敬请关注微信公众平台:ilovegwgj官方微薄:GUESS中国
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