
OALib Journal期刊
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基于统计降尺度模型预测鄱阳湖流域未来极值降水变化趋势Projected Changes of Extreme Precipitation Characteristics for the Poyang Lake Basin Based on Statistical Downscaling Model
DOI: , PP. 511-521
Keywords: 气候变化,CMIP5,统计降尺度,极值降水,预测分析,鄱阳湖流域Climate Change,,,,,
本文以鄱阳湖流域为研究对象,研究变化环境下极端气候事件的时空分布及演变规律。利用流域内13个代表站点年的逐日降水量资料,选用BCC-CSM1.1全球气候模式和三种(高、中、低)温室气体典型浓度路径排放情景,并与SDSM统计降尺度模型耦合,分析预测未来极值降水量级、强度和持续性指标的变化趋势。得出以下主要结论:进行偏差校正后的SDSM统计降尺度模型可应用于未来极值降水指标的计算;鄱阳湖流域未来极值降水量级、强度和持续性主要呈增加趋势;流域有降水集中化的趋势,这对于流域防洪较为不利,且未来可能面临较大的“旱涝急转”的风险。As climate change will certainly result in strong response from extreme climatic events, investi-gating the spatio-temporal distribution and evolution laws of extreme climatic events is of great importance. Based on the daily precipitation from 1961 to 2005 from thirteen meteorological sta-tions within the Poyang Lake basin, daily precipitation for future period of
is simulated using the SDSM statistical downscaling model. Coupling a BCC-CSM1.1 GCM with three representa-tive concentration pathways (RCPs), the changing characteristics of magnitude, intensity and per-sistence of extreme precipitation are studied by means of several extreme precipitation indices. A bias correction procedure should be applied to the SDSM simulated historical precipitation before it can be used to simulate future precipitation. The extreme precipitation magnitude and intensity, as well as the persistence all show significantly increasing trends. Upgrading flood mitigation dif-ficulties due to a concentration tendency of precipitation, as well as the increasing potential of abrupt alternation between flood and drought will threaten the water resources security of the Poyang Lake basin.
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[责任编辑:5月来长江中下游降水偏多三成 鄱阳湖水体面积超98年|鄱阳湖|面积|水体_天气预报_新浪网
5月来长江中下游降水偏多三成 鄱阳湖水体面积超98年
  国家气候中心消息 5月1日至6月16日,长江中下游6省1市(苏浙沪皖湘赣鄂)平均降水量335.8毫米,较常年同期偏多30%,为1961年以来历史同期第三多,超过1998年同期。与常年同期相比,江淮东部、江南中东部、华南西北部以及贵州南部、重庆南部、四川南部、云南西北部等地降水量偏多两成至1倍。十大流域平均降水量均较常年同期偏多,其中辽河流域偏多71.2%、松花江流域偏多56.3%,东南诸河、长江流域偏多2~3成。
地形地貌 鄱阳湖及周边经济区地貌类型复杂多样,由丘陵岗地、平原、水道、洲滩、岛屿、内湖、汉港组成.其地势有规律地由湖盆向湖滨、冲积平原、阶地、岗地、低丘、高丘变化,逐步过渡到低山和中低山等地降水.鄱阳湖及周边经济区总体雨量丰沛,年降水量最小值为653.0 rain,最大值为3 034.8 mrfl,多年平均值为1 500 n1ITl左右.除庐山高山站外(年降水量高达1 968 mid),全区年降水量多年平均为1 421~1 822 mrfl,降水在正常年份基本能满足农作物生长发育需要.年内降水分配极不均匀,6月约占全年的48%,6月最大,占全年的17%,12月最小,只占3%.长江以南及鄱阳湖北岸为江西少雨区,年平均降水量1 150~1 400 mrfl.水稻生态适宜区域,棉花生态适宜区域 .油菜生态适宜区域.


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