what shirwhat do you think...

>>>_____ T-shirt do you like better, the red one or the blue on..
_____ T-shirt do you like better, the red one or the blue one? I prefer the red one.
A. How much B. How many C. Whose D. Which
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“_____ T-shirt do you like better, the red one or the blue on..”主要考查你对&&疑问代词&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
疑问代词:疑问代词在句中起名词的作用,用来构成疑问句。常用的疑问代词有:  &what, who, whose, whom, which, whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever    疑问代词在句中应位于谓语动词之前,没有词性和数的变化,除who之外也没有格的变化。&what, which, whose还可作限定词。 Whose books are these on the desk?桌上的书是谁的?What was the directional flow of U. S. territorial expansion?美国的领土扩张是朝哪个方向的?What events led to most of the east of the Mississippi River becoming part of the United States? 哪些事件使密西西比河以东的大部分土地归属于美国?疑问代词在句中起名词词组的作用,用来构成疑问句。疑问代词有下列几个:指 人: who, whom, whose指 物: what既可指人又可指物: which疑问代词说明:一、无论是做疑问代词还是限定词,which 和 what 所指的范围不同。what所指的范围是无限的,而which则指在一定的范围内,例如:Which girls do you like best?你喜欢哪几个姑娘?What girls do you like best?你喜欢什么样的姑娘?
二、Whom是who的宾格,在书面语中,它作动词宾语或介词宾语,在口语中作宾语时,可用who代替,但在介词后只能用whom, 例如:Who(m) did you meet on the street?你在街上遇到了谁?(作动词宾语)Who(m) are you taking the book to?你要把这书带给谁?(作介词宾语,置句首)To whom did you speak on the campus?你在校园里和谁讲话了?(作介词宾语,置介词 后,不能用who取代。)
三、疑问代词用于对介词宾语提问时,过去的文体中介词和疑问代词通常一起放在句首,现代英语中,疑问代词在句首,介词在句未,例如:For what do most people live and work?大部分人生活和工作的目的是什么?(旧文体)What are you looking for?你在找什么?(现代英语)
四、疑问代词还可引导名词性从句,例如:I can't make out what he is driving at.我不知道他用意何在。Can you tell me whose is the blue shirt on the bed?你能告诉我床上的蓝衬衣是谁的吗?Much of what you say I agree with, but I cannot go all the way with you.你说的我大部分同意,但并不完全赞同。疑问代词用法:1. 疑问代词有who, whom, whose, which和what, 都是用来构成疑问句的:Who is calling? 谁打电话来?Whom do you want to speak to? 你想找谁接电话?作主语时用who,作宾语时用whom,在口语中用who作宾语时也不少:Who did you mean? 你指的是谁?Who are you talking about? 你们在讲谁?直接跟在介词后时只能用whom:With whom did you come? 你和谁一道来的?(口语中说“Who did you come with?时更多一些。)2. 其他三个疑问代词可用作:1)主语:What’s your address? 你的地址怎样写?Whose is better? 谁的好一些?Which of these is yours? 哪一本是你的?2)宾语:What do you mean? 你是什么意思?Which do you like better? 哪一个你更喜欢一些?Whose have you chosen? 你选了谁的?3)表语:What’s her name? 她叫什么名字?Whose is it? 这是谁的?4)定语(这样用时有些字典标作形容词):What time does the train leave? 这列火车什么时候离开?Which room shall we stay in? 我们住哪间房?Whose passport is this? 这是谁的护照?
与“_____ T-shirt do you like better, the red one or the blue on..”考查相似的试题有:
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what s____ t-shirt do you wear?
出门在外也不愁Shirt.Woot: Graphic t-shirts, artistic tees, cool shirts, & more
We're all a little Left Shark.
This is a shark shirt. You probably want to talk about the shark.
Forget it.
Now we’re going to talk about our feelings.
Why, Pete? You’ve got the BEST RUNNING BACK IN THE NFL and you PASS THE BALL FROM THE 1 YARD LINE? We had glory in our hands, and it slipped away, like when you've got to sneeze and it vanishes suddenly.
Sure, Marshy says he’s “not surprised” by the dreadful awful call, but that’s because he’s NOT SURPRISED BY ANYTHING. He, like all geniuses, exists on another plane. We’re not invited. That complete indifference to EVERYTHING, combined with an almost metaphysical alignment of all other aspects of the game IN SEATTLE'S FAVOR, is precisely why Marshy would have been an ideal candidate for the duty of plowing that ball past nothing more than a pretty okay defense and solidifying a victory that would’ve meant FREE BEER FOR THE PERSON WRITING THIS instead of just a flood of beerless tears.
Pete. I’ve forgiven you for that USC stuff. But this … ugh, you know what? You didn’t act alone. You're taking the blame, which is big of you, but a certain offensive coordinator was complicit in this soul-shattering poo-fest, too. Darrell, I just want you to know that two of the people cheering for your team were on crutches. CRUTCHES, DARRELL. [Editor's note: We're not sure how that's relevant but she's got crazy eyes, so we're just gonna let her get this out of her system]
No, it's okay. I'm okay.
Because Vegas is saying we’re gonna do it all over again next year. And Vegas is never, ever wrong about anything. So when we reconvene a little older, a little wiser, and possibly with a QB who can claim to be just a tad more consistent (but sexier than ever) next year in another temperate stadium where nobody would actually want to live but visiting is definitely fine, we’re gonna be ready.
And we’ll be wearing this shark shirt.
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What Would You Do? is a 30-minute
shown on Nickelodeon from 1991 to 1993. Robin Marrella acted as the on-camera
for the show's first season. Both Summers and Marrella performed their respective duties on , also on Nickelodeon. The show was
some early segments were produced at Universal Studios in .
During each show, the audience viewed a previously taped segment or stock film featuring children or families or others put in unusual situations. The tape was stopped before the outcome and Summers asked the audience to vote on either what they would do in the same situation or what the outcome would be. After the results were tallied, the outcome was played.
Special guests, usually performers from other Universal Studios attractions, appeared on What Would You Do? and picked audience members to perform gross, silly or extraordinary stunts. Stunts could involve handling , playing a very messy version of Twister barefoot, painting, dancing or creating .
Additional segments included contests between two selected audience members ("Anything You Can Do"). These contests ranged from who could finish a glass of
the fastest, to seeing who could inflate and pop a
the fastest. The end result of these contests would be the winner having the opportunity to smash a whipped cream pie in the face of the loser (or send the loser to one of the show's pie contraptions). This type of contest often pitted a child against his or her parent. This feature was used in the second (1993) season.
The end of each episode in the first season featured the What Would You Do? Medley, where certain audience members and Summers had index cards attache usually, any special guests on the show would also participate in the Medley. Each card had a different stunt such as "Hidden Talent," "Peanut Butter Jumping Jacks," "Eat a Twinkie with Gravy", "put your feet in worms / dog food" or "Food Volcano" listed on it. The participant either had to do what it said on the card, sight unseen, or be sent to the Pie Pod (explained below), or on some occasions the Pie Slide. When Harry from
guest starred on the show, his card asked him to slam dunk a basketball, which he did. On several occasions, Summers' card told him to go to the Pie Pod.
In the second season, the Medley was replaced with the Wall o' Stuff, a wall of numbered doors, each hiding a prize or surprise. Each audience member was assigned a number. If their number was drawn from a , that participant received a
to open one of the 20 doors. Some of the doors had What Would You Do? merchandise, such as a T-shirt or a gym bag. Others concealed pies that would be flung at the contestants' face (or a water cannon filled with whipped cream which would be squirted at the contestant). In addition, an unlucky participant could receive a card that sent them to one of the pie contraptions upon reading the paper containing a poem that is associated with the pie contraptions. Sometimes the contestant received a card that instructed them to open another door.
Sometimes, winning a stunt would award a token for the Wall o' Stuff. In these instances, those who won their tokens would take their turn at the Wall before any balls were drawn from the lottery machine.
was central to the show's premise, and was frequently doled out as "punishment" (or sometimes, a reward) for anything. Whenever audience members were picked to perform a stunt, they were often given the option to either perform it or go to one of several pie contraptions. Alternatively, failure to complete a stunt could also send someone to one of these devices. In the first season Robin would place the audience member in the contraption, but during the second season, staff members wearing red jumpsuits that read "Pie Pod Attendant", "Pie Wash Attendant", or "Pie Coaster Attendant" took over the duties of preparing the devices.
The most used and most popular "pie device" on the show, this contraption could launch up to four whipped cream pies at one audience member(sometimes two and on one episode, three). They were set up in a hydraulic chair and covered with a clear plastic tarp, leaving their head exposed. Then the chair, which resembled a barber's chair or an antique-style dentist's chair, would be pumped up until the participant's head was aligned with a target behind them. Summers then asked the audience (or the winning player, in case of a game that sends the loser to the Pie Pod) how many pies should be launched — "4" was the usual answer — and then released them, following a count of three. During the first season, a device called the "Crowning Glory" was suspended over the participant's head. This was a container shaped like a crown that held a small amount of pink slime. Most of the time this was only released if the audience determined that the "victim" flinched during the release of the pies. However, it could be used for any random occasion Marc deemed warranted it, such as it being someone's birthday.
In the second season, the Crowning Glory was removed, but a in addition, participants were no longer covered with a smock, and the large lab goggles were replaced with small swimming goggles. (Incidentally, on very early episodes, the Pie Pod could be loaded with up to six pies - but the two outer ones were never launched, and were subsequently removed.) Sometimes the Wall O' Stuff would result in an audience member "winning" a trip to the Pie Pod, as heralded by the following poem: "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. A Trip to the Pie Pod is Waiting for You."
On very early episodes, the audience member would not get a plastic tarp to protect their clothes, and/or no goggles, or only got safety glasses that were usually knocked right off with a direct hit. On one occasion, Marc cursed (which was censored out) and had to go to the Pie Pod as a result.
One game was played directly at the Pie Pod, where Marc interviewed a member of the studio audience while a 60-second clock counted down. When the audience member thought that they were within 10 seconds of the 60-second target, they were to say "Stop," and for every 10 seconds they were out, one pie would be launched. If the 60 seconds expired, all four pies would be launched.
By far the messiest. An audience member was sent to the top of a playground slide which ended up in a large vat filled with hundreds of gallons of whipped cream and a red beach ball made to look like a cherry. Participants would first remove their socks and shoes and go barefoot up the ladder to the top of the slide. Then the victim was usually allowed to choose whether to go head first or feet first, and would then set off down into the vat, following a count of three. Sometimes when the victim chose to go head first, they would get to hold a small video camera which Marc called the "Pie Cam" as they went down the Pie Slide, giving the home viewers a first person view of the victim going down the Pie Slide as if they were going down it.
One memorable "Pie Slide" incident featured a young woman during the "What Would You Do? Medley" segment who opted to ride the Pie Slide headfirst rath
the woman, laughing hysterically, her entire body covered with cream, openly wished she had chosen to eat the Twinkie with gravy. Another memorable Pie Slide moment featured Marc having the audience point to someone who they wanted to see go down the Pie Slide, and everyone in the audience pointed to Marc, which meant that Marc had to go down the Pie Slide, head first.
In that same episode, Marc's card during the "What Would You Do" Medley said "Pie Slide" and he tried to get out of it by saying that they were out of time, but Robin made him go down the Pie Slide anyway, although he got to go feet first.
The Pie Slide was featured only in the second season, it was replaced by the Pie Coaster (see below), which was much less messy.
A family was selected, with one family member being strapped to a long board with their face hanging over the side. The participant was asked five questions about another family member, with each incorrect answer resulting in the other participating family member turning a crank which lowered the victim's face toward a large pie (a pile of whipped cream in a giant metal bowl). Three incorrect answers resulted in the victim's fac three correct answers resulted in the victim being "saved," and the other participating family member would be "cranked" into the pie face first.
Two participants were chosen (usually two family members). Three bowls were stacked directly above each participant's head, with the top one containing pink slime (referred to as "pie filling"). The two participants were then asked a series of five questions about another family member standing between
each time a participant missed one, one of three levers was pulled, allowing the slime to be emptied into the bowl underneath the current one. Three incorrect answers resulted in the third lever being pulled, releasing the "pie filling" onto the contestant's head. If after five questions neither participant had been slimed, the family member about whom the questions were being asked was forced to stand under one of the contraptions and get slimed (though this rarely happened). One variation had a contestant trying to complete a stunt in a 30- the stunt would be stopped at 10-second intervals to release the pie filling. On more than one occasion, the device malfunctioned, thus releasing the "pie filling" after only 2 pulls, or not at all after the required 3 pulls(which the contestant immediately jumped out from underneath and was not slimed).
In this Pie game, which is borrowed from , another Woody Fraser/Nickelodeon/Reeves Entertainment production, the chosen participants took turns being seated at a table loaded with a pie. The contestant placed their head in a chin rest on the table. They rolled a , and had to turn a crank whatever number of times the die showed. At any time the crank was being turned, the device could spring the pie, which would land in the contestant's face. In addition, the "Flinch Factor" (a bucket containing the aforementioned pink "pie filling") was positioned above the contestant' if the audience voted that the contestant flinched at any time (whether he was pied or not), the bucket would be released onto their head. On at least one occasion a contestant was slimed with the bucket even though he had not been pied. (On the Wild and Crazy Kids version, this bucket was filled with actual cherry pie filling, and was "reloaded" after each use).
Woody Fraser would reuse this pie contraption in his later .
Appearing in the second season only, this device would have the audience member sit in a large leather chair and be strapped in with a seatbelt, while three nozzles above attempted to spray the audience member with whipped cream while he was being spun around rapidly, before it "cleaned them up" using a rotating
styled brush. Its associated poem at the Wall o' Stuff goes as "Roses are Red, Envy is Green. After the Pie Wash, You'll be Squeaky Clean". On one occasion, the Wall o' Stuff card said "We couldn't think of anything to rhyme with Pie Wash, so just go there." The Pie Wash often failed to get whipped cream onto the participant, as the whipped cream had either melted in the contraption (causing it to simply dribble out onto the floor), or the hoses failed to spray it out altogether. On the occasions when it did work, however, the contestant was immersed. As with the Pie Pod, the "Pie Wash" victim was made to wear goggles.
In one famous moment, a contestant was sent to the Pie Wash, but as she rotated, nothing came out of the pipes. While everyone was figuring out what was going on, Marc turned and found that the Pie Pod had gone off with no one in it. Just as Marc and crew went to see what was going on, a large burst of cream suddenly burst out, soaking the girl.
Replacing the Pie Slide for the second season of the show, this was a mini
which ended with an audience member crashing into an oversized pie which stood on its side. At first the contestant would crash through some paper What Would You Do? banners before crashing into the giant pie. The participant usually got hit multiple times as he rocked back and forth on the final dip, where however, since participants were required to wear a large helmet with a full-face clear shield when on the Pie Coaster, the messiness relative to the other devices was severely limited.
A trip to the Pie Coaster via the Wall O' Stuff would be heralded by one of the two following poems: "You didn't win a car, you didn't win a toaster. You won a free ticket on our famous Pie Coaster." or "We've got a one-track mind, a trip down the Pie Coaster on What Would You Do?."
In addition, the show often featured pieing-related variations on games such as , , , and "". In the WWYD "Musical Chairs" (redubbed "Musical Pies"), contestants seated together in a row passed around a cream pi when the music stopped, the person left holding the pie had to stick it into his or her face, and if the person refused, a family member or friend might be called down to pie him or her. The winner was awarded a "real" pie (i.e. a cherry or apple pie) to take home. This was also featured on Slime Time Live.
The second season often featured "family challenge" games which pitted entire families against each other in performin the family with the fewest pied members when the game was over would be declared the winner. On other occasions, one family was divided into several teams (ladies vs. men, kids vs. parents, etc.) Most of the time the winning team got to choose from getting a token to the "Wall o' Stuff" for each winning team member, or sending the losing team member(s) to a pie device.
A handful of episodes during the first season, promoted as "Pie-a-Thons," were made up entirely of stunts, games and activities featuring pies and also pitted the children in the audience against the adults. In a departure from normal shows, the winners could pie themselves, thus earning points for their team. One popular "Pie-a-Thon" feature was the "Pie Lottery," in which each member of the audience was assigned a number and any person whose number was called would be given the opportu on rare occasions, a person who did not wish to pie themself would get to pie a family member or friend or someone else of their choosing.
At the end of the show, one child and one adult would stand by the Pie Slide and exchange two envelopes repeatedly until a buzzer sounded. At that point, the audience would vote on who should go down the Pie Slide. The winner of the vote went down the pie slide, then opened their envelope. One of the envelopes hid a zero, the other hid either a 50 or a 100. Each participant earned their team the number of poin usually it would be enough to win the stunt. On one occasion, although the child (a teenage girl) won and got to ride the Pie Slide head first, thus winning the show for the "kids," her competitor adult (a young man) was given the opportunity to ride the Pie Slide anyway, and ended up with the upper half of his body completely covered in pie.
The first season of What Would You Do? also often featured segments taped as the show's crew traversed the Nickelodeon Studios theme park in Orlando searching for participants. The activities in which volunteers participated were sometimes pie-related (i.e. "Do an impression of a cartoon character being hit with a pie," or being given the choice of pieing themselves or someone else of their choosing), but more often involved performing a stunt or a
or -style "hidden camera" prank.
Robin Marrella left the series in 1993 because, according to Summers, they wouldn't pay her what she asked for. But continued to work with Summers on Double Dare (at that time, Family Double Dare). Instead of a permanent replacement, a kid from the audience was picked to be "Co-Host of the Day" for the remainder of the series' run, expanding on the show's audience participation theme. Co-hosts assisted Marc by providing pies and other props for the games and stunts, and also participated in the Wall O'Stuff by operating the lottery by which audience members earned participation. When this outlived its usefulness (the kids were often very shy), a
named Corey was brought on stage to hand Summers props and supply primate-related jokes through voiceover acting.
Reruns aired on Nickelodeon from , and on Nick GAS from . After cancellation, Nickelodeon decided to go back and redub the ending theme on most of the 1991 episodes with the 1993 one, and add parting gift prizes that never existed before. Only a handful of 1991 episodes retained the original ending theme.
The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows: 1946-present, by Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh
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