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Last Updated: Thursday, 2 December,
What do you think of new Band Aid single?
The reworked version of 1984's Do They Know It's Christmas? is available to buy in record stores.
The song marks the 20th anniversary of the original version, which musician Bob Geldof organised after watching news footage of starving children in Ethiopia.
Money raised by the new version will go towards drought relief in the Darfur region of Sudan.
What do you think of the Band Aid 20 single? Have you bought it yet? Will redoing it be worth it? What will it achieve?
This debate has now closed. Thanks for your comments.
This topic was suggested by Maj, UK:
Will you buy the new Band Aid single or do you think the money generated doesn't get to the right people?
Why waste money spending ?3.99 on a single when you could just donate the money directly to charity instead, or are people so materialistic they feel they have to receive something for their 'charitable generosity'?Jo, Manchester, UK
Just a thought but to all the people slating the single and saying they will make a donation rather than buy it, do you think you would have actually made this donation were it not for the awareness the release has brought about? More than likely you wouldn't have even thought about it.Dave, Burton on Trent
I thought the old version was better. However, it isn't all about the song it's all about the cause it represents.Gary Kelsey, Merseyside
The song itself is not too impressive but the hope and goodwill by the rock stars is amazing and inspiring. I'll be buying it tonight and so should you.Dean Winston Hernandez, Andover
Every year we are encouraged to give millions to lost causes in Africa, Asia etc. All by mega rich pop stars, Bono, Geldof, Elton. Do they really need all their many millions in the bank? Surely they could get by on a few million, and donate the rest.Paul C, Essex
I have just bought it, listened to it once and filed it under B for bin. What next? Live Aid II headlined by the Cheeky Girls? The only positive is that my money has gone to a good cause.Royston Butterscotch, Cardiff, Wales
Band Aid 20 will not end the problems but at least it's a start. You can't doubt that many lives have been saved by Geldof's tireless efforts. Let's leave the cynical comments to one side, this song will raise the profile of Darfur far higher than any politician and that's got to be a good thing. As for the song itself, it's original, vibrant and different. A classic for a new generation. However, it's never really been about the song has it.Rob, Basingstoke, UK
Well done Bob and Midge!!!
Kyla Brown, Nottingham
I cannot truly believe the range of comments as I scroll down the page. These guys gave up their own time to do some good. When will the British public and media be positive about something and get off their bottoms and vote with their feet (yes and a little money)? Well done Bob and Midge!!!Kyla Brown, Nottingham
Great idea - shame about the end product. It starts off pretty well but Dizzie's rap and the Queen / Darkness style guitars make a joke of the record. It lacks the passion of the original. And sorry Fran Healy but we DO have a right to criticise any piece of music even it is for a very worthwhile cause. Donate some cash on the website instead - I did this morning.Jim, Nottingham, UK
Apart from being a truly awful record, which shows just how bad pop music has become, it is also very patronising. People in poverty don't want to be told, 'Hey, don't you know it's Christmas?' every 20 years. The problems they face should be seriously addressed every year. It seems as if this record is for our conscience, rather than their benefit.Chris, London
The best aid we can provide for Africa is to resolve the endemic corruption issues
Alan, Worc
Apart from the first couple of performers there are no distinguishable voice talents in the rest of the recording. It is cheap monotone rubbish. The best aid we can provide for Africa is to resolve the endemic corruption issues and not give out endless handouts. This may sound callous, but I suspect we will have the same debate in another 20 years time.Alan, Worc
I've heard the new track and I think it's a bit slower but I still think people should buy it as it the proceeds are going to people in Sudan and it's for charity. It's for a good cause so people should buy it.Mr Andrew Trevor Clarke, Slough, Berkshire, UK
Why did they not record a new song? This trend for trotting out "updated" versions of existing songs make me wonder what has happened to all the song-writing talent.Lynne Rhodes, Halifax, England
It is a dreadful reworking of the song. It would have been better to write a new song or better still encourage people to donate directly. Marie Birch, Stretford, UK
I feel so depressed reading cynical comments about Band Aid. Tonight thank God there are people like Bob Geldof who care enough to get up off their backsides and do something positive. So far as the song goes, I remember thinking the original sounded like it was recorded in a public loo but that is beside the point! If it saves one mother from losing a child or one child from becoming an orphan it will have been worth it.Judith Hunt, Leeds UK
They should have re-released the original
Stephanie Reid, Waterlooville, Hampshire
As much as I support what it is they're trying to achieve by doing the single, I'm afraid I think it's awful! They should have re-released the original. At least the original had more emotion and feeling...also the majority of the singers are still around and selling records. I bet most of the people on the new record won't be making records in 10 years time! And what's with the rapping? Just awful! Can you tell that I don't like it? Stephanie Reid, Waterlooville, Hampshire
It doesn't matter how good or bad it is - buy the single and help starving people in Africa. That is what this is all about. The critique of it can be done (personally I think it's all right) but I don't think this should affect whether we buy the single or notRichard, Scotland
I have just heard the new rendition of the Band Aid single and wasn't impressed at all! It's truly dire! No emotion at all. Couldn't all the artists involved in making this record have given some of their own money to charities instead? But then again they wouldn't have had any publicity, would they, if they had? I certainly w I will give some money to charity instead.Christie, Bristol, England
I went into HMV at lunch-time and they had the new one, followed by the old one, on a continuous loop. The original actually sounds extremely classy in comparison and I pity the staff having to listen to this new drivel (including rap - my God!) for the next 4 weeks! Paul Hillman, Sunderland, UK
I rushed out and bought my copy first thing this morning. Sir Bob Geldof has quite rightly received praise for all of his fantastic humanitarian efforts over the last two decades. I hope that this time around Midge Ure, who organised the recording of the single and Live Aid, along with Geldof, gets some of the credit. He is a heart-warming singer songwriter, a caring humanist, and a proud Scot. I'm sure Sir Bob would agree! Kevin Rush, Shawlands, Glasgow
I think a commemorative album would have been a much better idea with proceeds going to the cause or maybe encouragement to the artists to donate with each of their album sales. Singles just don't sell like they used to but albums do.Tori, Alton, Hants
I think the re-release is a great idea
Sarah, Warrington
I wonder how many of the people who've said, 'I would rather send money direct than buy the awful new single' will actually do that? I think the re-release is a great idea as it gets people who possibly wouldn't normally even think about charity to do so.Sarah, Warrington
Not as good as the original. The first one had more passion.Anne Anderson, Dundee, Scotland
I will support the single because it is for a good cause but I think that it is one of the worst remakes I have ever heard. It has no energy or soul. It is a sad state of affairs that the best in British music cannot muster a single new artist with even half the talent of any of the original team. If you can't do it well, don't do it at all. They should have sung a new song which would be better suited to the watered down talent of this century.Debbie, Glasgow
I'd rather buy the Live Aid DVD, I still have the first single that came out in 1984 somewhere. I may buy the new one just to give money but I think it is not as good as the first.HJB, Manchester
You have a chance to help someone less fortunate than yourself. Buy the record and save a life. No matter what you think of the song, the reasons for doing it, the continuing problems in Africa, the artists' egos or whatever, I don't want to hear negative comments or moaning, just go and buy the record.Paul, Bracknell, Berkshire
What a load of rubbish... I shall give the money direct to the fund rather than have that CD in my collection.Michael, Leicester
Bob and Midge managed to create something that had all the elements of a classic Christmas carol in the original. This version misses that by a mile. I do not doubt that the money raised will go to the right place and well done for trying... but as so many have pointed out, it won't solve the real problem. It's just helping clean up the mess.Rod Main, Newhaven, UK
It's not about entertainment, it's about caring for fellow humans
Tim Watts, Rochester, England
What's wrong with people? It's not about the music, it's about helping people less fortunate than ourselves. Pop stars have donated time and effort to this to highlight the problems poorer countries are suffering. It's not about entertainment, it's about caring for fellow humans.Tim Watts, Rochester, England
I bought the first one 20 years ago, and I will buy the second one, but the problems in Africa are the despots of ruling governments. Get rid of them. They are the problem. Janet Tilley, London, UK
Geldof has praised Bush, and Bono has called Blair and Brown 'the Lennon and McCartney of politics'. Needless to say, I don't think they quite grasp the problem.MC, London, UK
When Live Aid was shown in 1985, I was just a baby. My mum was feeding me and then she looked on the TV and saw a little girl who was so weak from hunger that she couldn't stand up. My mum looked at me and I was well fed and happy. My mum then donated an entire month's family allowance to the Band Aid charity. I will definitely buy the single. It is certainly worth doing again. Gemma, Maidstone, Kent, UK
I have to admire Bob Geldof for having another go at Band Aid. However, I heard for the first time this morning and was not impressed. The rapping in between was awful. The style of music was too much heavy metal, which then changed to another style. Too much variation for me. The first release in 1984 was far better.Anon, UK
Geldof tirelessly asks why there is still starvation in the Third World when we live in a world of surplus. It's obvious he doesn't quite realise that the global system is not only allowing this to continue but is actively causing it, so maybe he should realise a record has not, and will not solve this crisis.Marie, London, UK
Kids of today, you will soon get sick of this song!
Rob Watson, Winchester, Hampshire, UK
Kids of today, you will soon get sick of this song! Just as we have over the last 20 years.Rob Watson, Winchester, Hampshire, UK
Empathising with people in Sudan, I'm trying to imagine what they might think of these British pop stars making a song for them. Couldn't we just send them the money instead?Patrick Smith, London, UK
Well tonight thank God they only record this drivel every 20 years. Feed their egos.Duncan, Stirling, UK
It's a load of rubbish, no depth, no feeling. I think it's an insult to the first Band Aid.Norma, Blackpool, UK
Sure it won't wipe out the problem, but it will draw attention to it for a new generation
John May, London, UK
Quite saddening to hear so many cynical views being expressed from people over this single. Sure it won't wipe out the problem, but it will draw attention to it for a new generation, and it will make some money to help the starving in Africa. Is that a bad thing? Many of the naysayers probably don't think twice about going down the pub and having a few pints, and yet won't fork out a measly ?3.99 to help people out - pathetic! Have we really become so selfish? John May, London, UK
To Rafe, Holland: We all have a role to perform in the global causes of equality, reform, peace, democracy, tolerance etc. You can not park this at the feet of the wealthy. Band Aid is back because we have forgotten our role and need to be encouraged to take part again. I hope everybody buys a copy of the record at least as a charitable gesture, but also to put forward a message to governments that we believe they are failing on this global stage.Duncan, USA
A new song could have been written, however, with mostly new acts this time around, perhaps they feared that it would only appeal to a young audience. If the song is familiar to the older audience who were around for the original 20 years ago, they'll likely sell more that way. My only argument is that if they're bringing Bono back into this mix of newer artists, then they should have asked Duran Duran back as well. Anyhow, I hope the new release makes loads for its purpose.Roseann, New York City
I think the new Band Aid single is a wonderful idea. So what if new artists are doing it? As the money is going straight to charity it doesn't really matter who sings it. I think it's a great song, I have it from the first time round and no doubt I'll be singing along to the new one as well. Well done Sir Bob!Sam , Ruislip, England
Why can't Band Aid help not only countries in Africa but also somewhere like Bangladesh?
RDM, London
Why can't Band Aid help not only countries in Africa but also somewhere like Bangladesh which has seen some of the worst floods in recent years and has left many homeless, jobless and very hungry.RDM, London
I will definitely buy more than one single! Good on you Bob Geldof and your fellow entertainers. Darfur needs all the help it can get. Let the season of giving translate into really helping the needy.Anjeli, Singapore/India
Having just heard it, I won't be buying it. I'm not keen on the rapping in the middle and the shiver-down-the-spine opening is gone. I know it would never have the same impact as the first time but frankly I'm not impressed, I'd rather (and will) donate some money. I applaud these celebrities for doing something with their fame but if they all gave up some of their precious money instead of their so-called precious time, far more money would be raised.Jill, UK
What a load of rubbish. It was better first time round. I won't be buying it as it made no difference 20 years ago. I'm sure it has been done with the best intention but any money should be given to charities.
Mick, Crawley, UK
As a music retailer for over 30 years, I don't see this achieving much at all. Singles now sell a fraction of the quantity they used to, so the money raised is not going to make much difference.Duncan Barnes, Surrey, UK
If we are still holding Band Aid concerts 20 years after the last one then that pretty much says what it's going to achieve... Nothing. Because we will probably be still holding Band Aid concerts for the same reason in 2024!Chris, Braintree Essex UK
I loved it. Keeping it different from the original and 'updating' it were essential. By buying the single itself won't change the world but the message it sends to the worlds politicians might just make a difference. If its just a might its worth doing.Fergus Laird, Newcastle England
Only half an hour after it was played out, and it's already appeared on music file sharing applications on 12 sources! Andrew Rawlings, Belfast
No doubt the song will reach no1 because these days you don't have to sell many copies to get there
Carl Murray, Manchester
Band Aid 20 is not a good as the original 84 release plus not even the second version that came out in 89. The vocals are bland and what on earth were Bob & Midge thinking of in including a Dizzie Rascal rap. All the fuss made by Bono regarding that particular line over Justin Hawkins and it does not live up to expectations. No doubt the song will reach no1 because these days you don't have to sell many copies to get there hence why there is so much rubbish in the charts today. Carl Murray, Manchester
I wasn't surprised to learn that both Bob Geldof and Midge Ure have auto-biographies coming out soon - what a coincidence! If people care so much about Africa, donate hard cash - don't waste it on tedious self-promotional projects like this.David Cross, Liverpool, UK
A bunch of manufactured pop "stars" churning out a cover version of a song from the 80's. What's new?James Crosby, Telford, Shropshire
What will new Band Aid single achieve? Platinum sales figures - just in time for Christmas. What a wonderful marketing strategy!Jason Miles, Reading, UK
I'm sure it'll raise loads of money for a good cause, but having just heard it it's exactly the same as the original! Come on! New ideas please...Chris, Birmingham, England.
To all the negative people with negative comments on this board, get a life! At least these people are trying to do something to help.Braiden, Wales
What will it achieve? Probably less than the first one. In just the same way as we all become inured to suffering by constant exposure, so do we to "novel" ideas to alleviate it. Band Aid 1 was a fresh and innovative appro BA2 isn't. Band Aid 1 (sorry to say) didn't m neither will BA2, no matter how well intentioned. Gareth Evans, Banff, Scotland
I hope they raise as much money as possible. I won't be buying the single as I am not convinced that all the artists genuinely understand the reasons for participating in such an event. I find it curious that some have taken part without understanding why? Anyway, good luck to them and buy it if you think it will help alleviate the suffering of those involved in this genocide.Ian, Brentford, UK
Bob Geldof is an example to us all! If any of us had just a little of his courage and convictions then we could make a tremendous difference! David McKinlay, Brussels, Belgium
Without wishing to take anything away from the new Band Aid single, Justin Hawkins comment "I did it better than him" referring to the Bono line just shows what an egotistical bunch they are. I won't buy it until I see some of the so-called stars putting their hands in their pockets instead of appearing on stage with a "look at me" profile.Alan Strom, London UK
I was overcome
Ken, Bournemouth
I was sent, somewhat reluctantly, to Africa by my firm some years back, just before Christmas, when I thought I'd rather be partying here. But some locals invited me to their own party and when the Band Aid record came on, and these new friends sung with all their hearts "There won't be snow in Africa this Christmastime" I was overcome and vowed I would do something in my life to try and make a difference. And 18 years later, I have. Thanks Bob, for the inspiration. In my eyes you wipe the floor with the cynics on Have Your Say.Ken, Bournemouth, UK
That Midge lady is frighteningly mannish and the Gandolph dude is just frightening. Oh, Band Aid single...no I won't buy it. I've heard the song for 20 years now and don't see the point. I'd rather just send a check.CD, Dallas, TX, USA
With the amount of money the UK and the US have spent on illegally invading Iraq perhaps we could have gone some way to easing the situation in many African states, many of whom have far, far worse regimes than that of Saddam. The Band Aid single is better than doing nothing but a mere drop in the ocean that will only give temporary aid to the lucky few.Colin, London, UK.
If Sir Bob thinks it's a good idea then I'll go along with him. The impact can never be what it was the first time around. After all, Bob's involvement with the first Band Aid prevented him making those god-awful records with the Boomtown Rats.Dave Mac, London, England
We should start with wiping out our own ?1trillion debt
Rich, London
Obviously a very needy cause as it was 20 years ago, but shouldn't we sort out our own country first? Not sure about wiping out world debt, maybe we should start with wiping out our own ?1trillion debt we have amassed.Rich, London UK
I'll donate money, but I won't buy the album. It's cheeky that even the government isn't charging VAT, but the record company expects a cut this time round.Ethan, B'ham, UK
If Cliff Richard makes a Christmas single I hope this Band Aid stuff doesn't knock it out of the top spot.Hillary Schaeffer-Moss, London, England
I think it's a great cause, but come on can this generation not come up with any new ideas?
Bob Geldof and Midge Ure come from a generation when kids had new fresh ideas about music, and genuine talent. All they are doing is a carbon copy of an idea suitable for the 1980s. I hope it's a great success. Dave, Hartlepool
The original song will prompt a wave of nostalgia
Sara, Welwyn Garden City
Covering the original song will prompt a wave of nostalgia, which we has already begun. This reminds us of how successful the 1984 single was, and the cause for which so much money was raised. For a lot of people my age (26), Do They Know It's Christmas? is automatically connected to those awful pictures we saw back then of children our own age starving and dying. The song is embedded in the nation's consciousness, and is therefore far more likely to provoke a response from the public than a brand new song would.Sara, Welwyn Garden City, Herts
It will sell a few million copies but will hardly raise awareness or sympathy. When you hear of atrocities in DR Congo and Darfur, you tend to think that if Africa can't help itself, why waste the effort?Anon, UK
Anon writes as if Africa were one person who had stupidly got itself into trouble and now can't be bothered to sort itself out. Aside from accepting our own responsibility for a large part of Africa's problems, through colonialism, and the present inertia over trade, debt etc, we should remember there are plenty of people in Africa who are suffering and dying because of wars inflicted on them, not waged by them. But I suppose we should just let them die, because they are too lazy to not be attacked, starved, raped and murdered.Marie, London
These very wealthy stars could just send a hat round
Rafe, Holland
Instead of all the expense of organising an event like this where much of the money is used in the preparation, these very wealthy stars could just send a hat round their friends and made the total they are aiming at, but when you are after a bit of free publicity, why pay for it? In the end we know that very little of the desperate starving people in Africa receive the money or the benefits from Band Aid. Just ask an African if he or she has even heard of Band Aid and I'm sure the answer will come back no - I am a African and I have seen this first hand.Rafe, Holland
The last Band Aid achieved nothing. It was a touching and naive gesture by a bunch of spoiled 'luvvies' with a limited vision of the world, who figured they could fix all Africa's problems by singing songs. Twenty years later, the harsh reality is that Africa is no better off, and yet a large proportion of our population are smugly satisfied that they did their bit. Kicking our politicians into taking a stand against exploitation, European farming subsidies which impoverish Africa, and global corruption would be a far more useful step forward. Mike, London, UK
The original was fantastic
JD, Nottingham, UK
I will be buying my copy of the latest Band Aid record. The or we'd never seen or heard anything like it. As a teenager watching the original line up arrive at the studio on the day of recording was totally awe inspiring. They were the biggest stars of the day yet there was no diva like behaviour or egos getting in the way of the issue at hand. I only hope that the latest version is just as good if not better. 20 years on I still play my original version and the introduction still sends a shiver down my spine.
I am doubtful that the awareness is or will be the same today as it was 20 years ago. When the original images of the starving of Ethiopia were originally broadcast the general public were shocked to the core. Nowadays I think we have become hardened as every other day one atrocity or another is broadcast. I am saddened that some are of the opinion that the latest effort is a waste of time. It is better to do a little than nothing at all! Sir Bob I admire your efforts and commitment to this worthy cause keep up your excellent work.JD, Nottingham, UK
I think it is a sad reflection on all of us, that 20 years on nothing much has changed in Africa. With any luck this new Band Aid single will open the eyes of a new generation to the real world. Harri Miller, Newcastle Upon Tyne
We are human beings who require relationship input
Anders, Zimbabwe
We live in a world of instant gratification. First world inhabitants would like to write one cheque and have the centuries old problem of Africa disappear. If you are not willing to invest your time and emotion and live with us on the continent and commit, then please go away. We do not want your money. We are human beings who require relationship input. Not ten quid and told to go and play in the traffic. Bob and Midge despite their visits to Africa cannot or do not want to see the reality. You can't cure a disease by treating the symptoms. And all you people do is create extra problems for us to mop up. We have enough on our plate already. In case you hadn't noticed.Anders, Harare, Zimbabwe
I appreciate everything that has been said here today, but, it is our children who need to see that some good can be done in the world, people coming together to help those less fortunate, It did work 20 years ago and it will work again. Come on UK! We do far more than this for football every week, nothing is as worthwhile as saving just one life, this work will save more. Take it for what it is - and what it will always be - People helping people.Moira, Swinton, England
In 1984 aged 13 I got the single for Christmas and didn't really understand why or even want to have it! Ten years pass and now I understand. I will buy the record. I already gave generously to the Sudan appeal... but for me the record is about more than a few pounds... it is also about remembering others and the position they are in. Don't debate it - buy it! Sir Bob and friends, thanks.James
Most people in Sudan wouldn't Know It's Christmas anyway, because only 5% of them are Christians.Chris G, Cheshire, UK
Good on you Sir Bob. I bought Band Aid in 1984, I went to Live Aid, and did the charity run. I admire your tenacity, I revere the cause, and I think anyone who thinks Band Aid Mark 1 did not make a difference doesn't know the story. I don't think even Sir Bob expects to single handedly solve the whole problem, but along with Midge etc, he will again make a difference. Whether the revamped single will stand the test of time as w as Sir Bob might say, "Sod the cynics" and "give us your money"! Adrian, Surrey
The single will spread the message of doing some good in Africa to a whole new generation
Els, London, UK
I am deeply saddened by the negative response to this single. I was born the year after Live Aid, and since I can remember I have wished I was there, and been disappointed that Band Aid hasn't happened when I was able to make a contribution. Whether you think that it is too late or not enough, these people don't exactly have much to their names other than their musical ability and that's what they are giving which I think is a very honourable thing. It's true that they could give a lot of their own money, but that is not the idea.
The single will spread the message of doing some good in Africa to a whole new generation, some just too young to have been alive 20 years ago, and others completely unaware of what happened then. I have so much respect for Bob Geldof and this is as much a testament to his dedication to the cause through the last twenty years as it is anything else. I will be buying as many as I can afford for Christmas presents, their attempt deserves no less.! Els, London, UK
Of course it will make a difference. Projects that can be extended will be new wells being dug and vital knowledge taught. Charity like this is excellent and puts to shame the national lottery.James Clarke, UK
The song is old and tired now and I have heard it far too many times. How about using the talent of all these musicians to make something new and up beat? I wouldn't dream of buying the latest version. I'd rather just donate the money direct.Andy Wilson, Shoreham by Sea, UK
I will gladly put some money in a pot, as I feel that this is a worthy cause, and have a great deal of respect for Geldof and all the other celebs giving their up their time for a good cause. However, I won't be needing the CD in exchange for my money, as the original song was so sentimentally nauseating that I would rather not listen to Busted and co re-hash it.Rich, Leicestershire
I understand it doesn't make the problem go away, and is literally like putting a band aid on a cut
Huw Roberts, Preston
Having visited Ethiopia myself, and seen the effects that aid has on this developing nation, I would say this, if this single wasn't recorded and released then the money they will raise would not be used for helping people in this humanitarian disaster, it would sit in our pockets and get spent on some things we don't need. I am disappointed that some of the other correspondents here can't see that any aid is better than no aid. Yes I understand it doesn't make the problem go away, and is literally like putting a band aid on a cut, but at least it's doing something!Huw Roberts, Preston, Lancs
I doubt whether it will help in the long term. Until we change our views of the 'developing world' and do not need them to be poor then nothing will help. I've given up giving to charities that help on large scale and now give to those who are helping small communities or co-ops. I figure that this way at least I'm helping someone improve their life on a long term basis. If there was the political will we wouldn't need Band Aid or any other sort of aid.Meg, Lincs
This new effort although worthy will achieve nothing of any significance. It is already too late for tens of thousands in Darfur who have been killed and we have ignored them. In another 20 years time the world will have seen yet more ethnic cleansing, forced starvation and evil committed because we as a society and a country just don't care about other people.Alex, Edinburgh
I am really shocked and saddened by some of the negative comments here today. For whatever reason, the situation in Africa/Ethiopia has not improved and therefore we must do all we can to help out. I hope that this song raises millions of pounds for drought relief. I will be buying it the day it's released.Kevin Miller, Penketh, Cheshire
I will buy this record for sure but probably wouldn't have donated the money otherwise. I'm sure many people are the same, so it must be considered a massive success. Anyone who is critical of the efforts will hopefully be doing other things to help those famine in Africa, I presume?Dave, UK
Far be it from me to suggest that the so called tiff between Bono and Justin Hawkings is just so two versions can be released and grab a few more sales. I bet they are giggling like naughty schoolboys at the moment. Well done chaps, as it is for a good cause I can but salute you.Bill Chapman, Southampton
This is a problem of too many weapons rather than not enough food
Gary Chiles, New Zealand
This is meant to provoke the authorities into action. That only works when the people in power actually care. Our current leaders are in no position to comment on mass murder and genocide without looking like hypocrites. Besides, they have no shame. Prohibiting developed countries from spewing weapons into the developing world would do more to solve this problem than any singy-dancey thing. This is a problem of too many weapons rather than not enough food.Gary Chiles, New Zealand
Why not write a new song? I think it is good that Geldof, is still doing his work but I think 20 years on a new song for a new age should have been writtenPaul, Edinburgh, UK
It is a worthy cause. However, it would be better to campaign to end third world debt and an end to unfair trade practices by the rich companies and countries which is a cause of the poverty, famine and drought in the third world. Also the world needs sustainable development to avoid these disasters. Rundhi Gunapala, Ilford, UK
Midge Ure deserves more credit for his involvement with this very worth while cause
Marie, Glasgow, Scotland
I will buy the record - I just hope it's as good as the original version. I think it's good that so many artists are involved and are happy to do something to help. I think it's disgraceful in this day and age that anyone in any country is starving to death. Some countries such as the UK and US are dealing with issues such as childhood obesity - what a contrast - we should be ashamed. Midge Ure deserves more credit for his involvement with this very worth while cause. Marie, Glasgow, Scotland
10% of this lot's personal wealth would wipe out world poverty!MD, Scotland
In response to Tom Franklin, would the older generation have heard of the bands that appeared in the original? The new line-up is reflective of popular music these days, live with it. Africa has been mentioned continuously, primarily Sudan (that is next to Ethiopia).Russell Embry, UK
If Bob, Midge et al are so determined to raise the profile of the refugees in Darfur then why is it that it wasn't until yesterday that I actually heard anyone mention what this record was being produced for? 20 years ago the media reported on the suffering in Africa. This time round it seems that pictures of Busted and the Sugarbabes along with interviews with Joss Stone talking about how she's loving working with 'Gandalf' are far more important. Quite depressing really.Mark Allen, UK
I hope it knocks all the other pop trash out of the charts
While this is obviously a huge publicity stunt for some of the young pop "stars" involved, it is nevertheless a very worthy cause and I hope it knocks all the other pop trash out of the charts.W, UK
Surely it makes the point that, in 20 years, we have made negligible progress in the fight against world poverty. People are still starving whilst we are tucking into our Christmas dinner. Don't buy the single, get lobbying your MP!Heather, Stockport, UK
I'm sorry to be negative, but Geldof and Co didn't solve world hunger 20 years ago and they aren't going to now. Sadly the world is not a nice place and there is no easy solution to racial genocide as has happened in Sudan. I would prefer if 'celebrities' stuck to causes nearer to home like child poverty in the UK.Mark, Glasgow, UK
I pray it will achieve a lot. Raising as much money as is humanly possible to help the poor people in Africa. We really don't know how good we have life until you see what they have to put up with day by day. I'll be buying my copy.Kenneth Ferguson, Isle of Lewis, Scotland
I haven't even heard the word Africa mentioned this time. I don't know who most of the performers are. I don't understand why they didn't come up with a new song. And isn't the bigger question why after 20 years these countries haven't sorted themselves out to overcome droughts with all the millions we've poured into them?Tom Franklin, London, UK
With regards to T Franklin's question. One of the answers I assume would be because they owe larger nations such as ourselves debt. Isn't this another thing the single is trying to achieve wiping out third world debt so that these countries can try and function on their own without the need to bother people like Mr Franklin for whom it is clearly a big nuisance? I will be buying the single. I just hope that they manage to try and stop the pirating off it on the internet to as I expect this time round they will lose money due to thisCarrie Russell, Brighton, England
In 1984 Band Aid did make a difference and it can do it again
I think that the new Band Aid single will be successful but perhaps not as successful as the 1984 original. Twenty years ago, we had never before seen images of people starving. These days, images of war, famine and unrest are an every day occurrence. I hope that people remember that in 1984 Band Aid did make a difference and it can do it again.Jayne, UK
I can't help but wonder why we have to do this again. Is it a case of mismanagement of sustainable aid resources?Arun Sharma, Nottingham
Arun Sharma- we're having to do this again because of the actions of the Sudanese authorities. It doesn't matter how sustainable your aid resources are if the police and local militia drive you from your land into the desert. Rather than provide aid we should take direct (military if needed) action to reverse this situation.Peter, Nottingham (U.K)
I really respect the music business response to famine. I can only give money but they give so much more.Robin Ormston, Manchester, UK
Unfortunately I don't think it will make much of a difference in the long-term. As long as these countries have leaders who are willing to put their hands in the government kitty for their own gain, we will no doubt be seeing Band Aid 40. Having said that I do hope this will sell in its millions to try and give some short-term relief to those suffering.MG, Oxford
How about some new lyrics? There appears to be a decent proposed line-up of talent - some, apparently good song-writers too... Therefore a re-hash of the old song is really a poor show all round, despite the good intentions of future revenues of the record sales!Jock, London, England
Another valiant attempt for a good cause, however the fact that this exercise is now in its third outing would demonstrate that it's not doing enough to alleviate the suffering of those in Africa. Perhaps other avenues should be investigated to ensure famine in these parts of the world will someday be a thing of the past.Nick Drake, Glasgow, Scotland
A bunch of has-beens and never-beens trying to capture some cheap publicity. If they are so keen why don't they just donate some of their money instead of their time?Les, Morpeth, England


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