wac applications是什么 是什么

在mac上使用code blocks, 在编译时候出现以下信息,是什么问题?怎么解决?_百度知道
在mac上使用code blocks, 在编译时候出现以下信息,是什么问题?怎么解决?
oxcode-main: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------g++ -Wall -fexceptions -g
-c &/ -o obj/untitled folder&#47.app&#39-------------- BDebug&#47.cpp&quot: Debug in pro1 (Documents/,Users/pro1/orinsa/untitled folder/Applications&#47: note: no developer tools were found at '/Xcode. Choose an option in the dialog to download the command line developer tools
首先确认你已经安装了Xcode应用;xcode-select&nbsp,如果不是则运行.app/Contents/Developer`我认为就是它提示的问题,那就没有问题了;--install来安装Developer Tools,没有安装Developer Tools:$&xcode-select&nbsp,然后再终端中运行;-p如果显示路径`Applications/Xcode:$&nbsp。然后在尝试使用CB编译
大神 我试试看哈
出门在外也不愁mac 程序拷贝到应用程序是什么意思_百度知道
mac 程序拷贝到应用程序是什么意思
ac 下面的 应用程序 是一个目录,将DMG文件中的程序,点击即可进入,但是作为一位老用户,推荐你放到这个地方,会有 应用程序 标签,直接将文件手到快捷方式的图标上放手。打开 Finder,在左侧的列表,位於 &#47,拖到这个目录放手即可;ApplicationsApple 并不强制你将程序存放於此。如果DMG里已经存放了 应用程序 目录的快捷方式
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I have a friend that wants to buy a Mac Book Pro and he has some windows applications that he needs to run. He doesn't want to buy the applications again.
Can he run the Windows applications on his MacBook Pro? What ways to accomplish this are available?
You have three choices. They all come with pros and cons
Run a Virtual Machine
in the commercial space to chose from when it comes to virtualization software. And if you're comfortable tweaking and fiddling you can use
Near native speeds for your applications
Your OS X-based data can be accessed from your Windows programs
Can pick between running them in a full Windows desktop-in-a-Window or in integrated mode where the Window apps appear as windowed apps right in your OS X desktop
Decent support in the commercial offerings at least for graphics acceleration so you can run some graphics intensive programs
You get a bunch of neat things with virtual machines including the ability to pause applications mid-run and snapshot the state of your virtual machine
You have to buy a copy of the Windows operating system
The Windows OS installation will take up a lot of space on your hard drive, plus the Windows application space
If your Mac is older, doesn't have much RAM, the VM approach can drag down your system a bit but most, if not all, new Macs can handle VM hosting duties without much of any issue
Wine is a translation layer for Windows applications. It's a bit like a virtual machine but doesn't require the Windows OS. It sits between the Windows application and OS X and makes the application think it's running on Windows by translating all the Windows calls its making to OS X calls.
There are two choices of know of here. The free
and the paid-for .
Some commercial software is delivered for OS X this way -- I know The Sims 3 game that my wife likes to play on her MacBook Pro is actually the Windows version of the game running under the Wine emulator.
You don't need to buy a copy of Windows
Your OS X-based data can be accessed from your Window programs
Application support under Wine can be hit-and-miss. Some apps work well, some don't. Check at
to see if your applications are on the list of tested, supported applications if you're going to try WineBottler. CodeWeavers keeps their own list.
Because the Windows applications think they're running on Windows, and not everything Windows does translates perfectly to OS X, some applications can behave erratically.
Run Windows Native with BootCamp
Windows can actually be installed your Apple hardware directly and usually runs just fine. Apple even provides a utility called
that lets you keep a Windows and OS X installation available to your Mac and pick which OS to boot in to when you start up your machine.
That's the fastest you can get for Windows apps on Apple hardware. It's the OS running on bare metal. If you need every last little bit of performance for your applications, this will be your best bet.
Your Windows partition stays separate from your OS X partition so changes to one rarely impact the other
You have to buy a copy of the Windows operating system
Moving data between the Windows side to the OS X side is hard and in some cases impossible, for the most part the OS'es and their programs are completely silo'ed
You can install Windows Applications on your Mac in 3 ways.
Use Bootcamp to install Windows on your Mac. Requires a legal copy of Windows. Also the fastest, but you can't run Mac Applications at the same time
Install a Virtual Machine, such as Parallels or VirtualBox. Performance will suffer.
Use Wine to run Windows Applications. Performance will suffer
The Answer to your Question:
Yes, VM's are a good way to run Windows Applications, however they are not foolproof. Mac's, while certainly more optimized, are not more powerful than a PC. These are because they are PC's; just ones designed by apple. You would be running an entire PC in a PC, which means it will greatly affect performance. However, if it's something low performance, a VM might just work! Ask your friend to attempt to find (hopefully free) alternatives to whatever software he has licensed for Mac OS X
Nearly any Windows app can be made to run on Mac hardware, running OS X, even graphically intensive games, albeit with a loss in performance (to some degree or other), just by wrapping the application in a Wineskin... Now I had heard about this over a couple of years, but, after my experience of using Wine on Linux in the early 2000's, I was always put off my what I imagined would be a right pain to configure, terrible performance and just a general nightmare. How wrong I turned out to be. About two months ago I ended up having to fix a game app to run OS X, found some instructions, followed them and since then I have been wineskin-ing loads of Windows only apps (Multimeter logging software, Comms software, etc).
Download , and follow the steps below:
Update the wrapper
Install a wineskin engine
Create a wrapper
Configure your wrapper
Install and run your software
How to Get Back to the Wrapper Configuration Page
These steps were taken from . There is an alternative method, which I employ, which comes from the
that I mention below, :
Open the Wineskin winery app and update the wrapper - click on the Update button.
Install a wineskin engine - click the + beneath the list area of the engines, choose the latest one and click Download and Install
Create a new wrapper - name it in the subsequent dialog, "Please choose a name for this wrapper", click OK.
The subsequent dialogs (Do you want to install Mono, .NET, etc.) you can click Cancel, if you know that you don't need them, otherwise there is no hard in clicking Install
On the OSX dialog, "Do you want the app to accept incoming Network connections" - click Deny if your app needs no network access, else click Allow.
When it has finally finished creating the Wrapper (it can take a while), click on View wrapper in Finder
Right click and select Show Package Contents
Open the alias drive_c. This should reveal three directories (Users, Program Files and windows)
Now on the PC/Windows machine, where your Windows application resides, open up the C:\Program Files\ directory and copy the directory that contains your installed app to the mac (via network, USB drive or what have you). So if the path is
C:\Program Files\RandomCorp\NiceApp\NiceApp.exe
then you want to copy the RandomCorp directory.
Once you have copied the RandomCorp directory to your Mac, drag it to the Program Files directory in the drive_c in the Wineskin wrapper. You can now close the window to the package contents.
Open the wrapper (double click the icon). As it is not yet configured, a double opens up. In the resulting Wineskin dialog, click Advanced, click Browse, navigate to the RandomCorp\NiceApp directory, locate the NiceApp.exe and click Choose.
Click Test Run to test it.
The application should run.
You can now close it.
Test Run logs - if you had no problems click Cancel else click View to see what went wrong.
You can now close the Advanced dialog.
You can now run the app by doubling clicking the Wrapper icon.
There are a number of video tutorials out there, on youtube, of varying quality. I, myself, followed one called "How To Fix Grand Theft Auto SanAndreas Not Starting *Mac" (The mis-spelling of San Andreas is a direct quote). Admittedly it does not have the best audio, nor is the verbal explanation particularly clear, but the steps in the video itself are straight forward enough - it is the video that I followed and learnt with, when I had to resort to using Wineskin for the first time.
Hope this helps.
Have you heard of software called Parallels Desktop?
It has not just not having to reboot your computer every time you switch from to Mac to Windows or vice versa but also being able to use so many programs with speed and efficiency, being able to access your document created in Windows from your Mac without any hassle and also sync Mac browsers such as Safari bookmarks with Windows browser bookmarks.
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