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随笔分类 - Python
摘要: 运算符用于执行程序代码运算,会针对一个以上操作数项目来进行运算。例如:2+3,其操作数是2和3,而运算符则是&+&。在计算器语言中运算符大致可以分为5种类型:算术运算符、连接运算符、关系运算符、赋值运算符和逻辑运算符。运算符也是计算机里比较好理解的人类语言之一,只要稍微懂点数学的,都能看懂算数运算符。在Python中常见的运算符有:+、-、*、/、**/&、&、!=、//、%、&、|、^、~、&&、&&、&=、&=、==、not、and、or。在接下来的博文中再一一介绍这些运算符的具体事例。
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摘要: 在上一篇博客已经为大家简单介绍了一下python的基本语法,上一篇博客的基本语法只是一个预览版的,目的是让大家对python的基本语法有个大概的了解。之所以将python的基本语法分为两部分,是因为园子里大部分人都是有编程基础的,所以在学习Python的时候可以先出个预览版的,预览版都是根据Python的语法与其他语言(java/C#/php)比较类似又不完全一样的地方,便于大家对Python有个基本理解。在大家差不多有个了解以后,我们再深入讲讲Python的语法可能就会容易一些。
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摘要: 在上一篇博客很多园友提到希望使用visual studio 2013/visual studio 2015 python做demo,这里略带一句,其实就"学习python"而言,比较建议使用pycharm,pycharm可以设置VS或者eclipse等多种IDE的编码,可以让绝大部分其他语言使用IDE的习惯者更容易上手。这一点兼容确实做的很好。不过既然这么多园友要求使用vs开发python的话,就介绍一下visual studio 2015开发python的环境。众所周知visual studio号称"世界第一IDE
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摘要: 在上一篇博客我们已经在自己的windows电脑上搭建好了python的开发环境,这篇博客呢我就开始学习一下Python的基本语法。现在练习的开发环境是基于windows的,如果有朋友喜欢linux或者mac的话,只要有需求,我后续的可以给出对应的博文介绍,其实也是换汤不换药,没需求我就懒得说了。
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摘要: 从大学开始玩python到现在参加工作,已经有5年了,现在的公司是一家.net的公司用到python的比较少,最近公司有新项目需要用到python,领导希望我来跟其他同事training,就有了这篇博客,打算将python的training弄成一个简易的python系列,供大家入门使用。Python语言自从20世纪90年代初诞生至今,它逐渐被广泛应用于处理系统管理任务和Web编程。今天就让我们来搭建一个python的开发环境,Windows搭建python开发环境。一切从"Hello world"开始。
请叫我头头哥 阅读(9174) |[头哥相关] Alonso the Mr. Positive
44回复 2406浏览
“Over the years Alonso’s been Mr Positive.&“We’ve al his head’s down in the race but also out of the car it’s like ‘well all of your four wheels have fallen off today Fernando, what’s the story?’ (and he says) ‘I’m confident, we’ll get this together’. He’s always been the man to say ‘it’s going to be OK, we’re going to make this work’”
——&Martin Brundle, 2014&现在回想一下,头哥在法拉利的鸡血期也持续了有三年半。新车队先希望两年内不撕吧,加了个油了。本帖更新阿隆索保持积极态度的内容,和另一贴“Alonso the whiner”是姐妹篇,到时候哪个贴更新内容勤快头哥你看着办吧。这方面顿哥妥妥焦作人哦。那么就以布胖老板刚说的话开个头吧:McLaren racing director Eric Boullier reckons his Formula 1 team will face a challenge in managing new signing Fernando Alonso's expectations"I know it's going to be challenging, [but] you have to take it as a huge positive," Boullier said."This is the kind of commitment and dedication you want."We gain the best driver in the world today, and to have convinced Fernando to stop his last two years of contract with Ferrari to join us, that means a lot for me."It means he believes in what we are building."Clearly he's going to challenge us every day. To be honest with you, he's texting me every day already!"He's really on it. This is the kind of boost we were looking for."
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
引用3楼 @ 发表的:
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
... technical director James Allison is acutely aware of the responsibility that Kubica's presence brings with it.
"If we can give him a car that's even half capable of getting a championship he'll get one," Allison said. "Not everyone in the pit lane can say that about their drivers.
"He's properly committed to being a world champion, no doubt about that. He is one of those very, very top guys where you know that if the car is not running at the front it's because of the car, not him.
"He's not only incredibly fast but you just know you can rely on him to do a fast lap when that's what's needed.
"You know he will not make mistakes when the pressure is on him and he'll plough out lap after lap after lap at a really good pace.
"He expects a lot from e he's positive, demanding and pushing but puts the work in himself too.
"Having a really top-flight driver like that gives you a fantastic baseline to work from.
"In that regard he's similar to Fernando [Kubica's predecessor at Renault] but the area where he's different is he is more intense about it, seems more fully immersed in racing and wanting to be a champion.
"I guess Fernando had already done that but Robert is just brilliantly committed to making this team and relationship a success and helping us to drag ourselves back to where we need to be."
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
Villeneuve claims it is due simply to the nature of Alonso's personality, but a friend of the Spaniard's, former F1 driver Robert Kubica, does not agree.
"I am a friend of Alonso," the Pole confirmed to F1 insider Leo Turrini's Quotidiano blog, "and I do not think he has a bad temper.
"I am sure that in the years he spent at Ferrari he gave the best of himself to hit the targets he set. Now a new great challenge begins for him.
"If he can bring McLaren back to the top, I think it would be the most beautiful achievement of his career," Kubica added.Even Alonso insisted he is not regarding McLaren as a one-year project, admitting it may take longer for McLaren-Honda to reach its goals."This first season will be learning," he is quoted by EFE news agency, "as we have not seen a super-competitive McLaren in the last two or three years."We hope to have a good winter and then I will be happy if we can start to be competitive, we learn things, we go on the podium and win some races."不愧是衩哥,没被Leo Turrini带沟里去[ 此帖被糊涂阿蒙在 22:19修改 ]
接下了这个大楼后其实偶默默地一直没想好究竟具体该如何整,让我继续默默想想哈0v0!~说到头哥positive这事儿,其实反而让我想到了曾经与光头叔的一段采访 引用 大楼 光头叔草地采访 内容[AL] - 你,你自己,看上去还是有些悲观、本性就是有点消极…[FA] - 没有,我比较现实而已。媒体的评论总是太过乐观,当然这也没问题,否则报纸、赛车杂志、所有这些就卖不出去了。via 这位Mr Positive在我眼里反而更多的是一位乐观的悲观主义者,而非天生的乐观主义。从半杯水思维,到引用拉姐歌曲Lo mejor esta por llegar作tag,这更多的像是一种对自己、对team、对fans的激励,让正能量去压制本身所携有的悲观情绪,而非天性使然。Positive的人并不一定就是Optimist,这大概就是我所想说的吧~当然,对于这种positive,我们也照单全收啦=w=~
We have nothing if not Belief -- &Narnia&
Let THE VICTORY speak for itself.
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
引用7楼 @ 发表的:
到引用拉姐歌曲Lo mejor esta por llegar作tag
"As a Ferrari fan, I'm disappointed that Fernando Alonso is no longer with us. I wish him the best of luck, because for all these years he never gave up and he always did his best to try and win. I'm pleased that I can say that about him, because it says a lot about who he is", Di Montezemolo told MARCA at a meeting of the Italian Olympic Committee.
"It was at the most challenging times that he put the most energy in, but it just wasn't to be. It was a shame because I think we at least deserved to win the 2010 World Championship", said the former Ferrari chairman, who didn't rule out the possibility of the Spaniard returning to winning ways.
We have nothing if not Belief -- &Narnia&
Let THE VICTORY speak for itself.
Alonso to be patient with McLaren
Fernando Alonso says he is happy- to go "through a period of learning" when he starts driving for his new McLaren-Honda team.
"I am here to win, but not to win the first day," said Alonso. "I am here to win in a long-term relationship.
"If we need to go through a period of learning, I am here for that and I am committed to working together."
McLaren chairman Ron Dennis told BBC Sport last week that Alonso had signed a firm three-year contract with no facility to leave before the end of its term.
"There are some signs things are getting better and moving forward, especially with the new names, new people who joined the team, the change of philosophy," Alonso said.
"When a team is not delivering 100% normally you go deep into the problems and you find the reasons. In McLaren there is this way of working that everyone is here to win."
He added he had been "very, very impressed" with Honda's commitment to F1 on its return to the sport and that on a visit to their factory in Japan, "the professionalism and determination I saw there was outstanding".
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
引用1471楼 @ 发表的:
It has taken six races to work with Alonso and a very intense preseason, so that little by little they know. What surprised you most of Fernando?
Andrea Stella: When he has come to the team I have tried to make myself not a lot of expectations, even if he was eager to see what happened and the whole team was positively surprised by his ability to work with the squadron, to create relationships with people in the team and as leader, at the same time has established himself as a team man. Furthermore, as a pilot, no doubt his speed has surprised me, because after five or six laps in the first test in Valencia and we have understood the natural rate. I was also surprised by his ability to adapt to all conditions and circumstances, always using the maximum. Another highlight of Fernando issues is that as a team you support and help to optimize their performance in a circuit or a particular curve and on the subject would highlight the ability to hear what he says, that then gets applied Thanks to his talents. In summary, three points: A team man that knows how to work with the entire fleet, his ability to be fast in all conditions and capacity in the field of work with engineers to listen and put into practice to be faster.
"He is the strongest driver I've ever seen on the track," said Montezemolo. "I am struck by three things: his interpretation of the race,especially for tire wear," - said the Chairman of Ferrari - "also because he is a great motivator for the team and his presence at Maranello."
Domenicalli: You know what? Together with Michael Schumacher, remember, seven world titles, Fernando is the best driver in history.
Domenicali: “10 for Alonso, 7 for Ferrari” “It was an incredible season and I believe Fernando really deserved the title,” continued the Scuderia’s Team Principal. “I’m not just saying that because he is one of our drivers, because I share that opinion with the great majority of his colleagues and observers.
I’d score Fernando’s season a 10: he is a fantastic driver, who combines his amazing talent with our group of people, protective when he needs to be and pushing in the right direction when things are not going as they should. It’s a privilege to have him as part of our team. “
Montezemolo “I’ve already said it but I want to say it again: I am proud of what the team has done and I want to thank everyone for that. In particular I want to thank Fernando, who has had the best season of his career: I must congratulate him because he never gave up and he managed to give more than anyone could have thought possible. I know that Fernando has been a team player too."
&Montezemolo: "Lauda was the first to pay attention to the details of the machine and to work closely with the team, a very intelligent man. Schumacher, however, was made ​​to run, a real racer, while Alonso brings together the best of both, he's smart, very good in the race, fast and experienced . "&
"Fernando, particularly in the race, is the best driver in F1 in terms of capability, in terms of speed, in terms of consistency and in terms of the relationship with the team," said di Montezemolo.
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
alo_oficial:&We're back after the holidays !! Motivated !! Ready for everything !! The best has arrived !! #ThePowerOfDreams#&alo_oficial:&Vuelta al cole. Working time. #Alo2015##NewEra##LoMejorYaHaLlegado##planazo#A warrior has to deal with the path of improvement. His life is a challenge, and challenges are not good or bad, are simply challenges...
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
alo_oficial: 2:30h bike done. Good morning!! #Alo2015#
alo_oficial: We keep training... 23 days left to the first test, 62 days to Australia. #ThePowerOfDreams#
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
alo_oficial:&108km - 3:56h Keep moving...alo_oficial:&Listen to others speak and read books need to stay close to the teachings of previous generations.&Hehehehe! Soon soon !! // @ LuisUsagre: Look forward and see the new Mclaren": What will be the color of your helmet may I ask!!?&" very similar to last years...Ok, let's start...don't look at me like that..!!&[ 此帖被糊涂阿蒙在 06:21修改 ]
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
alo_oficial:&First circuit floor this year ... but on bike ...&Bike session in a special place...It is necessary to confront problems with courage and joy ... if the tide rises, the boat goes up too.RT&:&Today eight years of this presentation Mclaren&&in valencia blocks which I saw for the first time !!“:&&Fer i miss the Fernando Alonso Collection&” In June it will be much bigger in Oviedo. Full time!&!!“:&&As will the helmet this season We continue with the colors of Asturias?&"Yes ....;)))! Blue ..“:&&and color of the car ?? Gives a pistaa !! "No idea !! All waiting until 29 ...We continued ... 2 months to Melbourne ...&": With&&playing paddle Still pissed about the outcome of yesterday but the league and the Champions" will equipazo paddle we do !!! Thanks guys !![ 此帖被糊涂阿蒙在 12:49修改 ]
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
Fernando Alonso @
Happy birthday @ !!! Enjoy the day!! We still young...💪💪💪💪
Fernando Alonso @
22 hours ago
30 years ago....
#thePowerOfDreams #MakeHistory #McLarenHondayear 2014: - 75 press conferences in 3 languages. (about 60 hours) - 120 individual interviews.Buenos días!! Good morning!!&Never anything worthwhile is easy.&Good morning! One week to see the car, 10 days to the test..!&!&&Very productive weeks! We are ready to enjoy the challenge!!To all who you ask me, I confirm that I test at Jerez on 1 and 3 February.&Meanwhile, after number 1 driver Fernando Alonso's switch from Ferrari to McLaren-Honda, the Spaniard also acknowledged he is in for a difficult 2015.In Spanish, Alonso acknowledged to a follower of his social media pages: "It will be difficult to win races this year."He admitted that his goal with McLaren for 2015 is to "learn, help, be happy and, long term, win."感谢dedicatestar的图0v0 截了一下直接用啦。。[ 此帖被梦凌枫潇在 09:56修改 ]
We have nothing if not Belief -- &Narnia&
Let THE VICTORY speak for itself.
"Our first target will be to learn the maximum from the car at the pre-season tests, understand the package, and extract as much performance as possible. That won't be easy or trouble-free, but we're ready for that.&via Yeah, it's always an important part of the year, the winter. Obviously we &finish late the championship, but we have all the December and January just to prepare ourselves for a very long season ahead. So it has been good to relax, to switch off a little bit from motor racing. And now you know we are all hungry of adrenaline and of getting into the car and start working. You know, you feel it's very short the winter when you do the last race and you say "I want to relax a little bit". But after one month or one month and a half of relax, you need the car. And this is what we are looking forward now, to jumping into the car, to start working and to be back in what is our world and our life.I think what we have to be ready now is to learn, be very open because i think in the first couple of days with the car we will discover many many new things. We need to be ready to react to all the problems that we may face. &I think it's gonna be a learning year and a learning process for all of us. Obviously we are here to win, so the goal is to win, nothing more than that. But i think we need to be ready to work as a team, very united to achieve that win as soon as possiblevia 麦麦官方视频(dictation不晓得错了多少)[ 此帖被梦凌枫潇在 10:04修改 ]
We have nothing if not Belief -- &Narnia&
Let THE VICTORY speak for itself.
Alonso, who has returned to McLaren after a five-year stint at Ferrari, is famous for his love of Japanese tradition, has a big Samurai tattoo on his back and often ‘tweets’ from old Samurai texts.
“I love Japan,” he admitted, “Japanese culture, tradition … Honda has always been very attractive after the successful partnership they had with McLaren in the 80s and I feel very privileged.”
His target for the future, therefore, is clear.
“The goal is to
we want to win, I came here to win,” said Alonso.
“I do not know if it will be in the first year, second year, third year, but I hope it is as soon as possible,” he explained on a visit to Japan this week.
“I saw many talented people when I visited the facilities at Sakura. I saw many advances compare scientific, technological advances.
“I saw a lot of passion and discipline at the first test, all the engineers and mechanics of Honda and McLaren working together.
“That’s something that is part of the DNA of Honda and I am very happy to be a part of it,” he added.
especially one of his mechanics ... telling him after the race that he understands why he leaves the team but he has to win now to make it worth it.
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