Why don't you know I love you? fool, where did we fallyou go?......什么意思

求乱世佳人台词_百度知道初二上英语Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?单元检测题(带答案人教新目标)
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源莲山 课件 w ww.5 Y
初二上英语Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?单元检测题(带答案人教新目标)I Important words :Wonderful& wonder& seem bored(boring)& diary enjoyable activity(activities) decide( decision)& difference (different) umbrella enough hungry dislikeII. Important phrases and sentences:1. on vacation 2. go to the beach /go to summer camp /go to the mountains/ go to Central Park3.something special / someone interesting /something important&& someone somebody everybody anyone anybody nobody something anything nothing 不定代词 somewhere anywhere 不定副词4.a few /few& a little / little& 5.I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax6.How do you like …? What do you think of …?7. Why don’t you do sth.? Why not do sth.?& 8.seem to do sth./ seem + adj. / seem+句子9.buy sb. sth./ buy sth. for sth. show sb. sth. /show sth. to sb.10. enjoy doing sth. /oneself/ have a good time /have fun doing sth.&& enjoyable11.arrive in / at&& get to / reach& 12. decide to do sth./ decide not to do sth. make a decision12.feel like doing / would like to do / want to do& 13. try to do /try not to do / try one’s best to do.13.What a difference a day makes! What a fine day it is! What fine weather it is!14.too many / too much / much too&& 15.old / young /big enough& enough time/ money/ food16.because of / because He didn’t come to school because& he was ill/ because of his illness.& 17.another/ the other / others/ the others18. Everyone jumped up and down in excitement& excite / excited/ excitingIII. Test I.单项选择。1. -- ____ you often go to the beach?―No, but I _____ last Sunday.A. Do; go S. D went C. Do; did D. Ddo2. It _____ sunny today, but it _____ cloudy yesterday. A. is B. was C. was D. is& 3. Everyone ____ an English story book&& A. have B. are having C. has D. to have 4. Jack has ____friends in China. A. a few B. any C. lot D. much5.―What do you think of the movie?―I think it’s ____, but someone think it’s much too ____A. boring B. boring C. bored D. bored6. There is nothing to do,______? A. is there B. isn’t there C. is it D. isn’t it7. ______ great weather today!&& A. What a B. What C. How D. How a 8. I can’t ____where to go this weekend, Guilin or Guangzhou. A. say B. wait C. decide D. think 9. Bob_____ the girl because she’s not friendly. A. likes B. dislikes C. don’t like D. doesn’t likes10. I want to buy a computer, but I don’t bring______A. enough money B. time enough C. enough time D. many money11.Don’t worry. We still have ______. We can finish it on time(按时).A. many time B. any time C. no time D. enough time12.He is _____ fat because he eats ________foodA. much too B. too many C. too much D. too much 13.―How were the people there? --_____friendly A. They are B. He is C. They were D. She was14. Do you have _____ to tell me?A. something special B. special anything C. anything special D. special something15. ---I will go to Shanghai for vacation ---____________.A. You’re so lucky B. Thank you very much C. I don’t think so D. Have a good tripII. 理解APart-time WaitressBusy café needs honest and good-looking waitress for weekends. Must enjoy working with a team and dealing with customers. Call Li Ling at
after 6 pm.Delivery (投递) PersonYoung, healthy person able to deliver heavy boxes of books. Must have a driver’s license and can carry heavy boxes. We’re looking for a person for this position. Call Liu Fang at
at any time.Nanny WantedKind, hard-working nanny wanted to look after three friendly children. Must be experienced and have childcare quail fications(资格). Please call Chen Yiping at
between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m&& 1. These are _______ in the newspaper.A. notices &&&B. ads &&&C. stories &&&D. news2.Who can do the delivery job?A. A beautiful woman who is good at selling books.B. A person who has been a taxi driver for more than 40 years.C. A beautiful and hard-working girl.D. A strong young man who can drive.3.If Tom wants to be a delivery person,which number can he call?A. B.7 C. D.4. Which of the four statements is true?A. You can call Chen Yiping in the evening.B. If you want to call Li Ling, do it in the morning.C. You can call Liu Fang at any time.D. If you want to call Li Ling, you can do it in the afternoon.5.What’s the Chinese for the underlined word Nanny?A. 奶奶& &&&B. 阿姨 &&&C. 保姆 &&&D. 护士B.BEIJING -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has visited the "left-behind" (留守) children whose parents are working in cities before Children's Day.&&&& During a visit to northwest China's Shanxi Province, Wen visited the home of Yang Saike, a primary school boy in a village of Xingping City.&&&& Yang, whose parents were working in Fujian, thousands of kilometers away, was cared for by his grandparents. His parents fail to go home even once a year.&&&& The premier held Yang in his arms and looked through his exercise book and praised him for his hard work.&&&& Wen talked with many children and asked them many questions about their schooling and life.&&&& "You are so pretty," Wen said to Liu Mengqi, a seven-year-old girl living with her grandmother. Liu's parents were also working in the city.&&&& "Have you been to school yet?" Wen asked two other girls."We are going to the pre-school class," said one.&&&& "Mom and dad at home?" Wen asked. The children shook their heads.&&&& "Children cannot see their parents very often, which is a new problem in the countryside. We should give them more care and love," said the premier.&&&& With fast economic (经济) development, more people in the country chose to work in cities and left their children with grandparents or relatives back home, said Wen.&&&& The premier asked local governments to do something to protect and care for such children at home and freeing (解除)their parents in cities from worries about their children.6. Wen says a new problem in the country is that "left-behind" children .__________&&& A. seldom get care from the government&&&& B. seldom get together with their parents&&& C. cannot do well in school like others&&& D. cannot get any love from their parents7. According to (根据) Wen, more country people go to work in cities because of _____.&&& A. great losses of farmland&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. their hope for city life&&& C. economic development&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. their poor country life8.Children whose parents have moved to work in cities are probably looked after by ______. A、 their parents B、 their school C、 their grandparents. D、 their friends 9.Wen Jiabao requires local governments ______. A、 to do more for "left-behind" children and their parents B、 to let the parents see their children only once a year C、 to stop the local people from going to work in cities D、 to build more schools for the "left-behind" children 10.The proper title(标题) for this passage is "Wen: Give ______ more love". A、 poor children B、 disabled children C、 country children D、 'left-behind' children C.& 根据短文内容,选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,答案E用AB,, F用CD Which university would you like to go to in the future? It’s not too early to think about it right now. Students at Hilltop School had a University Week at the end of last month. ______11___ for instance, they& designed a flag for a virtual ( 虚拟的) University of Hilltop.& ___12__ He said he started the program to help students form their aims. University may not be for everyone, but we want the students to know what they can choose. he said.& ____13___ Eric, a student in Grade 8, said, DUniversity Week made me realize that university is only four years& away. I should do some research about where I want to go. Paul, another student in Grade 8, saidhe realized that there were so many university for him to choose, ______14___.& The& school also invited people to give career ( 职业) talks. The first talk was given by Captain Brown, a& policeman. He talked about how to choose a career way. ___15____.& DThe program opened up&the students eyes,& said Mr. Miller.&
A. According to the students, the program worked well.& B. He also talked about the importance of math, reading, and writing in his career as a policeman. C, During the week, they took part in all kinds of activities. D. Mr. Miller is the teacher who started the program.& E(AB). Eric thinks it’s too early to think about which university to go to in the future now. F(CD). After some research, he said he wanted to choose the University of California.& III.简答。Salt is very common in our everyday life, but have yo u ever heard some stories about salt? Talking about salt, perhaps nobody can tell exactly when people first began to use it, but it is known to us all that, salt has been used in many different says all through history. People who lived over 3 000 years ago ate salted fish and salted meat. In ancient Egypt, salt was used to preserve dead bodies.&&& Stealing salt was regarded as a serious crime at different times. In the eighteenth century, for example, if a person was caught stealing salt, he would be put into prison at once. Altogether 10 000 people were thrown into prison during that century for stealing salt. About 250 years earlier, in the year 1753, anyone taking more salt than he was given would have his arms cut off.&&& In the past, salt was one of the most important things on the table of royalty. It was placed in front of the king when he sat down to eat. Important guests were usually led to the seats near the salt. Less important guests were given seats farther away from the salt.&&& In the Roman Empire, one of the most important roads was built specially for carrying salt from mines to Rome. Soldiers were sent to protect the salt from stealing. The soldiers got their pay in salt. Thus the English word “salary” came. Some soldiers who fell asleep while on duty was said to be “not worth his salt”, and as a result he would get less salt. This expression is still used today in English to refer to a person who does not deserve respect or is not worthy of his pay because he fails to do his job well.1.Can we tell exactly when people first began to use salt? ________________________2. What was salt used to do? (One example is OK.)3. When was a specially road built for carrying salt?& ___________________________________4. What kind of person does “not worth his salt” refer to today?&& _______________________5. What’s your opinion about salt?_______________________________IV.选词并用其适当形式。(wonder& bore& something& different& try& activity& many& I)1.&There are some _____ between the twins.2.&We have many _______ after school, we all enjoy them.3.&The TVshow is ______I feel very ____.4.&My brother is crying because I have ______apples than him.5.&--How was your vacation?--__________! I love it very much.6.&He ____ to play soccer with his friends last week.7.&Could you give me _______ to eat? I’m so hungry.8.&Don’t worry! I’m old enough to look after _______.V.用所给动词的适当形式。1.&Why _______(not go ) to the movies with us ?2.&The little boy feels like _____(watch ) TV.3.&You should try ________(not play) computer games .4.&Dave enjoys __________(swim) in summer.5.&I _______(feel) like I was a bird.& 6.&Joe_____(like) to go fishing because he thinks it’s boring.7.&He seems _______(see) someone going into his house 8.&My family decided ______(go) swimming because of the hot weather.9.&There ______(be) something for everyone at Greenwood Park.10.&Nobody _______(know) what the future will be like.VI、动词应用(共7小题,计7分)根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。Yuan Longping, a Chinese scientist, has saved people without any magic. His success on hybrid rice (杂交水稻) fed millions of people in hunger.Yuan&& 1&& (be) born on September 7, 1930. After graduating from the then Southwest Agriculture Institute (农业学院), he worked as a teacher at an agriculture school in Hunan.About 50 years ago, some natural disasters (灾难) hit China. Yuan saw many people lose their lives because of hunger every day. Since then, he has done research on how __2____(grow) good quality rice. In 1964, he___3___(find)a natural hybrid rice plant by accident. It had great advantages over others. Yuan was excited about what he discovered. He then decided& 4(study) this particular plant.In 1973, he started to grow a type of hybrid rice. It& 5&& (produce) 20% more rice each unit than common ones. The next year he had a great success. This progress made China the world’s leader in rice production.In China, most rice fields (稻田) grow Yuan’s hybrid rice. He is called the “Father of Hybrid Rice”.  Now he is 84 years old. He still& 6&& (have) a dream. He hopes hybrid rice&& 7&& (grow) as tall as Chinese sorghum (高粱) one day!VII.选词填空。10小题,计10分。 每个选项只用一次,有两项是剩余。A. advice& B. What& C. extra&& D. Nothing&& E. because&&&& F. looking forward to (渴望)G. How&&& H. finally& I. need&&& J. without&&& K. Everything& L. cleaned out Bob shook(摇动) his money box again. __1___! He carefully counted the coins. He had only $24.52. but the bike he wanted was at least $90! ___2__ could he get the rest of the money? His friends all had bikes. It was difficult to hang out with them __3__ a bike. He thought about what he could do. He knew his parents couldn’t help him, for they had no __4__ money. There was only one way to get money. He had to find a job. He decided to ask Mr. Scott for __5__. Well, you can start right here. Said Mr. Scott. D You see, my windows _6__ cleaning and my car needs washing.&&& That was the beginning of Bob’s part-time job. For the next three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He took dogs for walks, __7_ cupboards and swept the floor.& The day __8_ came! Bob counted his money and found $94.32. He went to the shop to buy the bike at once. He rode home proudly, __9__ showing his new bike to his friends, Bob loved his bike very much ___10___ he had bought it with his own money. He had achieved what he thought was impossible, and that was even more than the bike.& VIII.句型转换1.I went to Beijing on vacation (划线提问) _______did you _______on vacation?2.What do you think of this movie? ______ do you _______this movie?3 The story is very interesting. (改感叹句) ________ ___________ interesting story it is !4.We couldn’t go hiking because it rained heavily. (同义句) & We couldn’t go hiking _______ __________ the heavy rain..5.Kate did something special there. (?) ______ Kate ________ ________ special there?IX书面表达Linda暑假过得很开心。假如你是Linda,请根据以下提示写一篇80词左右的短文讲述一下是如何度过暑假的。&&& 要点提示:1. 去海南旅游,沙滩上玩;2. 做自己喜欢的事情,比如:逛书店买书;3. 和朋友踢足球,进行体育锻炼;4. 每天早上读英语,上午安排两个小时做作业。
参考答案:I.&1-5 CCACA& 6-10 ABCBA& 11-15 DCCCDII.&1-5 BDDCC& 6-10 BCCAD& 11-15CDAFBIII.&阅读简答:1.&No, we can’t&&& 2&.It was used to preserve dead bodies/ make salted fish /salted meat.& 3&In the Roman Empire.4& It refers to a person who does not deserve respect or is not worthy of his pay because he fails to do his job well.5&It is necessary/ important in our life / Thanks to it , we live healthily.IV. 1. differences 2. activities 3.bored 4. more 5. Wonderful 6. tried 7. something 8. myselfV. 1. not go 2. watching 3. not to play 4. swimming 5. felt 6. dislikes 7. to see 8. to go 9. is 10. knowsVI. 1. was 2. to grow 3. found 4. to study 5. produced 6. has 7. to grow.VII. 1. D 2. G 3.J 4. C 5. A 6. I 7. L 8. H 9. F 10 E.VIII. 1. W go 2. Hlike 3. W an 4. because of 5. Danything 文 章来源莲山 课件 w ww.5 Y
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