天堂寨作文的英语作文 我是小学生我的能力不是很高 150字左右 答对了加20分哦亲。

【高分】三百词的英语作文一篇,A word has changed the world亲,三百词哦~~ 给高分哦亲~回答好的再给加分哦亲~~
A couple of weeks ago,when I learned the theme of today’s competition,I asked some of my roommates:“What does ‘faith’ mean to you?” Just coming back from a philosophy class,the girls were in a poetic mood:“Faith is what John Lennon had when he wrote the legendary song ‘Imagine’ and dreamed of ‘world peace’”,“Faith is what the Hebrews had when they followed Moses through the Red Sea in search of their freedom.” “And faith is what the pilgrims had when they journeyed to that strange land on Mayflower,and started their pursuit of a new life.”Thanks for the history lesson girls,but I was not asking for a great,historic event where faith might have altered the entire course of humanity.All I asked was “what does faith mean to you,to us,the individuals toiling with life’s hard choices each day?” Personally speaking,faith is like oxygen:I didn’t know how precious it was until I ran the risk of losing it.My heart stirs still every time memory brings me back to three years ago,when the devastating earthquake engulfed our country.As one of the few cities that took the hit the hardest that day,my hometown was suddenly devoured by a black hole of depression.Having forsaken our worldly possessions,my family joined the army of tents every night,holding our breath and
having abandoned the comfort of home,we managed to lift ourselves up,along with neighbors and friends,when each after-shock threatened to tear us down.As a politician once put it,in the face of disaster,we’re reminded that life can be unimaginably cruel,but it’s also in these moments,that we rediscover our common faith in life.Indeed,during those dark hours,faith blazed in the courage of my math teacher Ms.Liu,when she stayed behind in a shaking building until she made sure that the last student
faith radiated from the persistence of my dad when he kept his eyes wide open every single night,so that my mom and I could have a good night’ faith was ignited from the empathy of my next-door neighbor,when she took a stranger that was in shock into her arms and consoled him with her warm embrace.In the end,faith was rekindled in the passion of me and my fellow classmates,who immediately got back to preparing for our College Entrance Examination the very next day,with gritted teeth,and a conviction as steady as a rock.Ladies and gentlemen,this is what faith means to me.It’s the small voice in our ears that says:be strong,be good,and don’t give up whenever we’re frustrated by life.That's why after three years,my friends and family have picked themselves up,dusted themselves off and with tougher spirits,begun again their journey towards a better future.At last,to twist the lyrics of last year’s charity song,I call upon my fellow young friends to chant together with me,in the name of faith,for all those who are still suffering in Haiti,Japan and Myanmar:when I get older,I will be stronger,they’ll call me faith,just like a waving flag.Let us carry above our heads the waving flag called Faith,and let its many inspirations lift us up from where we belong.
A word that has changed the world People believe that the word "love" is the motivation of all desires and commitments on earth. Because the word "love" can mean more than just what the word stands fo...
扫描下载二维码求英语作文Love Is Understanding,150字、如上,采纳的话追分哦亲、
What is love?Love has diversity of meanings in eyes' of different people.For me,love is understanding.When you have different opinions with your friends,you might not argue with them,instead,you can respect their views and try to look at the things from their perspectives.This is understanding,which is rooted in the love.When your mother spoils your holiday due to her illness,you will definitely not blame her.On the opposite,you are willing to take care of her and look after her.This is understanding,which is an expression of love.When you see those poor people suffering in the wars,disease and disasters,you may cry for them and pray for them.This is understanding.Although they are strangers,your love for them is actually flooding.Without understanding each other,love cannot
without understanding,love cannot lighten up the whole world
As a new bride,one woman moved into the small home on her husband's ranch in the mountains.She put a shoebox on a shelf in her closet and asked her husband never to touch it.
For 50 years he lef...
can respect their views and try to look at the things from their perspectives. This is understanding, which is rooted in the love.When your mother spoils your holiday due to her illness, you will...
nor too permissive. He should always show his proper respect to the teacher. A bad relationship, it is important that the teacher and the student understand each other and respect each other. If he is modest, he should always be eager to learn and willing to work hard. Moreover. A good relationship will make learning interesting and teaching enjoyableThe Teacher-Student RelationshipTeacher-student relationship plays an important role in school life. If he is too tough. He should be strict yet friendly, the student may become lazy and careless. The student may find the learning process both fruitful and enjoyable while the teacher may find his teaching satisfactory and pleasant, he should know that what the teacher does is for the benefit of his students. So his attitude should be between the two extremes. The teacher must know that he should be neither too tough, a good teacher student relationship can be mutually beneficial.In one word,可追问,满意请记得采纳. If he is too permissive.【英语牛人团】倾情奉献.To have a good teacher student relationship. As for a student, however, he will learn more than just knowledge from his teacher, the student may be frightened and discouraged, can make learning dull and teaching unpleasant
the more chances for improving teaching levels.师生关系愈好; closer relations between teachers and students.良好的师生关系会使学习成为一种享受。Good relationship between teachers and students can make study a cherishing thing, efforts made together by college,就愈有利于教学水平的提高, the relationship between teachers and students in China can be quite formal.
因此,师生关系相当正式,在中国,着力构建高校和谐师生关系。Therefore相比之下,学校。The better&#47。In contrast、教师和学生三方应共同努力


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