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都是试试,结果不就出来了。 : Originally posted by 月只蓝 at
都是试试,结果不就出来了。 都试哪些呢。给推荐几个呗 用1stOpt的公式自动搜索匹配功能试试,近7000种公式供选择。 : Originally posted by dingd at
用1stOpt的公式自动搜索匹配功能试试,近7000种公式供选择。 好的,我试试哈作者:& 作者本人请参看
Abstract:The interaction between individual and individual has always been an intermediate result of the study of population ecology. However, the absolute neighbor effect (RNE) and other research on the mutual influence of the target in the mathematical statistics of the non persistent, has always been a difficult problem in this area. And the absolute (R II) is a great convenience for the study of the interaction between plants and plants, which can be calculated by the comparison of the individual and average biomass among the two groups of the nearest neighbor and no removal. The self thinning in the rail density dependent death the circumstances of plant biomass and density close together. This study attempts to sideways in the A.thaliana populations will be through the inevitable target approached in one way, hoping to find some individual mutual effect and self thinning rail between the relationship. Individual affects mutually usually based on classical neighbor removal test and in this study we do not use neighbor removal method, but through the process of doubling the interval between nearest neighbor to arrive in the neighborhood removal, and sequential design out a series of successive times less adjacent spacer, is a step by step growth density gradient. The values of the R II and the different speed development indices may be calculated by comparing the individual biomass and harvest density between the process and the formation of the adjacent body group. Our study found that, at the same time, there is a greater difference in the value of the value of the purpose of the plant also has a greater number of R II, as if there is a synchronous positive interaction between the two. So we applied the parameters of the harvest density to the R II and the different speed development index, and set up a model of the relationship between the two. The spatial distribution of the leaves in the plant community and the self thinning index of the community have a certain numerical value. In the wild type Arabidopsis thaliana and scattered acid (ABA) insensitive (abi2 a 1) in the community, we isolated fractal dimension model is designed for the lotus leaves, to hone Arabidopsis leaves space shape and abscisic acid (ABA) influence on the model. In the study, we measure the self thinning index of the experience value is a 1. 31 (wild type) and one 1. 45 (abi2 1). And then through the process of our fractal dimension model, the numerical value of the box dimension of the space shape of the blade is 2. 08 and 2. 03. It is assumed that the box dimension and fractal dimension are equivalent to the outside of the community, then the other groups can be estimated from a set of 1. 40 (wild type) and one 1. 49 (abi2 1). We also studied the effect of exogenous ABA on the self thinning index of the wild type and the abi2 of a 1 gradient. 26 and 1. 43) and the application of fractal dimension (the separation is a 1. 37 and 1. 46) the impact of. The 95 of the value of the self thinning index and the value of the budget in the dimension of the dimension are considered to be equivalent. In the laboratory we use two types of Arabidopsis thaliana to verify the above form, in order to explain the sensitivity to ABA affects the shape in the space of Arabidopsis thaliana lotus leaf and further affect the self thinning.
目录:中文摘要5-7Abstract7-8文献综述9-20&&&&1 植物个体相互作用9-11&&&&2 群体异速生长(自疏)指数11-14&&&&3 分形模型14-15&&&&4 脱落酸的生长调节作用15-20本研究要解决的问题和创新点20-22&&&&将植物个体相互作用和民事生长指数联系起来20&&&&拟南芥作为实验材料来研究群体作用20&&&&将拟南芥的莲蓬叶片的空间分布和自疏指数联系起来20-22材料与方法22-29&&&&1 植物材料与培养条件22-23&&&&2 个体间相对相互作用的测定23-24&&&&3 分形维度在叶片空间分布上的应用24-28&&&&4 数据处理28-29结果与分析29-46&&&&1 植物个体间相互作用分析29-35&&&&2 脱落酸敏感性突变对拟南芥群体自疏指数的影响35-46讨论46-52&&&&1 个体间相互作用和异速生长指数46-47&&&&2 拟南芥莲蓬叶片的空间分布和自疏指数47-52结语52-53参考文献53-65致谢65-66博士期间科研成果及发表论文66
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2003[10].胡凤仙. [D]. 广西大学.脑指数_百度百科
脑指数(Encephalization Quotient,EQ)是衡量脑的相对大小的一个度量,即动物脑的实际大小与预期的脑的大小的比值,常被用来估量动物的智力。
在上表中,脑指数是用脑的实际大小与预期脑的大小的比值来表示的。所谓预期大小是指哺乳动物脑的大小的平均值,它考虑了脑重于体重的关系。哺乳动物脑重与体重的平均比值为1.0,如猫。如果某种动物的体重是猫的体重的两倍,脑的重量也是猫脑重量的两倍,那么,它的脑指数(EQ )便是1.0。从表中看到,随着进化阶梯的上升,脑指数是逐渐上升的,人脑的EQ约为猩猩脑的2.54倍,约为鼠脑的15倍。
一般而言,动物脑的大小应随身体变大而增大(呈正相关),体型较大的动物应有比小动物更大的脑部。但这样的关系不是线性的,小动物的脑部占身体的比例较大型动物为大,即拥有相对较大的脑部,老鼠的脑部身体质量比为1/40(接近人类的比值),而大象虽然智力甚高,其脑部身体质量比却小的多,只有1/560。导致这种趋势的原因有很多,其中之一可能是神经元的大小固定,当动物的脑部变大时,神经元的增加导致脑部增加的比例较身体其他部分的增加为少,这种现象引入了「头部集中化指数」(cephalization factor);E = CS2,其中E与S分别是身体与脑部的质量,而C是头部集中化指数。但只考虑身体和脑部的关系是不够的,应同时考考动物全身的大小。为了弥补这个因素,已想出了一个新的原则,通过描述各种相互不同的哺乳动物的脑部身体质量比并通过曲线拟合以便更好地符合资料。


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