
Methylene: A study of the X-tilde 3B1 and a-tilde 1A1 states by photoelectron sp
Title:Methylene: A study of the X-tilde 3B1 and a-tilde 1A1 states by photoelectron spectroscopy of CH - 2 and CD - 2
Authors:; ; ;
Affiliation:AA(Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado and Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado and National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado 80309), AB(Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado and Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado and National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado 80309), AC(Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado and Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado and National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado 80309), AD(Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado and Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado and National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado 80309)
Publication:The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 83, Issue 10, November 15, 1985, pp.
Publication Date:11/1985
Abstract Copyright:1985: American Institute of Physics
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Photoelectron spectra are reported for the CH2(X~
(X~ 2B1) and CH2(?
(X~ 2B1) transitions of the methylene and
perdeuterated methylene anions, using a new flowing afterglow
photoelectron spectrometer with improved energy resolution (11 meV).
Rotational relaxation of the ions to ~300 K and partial
vibrational relaxation to &1000 K in the flowing afterglow negative
ion source reveal richly structured photoelectron spectra. Detailed
rotational band contour analyses yield an electron affinity of
0.652±0.006 eV and a singlet-triplet splitting of
9.00±0.09 kcal/mol for CH2. (See also the following
paper by Bunker and Sears.) For CD2, results give an electron
affinity of 0.645±0.006 eV and a singlet-triplet splitting of
8.98±0.09 kcal/mol. Deuterium shifts suggest a zero point
vibrational contribution of 0.27±0.40 kcal/mol to the observed
singlet-triplet splitting, implying a Te value of
8.7±0.5 kcal/mol. Vibrational and partially resolved rotational
structure is observed up to ~9000 cm-1 above
the zero point vibrational level of the 3B1
states, revealing a previously unexplored region of the quasilinear
potential surface of triplet methylene. Approximately 20 new
vibration-rotation energy levels for CH2 and CD2
are measured to a precision of ~30 cm-1 in
the v2=2-7 region (bent molecule numbering). Bending
vibrational frequencies in the methylene anions are determined to be
1230±30 cm-1 for CH- and
940±30 cm-1 for CD-2,
and the ion equilibrium geometries are bracketed. The measured electron
affinity also provides values for the bond strength and heat of
formation of CH-2, and the gas phase acidity of
CH3. A detailed description of the new flowing afterglow
photoelectron spectrometer is given.
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