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For example : design drawings, models and explanatory diagram, we can see that there are various internal CCTV new building sites. able to host a variety of activities. In addition to the office area and traveling outside the region, restaurant and entertainment club everything, and even a small hospital. "From the structure and construction procedures, it is an extremely complex architecture. "When the new buildings built, it operating 250 channels now operating only 16 CCTV channels. In addition to accommodate 1 million employees, the new floor, greeting thousands of daily visits were. Sometimes, the aesthetic effect will be mistaken for actual needs. For example, cctv shape onto the glass walls of a building might seem to be getting more lighting. Indoor lighting is not required to actually make such a great area, it is a modern aesthetic needs. Instead, the glass is not only trying to excessive shading, air conditioning energy consumption will increase. Another example is the high-tech work, those planes seemed to be enough on the surface structure and equipment needs. art is to express some advocates, in order to increase levels of space, has nothing to do with the structure of equipment needs. CCTV really have to shape the new building familiar to the Chinese people, but the design space, function and thinking, concept has been very little attention, the exhibition designer, Donghuamen locations in the gallery next to the farmhouse Court, The Forbidden City in Beijing closer to the center, so that we can create a new and the old, the dialogue with the West. CCTV Tower, a designer of specialized graphs display in the window is still on the drawing plans of the Forbidden City. This audience will find two buildings functional similarity. They are both based on the use to design and integration. Undoubtedly, the center of the Forbidden City in Beijing and symbols are traditional symbols. Meanwhile, a new center of Beijing. In the new center has more symbolic of the new building. CCTV is living. Since the last contact with a high TOK knowledge, We found out that among the many things to learn life and work have a multifaceted relationship. This is the philosophy of architect or architects to work on the philosophy of being a little analysis. In short, there is a general discussion of contemporary architects or flaunt philosophy hobbies, This is the spirit of contemporary architectural aesthetics as an important feature. From the cultural perspective, it has become profoundly construction, buildi From the aesthetic point of view -- in a sense, it has become too abstract or esoteric and the Building.
11:41 回复&&219.232.62.* 2楼天上掉馅饼啦!为人民服务不留名的好青年出现啦!!!&&For example : design drawings, models and explanatory diagram, we can see that there are various internal CCTV new building sites. able to host a variety of activities. In addition to the office area and traveling outside the region, restaurant and entertainment club everything, and even a small hospital. "From the structure and construction procedures, it is an extremely complex architecture. "When the new buildings built, it operating 250 channels now operating only 16 CCTV channels. In addition to accommodate 1 million employees, the new floor, greeting thousands of daily visits were. Sometimes, the aesthetic effect will be mistaken for actual needs. For example, cctv shape onto the glass walls of a building might seem to be getting more lighting. Indoor lighting is not required to actually make such a great area, it is a modern aesthetic needs. Instead, the glass is not only trying to excessive shading, air conditioning energy consumption will increase. Another example is the high-tech work, those planes seemed to be enough on the surface structure and equipment needs. art is to express some advocates, in order to increase levels of space, has nothing to do with the structure of equipment needs. CCTV really have to shape the new building familiar to the Chinese people, but the design space, function and thinking, concept has been very little attention, the exhibition designer, Donghuamen locations in the gallery next to the farmhouse Court, The Forbidden City in Beijing closer to the center, so that we can create a new and the old, the dialogue with the West. CCTV Tower, a designer of specialized graphs display in the window is still on the drawing plans of the Forbidden City. This audience will find two buildings functional similarity. They are both based on the use to design and integration. Undoubtedly, the center of the Forbidden City in Beijing and symbols are traditional symbols. Meanwhile, a new center of Beijing. In the new center has more symbolic of the new building. CCTV is one of the new floor. CCTV new building is due to the combination of cultures produced a building that is Western, or is global and local dialogue. Only your view, we have been living. Since the last contact with a high TOK knowledge, We found out that among the many things to learn life and work have a multifaceted relationship. This is the philosophy of architect or architects to work on the philosophy of being a little analysis. In short, there is a general discussion of contemporary architects or flaunt philosophy hobbies, This is the spirit of contemporary architectural aesthetics as an important feature. From the cultural perspective, it has become profoundly construction, buildi From the aesthetic point of view -- in a sense, it has become too abstract or esoteric and the Building.
15:16 回复&&218.247.196.* 3楼wawawa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!真的真得谢谢你!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!祝你merry christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:57 回复&&125.76.169.* 4楼他用的翻译软件,汗啊,句子都不通 有偿翻译,联系QQ:
17:52 回复&&221.123.131.* 5楼我叫.......
19:53 回复&&58.58.178.* 7楼个人专业英语翻译,专业保证!&&&&&&&qq:10392736&&&&&&&非诚勿扰!
11:02 回复&& 9 0位粉丝
8楼For example : design drawings, models and explanatory diagram, we can see that there are various internal CCTV new building sites. able to host a variety of activities. In addition to the office area and traveling outside the region, restaurant and entertainment club everything, and even a small hospital. "From the structure and construction procedures, it is an extremely complex architecture. "When the new buildings built, it operating 250 channels now operating only 16 CCTV channels. In addition to accommodate 1 million employees, the new floor, greeting thousands of daily visits were. Sometimes, the aesthetic effect will be mistaken for actual needs. For example, cctv shape onto the glass walls of a building might seem to be getting more lighting. Indoor lighting is not required to actually make such a great area, it is a modern aesthetic needs. Instead, the glass is not only trying to excessive shading, air conditioning energy consumption will increase. Another example is the high-tech work, those planes seemed to be enough on the surface structure and equipment needs. art is to express some advocates, in order to increase levels of space, has nothing to do with the structure of equipment needs. CCTV really have to shape the new building familiar to the Chinese people, but the design space, function and thinking, concept has been very little attention, the exhibition designer, Donghuamen locations in the gallery next to the farmhouse Court, The Forbidden City in Beijing closer to the center, so that we can create a new and the old, the dialogue with the West. CCTV Tower, a designer of specialized graphs display in the window is still on the drawing plans of the Forbidden City. This audience will find two buildings functional similarity. They are both based on the use to design and integration. Undoubtedly, the center of the Forbidden City in Beijing and symbols are traditional symbols. Meanwhile, a new center of Beijing. In the new center has more symbolic of the new building. CCTV is living. Since the last contact with a high TOK knowledge, We found out that among the many things to learn life and work have a multifaceted relationship. This is the philosophy of architect or architects to work on the philosophy of being a little analysis. In short, there is a general discussion of contemporary architects or flaunt philosophy hobbies, This is the spirit of contemporary architectural aesthetics as an important feature. From the cultural perspective, it has become profoundly construction, buildi From the aesthetic point of view -- in a sense, it has become too abstract or esoteric and the Building.
For example : design drawings, models and explanatory diagram, we can see that there are various internal CCTV new building sites. able to host a variety of activities. In addition to the office area and traveling outside the region, restaurant and entertainment club everything, and even a small hospital. "From the structure and construction procedures, it is an extremely complex architecture. "When the new buildings built, it operating 250 channels now operating only 16 CCTV channels. In addition to accommodate 1 million employees, the new floor, greeting thousands of daily visits were. Sometimes, the aesthetic effect will be mistaken for actual needs. For example, cctv shape onto the glass walls of a building might seem to be getting more lighting. Indoor lighting is not required to actually make such a great area, it is a modern aesthetic needs. Instead, the glass is not only trying to excessive shading, air conditioning energy consumption will increase. Another example is the high-tech work, those planes seemed to be enough on the surface structure and equipment needs. art is to express some advocates, in order to increase levels of space, has nothing to do with the structure of equipment needs. CCTV really have to shape the new building familiar to the Chinese people, but the design space, function and thinking, concept has been very little attention, the exhibition designer, Donghuamen locations in the gallery next to the farmhouse Court, The Forbidden City in Beijing closer to the center, so that we can create a new and the old, the dialogue with the West. CCTV Tower, a designer of specialized graphs display in the window is still on the drawing plans of the Forbidden City. This audience will find two buildings functional similarity. They are both based on the use to design and integration. Undoubtedly, the center of the Forbidden City in Beijing and symbols are traditional symbols. Meanwhile, a new center of Beijing. In the new center has more symbolic of the new building. CCTV is one of the new floor. CCTV new building is due to the combination of cultures produced a building that is Western, or is global and local dialogue. Only your view, we have been living. Since the last contact with a high TOK knowledge, We found out that among the many things to learn life and work have a multifaceted relationship. This is the philosophy of architect or architects to work on the philosophy of being a little analysis. In short, there is a general discussion of contemporary architects or flaunt philosophy hobbies, This is the spirit of contemporary architectural aesthetics as an important feature. From the cultural perspective, it has become profoundly construction, buildi From the aesthetic point of view -- in a sense, it has become too abstract or esoteric and the Building.
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帮我将下面这句话翻译成英文 谢谢,急急急
每年都有成千上万的国内外游客慕名而来。在丝绸之路的中国段 ,但其沿途美妙的风景、丰富的地方文化也使其成为世界上最引人入胜的旅游目的地之一丝绸之路是指连接亚欧大陆的一条古代商业贸易路线,所以欧亚的学者便将此道称作“丝绸之路”。现如今,虽然丝绸之路的最初意义已不复存在, 因为中国的丝绸最初正是沿着这条路进入到西方国家
Now. China section of the Silk Rs silk is the first along the road to the western countriesThe silk road is connected to the Eurasian continent an, so the Eurasian scholarscall it the silk road&quot, becauseChina&#39, although the original meaning of the silk road has ceased to exist, but the beautiful scenery along the way, thereare tens of thousands of domestic and foreign tourists come every year, the rich local culture has become one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world
来源:|人气:864 ℃|类别:|时间: 00:58:42
我出生于一个中层家庭。我的英文名字叫Jack,今年19岁,我是一个聪明开朗的男孩。生活在一个十分幸福的三口之家,家里有爸爸、妈妈和我。爸爸是一名十分出色教师,有很多的学生很敬佩他,当然也包括我。妈妈是一名十分朴素的医生,她有一个十分好听的称号“白衣天使”。而我则是一名学计算机的大专学生。我的家乡在一个美丽的小乡村。那里有山有水,有绿油油、金灿灿庄稼,还有一群善良、勤劳的人。春天,暖暖的春风吹拂这地面,花儿都从地下伸出来,小鸟在树枝上歌唱;夏天,火辣辣的太阳照射着大地,照在身上暖洋洋的;秋天,是收获的季节,丰硕的果实让人看了都嘴馋;冬天,雪花缓缓飘落,仿佛把大地披上了一件银白色的铠甲。偶然回首,突然发现以前的我竟然如此,依稀的印象,我以前喜欢一个人静静地坐在座位上看书,不管旁边如何吵闹并不影响我。在班里,我不大喜欢和别人说话,只有书才是我最好的朋友。初中的我是个只喜欢书的人,没有多少朋友。而现在的我,很快乐,我懂得了朋友之间的友谊比书做我的朋友更加可贵。只有朋友才是永恒的。我很喜欢玩电脑和上网,上网不仅可以丰富自己的见识还可以交许多的朋友。不过,现在我上网除了看一些信息和聊天,还通过电脑做一些作业。比如说用Flash、Potoshop等软件。做出来的东西十分漂亮、精美,我也很喜欢自己的成果。这就是我,一个独一无二的我。I am born in an intermediate deck family. My English name is called Jack, this year 19 years old, I am an intelligent open and bright boy. The life in a very happy three-person family, in the family has daddy, mother and I. Daddy is a very outstanding teacher, has many students to admire him very much, certainly also includes me. Mother is a very simple doctor, she has a very pleasant to hear title “the nurse”. But I am a study computer&s technical college student. My hometown in a beautiful small village. There has Shan Youshui, has, the shining crops green and glossily, but also has a crowd nicely, the industrious person. Spring, the warm spring breeze sways this ground, the flower from underground extends, the bird In the summer, burning sun shine earth, ac Autumn, is the harvest season, the plentiful fruit let the In the winter, the snowflake falls gently slowly, has put on as if the earth a silver-white color armor. Accidentally looks back, discovered suddenly beforehand I unexpectedly so, vaguely impression, I before likes a person calmly sitting on the seat reads, no matter how side noisy to affect me. In the class, I like not greatly with others speech, only then the book is I best friend. Junior middle school&s I am a human who only likes the book, does not have how many friends. But present&s I, am very joyful, I understood between friend&s friendship to be the friend of mine the book to be more valuable. Only the friend is eternal. I like playing the computer and the surfer very much, the surfer not only may enrich my experience also to be possible to make many friends. However, I access the net except to look that now some information and chat, but also makes some works through the computer. For example uses softwares and so on Flash, Potoshop. Does the thing is very attractive, finely, I also very much like my achievement. This is I, unique I.
ChingKingI am born in an intermediate deck family. My English name is called Jack, this year 19 years old, I am an intelligent open and bright boy. The life in a very happy three-person family, in the family has daddy, mother and I. Daddy is a very outstanding teacher, has many students to admire him very much, certainly also includes me. Mother is a very simple doctor, she has a very pleasant to hear title “the nurse”. But I am a study computer's technical college student. My hometown in a beautiful small village. There has Shan Youshui, has, the shining crops green and glossily, but also has a crowd nicely, the industrious person. Spring, the warm spring breeze sways this ground, the flower from underground extends, the bird In the summer, burning sun shine earth, ac Autumn, is the harvest season, the plentiful fruit let the In the winter, the snowflake falls gently slowly, has put on as if the earth a silver-white color armor. Accidentally looks back, discovered suddenly beforehand I unexpectedly so, vaguely impression, I before likes a person calmly sitting on the seat reads, no matter how side noisy to affect me. In the class, I like not greatly with others speech, only then the book is I best friend. Junior middle school's I am a human who only likes the book, does not have how many friends. But present's I, am very joyful, I understood between friend's friendship to be the friend of mine the book to be more valuable. Only the friend is eternal. I like playing the computer and the surfer very much, the surfer not only may enrich my experience also to be possible to make many friends. However, I access the net except to look that now some information and chat, but also makes some works through the computer. For example uses softwares and so on Flash, Potoshop. Does the thing is very attractive, finely, I also very much like my achievement. This is one, unique one.was born in a middle class family. My English name is Jack, 19-year-old, I was an intelligent and pleasant boy. To live in a very happy family of three at home with Dad, Mom and me. Dad was a very good teacher, there are many students admire him, of course, including me. Mom is a very simple doctor, she has a very pleasant sounding title of "angels in white." But I was a computer science university students. My hometown in a beautiful little village. Where there are mountains and water, green, golden crop, there is a group of good, hard-working people. Spring, the warm spring breeze blowing it on the ground, the flowers are sticking out from the ground, birds sin summer sun burning the earth, accord autumn is the harvest season, rich seen the fruits
winter, the snow falling slowly, as if the earth were covered with a silvery white suit of armor. Occasional look back, I suddenly discovered that the former is so faint impression, I used to love a man quietly seated reading, regardless of how the noise does not affect my side. In class, I do not like to talk with others, only the book is my best friend. Junior high school I was just like the book people, not many friends. But right now I am very happy, I know a friend, the friendship between my friend to do more than the book even more valuable. Only a friend is eternal. I like playing computer and the Internet, the Internet can not only enrich their own insights can also pay a lot of friends. However, I now online and chat in addition to some information, but also through the computer to do some work. For example, using Flash, Potoshop software such as. Made out of something very beautiful, beautiful, and I like their results. This is what I, a unique I am.
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