i hope you wellto get well as soon as possible

围场内车手纷纷向罗伯特·库比卡致上祝福,作为围场惯例,各种幽默和话中有话,在这次车手们的祝福声中依然很多,我选出几位很有意思的翻译出来给大家。 先放视频和英文听写,晚上放出中文。对于各欧洲口音的英语,我表示鸭梨很大,特别是我们亲爱的隆索哥,那弹音简直杠杠的。最后终于轮到熟悉的英音,而两位基友依然正确贯彻了典型的“英式祝福”,各应不断,十分有趣。 这里先放出英文听写和视频——
H.Kovalainen:Hellow Robert.And...regard from the&&Barcelona Testing pardock.I guess you`ve&&heard from many drivers,everyone`s&&missing you`re here,wishing you`re&&here.And...you know,sorry about your big&&accident.It was a very freak one and a&&very unfortunate one.But I`m glad to&&hear from Jack and also from your&&manager,that`s you are becoming well.So&&I`m sure you`ll be here,like already F&&said that at middle of the season you`ll&&be back here.So...I suppose to say you`r&& doin` well.And just good luck and a lot&&of strengthen and powerfull of the&&recovery.You know that the...our&&team,from myself,my girlfriend,everyone&&you know...we`re...we miss you,we wish&&you all the best.Just...next time you go&&rally I`ll come with you.I think it`s a&&good idea,in the middle of the season&&aboslutely.But,let`s go Finland in the&&winter.There`s no big fences,there is&&the...small snow banks,so we can lean on&&them.So it should be better,everybody in&&the team and ...all the team bosses will&&be happy.So...Let`s do that.But anyway&&fingers cross,everthing goes&&well.And...and...I also plan to come to&&see you when the schedule...ehh...makes&&it possible for me...for us basicly.So&&if we don`t go to the Bahrain for some&&reasons,I will come and have a look, you can have a lunch together&&something.Thanks!R.Barrichello:Robert,it was ...it`s very scary moment&&for all of us and of course for you.It&&must have been a nightmare.Emmm,you&&know...I...must thank your guy in rally&&to give me all the updates cause I kept&&calling him every 5 minutes.And He maybe&&got freak out of me,calling.But...you&&know... things got,everything was&&ok.And...all the moment of scary that&&you went through at the first hour (s),were gone.So and...you know...We&&here in Barcelona,we miss you here.I&&hope you come back very early.Thanks&&again that it`s all the operations are&&gone.Hopefully you don`t need it&&anymore.But you should have&&thought,maybe on the last operation,you&&should take a little bit out of your&&nose.That could be a very good solution&&for...you know...beauty.Hey man,we miss&&u here.Hope you get back quite soon.S.Vettel:Hello Robert.I hope your doing well and&&recoverying.Obviously we all quite suprised and shocked here from the&&accident.But as we all know you,a&&
gambler and a funny guy.I hope you don`t&&spent all the money gambling now in the&&hospital with the other patient.Make&&sure you save some money when you come&&back to Formula One.And spend with us.At&&least we gain your money not those other&&people.MS:Robert,we all hope you will be back&&as soon as possible.But much more&&important we hope ur feeling well and&&you get well&& as soon as possible.We`ve&&all been shocked by what we heard.But&&cross finger,things go well.See u soon.N.Heidfeld:Hi Robert,I hope your getting better&&each day.I guess it`s a bit of awkward&&for you as well to see me in your Lotus&&Renault car and in your gear.I`m&&actually not to sure if your too happy&&to see me.But maybe it motivates you to&&come back soon and I hope you get well&&soon.OK,see ya.T.Glcok:Hey Robert.Good news is that i heard&&ur recovery is goin` well,and you&&know,it`s time to come back track again&&because you still owe me some money from&&last year..or..you took quite a lot of&&money in poker last year so...I want to&&have that back again.Emmm,so fight as&&hard as possible,to get as soon as&&possible to back.F.Alonso:Hello.Errrr....Robert for me is a&&purely one of the best friends so I have&&in here,in the pardock.Obviously in&&Formula One relationship between the&&drivers not barely normal,but for me&&Robert maybe is the only one that in&&terms of talentive,in terms of the way&&of live Formula One,undertand Formula&&One,we are very similar,we know what to&&do in Formula One,we are not here to&&make friends,we just here to win.I know&&him many years.I still remember when i&&was racing in the go-kart,he was racing&&in the smaller kart.And then he was&&winning all the races,all the&&time.So,there was always a lot of&&respect for Robert in go-karts.Then the&&life in XXX Spanish team in Euro cities&&with XXX.So I still following Robert&&very close and the life in Formula One.&&And for me it was a shock when I heard&&about the accident and I tried to see&&him as soon as possible I was close to&&Gazzetta.And then was the so far worry&&because the was the first priority.I&&didn`t want to believe that was&&real.Finally I will be see him couple of&&times more than now.Im sure he will come&&back.The spirit of Robert is&&unbelievable.He is a very stron&&person.And I think a normal person will&&need one year or eight month to&&recover.For Robert will be half because&&he is a superman in these&&cases.So,hopefully ur recover&&well,soon,and we all miss you and&&hopefully you come back soon.Bye-bye.L.Hamilton:Hey Robert,how are u well?We are&&here in Barcelona myself and&&Jenson.Jenson was testing today.But we&&wanna to just...give u a bit of massage&&of support and you know,you`ve been&&missed here in the pardock and&&Emmm...you know out on the track.We`re&&just discussing now actually makes a bit&&of easy for this year cause we won`t&&have to worry about try to overtake&&you,as you make your car as wide as&&possible as always.J.Button:....I think its called waving actually....L.Hamilton:...Yeah you always being great at waving.J.Button:But hope u get soon well,mate.Im sure&&its very tough time for you.But u got&&alot of people thinking about you.I`m&&sure you enjoy the m0rphine,but get off&&it because we want to see you on the&&track.
科瓦莱宁:嘿,罗伯特。我从巴塞罗那测试围 场给向你致敬。相信你从这么多车手也听出来 了,大家都想死你囖~希望你能在这儿和大家一 起。呃,我很遗憾你遭遇了那场事故。实在太 不幸太可怕了。不过我很高兴从杰克还有你的 经理那里听说你康复的很好。我相信你应该能 在赛季中期回来。我想我该说你现在做的很好 ,祝你好运,希望康复工作能很给力。你知道 ,我、我女盆友、我的团队、所有人……都很 想念你,祝福你。呃,还有下次你去拉力的时 候,我要和你一起,相信就在赛季中期!不过 ,我们这次去芬兰,冬天。那里没有很多的护 栏,只有小的雪堆,这样我们驾驶的时候可以 踩上去通过。这样应该会更好的,对你的对内 的所有人,这样你的上司们也会很高兴的。我 们到时候就这么做吧。恩,上帝保佑!哦,还有,我还打算来看你的,只要时间允许 。如果巴林站因为某些原因挂掉的话,我就来 哈!我们能一起吃个午饭神马的。谢啦。================================================================================要我说:海基的祝福很诚恳,看出来他们俩关系 还不错。不过提出冬季去芬兰跑拉力的那段建 议,似乎在暗示在拉力方面罗伯特该向海基学 学。
格洛克:罗伯特,好消息是你康复的很好,所以是时候赶紧回来还钱了!!!你在去年扑克大赛可赢了我不少money。。。嗯……继续努力,早日归来吧! ================================================================================== 格洛克:谈钱神马的,不厚道。
阿隆索:大家好。我认为罗伯特是我在围场里最好的朋 友之一。很明显,在F1的车手之间关系总是不 太平常,但是我和罗伯特,在天赋和对F1的理 解上都很接近。我们知道在F1当中,我们不是 来交盆友的,而是来赢得比赛的。我认识他很 久了,当我还在比赛卡丁车的时候,那时他比 我第一个级别,但是他赢得了所有比赛。所以 我总是对于他非常尊敬。(Spanish处被Alonso 的牛逼发音彻底秒杀)至今我依然和罗伯特走的很近。对于他的事故 我却是非常震精,当时我还尝试去见他因为我 离加泽塔不远。我当时很担心,甚至不敢相信 ,毕竟生命至关重要。还好,我在几个月之内 ,很快就能再见到他。我相信他会的。他的精 神意志力是很牛逼的,我认为普通人回复需要1 年或者八个月,他只需要一半的时间,因为他 在这方面是超人。希望罗伯特你能好好康复, 我们到时候见。==============================================================================让我说:隆索的语言还是这么霸气外露。但是大家都知道的,作为一个说话不拐弯抹角的人,阿隆索对于库比卡的这番话,必定是发自内心。
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或· You are the manager of a small factory and you have received this email from Ms.Spinks,Director of Sales at Twining Electricals.
David bentley
Missing delivery
Dear Mr.bentley, I hope this email gets to yOu—I have copied it to your home address as well,and am also sendinga letter by post,but this is urgent.We have been trying to contact your factory by phone all morn-ing but we cannot seem to get through. Our last order to you was supposed to have arrived yesterday,but as of 1 0am this morning it stillhas not come.When we made the order we explained the impo~ance of timely delivery--we willlose money if there is another 24 hours delay.We have always had such good service frOm you inthe past,SO this is most disappointing.Please contact US as soon as possible and let US knowwhat is happening. Yours sincerely, Sonia Spinks Director of Sales TWINING ELECTRICALS
· write a reply email
· apologizing for the delay
· explaining why the delivery was held up and why she has not been able to contact you
· explaining how she will get the order in time
· offering a small compensationg for the delay
· Write 60-80 words.
· write on your Answer Sheet.
Sonia Spinks 
Dear Mr.bentley,
· You are the manager of a small factory and you have received this email from Ms.Spinks,Director of Sales at Twining Electricals.
David bentley
Missing delivery
Dear Mr.bentley, I hope this email gets to yOu—I have copied it to your home address as well,and am also sendinga letter by post,but this is urgent.We have been trying to contact your factory by phone all morn-ing but we cannot seem to get through. Our last order to you was supposed to have arrived yesterday,but as of 1 0am this morning it stillhas not come.When we made the order we explained the impo~ance of timely delivery--we willlose money if there is another 24 hours delay.We have always had such good service frOm you inthe past,SO this is most disappointing.Please contact US as soon as possible and let US knowwhat is happening. Yours sincerely, Sonia Spinks Director of Sales TWINING ELECTRICALS
· write a reply email
· apologizing for the delay
· explaining why the delivery was held up and why she has not been able to contact you
· explaining how she will get the order in time
· offering a small compensationg for the delay
· Write 60-80 words.
· write on your Answer Sheet.
Sonia Spinks 
Dear Mr.bentley,
· You are the manager of a small factory and you have received this email from Ms.Spinks,Director of Sales at Twining Electricals.
David bentley
Missing delivery
Dear Mr.bentley, I hope this email gets to yOu—I have copied it to your home address as well,and am also sendinga letter by post,but this is urgent.We have been trying to contact your factory by phone all morn-ing but we cannot seem to get through. Our last order to you was supposed to have arrived yesterday,but as of 1 0am this morning it stillhas not come.When we made the order we explained the impo~ance of timely delivery--we willlose money if there is another 24 hours delay.We have always had such good service frOm you inthe past,SO this is most disappointing.Please contact US as soon as possible and let US knowwhat is happening. Yours sincerely, Sonia Spinks Director of Sales TWINING ELECTRICALS
· write a reply email
· apologizing for the delay
· explaining why the delivery was held up and why she has not been able to contact you
· explaining how she will get the order in time
· offering a small compensationg for the delay
· Write 60-80 words.
· write on your Answer Sheet.
Sonia Spinks 
Dear Mr.bentley,
Dear Ms.spinks, 
Thank you for your email regarding the missing delivery.I must apologize to you fOr the incon-venient delay.I have looked into the matter,and found out that the delay was caused by a dockers' strike at the port.We were away at the port this morning,negotiating with the dockers' union for a quick loading.and that is why you were unable to reach us.I must apologize to you for any inconvenience thus caused. 
I am pleased to inform you that the dockers have agreed to load the goods of your order onto the ship which will carry them as soon as possible SO that the ship may start sailing this afternoon and reach your city in two days.To compensate for the delay,we are happy to offer you a 10% discount of the charge for your order。 
We look forward to receiving more orders from your company in the near future. 
Yours sincerely, 
David Bentley 
General Manager
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心I hope you can a solution to this problem as soon as possible. A. get through with ——精英家教网——
I hope you can a solution to this problem as soon as possible. A. get through with B. deal with C. come up with D. make up with 【】
下面文章中有4处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D和E)中选出符合各段意思的小标题, 选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Early to Bed, Early to RiseB. Read Challenging BooksC. Relax yourselfD. Minimize Television WatchingE. Take Time to ReflectFive Simple Ways to Increase Your IntelligenceYour brain needs exercise just like a muscle. If youuse it often and in the right ways, you will become a more skilled thinker andincrease your ability to focus.&&Here are 5 simple ways anyone can squeeze a bit moreproductivity out of the old gray matter. 1. __________-This is a hard sell. People lovevegetating in front of the television, myself included more often than I’dlike. The problem is watching television doesn’t use your mental capacity ORallow it to recharge. It’s like having the energy sapped out of a musclewithout the health benefits of exercise. When you feel like relaxing, try reading a bookinstead. If you’re too tired, listen to some music. When you’re with yourfriends or family, leave the tube off and have a conversation. All of thesethings use your mind more than television and allow you to relax. Exercise- I used to think that I'd learn more by notexercising and using the time to read a book instead. But I realized that timespent exercising always leads to greater learning because it improvesproductivity during the time afterwards. Using your body clears your head andcreates a wave of energy. Afterwards, you feel invigorated(精力充沛)and can concentrate more easily. 2. __________-Many people like to read popularsuspense fiction, but generally these books aren't mentally stimulating. If youwant to improve your thinking and writing ability you should read books thatmake you focus. Reading a classic novel can change your view of the world andwill make you think in more precise, elegant English. Don’t be afraid to lookup a word if you don’t know it, and don’t be afraid of dense passages. Takeyour time, re-read when necessary, and you’ll soon grow accustomed to theauthor’s style. 3. __________-Nothing makes it harder to concentratethan sleep deprivation. You'll be most rejuvenated if you go to bed early anddon’t sleep more than 8 hours. If you stay up late and compensate by sleepinglate, you’ll wake up lethargic(无精打采)and have trouble focusing.In my experience the early morning hours are the most tranquil and productive.Waking up early gives you more productive hours and maximizes your mentalacuity(敏锐)all day. If you have the opportunity, take 10-20 minute napswhen you are hit with a wave of drowsiness. Anything longer will make youlethargic, but a short nap will refresh you. 4. __________-Often our lives get so hectic that webecome overwhelmed without even realizing it. It becomes difficult toconcentrate because nagging thoughts keep interrupting. Spending some timealone in reflection gives you a chance to organize your thoughts and prioritizeyour responsibilities. Afterwards, you’ll have a better understanding of what'simportant and what isn’t. The unimportant stuff won’t bother you anymore andyour mind will feel less encumbered. Conclusion-I hope you aren’t disappointed that none ofthe techniques I've proposed are revolutionary. But simple, unexciting answersare often the most valid. The challenge is having the will to adhere to them.If you succeed in following these 5 tips, you’ll be rewarded with increasedmental acuity and retention of knowledge. &
I hope you don’t mind me asking, _______ where did you buy those shoes? A. so B. and C. yet D. but
&第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共35分)第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节&短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)文中菜有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下面画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Mr. and Mrs. William.I’ve learned that you are interested inBeijing Opera, so I’ve come to give you two ticket for tomorrow evening’sBeijing Opera at Mei Lanfang Theater. But it’s real a pity that you happened tobe out. So I have to leave the tickets with this note. The& opera will beput on by some famous actors or actresses. He is well worth watching. By theway, I’ve read the two books you lent me, that are very interested. This week,I am busy review my lessons in order to pass the final exams. I’m afraid ofthat I can’t go to the Opera togehter with you.I hope you will have good time.Yours,Li Ming&
—I really like the modern digital camera you lent me last week.
—    .
—And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.
A. I’m glad you like it& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. Don’t mention it C. I hope you like it& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. That’s all right
根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A:Hello! This is Li Mei Calling from Jilin.May I speak to Carla? C:Just a moment,please. ___1___ B:Hello? A:Hi,Carla! This is Li Mei calling from Jilin.How are you? Bt Oh,hi,Li Mei! How nice to hear your voice! I’m fine,thank you. A:Thank you so much for giving me such a lovely time in Trindad. B: ___2___& I hope you can come again some day! A:I’d love to ! I wonder,though,if you are interested in visiting me during the Spring Festival this year. __3___. B:Oh.I’d love to, but I don’t know if I will be free then. What time of year is it? A: ___4___ but this year it’s at the beginning of February. B:I’d love to come.& I’ll try to find out if I can take off work then.It’s very kind of you to invite me! A:Oh,don’t mention it! I hope you can come! Say hello to Hari for me! I hope he can come to China with you. B:That would be fun! Thanks a lot for calling !__ 5___ A:OK, great! Have a good day! B:Thanks,you too,bye!
A:Bye! A .Oh.sorry.he isn’t here at the moment &&& B. I’ll get her for you &&& C. It was a pleasure having you here. D. It is always the same each other. E. I’d love to show you one of our Chinese festivals. F. I’ll let Hari know you called. G. It’s different every year. 温馨提示: 请将补全对话答案涂在机读卡上&& E=AB&&&&&&& F=AC&&&&& G=AD


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