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听懂BBC world service需要多大的词汇量?_英语吧_百度贴吧
听懂BBC world service需要多大的词汇量?收藏
我指的是词汇量,不是语法以及发音。现在能听懂个大概,知道大概讲些什么。但问题在于有些词根本不懂所以很难理解一句话的主意,只能零零碎碎的知道意思 。我的学习目的是很清楚的理解词,句,段的意思所以我打算从词汇上下手!
问题在于BBC的词汇量是多少?我敢肯定不是去学specialized vocabulary 因为毕竟是public radio station.
楼主的这个问题,很难回答啊。取决于楼主所听的节目不同,词汇量并不是一个很有意义的指标。也许楼主可以听懂新闻节目了,但是遇到类似于Science in Action这样的节目,里面使用的词汇是迥异于新闻的,楼主还是会遇到问题。
|||||||┃┃   ━   ┃┃ ┳┛ ┗┳ ┃ 围观是一种态度┃       ┃┃   ┻   ┃┃       ┃ 围观就是为了提高知名度┗━┓   ┏━┛  ┃   ┃   ┃   ┃    ┃   ┃     ┃   ┃  ┃   ┗━━━┓  ┃经验与我同在┣┓  ┃围观专用宠物┃  ┗┓┓┏━┳┓┏┛  ┃┫┫ ┃┫┫一 ┗┻┛ ┗┻┛   直    想     为      楼       主        留         一          次         霸        气       的      十     五    字   !你有没有见过这么好的十五个字呢?楼主纯爷们,铁血真汉子.一岁能杀鸡,三岁造飞机。  五岁开坦克,六岁穿铁衣。四境百里传楼主,人人闻风而丧胆。  若问汉子谁能敌?个个摆手面色惊!  十岁练武打,十二会做法。十五懂发电,眨眼数百瓦。  浑身肌肉展雄姿,意气风发震四海。  若问楼主多强壮?伸直双臂过火车! 十九练竞速,追随火箭跑。二十进男足,断子绝孙脚。    若问爷们力多大?一呼一吸龙卷风!  三十学瞳术,虐杀写轮眼。四十喜背书,大英图书馆。  楼主挥手造宇宙,万物俯首拜英雄。  若问法力有多大?耶稣如来避三分!  五十统尘世,六十管三界。七旬一咬牙,天崩而地裂。  力量无边觉寂寞,自感无趣退江湖。  楼主从此成神话,千古佳话百世传  神州回望花成堆,山顶千菊次第开.一爆菊花妃子笑,无人知是楼主来。 日狼日虎日豹子,开着飞机日燕子。 上日天下日地,趴到地上日蚂蚁。 日蟑螂,考蚂蜂,钻进洞里操长虫。 门板日个洞,平地日成坑。想以前,一夜八炮不用歇,今日尿尿用手捏。 想当年,豪情壮,随便顶风尿三丈。 现如今,中了邪,顺风使劲尿一鞋 我知道在一个没有人的角落 楼主一边紧盯着屏幕 一边用颤抖的小手按着刷新一遍一遍零回复!又是零回复吗?楼主内心涌现出一种失望 眼神中透露着凄凉是的,楼主,我理解你,这种冷落的感觉在贴吧这个地方太常见了在这里该火的贴不会火,骗回复的帖子却永远被回复着。楼主的无奈我很懂,所以我来了,带来了经验,带来了人气,带来了零点几秒的首页显示。而我问楼主讨要的,仅仅是一层楼而已 是的,不用谢我,但请记住我
听不懂……      ——专业水贴小尾巴,不到十五非好汉!欧耶✌!
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Hello, I'm Mary Marshall with the BBC news.
Syrian opposition groups have agreed a commoon approach towards peace talks with the
which is expected to be held next month. A framework document signed at the end of two-day meeting in Saudi Arabia drops a previous demand that president Bashar al-Assad leave office before any negotiations. The opposition said Bashar al-Assad must step down when a transitional
is ed. A US state department spokesman John Kirby welcomed the
as a critical first step towards negotiations on Syria. There is still more work to do bewteen now, the conclusion of today's meeting. And sometime in early January,when we hope this political negotiation can continue. For instance, one big thing is to pick a negotiating team.
A Senior US treasury official has said Islamic State s have looted up to a billion dollars from banks in
held by the group in Iraq and Syria. Adam Szubin told the BBC how the Hardists acquired the cash. As they rigged through in s of their initial
and took over cities like Mosul, there were banks standing there, that banks have cash in their vault of course, I saw them obtained control over those bank vault. The good news is that once that money is spent, it is not renewable. Mr Szubin said IS made a further 500 million dollars from oil sales. He said the costomers included
of president Bashar al-Assad which is fighting to . US official said the s' finance chief known as Abu Salah has been killed.
The French
minister Laurent Fabius has submitted a new drafted
at the climate change talks in Paris as delegates continue negotiations for the second night running. Here is Roger Harrabin. Mr.Fabius has been saying from the start but it is expected to close matters at five o'clock this evening, so people could get home for the weekend. That is looking an increasingly for long hope. Things had been going well but the revised negotiating text has clarified deep divisions over what countries expect each other. Vulnerable nations want
and money. Rich nations want to clear date for ending carbon emissions and for emerging economies to make more .
group Anmesty International has d Saudi Arabia and its allies of delibately attacking schools in Yemen. It says since the Saudi led
began conducting airs in March, more than a thousand schools have been put out of action. And it calls on US and Britain to suspend arm sales to Saudi Arabia.
A US army sergeant who was held captive by the Taliban for nearly five years after walking away from his
base in Afghanistan has spoken ly about his decision for the first time. Bowe Bergdahl said he was trying to draw attention to bad leadership within his unit. World news from BBC.
The Vatican has told Roman Catholics they should not try to convert Jews in a further departure from the historical tradition of antipathy towards Judaism. It conincides with the 50th
of a Vatican statement repudiating the doctrine that Jews born collective guilt for the death of Jesus. Brownie Mccanthy reports. Although not a formal change to Catholic doctrine, this new document stressed unique relationship of the two faiths and called on Christians to consider Jews as their elder brothers. Written by the Vatican's commission for regilous relations, it said Jews could attain salvation without accepting divinity of Jesus Christ.
Russia has led a revolt against proposals to introduce a worldwide annual view of whether countries that signed up to the Geneva conventions on the rules of war are abiding by them. The move was blocked at a meeting of the international committee of Red Cross in Geneva. Most international treaties have a review process the Geneva Conventions do not, encouraging respect is done through confidential discussions between the international committee Red Cross and warring parties. The ICRC itself isn't sure that is working.It has warned the conventions are being violated on a regular and brutal scale. ICRC president spent most of the night lobbying the countries in the hope they would agree to a more formal review. The move to reject the proposal came from Russia but it received world support.
The American firm SpaceX is lauching its first mission next week since an unmanned rocket carrying supplies to the international space station exploded in June. A spokesman said upgraded version of the Falcon 9 rocket would carry commerical communication satellites.
BBC world service news.
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爱思英语学习网是公益类学习网站,所有资料仅供学习者免费参考使用。我这里有个bbc world service的听力,但是没有文本,
bbc world service 的听力基本上是没有文本的,你这个是作业吗? 我最近也比较忙,整理这个文本很麻烦,你要不先把音频发我邮箱吧..我先试下,如果我听着还可以,就帮你弄下.
1、你现在的水平听雅思听力应该还可以的 2、BBC都是英式英语,对听力当然5、你上瘾了更好,有时间你就一直听吧,呵呵。 希望能帮到你~预祝你考个


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