My nine-year old daughter的音标, Maria,is in her fourth year now.是什么意思?

question:my13-year-old daughter’s birthday is coing up soon
首字母 My nine-year-old-daughter,Maria,is in Year Four.Every evening we get into h___battles.There afternoons a week,she has a___(net-ball,singing) after school and by the time we get home,homework is the l___thing she feels like doing.The other two days ,she gets home early and we argue(争论)about w___she should do her homework r___after school,or if she should have some time to rest and play f___.When Maria at last sits down to do her homework,she seems to want me there helping all the time.I do want to help her,but I'm s___that she is going to need to be able to do it on her o___.And in f___,most of the time,I have other things I need to be doing.It seems that children these days have much more homework than we did,and some of it is really beyond(超越)their a___.As you can see,I'm really worried about homework and I really don't know what I should do.Any ideas?
There afternoon a week,she has activities(net-ball,singing) after school and by the time we get home,homework is the last thing she feels like doing.The other two days ,she gets home early and we argue(争论)about whether she should do her homework right after school,or if she should have some time to rest and play first.When Maria at last sits down to do her homework,she seems to want me there helping all the time.I do want to help her,but I'm sure that she is going to need to be able to do it on her own.And in fact,most of the time,I have other things I need to be doing.It seems that children these days have much more homework than we did,and some of it is really beyond(超越)their abilities.As you can see,I'm really worried about homework and I really don't know what I should do.Any ideas?
A lady has a problem with her daughter:My nine-year-old daughter, Maria, is in Year Four. Every evening we get into homework battles(争执). Three afternoons a week, she has activities(netball, singing) after school and by the time we get home early, we argue(争论) about whether she should do her homework right after school, or if she should have some time to rest and play first. When Maria at last sits down to do her homework, she seems to want me there helping all the time, I do want to help her, but I’m sure that she is going to need to be able to do it on her own. And in fact, most of the time, I have other things I need to be doing. It seems that children these days have much more homework than we did, and some of it is really beyond(超越) their abilities(能力). As you can see, I’m really worried about homework and I really don’t know what I should do. Any ideas?小题1:The woman’s daughter is
&&&&&&&&& .
A.four years old
B.six years old
C.eight years old
D.nine years old
小题2:Maria doesn’t have any activities after school for
&&&&&&&&& &afternoons.
小题3:Maria want to
&&&&&&&&& &first when she gets home early. her homework netball and sing
C.have supper
D.have a rest and play
小题4:Can you guess where this passage is from?
A.A diary.
B.A newspaper.
C.A novel(小说).
D.A story.
扫描下载二维码A Patent for My Nine Year Old Daughter?
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Do you hate it when people talk about the 'good old days'? You know ... back when families worked together in the same business. Those legendary years when parents personally passed their skills on to their children with gentle, persistent hands-on training. Families sweated together side by side in sooty, suffocating blacksmith shops or marched out before dawn with hoes in hand to work the the soil of their farm. Mother and daughters milked cows together, collected eggs and cleaned mountains of vegetables for winter storage. It was good to work with your family. And it was exhausting.
Fast forward to 2014 where every family member's head is buried in their own separate computer device bubble. Dad is in his office working on finances. Mom texts her friends and the kids are watching their own videos, playing games or working on computer software. Where is the togetherness? Where is the shared struggle? Where is the sweat? The word 'economics' was born from the Greek word for 'house'. Is there still an 'economics' that can bring the household together?
I decided to find out.
My oldest daughter is an avid soccer player. Our icey Oregon winters, however, lock even the most passionate players indoors. For months. We needed a way to play soccer indoors without breaking every fragile item in the house as we kicked the ball around.We started by looking for a soft, playable ball that worked indoors but came up empty handed. So we decided to make one. We found foam balls and modified them with scissors and electric carving knives. We tried different designs with holes and ways to reduce impact while still bouncing well. We tested, played and tested some more. Finally we came up with a ball that bounced with a lively action and still did not shatter things. It was a lot of fun.
It was so much fun that we decided to see if other kids liked the indoor ball. We made a few more and asked kids to try them out. They responded with glee and gave us the best compliment we could ask for. They took the balls home. Our homemade indoor Soccer balls started disappearing faster than we could make them.
My daughter had learned about inventions in school. She suggested we had better patent our design and I had to agree. So together we worked on patent drawings and documents. We submitted our provisional patent application together, listing Dad and Daughter as co-inventors. When the formal patent reply came back from the government we read it togehter. I pointed out her name on the computer screen. "See there Sweetie - you're an inventor. We both are." She smiled with delight.
Are families working together a relic from the past? Yes. And maybe they are the future as well. Perhaps innovation and creativity are the new soil that brings parents and children together for shared work. It is at our house.
Chris and his daughter worked together on the book . He also takes her along for Healthcare Technology innovation meetings at
where she comes up with some pretty good ideas.Looking for more of the latest headlines on LinkedIn?阅读理解。
My nine-year-old daughter, Maria, is in Grade Two. Every evening we get into homework
battles (争执). Three afternoons a week, she has sport~ after school. When we get home, homework is
the last thing she likes to do. The other two days, she gets home early. I think she should do her
homework just after school. But she thinks she should have some time to rest and play first. When
Maria finally sits down to do her homework. she wants me to help her, I do wan! to help, but I"m sure
she needs to do it by herself (全靠她自己). And most of the time, I have to do other things.
Children these days have much more homework, than we did, and some of it is really difficult for them.
As you can see, I"m really worried about homework and I really don"t know what I should do. Any
ideas? Help me!
1. The woman"s daughter is _____.
A. four years old
B. six years old
C. eight years old
D. nine years old
2. Maria doesn"t have any sports after school for _____ afternoons in a week.
3. Maria wants to _____ first when she gets home early.
A. do her homework
B. play basketball and sing
C. have supper
D. have a rest and play
4. The woman thinks that her daughter should do her homework _____.
A. by herself
B. with the motherC. with the father
D. with the classmates
5. What does the phrase "worried about" mean?
C. 涉及D. 思量
My nine-yea...”;主要考察你对
I_________rather_________the bed_________do the_________.2、你能帮我照顾一下我的狗吗?每天喂他一些狗粮就行。
Could you please help me_________ _________ of my dog? It"s OK to _________him_________ some dogs" food every day.3、—我能搭车吗?
—Could I_________ _________ _________?
—Sorry, you_________.
There"s no room for you.4、我带着我的一个从北京远道而来的老朋友逛了逛春熙路,我们非常愉快地谈论起往事。
I________ my old friend________came from Beijing to
out in ChunXi Road. We had a great fun_________about the old things.5、我在下一个休息日,不想开车去兜风了。
_________my next day_________,I don"t want to go for________ _________.6、这次的学校郊游,我们参观了好多地方。最后,虽然疲惫但是很兴奋,我们下午6点就打道回府了。
We visited so many places_________this school_________.Finally,________ _________excited, we went back at 6:00 pm.7、在昨天的歌唱比赛中,我们的班长一举夺魁。
In the_________ _________competition, our class_________ _________first prize.8、前天下午,当我们在庭院卖旧货的时候,突然下起了大雨。但是幸运的是,我们都带了雨伞和雨衣。
Yesterday, it rained suddenly while we were having a yard_________,
but_________.We all
_________and raincoats.
1. 我喜爱踢足球而我哥哥痴迷于玩电脑游戏.
playing football while my brother is
playing computer games.
2. 你应该尽可能多地在课内外练习讲英语。
You should
in and after class
.3. 我去过北京一次,我是去年和我父母去那儿的。
I___Beijing once. I___with my parents last year.
4. 我宁愿在家看书也不不看乏味的电影。
I ____books at home ___a boring film.
5. 我们必须采取措施阻止人们污染环境。
We must ___ to___the environment.
1. 我认为动作片没意思。
I________ ________action movies________ interesting.2. 我们需要了解中国的历史。
We need to________ ________ ________ ________.3. 我最喜欢的演员是李连杰。
My________ ________is Jet Li.4. 我经常和爸爸一起去看电影。I often________ ________ ________ ________my father.5. 《憨豆先生》是一部非常成功的喜剧片。
Mr Bean________ a very________ comedy.6. 我认为恐怖片很可怕。
I think________ ________ ________.7. 李雷经常在周末打棒球。Li Lei________ ________ ________ ________ ________8. ―你想去看电影吗?
—_________you_________ _________go to a movie?
—Yes,_________ _________.
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