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Mika’s latest column for XL in
Italy, hot off the press!
MIKA XL Column June 2012
& July/August issue
P when a memory smells
better than a flower.
When you close your eyes and think of your mother what do you
imagine? When you close your eyes and think of your first love what
do you imagine? When you close your eyes and think of fear what do
you imagine? For me, almost always, I imagine the one thing that is
the hardest to remember: smell. My mother always used to wear an
Yves Saint Laurent perfume called Champagne and it would mix with
the history of her day, from the smell of her cooking the evening
meal to the slight petrol tinge of our old Toyota Previa. It was
this strange combination of smells which meant that I was home.
Smell is one of the most powerful things in my life. Even as a
musician, smell has a far greater ability to trigger memories than
music. I once fired an old assistant on a tour because she wore the
same perfume as a teacher who made my life hell at the Lyc&e
Francais when I was a boy. The fact that she found the same perfume
as my evil teacher appealing meant that she couldn't possibly be a
good person. I was proven right, and as the months unfolded so did
she. I should have trusted my nose to begin with.
By 2015 the perfume industry is predicted to be worth over 33
billion dollars. Although this is mostly thanks to over
commercialised and celebrity endorsed rubbish, there is no denying
the fact that perfume is a major part of everyone's daily life. In
New York recently, I was faced with Rihanna's enormous perfume
advert on Times Square, every day as I went to the studio. I
finally got a chance to smell it and was underwhelmed at the most.
It smells fake, cheap and it’s clear that what you’re really paying
for is not the quality of the ingredients but the cost of the
bottle, the advertising space and most of all, the cost of her
endorsement. Why is it that people have such a problem realising
that smell and perfume are the same thing. How you smell is as
important as how you look. From a purely chemical point of view,
it’s not the floral top notes that will get someone to fall in love
or sleep with you, but the muskiness of your natural body smell.
Obviously it’s not ideal to sleep with someone that smells only of
B.O. as that would be too overwhelming. However, it’s when the mix
of your body smell and that of the perfume is just right, that a
branded perfume turns into your perfect scent. Personally, smelling
of strong body odour would be just as bad as smelling too much of
Rihanna's perfume.
In a nutshell, here is how the basic perfume making process works
today. Most of the time, a big brand or celebrity will decide to
sell and market a perfume. They will hire a production company who
will in turn select a marketing company as well as a perfumer, or
'nose' to create the scent. The marketers will do countless studies
and market analysis to figure out what perfume would sell best, and
who the scent should be aimed at. With this very precise brief they
will then commission a perfumer to take all this research and mix a
scent that would please the targeted demographic the most. Often,
perfume bottles and even add campaigns will be designed before the
perfume even exists. The 'nose' will sit at a desk and make endless
blends of hundreds of scents, some precious and most synthetic.
Every perfume is decid the Top Note the Middle
and the Base Note. The first smell you get is the Top Note, this is
mostly light and floral or citrus. This will quickly evaporate
however leaving the Middle and lastly the Base note. The Base note
is actually what will react or adapt most with your skin and when
its smelt on its own can often smell awful. These often smell woody
or musky. Yes! Similar to the body odour you’re trying to cover up
in the first place!
Unfortunately, most really commercial perfumes are all about the
top and middle notes. The base notes are often seen as too ugly or
off-putting. Think about it, when you put a fresh cut lily to your
nose and smell it, there are so many deep and musky smells, almost
bad smells, that combined with the light top and middle notes smell
perfect together, but more importantly smell natural.
I have collected smells for years. I have calmed down now, but I
went through a phase of storing anything that I thought smelt good
or interesting in small brown glass vials. From rose oils to pieces
of tarmac and even the hand of a plastic doll. You can imagine how
excited I was to come across the work of eccentric New York
perfumer Christopher Brosius. His perfumes range from traditional
scents to ones called Doll's Head, In The Library or Burning
Leaves. Self taught, Brosius did not go through the insanely
rigorous and competitive training that you must now endure to
graduate as a top 'nose'. He even goes so far as calling his brand
"I Hate Perfume". He is more of a renegade who fights the normal
commercial limits of making scent. If I had the chance to have a
perfume custom made, it is clear that my main ambition would be to
evoke a memory. If it was the memory of childhood for instance,
then it would be the smell of my mother, but in my perfume memory
of her, the Yves Saint Laurent would be as important as all the
other "ugly" smells of a normal day. I would want the Cooking and
even Toyota smell in there. My perfume would evoke a memory, and
that would smell better than a million roses.
by MIKA via Facebook
The rain is falling in Los Angles. Today I woke up again in my
hotel room and for the first time it dawned on me. I have been away
from home for almost 11 months. As the end of the year is coming I
thought I would round up, where I've been and what I've been up to.
It all started in november last year. What started off in 2009 as a
3 month tour, pilled up into almost a year and a half of traveling
and performing. It was now the end of November 2010 and I was done.
I hadn't written a song in months and had no idea where I would
even start. Touring has a different effect on everyone. Some
artists are able to write on the road, but I found it impossible.
As the show evolved and changed around the world, there was hardly
any room for anything else. It was worth it of course. My show's
had never sold as many tickets and I had been given a once in a
lifetime opportunity, to perform in person to all my fans that had
supported me from the beginning as well as making new ones along
In October 2010 my sister Paloma had a horrific accident. In the
months that followed, every aspect of our family life was thrown up
in the air. Out of a tragic moment, comes a wave of opportunity, to
change and change we did, everyone in my family changed in some way
from that day on. I knew I had to go and not come back until I had
done what I needed to do. I had to grab the moment and make
something I was truly proud of. I wouldn't go back home until I had
cracked where I was going musically. Having wanted to write in
French for a long time, I called my friend the writer Doriand and
asked him if he felt like spending a week with me in the studio. In
February, unprepared, we set up camp at La Fabrique in Provence. In
the day we wrote and in the evening i would sleep in the bed in the
studio. Within three days we had written 82 Rue Des Martyr, Blame
it on the weather and Elle Me Dit. For some reason, after 12 months
of nothing, the songs were coming, and they were good.
I left France for Canada and set up a session with Nick Littlemore
in Montreal. I realised that whilst writing the second album I had
locked myself away at Olympic studios in London and worked mostly
on my own. There was a loneliness and fear associated to that
period that I swore never to feel again. I thought that if I could
set up fake bands around the world with people I loved then maybe
it would just happen. It was very important for me, that the sound
of the record should come together at the same time as the writing
and writing with others would help me do that. Nick Littlemore is
half of the band Empire Of The Sun. I had never met him before. He
was in Montreal working on the music for a new Cirque Du Soleil
show. I was a timely escape. On first impressions, Nick was tall
and amicable. He has a body that seems to long for him to control
which gives him a loveable awkwardness. I was jet lagged, he was
high and the sessions were stunning.
One the first evening together, and with the musician Paul Steel we
wrote a song called Underwater. It happened in about fifteen
minutes. I had just gone through a rough break up, and somehow, the
pressure of the second album, the break up, the touring and my
sisters accident left me feeling as if I needed to gasp for air.
The chorus reflects that. "All I need is the love you breath, put
your lips on me and I can live underwater"
Over the next few days, we started work on another song called the
Origin Of Love. In this song, I made a conscious decision to write
as honest a love song as possible. th let's
forget history, lets forget the bible and all religious fairytales,
the only thing I know is the love I have for you. Forget God,
forget Adam and Eve, the origin is you, you are the origin of
"Love is a drug and you are my cigarette. Love is addiction and you
are my Nicorette. Love is a drug like chocolate like cigarettes,
I'm feeling sick I've got to medicate myself."
The concept was figured out. I would write 12 love songs. Each in
their own way as brutally honest as possible. Fear not, there is no
smooth sounding e-piano anywhere on the record. I wanted to make
love songs in a way that I had never heard before. Of course, these
thoughts border on delusions of grandeur, but why not? If I
couldn't allow myself that, then the next option was fear. I would
rather pretend to be a prince than feel like a prisoner.
From Montreal I bounced to Miami. I started writing with Jodi Marr
again. Miami never felt so good. I remembered how, at our lowest
and most broke, Jodi re-mortgaged her home in order to pay for the
demos we were making. I then went to Los Angeles, back to Miami,
Montreal, New York, France, and over and over again. I started to
feel myself again. So when it got to last summer, I thought why not
release Elle Me Dit in France. I thought, what can I lose? I won't
promote it, we'll take it straight to radio and see what happens..?
I was advised not to release it, it was so out of context and there
was too much risk. In the end I went for it. I wasn't going to stop
myself from putting something out just because of fear. fear of
what?! The only reason things were flowing so fast was because fear
was out of the equation. I wouldn't let it in again. The record did
better than we ever could have hoped. More than anything, the
sucsess of the single fuelled my drive even more.
Fast forward to today. The songs are written and we are over the
half way mark recording them. The hiding has been worth it in every
single way and no part of me regrets it whatsoever. Now I have to
finish it and I will! ;) it will be up to you to make your minds up
as to what you think of it. At least it was made with honesty and
an enormous amount of joy. I can not wait to share it with you.
Along the journey all these people have joined in somewhere
somehow, each one Nick Littlemore, Paul Steel,
Fryars, William Orbit, Doriand, Priscilla Renea, Bilboard, Hillary
Lindsay, Ellie Goulding, Pharell Williams, Benny Benassi, Martin
Solveig, Klas Ahlund from the Teddybears, Wayne Hector, Fanny
Ardent and Greg Wells.
Through this record I've had a breakup, fallen very much in love
again, felt like the teenager that started doing this years ago and
come to peace with many things in me and around me. There are so
many things I want to share, and will do so in time. For now, I beg
your indulgence over the next months and know that the hiding is
for a reason. I will go home for Christmas. In fact I've finally
grown up and moved. Although to be frank, buying my own place is
one of the daftest things I could have done, as in the year that
I've had it, I've only been there a total of three weeks. Right now
home is where this record is. I can worry about being a house man,
Over the past 48 hours events have occurred around the world that
have shaken and appalled me & the tragic and despicable attacks in
Norway and the sad loss of Amy Winehouse
The death of Amy Winehouse has shocked and saddened me,
as a label-mate on Island her undeniable talent is something I have
admired for many years and her incredible songs and voice will
serve as an amazing legacy by which to remember her by. The noise
about her private life and the sad circumstances of her death will
be drowned out by her classic records which will be played for many
years to come. Last night, I played Paleo Festival in Switzerland
in the slot that Amy was supposed to play & it was sad and
difficult to step onto the stage so soon after her death, knowing
that originally she was supposed to be performing there. The show
was dedicated to her and my thoughts are with her family, it is a
terrible thing for a parent to lose their child
We also paused last night’s show in order to dedicate
Happy Ending to the victims of the terrible terrorist attacks in
Norway. Those events moved me a great deal & I could not think of a
more horrific way for so many innocent young people to die for no
reason whatsoever. My thoughts and prayers go out to their
过去48小时,在这世界上发生的事令我感到无比的震惊 — 先是在挪威发生了可悲剧性和可耻的袭击,再来是痛失天才Amy
昨天我们暂停了一会,把Happy Ending这首歌献给日前挪威惨剧中的死伤者。那些事件切切实实的触动了我-
Original Text by Mika via Facebook
Chinese Translation by MIKAmaze HK
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7. 完成以下简单任务:
i) 猜猜我们今次会送出哪款Mika戴过的眼镜!
(到我们新浪博客的'' 相册选取答案)
ii) 说出2个Mika乐队成员的名字和在乐队里的职位
(想得到礼品的优先次序 -
即是,假如你比较想要CD,就在电邮中表明1. CD 2. 眼镜,反之亦然)
Cauet(主持人):Mika,我很高兴见到你!我高兴得差点儿用英文说“I'm very happy to
see you”了。
Mika:Relax;'Relax, Take It
(再播了一小段Grace Kelly的副歌)
Cauet:上次我在火车上唱Grace Kelly差点把其他人杀死了!
(Cauet播了Rain的一两句,然后用法文讲'When it rains, it rains')
Cauet:在演唱会里观众便能听到你唱最新的法文单曲'Elle Me Dit'了!
Cauet:接下来你会听到,自7月4日起可以上网下载的,Mika最新单曲(Elle Me
Mika:我在Parc Des
(Cauet提到Elle Me
Cauet:但你有保留所有东西,对吧 ?
Mika:对,所有东西还在啊。 (笑)
Mika:(笑)是的 XDD
(另一位听众Guillaume打来问问题;Cauet再次提到贡比涅的演唱会和Mika 2012年推出的新专辑)
Mika:Johnny Halliday戴过很多(这帽子?)的。
Cauet:“Christian Digier试过一次,但他应该停止这样做了。”
Mika:但我在说Johnny Halliday啊。
Cauet:还有Rolling Stone的T-shirt。
(15岁的Anne Emmanuelle致电电台,表示她爱死Mika了,同时有2个问题想问他)
Mika:有的,但我不能说跟谁(合唱)-好了其中一首会是跟前The Neptunes成员Pharell
Williams唱的。听起来有点像Daft Punk和Barry White的混合,蛮酷的!
Cauet:或许你也能跟Serena Williams合唱一下?
Anne:那Elle Me Dit的video呢?
Mika:我们下星期就会开始拍Elle Me Dit的video了!
Eyed Joe。)
(Mika问Guillaume通常他们会听着哪首歌跳舞?Guillaume回答Big Girl, Lollipop,
Blame It On The Girls)
(Mika说他写Big Girl是刻意以民谣旋律为蓝本的。Big
Girl这首歌是关于一家离洛杉矶1小时路程,专为胖女生和喜欢她们的男生而设,叫Butterfly Lounge的酒吧 )
Mika:很好嘛! Sweet 16。
Cauet:Mika live! Mika的最新专辑将于2012年头推出,而现时他的最新单曲为'Elle Me
Mika:对,有一点吧。但法文也蛮酷的,因为法文可以做到英文做不到的事,例如在'Elle Me
Dit'的副歌中有句'Pourquoi tu g&ches ta vie?'(英译:Why are you wasting your
life ?)。你不能用英文这样写的;因为法文的发音跟英文不同,所以节拍会不一样。
Mika队友:米卡拉呱! (Mikaragua)
Mika队友:Do Re Mi Ka Si Do!
Mika队友:米家家俬! (Mikea!)
Mika队友:Physico Chimika!
Cauet:接下来这个,一个以前唱过''Sans chemise, sans pantalon...
Without shirts or trousers'的长青歌手?
Mika队友:Mika Zara&!
Cauet:&Mika, I'm very happy to see you, I'm
even going to say it in English "I'm very happy to see you".
Mika:&I'm very happy , I'm very proud (in
English with a huge French accent) lol! "I'm very proud ,really"
(In English with a huge French accent)!
(So they both start singing "Relax" for a "battle")
(Cauet asks for the tune and lyrics)
Mika:&This sentence "Relax, take it easy
has a story, the first time I heard it, I was in China, when my
sister was a student there, I went to China to visit her and she
had met a guy called Brinker in a shop and when he was stressed at
work he would always repeat this... and now you have the story, we
don't need to sing it!
Cauet team member:&Did you give some money
to that Chinese guy?
(Cauet sings and a lady in his team says its' not so bad but he
sounds like a duck.
Then the real songs is played and Cauet says it's hard to sing
(Then they play GK chorus and Cauet asks Mika how his voice can go
so high. Mika says his voice is normal.)
Cauet:&I killed people in the train because
I tried to sing Grace Kelly.
Mika:&The trick is not to sing too
(Then they play Rain and Cauet says "When it rains, it rains" in
Cauet says Mika in on his show and that people will soon hear his
new single which is in French "Elle me dit")
The lady in Cauet team:&This song
Cauet:&In a minute you will hear Mika's new
single that you can download online since July 4th. He will be in
Compi&gne for a gig on July 9th. Mika, I've said it once already
but I'm very happy to meet you. How do you feel yourself about
seing me for real?
Mika:&It's totally magical.
Cauet:&Yes, I 've seen it in your
Mika:&I came from London today and missed
my train, so they told me I could take the next one and I ended up
sitting in the luggage rack. I wasn't alone there, we were three
Lady in Cauet team:&Even though you're
Mika:&I was travelling on my own, I had no
one from my team: I told them to put me in the train.
(Laura is on the phone - she is waiting in front of the radio
station , hoping to meet Mika. She's sad because she couldn't get
Cauet:&Even Mika shouldn't be in, he should
be in the luggage room of the radio station as in the train.
Mika:&It would have been funny not to let
me in... Come on I'm the singe, let me in...!
(Laura asks her question, she asks what made Mika feel most
Mika:&When my pants split open at the Parc
Des Princes as I danced so much! And it was filmed for the
Cauet:&What part of your pants broke?
Mika:&Every part, even the crotch, it was
Cauet:&So what did you do? Did you hold
your pants with your hands?
Mika:&Yes.I did for the third song , then I
left to change clothes.
Cauet:&And I bet people were saying ,
that's how he makes his voice so high squeezing it!
A member of Cauet team : I knew this is how he could have such a
high pictched voice!
(Then Cauet mentions Elle me dit and asks Mika to sing Realx and
Mika tells him to sing with him but he doesn't want to.)
(Cauet says people can watch the photos on his twitter and Mika
starts singing Relax live.)
Cauet:&Was the audience a good one?
Mika:&Yes, this is a wonderful audience and
Cauet makes fun of someone who clapped in his hands too
(Cauet says it is the end of the exams for students and asks Mika
what sort of a student he was.)
Mika:&I was a bizzare student, not awful
but strange, like for example I would come to school with disguises
and they would send me back home, but for me it was normal to be
dressed like that. I would draw clothes, make them and wear them at
school. I guess it comes from seing my mother do this everyday, we
lived in a loft where she made the clothes and that was natural to
I was in a very small school in France, then in London, they kicked
me out of the French High School and as they didn't want me any
more I decided not to bother with school and I had my first job six
months after I left school, as an opera singer. But my opera
teacher was awful as well and I was fed up.
Lady in Cauet team:&But you have a
classical background, that may be why you can sing so high.
Cauet:&Yes, but some people might take any
class and never manage to sing.
Lady in Cauet team:&You can sing as high as
a castrato.
Cauet:&But you have kept everything ,
haven't you?
Mika:&Yes, everything is still there. (He
Cauet:&Proof is that it splits your pants
during gigs.
(Mika tries to sing like a castrato Farinelli with a wierd
Cauet:&It sounds like a duck. So then you
need to put everything back where it belongs and he asks Mika again
if he has everything.
Mika:&*laughs* Yes.
(Guillaume is on the phone with a question, Cauet mentions
Compi&gne again and that Mika's new album will be out in
Cauet:&Mika is here! We are going to
compare our caps!
Lady in Mika's team:&Mika's looks much
better. I love his cap, it's terrifis, he bought it in England,
it's so cool.
Cauet:&Mine is an Oliver (not sure about
Mika:&Johnny Halliday wears lot of
Cauet:&Christian Digier did too, but he
should really stop.
Mika:&But he's Johnny Halliday.
Cauet:&And Rolling Stones t-shirts.
(Cauet tries to sing Mika again.)
Cauet:&He will be in Compi&gne on Saturday
and Liege on Sunday for a festival
lady in Cauer teamThis is going to be a new style of show.
Mika:&Yes, in Marie Antoinette style.
Cauet:&You won't get your head off, I
Mika:&No actually I cut al the band's
members' heads off and then I wear a Napoleon jacket and you'll see
Mika:&It sounds strange and violent when I
tell about it. We might have difficulties with the suits, we only
tried them on two days ago. They are not so easy to dance with and
we wear tights actually.
Cauet:&Then we must expect some crocth
problems then...
(Anne Emmanuelle, 15 is on the phone and she loves loves loves
loves Mika)
Anne:&Any duets in the new album?
Mika:&Yes. But I can't say with whom, ok
there will be one with Pharell Williams (Neptune). The tittle
sounds like a mix of Daft Punk and Barry White. it's really
something cool!
Cauet:&You can also make a duet with Serena
Williams maybe?
Anne:&What about Elle Me Dit video?
Mika:&We will start filming Elle me dit vid
next week!
(Another fan mail is read and Lucie who will be 14 next week wants
Mika to wish her a happy birthday live on the radio is her email is
picked, that it would be her best birthday gift ever and Mika
wishes her a very happy 14th birthday.)
(Guillaume is on the phone and says hi to everyone)
Mika:&I'm always afraid of questions out of
the blue because I never know what I am going to be asked...
Cauet team member:&He knows things about
(Guillaume says he's a big fab and loved Lievin gig that was his
Christmas gift from his parents. He also says he dances country
dances on Mika tunes and the team turns Mika songs into country and
Mika ends up singing a bit of Cotton Eyed Joe.)
(Mika asks what song they use and Guillaume says "Big girl,
Lollipop, Blame It On the Girls")
Mika:&Big Girl is based on country rythm on
purpose and he tells Cauet about the Butterfly Lounge, an hour away
from LA, a club for big girls and men who like big girls.
(Guillaume says he played to win a ticket and Mika asks him his
name so he can be given a ticket and says he's giving him a
(Marion is on the phone, she wants to tell Mika he saved her life
and saved her from sadness. Mika says she is very sweet.)
Cauet:&See Mika, no frightening
Mika:&Many of my lyrics are sad but the
music is very happy, makes you want to dance. It's maybe a Lebanese
mix, you laugh and cry at the same time.
Lady in Cauet team:&As in your new
Marion:&How old were you when you got your
first kiss and in which circumstances did it happen?
Mika:&I was 14, which is a bit late for
today's standards, a week before I turned 15, I think it's
Cauet:&And you Marion,how old where yo when
you got your first kiss?
Marion:&No kiss yet.
Cauet:&How old are you?
Mika:&That's cool, sweet 16.
Cauet:&Maybe you wear braces.
Mika :&I wore braces from 12 to 17 but
still got kisses.
Cauet:&And you got stuck.
Lady in Mika team:&You have time.
Mika:&Maybe she's not worried.
Marion:&I'm waiting for the right
Cauet:&you see, no problem with the
questions so far, Mika. Let's hear someone else.
(Then a fake fan (member of Cauet's team) doesn't want to give his
name and speaks with a theatening voice.)
Mika:&I'm not afraid of your question but
I'm afraid of your voice.
Man from Mika's team: you kissed me when you were fifteen but you
never called me back.
Man from Mika's team:&I've also seen you
dead drunk more than once in the streets but I want to know why you
never called me back.
Mika:&Because you stink, you were ugly, you
had pimples everywhere and you also cut my tongue with your
Man from Mika's team:&I am very very sad,
please sing your new song to make me feel better, I'll just stay in
the back if you're looking for me.
Cauet:&Why don't we listen to Mika
(Mika sings Elle Me Dit live)
Cauet:&Mika live!
Cauet:&Mika's new album will be realeased
at the begining of 2012, the new single is called Elle me dit, a
brand new album filled with surprise.
Lady in Mika team:&****, it's too much to
Cauet:&Will there be French songs?
Mika:&The album will be in English, for the
French version, there will be five songs in French.
Lady in Mika's team:&How do you feel when
you sing in French? Is it bizarre?
Mika:&Yes, a bit, but French is cool
because with French I can do things I can't in English, like in the
chorus of "Elle me dit" which is "pourquoi tu g&ches ta vie?" , you
just can't do that in English, the rythm is different because of
the French sounds
Lady in Cauet's team:&that's really cool
that you release songs in French
Cauet:&Don't miss Mika's show in Compi&gne
on July 9th and Sunday in Li&ge. Now Mika, we have a tradition in
this show which is called the "Twat Game".
I will ask you questions and everyone can play but there must be
"Mika" in the answer
Cauet:&A game in which you must remove one
stick without moving the other?
Lady in Mika's team:&Mikado.
Cauet:&That was fast. A country in South
Lady in Mika's team:&Mikaragua.
Cauet:&I forgot to tell you it's not always
perfect. The five first notes of music?
Lady in Mika's team:&Do Re Mi Ka Si
Mika:&Did you guys cheat?
Team Cauet:&No.
Cauet:&A big shop selling furnishure that
is impossible to assemble together
Lady in Mika's team:&Mikea.
Cauet:&A med that you take when you hurt
yourself on something not to have bruises?
Lady in Mika's team:&Armika.
Cauet:&The title of a serie on NRJ12?
Lady in Mika's team:&Physico Chimika.
Cauet:&The ad with the beaver folding the
foil around the chocolate?
Lady in Mika's team:&Milka.
Cauet:&Next one is for you, a singer who is
ageless and used to sing "Sans chemise, sans pantalon... without
shirt or trousers"?
Lady in Mika's team:&Mika Zara&.
Cauet:&The last one is awful, a former X
rated movie star who gets naked when she comes to our show?
Lady in Mika's team:&Virgimikapprice.
Cauet:&Everybody laugh. Mika, a big kiss,
that was wonderful to have you, come back any time, but after
August 22nd as we're going on holidays. So Mika was with us
Mika:&Thank you!
English Translation by crazyaboutmika via MFC


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