When you hearsay a knock on the door, what will you say?用who is it?回答时为何要用it,门外站的是人啊

找岔子,吹毛求疵,非难,批评, 数落
[C]短促的敲打(声) (sound of) a sharp blow
[C]爆震声 (in an engine) sound of knocking
[C](板球赛的)一局 (in cricket) innings
[C]一件倒霉事或麻烦事 a piece of bad luck or trouble
vt. & vi. 敲,击,打 hit or strike
vt. 批评,数落,非难 say critical or insulting things about sb/sth
knock&:&敲打, 碰撞 ...
knock&:&敲打, 碰撞 ...
knock&:&敲打, 碰撞 ...
knock&:&拍卖时互相 ...
the sound of knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing);
"the knocking grew louder"
negative criticism
"the sudden knock floored him"
"he took a bash right in his face"
"he got a bang on the head"
"the school of hard knocks"
"he gave the table a whack"
deliver a sharp blow or push :
"He knocked the glass clear across the room"
"knock on the door"
knock against wi
"My car bumped into the tree"
make light, repeat
"he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently"
sound like a car engine that
"the car pinged when I put in low-octane gasoline"
"The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded"
point out rea
"The paper criticized the new movie"
"Don't knock the food--it's free"
用作动词 (v.)
Someone is knocking at the door.
One may knock to signal one's presence to others.
He knocked a big hole in the wall.
I am so hurried as to knock into my teacher.
The man is knock down by the bicycle.
She knocked the bottom out of our argument.
用作名词 (n.)
There was a knock at the window.
I heard footsteps, then a knock on the door.
She took a bad knock when her husband died.
When I fall, I get a terrible knock on the head.
用作名词 (n.)
The hard knock made her cry.
She gave three knocks on the window.
He got a nasty knock on the head when he fell.
His amnesia was caused by a knock on the head.
When he heard the knock, he ceased writing.
I heard a knock at the window just now.
I heard a knock, what's matter?
That was a good knock.
用作动词 (v.)
Please knock before entering.
Come in, don't knock.
The engine of our car is knocking badly.
S+~+ n./pron.
The children were knocking the bottom of the box.
The falling branch knocked him on the head.
His rudeness knocked me completely.
Why must you knock your hometown?
The critics knocked his latest play.
He is always knocking his country's foreign policy.
Stop knocking him, he is a good singer really.
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
He knocked me flat with one punch.
She knocked him senseless.
Overtaking drugs nearly knocked the girl paralyzed.
I know it knocks you cold.
用作名词 (n.)
take a knock
蒙受经济或感情上的打击 suffer a financial or an emotional blow
The sales of large cars have taken a knock since the increase in the price of petrol.
He's taken quite a few knocks lately.
The economy of the country has certainly taken a knock this year.
用作动词 (v.)
knock about〔around〕1 (v.+adv.)
漫游; 四处走动 go about to many different places in an aimless manner
knock about〔around〕
He knocked about in Europe when he was young.他年轻时足迹踏遍欧洲。
Someone who's knocked around a lot is more interesting to listen to than someone who has never travelled.听那些走南闯北的人讲话比听那些没出过远门的人讲话更有趣。
He has knocked about quite a bit.他经历过很多漂泊不定的日子。
殴打; 在肉体或精神上虐待; 使遭受艰难困苦 mistreat ph subject to difficulties and hardship
knock sb/sth
They said that her husband used to knock her about but they had never heard her complain.他们说她丈夫曾对她拳打脚踢,但从没听她诉过苦。
He knocked the tiger about fiercely until it lay dead.他挥拳痛击老虎,直到把它打死在地。
用于 be ~ed 结构
She alleged that she had been knocked about by her husband.她宣称她被丈夫用拳头打了。
He was knocked about by the gangsters for preventing them from robbing an old lady.因为阻止流氓抢劫老太太的东西,他被流氓拳打脚踢。
He was often knocked about by the shop owner during his apprenticeship.他在学徒期间,常常遭到店老板的拳打脚踢。
接连打击,毁坏 knock continually, damage especially of furniture, decorations, etc.
I don't like the children playing in this room, for fear they knock the furniture about .我不喜欢孩子们在这间房子里玩,唯恐他们把家具打坏了。
There' let's go into that field and knock a ball about for an hour or so.这里无事可做,咱们去那个场子打一个来钟头的球吧。
用于 be ~ed 结构
That poor old piano has been considerably knocked about in its travels.在搬运途中,那架旧钢琴被损坏得很厉害。
The bike could have lasted longer if it had not been knocked about so much.要不是那样乱丢乱摔,这辆自行车还可以多用些时候。
The crops were badly knocked about by that freak storm.庄稼受到那次反常风暴的严重摧毁。
The ship was badly knocked about by a rough sea.船被巨浪颠簸得很厉害。
存在; 活着 be alive or in existence
knock about
Is the same chairman still knocking about?I thought he had left years ago.这位主席还活着?我还以为他多年前就死了呢。
The idea of world government has been knocking about for some time, but no one seems to take it seriously.建立世界政府的想法已存在很长一段时间了,可现在似乎没有人拿它当回事儿。
There's plenty of money knocking about if you know where to look.金钱有的是——如果你知道上哪儿去找的话。
放着无人理睬 be left unattended or unnoticed
knock about
I found this book knocking about upstairs, is it yours?我发现这本书被丢在楼上,是你的吗?
That book has been out of print for some years now, but there are probably a few copies knocking about in secondhand bookshops.那部书已经绝版几年了,不过旧书店里可能还会有几本。
〈口〉玩; 开车等取乐 use sth such as a vehicle for pleasure
knock about
Jim bought Mary an old car, just for knocking about.吉姆给玛丽买了一辆旧车,就是为了开着玩儿。
knock about〔around〕2 (v.+prep.)
〈口〉漫游,游历,闲走 travel have the experience in a lot of different places or situations
knock about〔around〕 sth
The young man knocked about the world before finding a job after graduation.毕业后,那个年轻人没找工作,先去周游世界了。
He knocked around India when he was young.他年轻时曾去过印度。
They have been knocking about Europe all summer.他们整个夏天在欧洲旅行。
My uncle has been knocking about Africa most of his life.我叔叔大半生都是在游历非洲中度过的。
The old carpenter was knocking about the street, hoping to get enough work to earn a few coppers.老木匠在街头徘徊,希望能找些零星活儿干干,挣几个钱。
He has knocked about the whole country to sell his products.他跑遍整个国家来推销自己的产品。
Those tramp steamers knock about Southeast Asia.那些不定期货船在东南亚一带往来行驶。
We need to knock around the district to find a proper man for the transplantation.我们需要跑遍这个地区找一个合适的人来做器官移植。
毁掉; 击打 hit continually, damage
knock sth about〔around〕 sth
You can get some exercise by knocking a ball about a field with a friend.和一个朋友在场上打打球会使你得到锻炼的。
〈口〉随意放在… lie or remain in a place
knock about sth
No, it's not mine, it's been knocking about the house for years.不,那不是我的,好几年了这本书就扔在屋里没人管。
〈口〉在…猛干 work roughly in a place
knock about sth
I wear these old trousers for knocking about the garden.我穿这条旧裤子是为了在园子里大干一番。
knock about〔around〕 with (v.+adv.+prep.)
和…有联系; 同…混在一起 spend spare time with
knock about〔around〕 with sb
I don't know why you are still knocking about with him who is good-for-nothing.我不知道你为什么还与他混在一起,他简直是个饭桶。
I think she knocks about with that dark-haired chap from down road.我想她和路那头的黑头发小伙子有联系。
They have knocked around with each other for ten years but are still not married.他们在一起有十年了,可还是没结婚。
knock against (v.+prep.)
(使)撞击,击打 beat against
knock against sth
The car knocked against the garage door and damaged it.汽车撞在车库门上,把门撞坏了。
knock sth against sth
I knocked my head against the doorpost and hurt it.我的头撞在门柱上,碰破了。
偶然碰到 meet sb by chance
knock against sb
I knocked against Jim yesterday in the street.昨天我在街上碰到吉姆。
I knocked against some Japanese sailors on the docks this morning.今天早晨,我在码头碰到了几位日本水手。
knock at (v.+prep.)
打,捶,敲 beat on
knock at sth
Listen. There's someone knocking at the door.听!有人在敲门。
Opportunity knocks at the door only once.机不可失,时不再来。
knock away (v.+adv.)
连续敲击 knock continuously or repeatedly, as at a door
knock away
I've been knocking away for ages, but nobody has answered the door.我敲门敲了老半天,但无人答应。
打掉,敲掉 push away with a sharp blow
Moving quickly from behind the criminal, the policeman was able to knock his gun away .警察从罪犯身后扑上去,打掉了他手中的枪。
knock back (v.+adv.)
回敲 knock in reply
knock back
He knocked on the wall and she knocked back.他敲了敲墙壁,她在隔壁应声回敲。
猛饮 drink sth quickly or in great quantities
It was hard liquor, but he knocked it back in a few seconds.那是烈酒,可他几秒钟就喝光了。
He certainly knows how to knock back the whisky!他肯定知道怎样把这些威士忌酒一口喝下去!
She knocked back ten cups of coffee to keep herself from falling asleep.她一下喝了十杯咖啡,使自己不睡着。
〈口〉使花费掉 cost sb an amount of money, especially a large amount
How much did that new watch knock you back?那只新表花费了你多少钱?
使大吃一惊 surprise sb
This kind of news knocks you back a bit, doesn't it?这种消息使你有点儿吃惊,是吗?
The news fairly knocked me back!这消息着实使我吃了一惊。
knock down (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉击倒,撞倒; 击落 strike to the ground with a blow, etc.; shoot down
knock sb/sth
The boxer knocked his opponent down.那位拳击运动员把对手击倒了。
The soldier knocked down the spy with the buttock of his rifle.那战士用枪托打倒间谍。
He almost knocked me down before he saw me.他几乎把我撞倒才看见我。
The anti-aircraft battery knocked down eleven enemy planes in a single day.高炮连在一天中击落了11架敌机。
用于 be ~ed 结构
He was nearly knocked down by a taxi when he was crossing the street the other day.几天前过马路时,他差点被一辆出租车撞倒。
He was knocked down by a car and was rushed to the hospital.他被汽车撞倒,随即被送进医院。
His wife is in hospital after being knocked down by a taxi.他妻子被一辆出租车撞倒后,现已住院。
The child was knocked down by a lorry and the driver ran away.小孩被大卡车撞倒,司机逃跑了。
Some of the telephone poles were knocked down by the surging water.一些电话线杆被汹涌的洪水冲倒。
拆卸 take apart
knock down
The portable device easily knocks down.这种便携装置容易拆卸。
Let's knock down the machine first. It'll save shipping costs.我们先把机器拆开,这样可以节省运输费用。
Why are they knocking down the wall?他们为什么在拆墙?
用于 be ~ed 结构
Many old houses in Beijing are knocked down and tall buildings are being built.北京许多老房子被拆除了,高大的楼房拔地而起。
The whole block will be knocked down to make room for new buildings.整个街区将被拆除,以便空出地方建造新房。
It was a pity that the old theatre had to be knocked down to make way for the widening of the road.真遗憾,为了加宽马路那座老剧院得拆掉。
The machine has to be knocked down first before you move it into the house.搬进屋之前,得先把机器拆下来。
The furniture has been knocked down ready for the buyer to put it together himself.家具已拆卸开,买主自己随时可以重新进行组装。
〈非正〉降价格; 减少 reduce stock
knock sb/sth
The man was asking £5 for the dress, but I knocked it down to £4.50.那件衣服卖主索价五镑,但我砍价后以四点五镑买下了。
The man wanted 120 yuan for his bike, but I managed to knock the price down to 100.那个人的自行车出价要120元,可是我设法把它砍到100元。
The storekeeper decided to knock down his remaining winter stock.店主决定减少剩下的冬令存货。
用于be ~ed结构
The price was knocked down to £3. Perhaps he'll knock the price down a little if the glass is broken.价格降到了三英镑。如果玻璃有破损,那他还要再降点儿。
卖时以击锤表示卖出 indicate the sale of an article at an auction, as by a blow of the auctioneer's hammer
The auctioneer knocked the bureau down to a furniture dealer from York.拍卖者将写字台卖给从约克来的家具商。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The best furniture was knocked down for a low price to the dealer in the second line of seats.最好的家具以低价卖给了坐在第二排的一个商人。
The vase was knocked down to Smith for $25.这只花瓶以25美元拍卖给了史密斯。
The books were knocked down to me for two pounds.我以两英镑的拍卖价将书买走。
〈俚〉挣得,获得 earn or receive a salary or a scholastic grade
How much does he knock down a week?他一星期挣多少钱?
〈俚〉偷,抢 rob
He wanted to knock down a bank.他想抢劫银行。
使降低,使丢脸 lower in degree, humble
She does not want to knock down his self-esteem.她不想压他的傲气。
拒绝 reject
They knocked down the suggestion.他们把这条建议否决了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The suggestion was knocked down.这条建议被否定了。
挥霍 spend money with abandonment
She knocked down forty dollars at a restaurant.她在一家饭馆花掉四十美元。
在燃烧区域边缘控制或减弱火焰或高温 check or abate (flames or heat) at the edge of a blazing area
They cut down some trees to knock down the fire and prevent it from spreading further.他们砍倒了一些树以控制火势,使火不再蔓延开去。
knock in1 (v.+adv.)
〔说明〕 knock in通常不用于进行体。
打进; 撞入 make sth drive sth inwards
With a sense of great pride I knocked the last nail in.
At the last moment, the player was able to knock the ball in and ensure his team's victory.
〈非正〉灌输 try to teach sth by force
Why waste valuable teaching time trying to knock in a list of facts, if the children aren't interested.
knock in2 (v.+prep.)
逗笑 amuse
knock sb in sth
“Is this new man funny, then?”“Funny! The way he tells these jokes will knock them in the aisles!”“那么这个新来的人滑稽吗?”“太滑稽了。他要讲起这些笑话来准能逗得观众捧腹大笑!”
knock into (v.+prep.)
〔说明〕 knock into通常不用于进行体。
打进; 撞进 drive sth into sth else by hitting it
knock sth into sth
Can you knock this nail into the wood?你能把这钉子钉进木头里吗?
It takes more skill than it looks to knock the ball into the hole.要把球打进洞里看起来算不了什么,其实很需要技术。
偶然碰到(某人) meet sb by chance
knock into sb
I knocked into my old teacher in the town this morning.今天上午在镇上,我碰到了那位老教师。
〈非正〉灌输给 teach by force to sb
knock sth into sth
Can't you knock some sense into that stupid boy's head?难道你不能下下工夫让那个笨孩子开窍?
〈口〉彻底击败 defeat completely
knock sth into a cocked hat
You may be only an amateur painter, but your pictures can knock mine into a cocked hat.虽然你只是个业余画家,可你的画却远胜于我的。
knock off1 (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉将…击打掉,碰撞掉 st make sth/sb fall with a push
knock sb/sth
You're not safe on that ladder, a branch could knock you off.你站在那个梯子上不安全,树枝会把你碰下来的。
A snowball knocked his hat off.一个雪球飞来把他的帽子打落在地。
Just when I put the glass safely down on the table, the cat jumped up and knocked it off.我刚把杯子稳稳当当地放在桌子上,猫就跳上去给弄倒了。
Your cigare please knock it off before it falls on the carpet.你的烟灰太长了,请弹掉,以免落在地毯上。
〈口〉停止 c leave off work, etc.
When the whistle goes, all the workers knock off for a cup of tea.哨子一响所有工人都停下手里的活儿去喝茶。
Let's knock off now.现在让我们歇一下吧。
We've done enough for today,I think we'll knock off.我们今天做得够多的了,我想我们该停工了。
We go to work at seven thirty in the morning and knock off at five thirty in the afternoon.我们每天早晨七点半上班,下午五点半下班。
〔说明〕 knock off作此解时常不用于进行体,也常不用于被动结构。
They were making so much noise that I couldn't sleep, so I told them to knock it off!他们吵吵嚷嚷我睡不着,因此我叫他们都住嘴!
〈非正〉降低 take part from a price
〔说明〕 knock off作此解时通常不用于进行体。
If you take both dresses,I'll knock £2 off.你要是两套衣服都买,我就减价两英镑。
The coat is a little dirty. Can you knock 50 yuan off for me?衣服有点脏,你能减价50元钱吗?
The advertised price was £2.05, but the shopkeeper knocked off the odd pence.标价是£2.05,但店主把后面的零头去掉了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
When he received his money he found that five shillings had been knocked off for expenses incurred.当他收到钱时,他发现已扣去了五先令的费用。
〈非正〉快速做… write or compose an article rapidly, etc.
Immediately after supper, he sat down and knocked off his composition in half an hour.一吃过晚饭,他便坐下来,不到半个小时就把作文写好了。
He sat down and knocked off an article for the local paper in about two hours.他坐下来用两小时左右时间就为当地报纸写出了一篇文章。
用于 be ~ed 结构
That composition was knocked off in about two hours after dinner one evening.那个乐曲是一天晚饭后用两小时左右谱写出来的。
〈非正〉杀,谋杀 murder
One night the guerrillas stole into the city and knocked off the traitor.一天夜里,游击队员们悄悄摸进城里,干掉了那个叛徒。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The old man who owned the jewels was knocked off by the thieves.拥有这些珠宝的老头被盗窃犯杀死了。
〈非正〉偷; 抢劫 rob
knock sb/sth
Where did you get all those watches?Did you knock them off?这些手表是从哪儿来的? 抢的吗?
I heard that they knocked off Smith's shop last night.我听说他们昨晚抢劫了史密斯的商店。
People are saying that he knocked her off for her diamonds.人们纷纷传说他为了抢她的钻石而杀死了她。
〈口〉拘捕 take sb to a police station on a charge
You can't knock me off,I've done nothing!你们不能抓我,我什么也没干!
用于 be ~ed 结构
The criminal was tracked down and knocked off by the police.那个罪犯被警察追到后逮捕了。
〈口〉完成,结束 finish
I've a pile of work to knock off before I can take my holiday.在我去度假之前,还有一大堆事情得干完。
〈口〉吃完 eat the whole of sth
His wife served him a big helping, but he knocked it off in next to no time.他妻子给他盛了满满一碗,可是没多会儿他全吃下肚了。
He knocked off two chops and a plateful of vegetables in about ten minutes, and then asked for more.他在大约十分钟内吃完两份排骨和一盘蔬菜,接着还要。
用于 be ~ed 结构
It looked a big dish, but it was almost knocked off in no time.看起来是一大盘菜,但几乎一下子就被扫光了。
〈口〉为惩罚而狠打 hit sb especially as a punishment usually as a threat
If you don't take back what you said about me,I'm going to knock your head off.要是不把说你的话收回,我就要狠狠揍你。
knock off2 (v.+prep.)
碰掉,打掉 make sth fall with a push
knock sth off sth
I'm sorry,I've knocked the glass off the table and broken it.对不起,我把桌子上的杯子碰倒打碎了。
〈口〉停止 stop
knock off sth
Let's knock off work early and go to the football game.咱们早点收工去看球赛吧。
My health compels me to knock off work.我的健康问题使我不得不停止工作。
〈非正〉从…中减去 dispense with
knock sth off sth
I'll knock £2 off the price of the dress if you'll take both dresses.两套衣服都要的话那我就把价钱减少两镑。
比…好得多 be much better than others
knock spots off sb/sth
Tom's books knock spots off most writers of crime stories.汤姆写的书比大多数犯罪小说作家的作品好得多。
My new washing machine knocks spots off the old one.我的新洗衣机要比那台旧的好得多。
knock on1 (v.+adv.)
以敲击通知演员上场 beat on
常用于 be ~ed 结构
Hurry up, you're late for your call, you've been knocked on!快点,已经通知你出场了!
不停地工作 continue working
Let's knock on for another half an hour.我们再干半小时吧。
〈非正〉(使)增加 (cause to) increase
It's the interest payments that knock on the price of a house over the years.正是这几年支付的分期付款利息,才使房子的价格上涨了。
knock on2 (v.+prep.)
敲击 beat on
knock on sth
“Is there anybody there?”said the traveller, knocking on the moonlit door.月光照在门上,过路人走上去敲门问道:“屋里有人吗?”
My dog just lies around all day and doesn't even bark when strangers knock on the door—he's not even worth his keep.我的狗整天睡觉,甚至在陌生人敲门时也不叫——不值得养它了。
使撞 strike on
knock sth on sth
I knocked my head on the doorpost and hurt it.我的头撞在门柱上,碰破了。
取消,停止干某事 cancel〔stop〕 doing sth
knock sth on the head
I used to go out nearly every night but I decided to knock it on the head because I couldn't really afford it.我以前几乎每晚外出,但现在已不是这样,因为我实在抽不出时间。
knock out (v.+adv.)
用锤等敲掉; 打掉 remove by means of a hammer
He knocked the nail out.
After knocking out his pipe, the old man went on with his story.
用于 be ~ed 结构
Several of the child's teeth were knocked out in the accident.
使昏迷 make unconscious
The drug knocked him out.
A blow on the head knocked him out before he could know what was going on.
Too much strong alcohol knocked him out.
The pit-prop fell on his head and knocked him out.
坑木掉在他头上,把他打昏过去 。
He received a blow on the head which knocked him out.
The thief knocked the guard out and took his keys away.
用于 be ~ed 结构
The driver of the car was knocked out at the moment of impact and could remember nothing of the circumstances of accident.
He was knocked out by too much drugs which he had taken for once.
击倒 defeat an opponent by knocking him to the ground so that he cannot rise within a specified time
Joe knocked his opponent out in the first round of the contest.
The boxer knocked out his opponent in the second round.
用于 be ~ed 结构
No one expected that he would be knocked out so easily.
淘汰 eliminate sb from a competition
He has now knocked out most of the other competitors.
We hope the Chinese chess player can knock out his opponent in the next round.
用于 be ~ed 结构
Our football team has been knocked out of the World Cup for several times.
使不能使用; 毁坏 put out of commission, destroy
The telephone communications were knocked out by the storm.
风暴使电话通讯中断了 。
Twelve enemy transport aircraft on the hardstand were knocked out by mortar shells.
使(自己)筋疲力尽; 使(自己)竭尽全力 ma exert oneself to the utmost
The workers knocked themselves out to fulfil their production quota ahead of time.
Having knocked himself out for rescuing the child from drowning, he was taken home by others.
粗略地或匆匆地创作或完成 create or finish roughly or hastily
He hasn't got time to knock the script out himself.
He quickly knocked out the few things that had to be looked after before leaving.
I've just knocked out a good idea.
Could you first knock out a plan in a day or two?
使震惊 overwhelm with surprise, astound
Wow!This scenery really knocks me out.
Mary's new outfit knocked me out. I'd never seen anything so beautiful.
The failure of his experiment knocked him right out. He refused to see anyone all day.
The result of the entrance examination knocked him out. All his efforts ended in failure.
用于 be ~ed 结构
For a moment he was completely knocked out by the news of his friend's death.
We were completely knocked out by their generosity.
引起共鸣 elicit enthusiasm or an emotional response especially deep sympathy or laughter from
That book really knocks me out.
knock out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
狠揍某人; 彻底打败 defeat sb thoroughly
knock the daylight out of sb
If I find him bullying small children again, and I can lay my hands on him,I'll knock the daylight out of him.要是我发现他再欺侮小孩,而且我能把他抓住的话,我要狠狠揍他一顿。
The unseeded
the champion will knock the living daylights out of her.这个非种子选手没有获胜的机会,在比赛中冠军会把她彻底打败的。
knock sb out of sb
用于 be ~ed 结构
Our team was knocked out of the competition in the second game.在第二轮比赛中我们队被淘汰了。
减少 reduce〔undermine〕 the worth of
knock sth out of sb
The way to deal with a young fighter is to hit him hard in the first few minutes, so as to knock the stuffing out of him.对付一个年轻拳击手的办法是在头几分钟里猛打他几拳,先杀杀他的锐气。
破坏; 驳倒
prove an argument to have no value
knock the bottom out of sth
When the next speaker produced all those facts, he knocked the bottom out of my arguments.当下一位发言人提出所有论据时,他把我的论点彻底驳倒了。
从…中敲出或击出(某物) remove by means of a hammer
knock sth out of sth
The sudden blow knocked two teeth out of his mouth.这突然的一击打掉了他两颗牙。
The policeman knocked the gun out of the criminal's hand.警察把罪犯手中的枪击落。
Knock the ash out of your pipe before you refill it.把烟灰磕出来再装烟丝。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The diamond must have got knocked out of my ring when I dropped it.我把戒指掉在地上时,钻石一定是被摔掉了。
knock over (v.+adv.)
碰翻; 打倒 make sth fall by pushing or hitting it, make (sb)fall by hitting him, as with a blow or vehicle
He was so angry that he knocked the man over with one blow.
He accidentally knocked over an ink bottle.
The cow knocked the milk bucket over.
Carelessly,I knocked my teacup over and the tea went all over the tablecloth.
Just when the horse looked like winning, it knocked the last fence over.
用于 be ~ed 结构
Jim was knocked over by a bus, but not seriously hurt.
使…吃惊 surprise sb
The unexpected news fairly knocked me over .
轻易击败 defeat an opponent easily
We should be able to knock the other team over without any trouble.
偷窃; 抢劫 rob a place
快速完成 complete quickly
Mike can knock over three or four of those simple drawings in a day.
knock through (v.+adv.)
打通; 拆除 remove a wall, a partition, etc. in order to enlarge the area of a room
knock through
We'd better enlarge the reading room by knocking through between the two small rooms.我们最好打通两个房间中间的隔墙,来扩大阅览室的面积。
We can knock the wall through to make a new entrance.我们可以把墙打通修个新入口。
knock together (v.+adv.)
匆匆做完(某事) prepare, make or build sth, especially in a hurried or unplanned way
See if you can knock together some sort of box to put it in.看看你是否能快速做一个盒子把它放进去。
The mobile medical team knocked together an operating table.流动医疗队匆匆搭起了一张手术台。
I'm no woodworker, but I can knock a bookshelf together when necessary.我并非木工,但必要时,我也可以凑合着做个书架。
They knocked together a rough box with wooden boards.他们用木板草草地做成了一个粗糙的箱子。
(使)相撞 (of two things) (cause to) hit against each other
knock together
The two pieces of wood knocked together.两块木头互相碰撞。
His knees were knocking together.他害怕得腿肚子打战。
You should knock their silly heads together.设法使他们明白事理。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The logs were knocked together as they floated down the stream.圆木顺流而下时互相碰撞着。
烹调 prepare food by cooking
Hey,Mom, knock something together for us to eat.嗨,妈,搞点东西给我们吃吧。
knock under (v.+adv.)
屈服 yield
knock under
Confronting great hardships, the surveyors never knocked under.在巨大的艰难困苦面前,那些勘探人员从未屈服过。
knock under to sb/sth
We refuse to knock under to any difficulties.我们不向任何困难屈服。
knock up (v.+adv.)
敲门唤醒 awaken by knocking
Would you mind knocking me up at about six o'clock tomorrow morning as I must catch an early train to Beijing?请你明天早晨六点钟左右敲门叫醒我好吗? 因为我必须赶上去北京的早班车。
Run for the doctor and knock him up.快去请医生,把他叫起来。
用于 be ~ed 结构
We were knocked up by the police in the middle of the night.我们在半夜被警察敲门叫醒了。
匆匆准备或做某事 prepare or make sth quickly and without much planning
Even though they weren't expecting us, they managed to knock up a marvellous meal.他们虽然没想到我们要来,但还是设法匆匆做了一顿丰盛的饭。
用于 be ~ed 结构
This house was just knocked up.这房子是匆匆建造的。
knock up against (v.+adv.+prep.)
〔说明〕 knock up against通常不用于进行体。
knock up against sb/sth
偶然撞上 hit sth by running into it
She knocked up against the table.
Running down the street,I knocked up against the lamppost.
偶然遇见〔到〕 meet sb/sth by chance
I knocked up against my old teacher in the town this morning.
She knocked up against difficulties.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
The knock at the door startled Merdelius.
出自:M. West
She..gave the prearranged knock on the door.
出自:R. Ingalls
He took a bad ankle knock..and it is very swollen.
出自:Press Journal (Aberdeen)
What's he that knocks as he would beat down the gate?
出自:Taming of Shrew,Shakespeare
If you knocked at every house You wouldn't find a man who could recognise a louse.
出自:M. Baldwin
He knocked on the inner door.
出自:D. Adams
How tempted I would have been to yield, if opportunity had only knocked.
knock后接at〔to〕的介词短语表示侧重敲击的对象; 接on的介词短语侧重敲击的位置。
He is knocking at the door.He is knocking on the door.他在敲门。
knock, blow, stroke
1.这组词都有“打击”“捶打”的意思, blow, stroke, knock均可指用工具、器械对另一物体的击打。例如:
Children's furniture must withstand kicks and blows.孩子们用的家具必须经得起踢打。
He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer.他一锤子就把钉子敲进去了。
Did you hear a knock at the door?你听到有人敲了一下门吗?
2.blow和knock还可指用手击打,表示击打某人时, blow尤指用拳头打, knock也可指用拳头和指关节敲打。例如:
The big boy aimed a blow at me.那个大个男孩朝我打来一拳。
There came the 3 p.m. knock on the door.下午3点钟来客的敲门声响了。
3.blow的对象可以是物,也可以是身体某部位,还可以是某人; stroke的对象可以是物,也可以是人; knock的对象则是门、地板等物。例如:
He got a nasty blow on the head.他的头部受到重重的一击。
She killed him with one stroke of her sword.她一剑刺死了他。
He split the log with one stroke of the axe.他一斧头就把那圆木劈开了。
If you are not up by eight I'll give you a knock.如果你到8点钟还不起床,我就敲门叫醒你。
4.stroke的工具或器械可以是硬质的东西,也可以是软质的东西; knock的工具或器械一般是硬质的东西。例如:
The man was given several strokes of the whip.那人挨了几鞭子。
knock, bang, bash, bump
这四个词意思相近,但有区别:bash是口语用词,意为猛力地撞毁某物或撞伤某人; bump的意思是偶然地碰撞某物并发出低沉的声音; bang则指撞击较重,声音也较大; knock意为撞击某物而发出清脆的声音,可指意外的动作,可造成伤痛或毁坏东西。
knock, beat, buffet, hit, strike
We were buffeting a storm.
The fall knocked me senseless.
The child's head struck against the door.
2.buffet表示连续猛击; beat指用棍、棒等连续击打; hit指对准某一目标去“打”; strike指徒手或持物一次性地打击。例如:
The waves buffeted the shore.
The missile hit the carrier but only dented the hull.
这枚导弹击中了航空母舰,但只是把 舰体打凹了。
His fist struck home.
3.hit引申为“攻击”“抨击”“受打击”,也可以指精神上或感情上的“打击”; beat可指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方,用作不及物动词时,可指心脏或脉搏的“跳动”; 而strike则可以用于时钟敲响。例如:
The reviewers hit his novel severely.
This clock strikes on the hour.
knock, rap, tap
这组词都有“敲打”的意思。它们的区别是:knock指用手、拳或其他硬的东西用力敲打; rap指用关节、棒等急速地敲,发出刺耳的声音使人们静下来; tap指用手指尖等徐徐地叩或拍。 例如:
We rapped at the door, but there was no answer.我们笃笃地敲门,但无人回答。
The chairman rapped on the table for order.主席敲桌子要求安静。
She tapped her girl to let her sleep.她轻轻拍着女儿让她睡觉。
He tapped his forehead knowingly.他会心地拍拍前额。
Ameria was knocked down by a car.
Ameria was knocked over by a car.
Suddenly there came a knock at the door.
Suddenly there came a knocking at the door.
☆ 直接源自古英语的cnoacin;最初源自古挪威语的knoka,意为打击,打。
knock&:&打, 敲,
knock&:&敲,打(门 ...
knock:knock v. 敲, 敲打, 敲击, (使)碰撞n. 敲, 击, 敲打 英英解释:名词knock:1. the sound of knocking (as on a door or in an en…


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