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History is littered with animals who have "communicated" with humans, but as work with dolphins shows it is difficult to strike up a two-way conversation.
By Ed Yong
&What&s that Flipper? The treasure is over there?& So went a typical plotline for the popular TV series featuring the cute, bottlenosed dolphin who could communicate with his human guardians, and who & in the time-honoured fashion & used his animal powers to apprehend criminals.The idea that animals like Flipper can communicate with humans is not just the preserve of the small and big screen. History is littered with celebrity animals who have communicated with human scientists, with varying degrees of success. Many apes, including
the chimps, and
the bonobo, have learned to communicate by using
learned over 100 English words, which he could use and c his poignant last words to Irene Pepperberg, his scientist handler, were &You be good. I love you. See you tomorrow."Dolphins hold a pa we are captivated by their intelligence and beauty, and swimming with dolphins features regularly on lists of things to do before you die.
has a lifetime of such experiences. For the last 27 years, she has been swimming with a group of Atlantic spotted dolphins in Florida as part of the . She can identify every individual and they, in turn, seem to trust and recognise her. It is a solid foundation for the boldest attempt yet to talk with dolphins.One-way chat&Talk& is tricky to define. A SeaWorld trainer who prompts a dolphin to jump for fish is arguably communicating with it. But such simple one-way interactions are a far cry from the conversational world of Dr Doolittle. Here, the dolphin responds, but says nothing intelligible back. Herzing&s vision is much more ambitious & she wants to establish two-way communication with her dolphins, with both species exchanging and understanding information.The idea of talking to dolphins has a long and chequered history. It was widely publicised in the 1960s by , who argued that dolphins have such large brains that they must be extremely intelligent and have a natural language. All we had to do was to &crack the code&. Much of Lilly&s work was highly questionable. He once flooded a house to keep a captive dolphin, instigated failed attempts to teach them spoken English, and even gave the animals LSD (while taking the drug himself). But there is no denying his influence in popularising the idea of two-way dolphin communication. &He said that in a few years, we will have established complex dialogue with them,& says
from the Dolphin Communication Project. &And he was saying that every few years.&Lilly was right about dolphin intelligence, but not dolphin language. A
involves small elements that combine into larger chains, to convey complex, and sometimes abstract, information. And there is no good evidence that dolphins have that, despite their rich repertoire of whistles and clicks.Little less conversationWild dolphin communication is hard to study. They are fast-moving and hard to follow. They travel in groups, making it hard to assign any call to a specific individual. And they communicate at frequencies beyond what humans can hear. Despite these challenges, there is some evidence that dolphins use sounds to represent concepts. Each individual has its own &signature whistle& which might act like a name. Developed in the first year of life, dolphins use these whistles as badges of identity, and may modulate them to reflect motivation and mood. This year, a study showed that when wild dolphins meet, one member of each group .But beyond this, dolphin chat is still largely mysterious. &To communicate with dolphins, we need to understand how they communicate with each other in the natural world,& says psychologist
at the University of Southern Mississippi. &We still don&t know basic things like what the units of dolphin communication are. Is a whistle the equivalent of a &word& or a &short sentence&? We don&t know.&We may not be able to understand them yet, but we know that dolphins can learn to understand us. In the 1970s, Louis Herman taught an , complete with basic syntax, to a bottlenose dolphin called Akeakamai. For example, if he made the gestures for &person surfboard fetch&, Akeakamai would bring the board to him, while &surfboard person fetch& would prompt her to carry the person to the board. His experiments showed that dolphins could understand hundreds of words, and how those words could be combined using grammatical rules.What&s my motivation?Herman&s work was groundbreaking, but this was still one-way communication. It focused on comprehension, not conversation. In the 1980s,
had more luck by showing that dolphins could use
to make basic requests. When they prodded keys with their snouts, a whistle would play and Reiss gave a reward like a ball. Eventually, the dolphins used the artificial whistles to ask for the associated rewards. &But as conversations go, these were shallow ones. &The dolphins were only really interested in communicating about needs that they had, like a tool they needed or a fish they wanted,& says Kuczaj, who was involved in a similar project at DisneyWorld&s EPCOT Center. &We hoped they would also comment on other things going on in the aquarium but they didn&t.&It is difficult persuading dolphins to learn some arbitrary signals, like a whistle signifying a ball, and then use them in a social context, admits Gregg. &They don&t seem to run with it the same way that chimps or bonobos have. The big stumbling block is motivation. Dolphins don&t seem to care.&Herzing disagrees. She notes that captive animals, which often lack stimulation, will respond to systems like the underwater keyboards. She thinks that these experiments disappointed because they were cumbersome. &The dolphins swim very fast and went to where they were requested, but humans are very slow in the water. There wasn&t enough real-time interaction.&Chat lineHerzing is trying to solve that problem with Cetacean Hearing and Telemetry (CHAT) & a lighter, portable version of the underwater keyboards. It consists of a small phone-sized computer, strapped to a diver&s chest and connected to two underwater recorders, or hydrophones. The computer will detect and differentiate dolphin sounds, including the ultrasonic ones we cannot hear, and use flashing lights to tell the diver which animal made the call.The CHAT device can also play artificial calls, allowing Herzing to coin dolphin-esque &words& for things that are relevant to them, like &seaweed& or &wave-surfing". She hopes the dolphins will mimic the artificial whistles, and use them voluntarily. By working with wild animals, and focusing on objects in their natural environment, rather than balls or hoops, Herzing hopes to pique their interest.Herzing emphasises that her device is not a translator. It will not act as a dolphin-human Rosetta stone. Instead, she wants both species create a joint form of communication that they are both invested in. She hopes that CHAT will tap into the &natural propensity& that dolphins have &for creating common information when they have to interact&. For example, in Costa Rica, distantly related bottlenose and Guyana dolphins will adopt a
when they come together, using sounds that they don&t use when apart.As with past projects, all of this depends on whether the dolphins play along. Kuczaj says, &It&s a remarkable challenge because she is working with wild dolphins so they&ve got the option to participate or not.& Here, Herzing has an edge, since the animals know her, and vice versa. &We&ve been observing them underwater every summer since 1985,& she says. &I know the individuals personally & their personalities and relationships. We&ve got a pretty good handle on what they&d be interested in.& Perhaps this combination of cutting-edge technology and old-school fieldwork will finally produce the conversations that have eluded scientists for so long.If you would like to comment on this story or anything else you have seen on Future, head over to our
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View image of Extinct soon? (Credit: Copyright: Science Photo Library)
Can we afford to save the largest of the big cats?
Dolphins should be treated as non-human &persons&, with their rights to life and liberty respected.您所在位置: &
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翻译理论与实践2(汉译英)TranslationTheoriesandPractice(Chinese-EnglishTranslation)TeachingNotesforSeniorCollegeStudents(2005年9月 前言(一)课程简介《翻译理论与实践3》为英语专业四年级学生必选课,旨在培养外向型人才,为改革开放,建设有中国特色的社会主义服务。该课程在注重基础语言知识、基础翻译知识和基础理论学习和掌握的同时,强调基础与提高的关系,力图将本科生课程与研究生考试衔接起来,便于本科生毕业后从事翻译的相关工作或为继续深造打好基础。(二)本课程教学在专业人才培养中的地位和作用根据我系英语专业(本科)的培养目标“培养具有坚实的英语语言基础、系统的语言理论知识和一定科研能力,能在外事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的英语高级专门人才。”本课程主要承担着培养学生的基本的翻译能力,在实现我系英语专业人才培养目标的进程中,起着不可替代的重要作用。本课程所要达到的基本目标使学生初步了解翻译基础理论和英、汉两种语言的异同,并掌握常用的翻译技巧,培养基本的翻译技能,能将中等难度的汉语篇章或段落译成英语。译文忠实原文,语言通顺,速度约为每小时200—250个汉语词语。学生学习本课程应掌握的方法与技能学生翻译技能的培养应包括以下五个方面:语言分析和运用能力;文化辨析和表现能力;审美判断和表现能力;双向转换和表达能力以及逻辑分析和校正能力。素质教育的一个显著特点就是要使教育者能主动地学习、主动地发展,在课堂教学中就是要充分体现学生的主体地位,让学生积极地参与知识的获得过程。要让学生明白翻译课是一门实践性很强的课程,强调自身的翻译实践在培养翻译能力过程中的重要性,没有足够量的翻译实践,翻译能力的培养将是一句空话。在教学上坚持“以学生为主体、教师为主导”的教学模式,采取灵活多样的教学形式,激发学生学习的主动性和积极性,利用双向互动的教学活动,培养学生的创新能力。从个人学习体会中得出以下方法可以借鉴:1.把握全篇而后译。首先通读原文,抓住全篇的大意,然后逐句对照,仔细观察英汉两种语言在词汇和句子结构方面的差异,以便得到启发,作好练习。2.亲自动手作练习。这一点十分重要,这是翻译课的性质所决定的,翻译是一门实践性很强的课程,没有实践将收获甚微。首先参照每篇翻译练习的“提示”认真阅读原文,借助词典,力争透彻理解全篇内容,然后动手翻译。不要未看全文就动手逐句翻译。第二,翻译过程中注意力不要过分集中于个别词语,而要看到句子的整体和句子之间的联系,使语气连贯,译文流畅。第三,全篇译完之后,核对原文,检查疏漏及误译,并加以改正。3.有效利用参考译文。要注意自己的译文内容是否确切,拿自己的译文和参考译文进行比较时,看一下在选词造句方面有何差距。各人情况不同,体会因人而异。在这里可以看出自己的翻译水平和较好的翻译之间的差距,各人可以根据自己的情况去努力。通过对参考译文的认真比较,要细心体味两种语言的特点,探索翻译的方法。4.将英汉互译有机的结合起来。学好翻译必须不断提高自己的英语水平和汉语水平。应把英语原文视作汉译英的范文,把汉语原文视作英译汉的范文。这样通过两种翻译的学习,可使自己的两种语言的水平,特别是英语表达能力,都得到提高,收到事半功倍的效果。5.注意防止两种倾向。一种是过于机械。学生往往以为忠实于原文就要逐字对应。其实所谓“忠实”,指的是内容不能走样,至于怎样选词,怎样安排句子,要根据译文语言的特点来定,不要过于受原文的限制。另一种倾向是过于自由。有的学生可能自持文字水平高,脱离原文,擅自发挥,这种作法也是不可取的。本课程与其它课程的联系与分工本课程为英语专业高年级后续课程,是对学生在基础阶段所学的主要专业基础课程的检验和应用。本课程的主要目的是培养学生的翻译能力。(六)课程讲授内容、重点与教材的关系教材《汉英对比翻译导论》的使用主要以学生课下阅读为主,该课程讲授的内容把教材与下列的参考教材重点内容融合在一起,主要侧重于以下主要内容:1.汉英语言对比;2.汉英句法基本差异;3.被动语态的翻译;4.汉译英的句子整合问题;汉译英中的文化问题;6.如何避免翻译中的Chinglish7.汉英翻译中的文化传递8.公示语的翻译9.英汉对比与翻译TEM8(2002)10.譬喻在汉译英中的处理11.汉语中的“同义反复”与翻译12.英汉语义、语用、语篇结构对比分析13.英汉语篇衔接对比与翻译策略教学重点:注重汉英比较,强调理论作用;加强翻译实践,提高鉴赏水平。(七)教学方法与教学手段在课堂教学上努力做到以学生为主体、教师为主导,注重培养学生的学习能力和翻译实用能力。在教学中多开展以任务为中心的、形式多样的教学活动。在加强基础训练
英语翻译The idea that animals like Flipper can communicate with humans is not just the preserve of the small and big screen.History is littered with celebrity animals who have communicated with human scientists
The communication with humans is not just being limited in the television(small)and cinema(big).
History is full of celebrity animals.:-P
History is littered这个句子是说,历史上,能与人类科学家交流的有名的动物比比皆是前面的那个preserve of the small and big screen大概是是说动物与人类之间能够有交流这样的想法并不是仅仅在大大小小的荧幕中出现,我猜
扫描下载二维码The big screen is never short of films about World WarⅡ. When Nazi Germany is featured in these films, cruel Nazi officers and brutal concentration camps most often represent it. But the new Hollywood m 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
The big screen is never short of films about World WarⅡ. When Nazi Germany is featured in these films, cruel Nazi officers and brutal concentration(集中营) camps most often represent it. But the new Hollywood movie Valkyrie tells a different story, “a chapter of German history which is little known abroad”, according to the German Cultural Minister Bernd Neumann.Valkyrie is based on a true incident that took place in 1944. Colonel(陆军上校) Stauffenberg had been a loyal soldier for his entire military career. However, after losing an eye, a hand, and three fingers in an Allied bombing, he reached breaking point. The destruction that his country had brought to its European neighbors had become too terrible for the colonel to bear in silence. He hoped that someone would find a way to stop Adolf Hitler, one of the most evil tyrants(暴君) the world has ever known. Realizing that time was running out, he decided that he must take action himself and joined the German resistance. These men drew up Operation Valkyrie, a plot to assassinate(刺杀) Hitler and to overthrow his Nazi government from the inside. This plot is what the film is named after and focuses on.The Hollywood star Tom Cruise plays the lead role. “This was a very challenging film to make. We carried a huge responsibility to correctly portray history,” Cruise said.However, the production has drawn criticism for lacking depth and for simplifying the motives behind the plot.&65. The passage tells us that Valkyrie is _____.A.& a story written by Bernd NeumanB.&& a chapter in a German history bookC.& a movie about Nazi concentration campsD.& a movie about a plan to assassinate Hitler66. What does the sentence “he reached breaking point” probably mean?A. He narrowly escaped being killed.B. He couldn’t reach out his arm for anything.C. He was rewarded for his brave attempts.D. He decided to make a historic change in life.67. Why did Tom Cruise say the film was challenging for him?A. Because he never acted in such kind of film before.B. Because he knew little about this episode of history.C. Because he felt it a heavy task to present the real history.D. Because he was afraid that the film might draw criticism.68. The following passage will probably talk about _____.A.&&&&& the reason why the film is named after ValkyrieB.&&&&& the comments from the movie critics on ValkyrieC.&&&&& the praises from audience after watching ValkyrieD.&&&& the importance of the role Cruise plays in Valkyrie
65. D &&66. D&& 67. C&& 68. B
完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)“Hey, Dad, are you going to come to my award ceremony tonight?” I &36 &asked my father. “I have to work late tonight. I doubt whether I’ll be able to 37 it on time. I am just too busy right now,” he replied.My mind could not&38 &the idea that he would be too busy working late. He was also too busy to &39 &my horse show, football games and the 15th birthday party. He always used the same &40 . Why had I even bothered to ask? &41 , there was always a slight hope that tonight would be &42&.As my mother and I arrived at school, two friends &43 &me. “Jill, meet my dad. Dad, this is my friend Jill.” I shook the hand of a tall man. Camera flashes lit up the room, and claps filled the &44 &as students accepted their awards. My name was finally called, &45 &three others. I followed my classmates to the &46 . When I reached out my hand to shake the &47&, a big smile lit up her face. The blinding flash from my mother’s camera &48 &my eyes and I knew my dad wasn’t there. I walked back to my seat &49 .Back at home, seeing my dad’s car in the garage, I told myself he would not be &50&. But the strong smell of alcohol(酒精)hit me as soon as I 51 &inside, and I could feel my tears &52 &. I followed the sound of his drunken words and saw him &53 &on the couch(沙发). 54&did father lie to me? I threw my award on the floor, walked to my bedroom, and shut the door. Tears rolled down my face. I wondered if I would ever be more &55&than his whiskey bottle.【小题1】A.confidentlyB.eagerlyC.proudlyD.fearfully【小题2】A.reachB.keepC.takeD.make【小题3】A.createB.supportC.appreciateD.accept【小题4】A.watchB.avoidC.attendD.speed【小题5】A.excuseB.replyC.promiseD.trick【小题6】A.BesidesB.ThusC.OtherwiseD.However【小题7】A.activeB.formalC.differentD.serious【小题8】A.recognizedB.greetedC.encouragedD.showed【小题9】A.airB.audienceC.schoolD.playground【小题10】A.apart fromB.other thanC.except forD.along with【小题11】A.stageB.positionC.officeD.exit【小题12】A.Jill’sB.teacher’sC.mother’sD.father’s【小题13】A.fixedB.touchedC.hurtD.inserted【小题14】A.successfullyB.disappointedlyC.delightedlyD.hopefully【小题15】A.drunkB.wokenC.forgivenD.hidden【小题16】A.steppedB.noticedC.examinedD.glanced【小题17】A.getting offB.taking downC.building upD.turning around【小题18】A.leaningB.lyingC.puttingD.carrying【小题19】A.HowB.WhereC.WhyD.Whether【小题20】A.perfectB.comfortableC.fortunateD.important
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Most children want to be pop stars or footballers when they grow up. But 11-year-old Amy Jones had the chance to ____16____ more about her ____17____ job—a medical biologist —when she won an essay writing competition for primary students. Amy’s __18__ for the best essay on “What I want to be when I’m older” was a day at Oxford Medical Science Institute. Staff organised a special programme for the would-be __19__, introducing her to the projects being worked on by medical biologists at Oxford. The sessions included a look at the ___20___ of medical biologists in fighting cancer and ___21___ to become a medical biologist. Amy said she was ___22___ to become a biologist after watching a television programme. In her essay she wrote: “The medical biologist plays a big part in many discoveries and it would be a challenging, exciting and ___23__ job.” Dr. Kathryn Robson, the Institute director said: “ It’s ___24___that we encourage young people to study science and think about scientific research as a job. I hope Amy now has a better __25__of what it takes to become a medical biologist.”【小题1】A.carry outB.sort outC.find outD.look out【小题2】A.dreamB.father’sC.firstD.mother’s【小题3】A.ideaB.prizeC.wishD.topic【小题4】A.pop starB.journalist C.scientistD.writer【小题5】A.performance B.action C.operationD.role【小题6】A.whenB.whether C.howD.where【小题7】A.inspiredB.chosenC.madeD.forced【小题8】A.disappointingB.tiringC.surprisingD.rewarding【小题9】A.vitalB.simpleC.funnyD.unusual【小题10】A.decisionB.understandingC.desireD.taste
Australian Flag Designs by Readers of the Sun-HeraldWe received dozens of responses after inviting readers to send in their designs for a new flag. The designs we received include:James Anthony, DrummoyneJames reduces the Union Jack down in size and changes its shape to become a reminder of the British tradition rather than canceling it altogether. At the same time he suggests enlarging the stars of the Southern Cross. His design attempts to use the best of both worlds in a newly designed flag.As he says, “the British part of the Australian Flag is too big and the Australian bits are too small. When you make the stars bigger the Australian flag can look impressive.”Joe Bollen, TurranmurraJoe’s flag has the main elements of a risen sun, white horizon(地平线), red earth at the base and the Southern Cross. He intends to make the risen sun a special Australian symbol on the flag. He believes it represents life. The Southern Cross shows that we live in the Southern Hemisphere. (半球)Maria Ieraci, SydneyMaria deleted the Union Jack but otherwise kept the flag as is with the Southern Cross and Federation Star. She says, ‘There is only one correct way to change the Australian flag” and that is “to drop the Union Jack ---- when Australia becomes a Republic”, which she hopes will be before 2010.Ron Bennett, SydneyRon recommends using the Aboriginal colors but replacing their image of the sun with the map of Australia. He says, “Australia is unique being an island continent with an instantly recognizable outline at that” and “this will leave no doubt as to which country the flag belongs.”【小题1】Which of the four designs can remind you of the past of the country?A.Joe’sB.Maria’sC.Ron’sD.Jame’s【小题2】The Southern Cross in some of the designs represents _________.A.the spirit of the nationB.the position of the countryC.the tradition of BritainD.the expectations of the people【小题3】What does the Union Jack refer to?A.the British flagB.A former British rulerC.group of starsD.A former symbol of Australia
Davey wanted to play baseball. But fifty years ago, in his small town, he couldn’t find enough players for two full teams or an empty lot big enough for a field. And when he played ball in his back yard, he just broke windows and got into trouble. So Davey began playing with a plastic golf ball and a broom handle for a bat.When his dad, David Mullaney, a former semi-pro baseball pitcher(投手), realized his son was hurting his arm trying to throw curves with the little plastic ball, he decided to find a better solution. Mullaney got a bunch of hollow plastic spheres from a local factory, sat down at his kitchen table and began cutting different size holes in the balls with a razor knife. He thought maybe the holes would alter the ball’s flight and help his son throw curves and sliders without hurting his arm.All the balls failed—except the one with the eight oblong(长椭圆形的) holes cut into one of the hemispheres. This ball curved naturally and sharply without a violent snap of the wrist. In fact, Davey was now striking he called his new ball a “wiffle ball”. A year later, Mullaney borrowed $20,000 from family and friends and started producing Wiffle Balls in his little suburban town of Shelton, Connecticut.“I didn’t want investors.” He said, “I wanted to control my own company.” This was the beginning of one of the hottest fads(时尚) of the fifties and a perennial(长久的) best seller well known all around the world. Since then millions of boys and girls have enjoyed countless hours of safe, wholesome fun playing with a Wiffle ball and bat. Esquire Magazine has even called the Wiffle Ball “a national treasure”. By producing a high quality product at an affordable price, three generations of Mullany’s have enjoyed the satisfaction and benefits of running a successful and profitable family business.Over the years, they’ve had plenty of offers to buy them out, but they’re still working out of a small factory in Shelton, making a new Wiffle Ball every couple of seconds. Creativity and persistence are two of the important sources for wealth. If he gave up his attempts at trying new things, Mullany would not have invented the wiffle ball, nor would he have made such a big fortune.1.From the passage we can know that           .          A.Mullaney made the invention of Wiffle ball with the help of his son B.fifty years ago people didn’t like playing baseball very muchC.Mullaney’s attempts to help Davey better enjoy ball-playing led to the invention of Wiffle ballD.playing balls would hurt one’s arm before the Wiffle ball’s appearance2.All the following are true EXCEPT         .A.Davey was a good ballplayer after the Wiffle ball came into existenceB.David Mullaney wanted to run the family business on his ownC.Mullaney’s family made a big fortune through the production of Wiffle ballsD.Mullaney’s business was nearly bought out but they worked hard to keep it3.The underlined word “spheres” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to         .A.balls? B.bottles? C.bags? D.boxes4.The two important factors for Mullaney’s successful family business are         .A.time and fortune ? B.persistence and creativityC.quality and fame   D.cooperation and efforts5.The passage mainly tells us something about         . A.Davey, a famous baseball player????????????? B.a popular ball game in the 1950’sC.the birth of Wiffle ball      ????????????? D.the success of a family business 
James Cleveland Owens was the son of a farmer and the grandson of black slaves. His family moved to Cleveland when he was 9. There, a school teacher asked the youth his name. “J. C.” , he replied. &She thought he had said “Jesse”, and he had a new name.Owens ran his first race at age 13. After high school, he went to Ohio State University. He had to work part time so as to pay for his education. As a second-year student, in the Big Ten games in 1935, he set even more records than he would in the Olympic Games a year later. A week before the Big Ten meet, Owens accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. His back hurt so much that he could not exercise all week, and he had to be helped in and out of the car that drove him to the meet. He refused to listen to the suggestions that he give up and said he would try, event by event. He did try, and the results are in the record book. The stage was set for Owens’ victory at the Olympic Games in Berlin the next year, and his success would come to be regarded as not only athletic (体育的) but also political. Hitler did not congratulate any of the African-American winners. “It was all right with me,” he said years later. “I didn’t go to Berlin to shake hands with him, anyway.”Having returned from Berlin, he received no telephone call from the president of his own country, either. In fact, he was not honored by the United States until 1976, four years before his death. Owens’ Olympic victories made little difference to him. He earned his living by looking after a school playground, and accepted money to race against cars, trucks, motorcycles, and dogs. “Sure, it bothered (烦扰) me,” he said later. “But at least it was an honest living had to eat.”In time, however, his gold medals (奖牌) changed his life. “They have kept me alive over the years,” he once said. “Time has stood still for me. That golden moment dies hard.”1.Owens got his other name “Jesse” when _______A.he went to Ohio State UniversityB.his teacher made fun of himC.his teacher took “JD.” for “Jesse”E.he won gold medals in the Big Ten meet2.In the Big Ten meet, Owens _______A.hurt himself in the backB.succeeded in setting many recordsC.tried every sports event but failedD.had to give up some events3.We can infer from the text that Owens was treated unfairly in the U.S. at that time because _______A.he was not of the right raceB.he was the son of a poor farmerC.he didn’t shake hands with HitlerD.he didn’t talk to the US president on the phone4.When Owens says “They have kept me alive over the years”, he means that the medals ________A.have been changed for money to help him live onB.have made him famous in the U.SC.have encouraged him to overcome difficulties in lifeD.have kept him busy with all kinds of jobs5.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.Jesse Owens, a Great American AthleteB.Golden Moment—a Life-time StruggleC.Making a Living as a SportsmanD.How to Be a Successful Athlete


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