How does the apparent porosityfrequency of waves change as a wave source moves?

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due to the motion of the source
Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due to the motion of the source?
Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due to the motion of the source?
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No. The Doppler effect is about a change of frequency, not about a change of speed. The relative speed may change as well, but that's not what the Doppler effect is about.
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Well in reality in depends on how close the source is. But as question stands: no. The Doppler effect is most appreciable when the source moves toward or away from you.
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You hear the high pitch of the warning of the approaching ambulance and become aware of that its terrain drops swiftly as the ambulance overtakes you. That is called the Doppl&er Effect. Simply, Doppler Effect or Doppler shift is amend in occurrence of wield for a spectator poignant comparative to its spring. It is named subsequent to the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler, in 1842. It is regularly perceived sound when automobile sounding warning approaches, passes, and move away from an eyewitness. Compared to the dischargeted occurrence, the received occurrence is advanced for the duration of the approach, indistinguishable at the instantaneous of passing by and subordinates for the period of the downturn.
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The wavelength of waves travelling with the same speed would  decrease if the frequency of the waves increases. This is because,  speed of a wave is the product of the dista&nce of the wavelength  times the frequency of the wave. 
 The velocity of a wave is usually constant in a given medium.
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No. The Doppler effect is an apparent change in frequency, due to movement, away from towards the observer.
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The Doppler effect is most noticed when it comes to three types of  waves. They are water waves, sound waves and light waves.
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VROOOOOOOMMMM! The change in pitch when a car speeds by, first higher (when approaching) then lower (when receding).
The Doppler effect is the term we give to the apparent ch&ange in frequency of waves (often light or sound waves) as the distance between the source and the observer changes. If either the source or the observer of a wave is moving so that the effect is that they are getting farther apart or closer together, the Doppler effect will appear. Let's look more closely.
If the distance between the observer and the source of a wave is decreasing because they are closing in on each other, something happens. The wave, which is normally characterized by a given frequency and an associated wavelength, will appear to increase in frequency (and decrease in wavelength). Let's get even closer and break it down a bit to see what happens.
When a wave reaches at an observer, it has a given wavelength. If there is no change in the distance between that observer and the source that wavelength remains constant. But if the distance of separation is decreasing (say if the sensor - observer - moves towards the source 8motion is relative so it does not matter which of the source or sensor moves relative to any frame of reference), as the crests and troughs of the wave arrive the observer will be (apparently) "running towards the next peak or trough" of the wave. This makes the wave appear to have a shorter wavelength. The observer is "running to intercept" the oncoming wave and the next crest or trough will "arrive sooner" because of the relative motion. This gives the effect of a change of frequency of the wave, and it makes it appear higher in frequency (with an accompanying shorter wavelength).
If there is no change in distance between the source and the observer, the wave has a given wavelength. When a crest of the wave arrives at the observer's position, it takes "x" amount of time for the next crest to arrive. That's the period of the wave, or the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to occur. If the source and/or observer are/is moving relative to one another and the distance is closing, the "next crest" will "arrive sooner" and the period of the wave is effectively reduced. A shorter period of a wave equates to a higher frequency and a shorter wavelength. As the distance between the observer and the source opens, the opposite effect can be seen. Doppler effect isn't too tough to get a handle on if you work with it and think it through.
If you've ever stood beside a roadway (or railroad track) with a vehicle (or train) coming toward you at speed, it has a given pitch (frequency). As it passes and moves away, the pitch (frequency) goes down. Simple and easy to observe. In astronomy, we note that the colors of stars in very distant galaxies are "wrong" as we observe them, but by "shifting the frequency" to increase it, they take on their "correct" colors. (*We know the "correct" colors due to the obvious pattern of spectral lines which the elements in a star have. The distant galaxies are moving away from us, and the light they emit is lower in frequency as we observe it than it would be if we were not moving apart. That light has been shifted toward the lower end of the optical spectrum, which is toward the red end. This is red shift, or the so-called redshift (one word) you hear about in astrophysics.
Need a link for more information? Look below and you'll find some. When pitch rises as sound approackes then drops as the source passes by example: sirens
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The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a wave because of relative motion between the observer and the source. Let's look more closely.
Given a source &of a wave and an observer a fixed distance from the source, the wave from the source will arrive at the observer crest after crest after crest. And there will be a fixed time between each crest. This is the period of the wave, or the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to occur. (The frequency of a wave is one over the period, and the period of a wave is one over the frequency.) In this scenario, crests will arrive "on schedule" according to the period of the wave. And the frequency of the wave will be observed to be the same as the frequency of the wave generated by the source. Now let's add some relative motion.
If the distance between the source and observer is decreasing, then the observer will be seen to be moving toward the source. And as for the wave, the "next crest" will arrive a bit "sooner" because the observer is "moving to meet" that next crest. The time until the next crest arrives will be shorter for the observer under these circumstances because of the relative motion. The observed wave now has a shorter period, at least according to the observer. That means the frequency of the observed wave is higher because the period is shorter. The source still generates the wave at the original frequency, but the observer sees a wave of higher frequency. If the distance between the source and observer is increasing, the opposite is true.
If an observer is watching, say, a Formula 1 race, Doppler effect will change what is heard from the original sound made by the F1 car. If the observer is in the middle of the straightaway, as the cars come at him, the sound will be higher in frequency, or higher in pitch. The pitch will drop as the car goes by, and the pitch will drop even more after it has passed and is retreating. The frequency had gone up as the vehicle closed, had been about "normal" or of a pitch that was the same as was generated as the car passed, and was of a lower pitch as it continued moving away from the observer. Doppler effect has changed the sound of the car for the observer, though the sound the car originally made has not changed. Use the links for more information.
The Doppler effect is the term we give to the apparent change in frequency of light or sound waves as the distance between the source and the observer changes. If either the source or the observer of a wave is moving so that the effect is that they are getting farther apart or closer together, the Doppler effect will appear. Let's look more closely.
If the distance between the observer and the source of a wave is decreasing because they are closing on each other, something happens. The wave, which is normally characterized by a given frequency and an associated wavelength, will appear to increase in frequency (and decrease in wavelength). Let's get even closer and break it down a bit to see what happens.
If a wave is arriving at an observer, it has a given wavelength if there is no change in the distance between that observer and the source. But if the distance of separation is decreasing as the crests and troughs of the wave arrive, the observer will be "running to the next peak or trough" of the wave. This makes the wave appear to have a shorter wavelength. The observer is "running to intercept" the oncoming wave and the next crest or trough will "arrive sooner" because of the relative motion. This gives the effect of a change of frequency of the wave, and it makes it appear higher in frequency (with an accompanying shorter wavelength). Let's look at it another way.
If there is no change in distance between the source and the observer, the wave has a given wavelength. When the crest of the wave arrives at the observer's position, it takes "x" amount of time for the next crest to arrive. That's the period of the wave, or the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to occur. If the source and/or observer are/is moving relative to one another and the distance is closing, the "next crest" will "arrive sooner" and the period of the wave is effectively reduced. A shorter period of a wave equates to a higher frequency and a shorter wavelength. As the distance between the observer and the source opens, the opposite effect can be seen. Doppler effect isn't too tough to get a handle on if you work with it and think it through.
If you've ever stood beside a roadway (or railroad track) with a vehicle (or train) coming toward you at speed, it has a given pitch (frequency) to the sound it is making. As it passes and moves away, the pitch (frequency) goes down. Simple and easy to observe.
In astronomy, we note that the colors of stars in very distant galaxies are "wrong" as we observe them, but by "shifting the frequency" to increase it, they take on their "correct" colors. The distant galaxies are moving away from us, and the light they emit is lower in frequency as we observe it than it would be if we were not moving apart. That light has been shifted toward the lower end of the optical spectrum, which is toward the red end. This is red shift, or the so-called redshift (one word) you hear about in astrophysics.
(Strictly speaking this phenomenon is not a Doppler effect. It's more properly called the "cosmological redshift". We think it's caused by the expansion of space itself.)
Need a link for more information? Look below and you'll find some.
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 The Doppler effect can be used with a radar gun. Police can use this device to detect drivers who are traveling above the speed limit. The radar gun emits a radio signal& with a known wavelength. A moving car generates a returning wave whose wavelength is picked us be the radar gun. The size of the difference in the two wavelengths shows how fast the moving vehicle is traveling.
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&>>&&>>&, book edited by Vitaliy Zhurbenko, ISBN 978-953-307-304-0, Published: June 21, 2011 under . & The Author(s).
The Fundamental Physics of Electromagnetic Waves
By Juliana H. J. Mortenson
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Figure 1. Fermat’s resonance curve showing an increase in vibration amplitude when forces are applied at natural resonant frequencies (“v
Figure 2. Graphical representation of resonant amplitude equation (Eq. 2). The resonant frequency “v
” is at the origin, and input frequency of the outside force “v
” varies. As the input frequency approaches the resonant frequency, amplitude approaches infinity.
Figure 3. Comparison of energy level population states under thermal conditions and resonant EM conditions. Upper energy level populations are increased as temperature increases. Absorption of resonant EM waves produces an irregular resonant energy distribution curve. This can result in system behavior equivalent to a “virtual” thermal distribution curve.
Figure 4. a)T b)Resonat system
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Work With UsWave Motion
Wave motion
Photo by: yellowj
Wave motion is a disturbance that moves from place to place in some
medium, carrying energy with it. Probably the most familiar example of
wave motion is the action of water waves. A boat at rest on the ocean
moves up and down as water waves pass beneath it. The waves appear to be
moving toward the shore. But the water particles that make up the wave are
actually moving in a vertical direction. The boat itself does not move
toward the shore or, if it does, it's at a much slower rate than
that of the water waves themselves.
The energy carried by a water wave is obvious to anyone who has watched a
wave hit the shore. Even small waves have enough energy to move bits of
sand. Much larger waves can, of course, tear apart the shore and wash away
Types of wave motion
Two types of waves exist: transverse and longitudinal. A transverse wave
is one that causes the particles of the surrounding medium to vibrate in a
direction at right angles to the direction of the wave. A water wave is an
example of a transverse wave. As water particles move up and down, the
water wave itself appears to move to the right or left.
Words to Know
The maximum displacement (difference between an original position and a
later position) of the material that is vibrating. Amplitude can be
thought of visually as the highest and lowest points of a wave.
A region of space with a higher-than-normal density.
The highest point reached by a wave.
The number of wave crests (or wave troughs) that pass a given point per
unit of time (usually per second).
Longitudinal wave:
A wave that causes the particles of the surrounding medium to vibrate
in the same direction as that in which the wave is moving.
A region of space with a lower-than-normal density.
Transverse wave:
A wave that causes the particles of the surrounding medium to vibrate
in a direction at right angles to the direction of the wave motion.
The lowest point reached by a wave.
The distance between any two adjacent wave crests (wave crests that are
next to each other) or any two adjacent wave troughs in a wave.
A longitudinal wave is one that causes the particles of the surrounding
medium to vibrate in the same direction as that in which the wave is
moving. A sound wave is an example of a longitudinal wave. A
sound wave is produced when the pressure in a medium is suddenly
increased or decreased. That pressure change causes pulses of rarefactions
and condensations to spread out away from the source of the sound. A
rarefaction is a region of space with a lower-than- a
condensation is a region with a higher-than-normal density. The sound wave
travels from one place to another as particles vibrate back and forth in
the medium in the same direction as the sound wave.
Characteristics of a wave
Any wave can be fully characterized by describing three properties:
wavelength, frequency, and amplitude. Like any wave, a water wave appears
to move up and down in a regular pattern. The highest point reached by the
wave is kno the lowest point reached is the wave
trough (pronounced trawf).
The distance between any two adjacent (next to each other) wave crests or
any two adjacent wave troughs is known as the wavelength of the wave. The
wavelength is generally abbreviated with the Greek letter lambda,
. The number of wave crests (or wave troughs) that pass a given point per
unit of time (usually per second) is known as the frequency of the wave.
Frequency is generally represented by the letter f. The highest point
reached by a wave above its average height is known as the amplitude of
the wave. The speed at which a wave moves is the product of its wavelength
and its frequency, or, v =
Two kinds of waves most commonly encountered in science are sound waves
and electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic radiation includes a wide
variety of kinds of energy, including visible light, ultraviolet light,
infrared radiation, X rays, gamma rays, radar, microwaves, and radio
waves. As different as these forms of energy appear to be, they are all
alike in the way in which they are transmitted. They travel as transverse
waves with the same velocity, about 3 × 10
centimeters (1.2 × 10
inches) per second, but with different wavelengths and frequencies.
Properties of waves
Waves have many interesting properties. They can reflect from surfaces and
refract, or change their direction, when they pass from one medium into
another. An example of reflection is the light we observe that bounces off
an object, allowing us to see that object. An example of refraction is the
apparent dislocation of objects when they are placed underwater.
Waves also can interfere, or combine, with each other. For example, two
waves can reach a particular point at just the right time for both
to disturb the medium in the same way. This effect is known as
constructive interference. Similarly, destructive interference occurs when
the disturbances of different waves cancel each other out. Interference
can also lead to standing waves—waves that appear to be stationary.
The medium is still disturbed, but the disturbances are oscillating in
place. Standing waves can occur only within confined regions, such as in
water in a bathtub or on a guitar string that is fixed at both ends.
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