which is better to have ,acat dog 猫狗动画片or a cat

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What Does Spaying a Dog or Cat Mean?
What Does Spaying a Dog or Cat Mean?
Spaying removes the ability of a female to have young.
that removes both the ovaries and the uterus through an incision in the abdomen. Because the ovaries produce most of the estrogen in a female's body, the pet no longer has a surge of estrogen, a heat cycle, bleeding from the vulva, or the tendency to attract males. The procedure for females is called a spay surgery or ovariohysterectomy (ovario=ovary, hyster=uterus, ectomy=removal).Key facts about spaying in dogs and cats
For most families, spayed cats and dogs make better pets than intact cats and dogs
Spaying will not fix elimination problems due to anxiety, submission, or excitement
When is the best age to spay a dog or cat?Spaying is done at all ages. At some humane facilities and animal shelters, spaying is being done when pets are 6 to 8 weeks old so that no adopted pets will have unwanted litters. Pets spayed by the family veterinarian are traditionally scheduled for surgery between 5 and 10 months of age. The smaller the breed, the more quickly the female matures, so that spaying of small dogs is best done at 5-6 months of age. The larger breeds mature more slowly so that spaying can be delayed until the pet is closer to one year of age. Thus, Chihuahuas may be spayed at 5 months of age and Bull Mastiffs may be safely spayed when 10-12 months of age. Spaying before the dog is mature ensures she does not go through estrus and become pregnant.When mature dogs are spayed, surgery is timed for a period between heat cycles when the blood vessels to the uterus are small and there is less likelihood of bleeding. With mature cats, bleeding is generally less of a problem than with dogs so that time is slightly less critical.When scheduling surgery for a pet that has just had a litter, it is best to wait about two months after delivery so that the young are weaned, the mother has quit nursing, and the uterus has returned to its normal size. Benefits of spaying your petSpaying is the most common surgery for female pets because it has so many benefits for the pet and the family. Spaying:
Prevents estrus cycles and vaginal bleeding
Prevents the birth of unwanted puppies and kittens
Prevents infection in the uterus (pyometra)
Lessens mammary cancer
Lessens cat yowling
Are there negative health effects when having a pet spayed?While spaying offers many benefits, there can be undesirable health and cosmetic changes. For example, spayed pets&especially those altered before they have reached their full growth&are generally taller and leaner. Their heads may also be narrower. For most of us these are insignificant cosmetic changes, but for those for whom appearance is of utmost importance, spaying before the pet is full grown may not be acceptable.Of more consequence are the undesirable health changes. The following medical problems are believed to increase with early spaying:
Bone and joint problems (knee injury due to cruciate rupture, hip dysplasia and bone cancer) Incontinence Female dogs may become incontinent if surgically altered, and the likelihood of incontinence increases if pets are altered when very young. Most incontinent dogs improve when given acupuncture and drugs such as , estrogens, testosterones, or anti-parasympathetic medications. However, these drugs can have detrimental side effects and they must be used for the life of the pet. Bone and joint problems Spayed dogs have increases in bone and joint problems such as torn knee ligaments (anterior cruciate ligament or ACL), , and bone cancer. ACL injuries are common in spayed dogs of every size. Hip dysplasia and bone
(osteosarcoma), are common only in large dogs. Some veterinarians believe bone problems occur in spayed dogs because their bones grow larger than those of intact dogs. The larger growth occurs because estrogen, which normally tells the bones to stop growing, is not present to give the stop-growth signal. It appears that larger bone size predisposes these pets to bone and joint cancer. It also appears that the earlier a pet is spayed the greater the likelihood of bone cancer.Does a dog's or cat's behavior change after being spayed? There are misconceptions about behavior changes that occur when a dog or cat is spayed. One of the misconceptions is that it's better to allow pets to have one litter because after that they are better pets. This is not true. What is true is that most pets are spayed between 5 and 10 months of age when they are immature. After being spayed, they mature and assume the more responsible behaviors of adults.Another misconception is that working dogs that are used to protect and guard property will not be as effective if spayed. The reality is that protecting and guarding are genetic behaviors. Whatever genetic behaviors pets have before being spayed, they have after being spayed. Thus, a German Shepherd that is good at protecting property remains so when spayed. If the Shepherd is too young to display protective behaviors, but is genetically inclined to be a good working dog, she will develop appropriate behaviors as she matures. Other examples of genetic behaviors that are not altered by spaying include the Great Pyrenees' ability to guard sheep, the Border Collies' tendency to herd, and the Northern breeds' tendency to dig.A third misconception is that spay surgery will control aggression in dogs. Unfortunately, the tendency to be aggressive does not change when dogs are spayed. In fact, when highly aggressive dogs are spayed at a young age, they become even more aggressive following surgery. This is in contrast to older aggressive dogs that remain aggressive when spayed but do not become even more aggressive following surgery. When aggression is a problem, a full medical exam, nutritional changes, behavior therapy, and medications are the best approaches&not spaying. Spaying may still be recommended for aggressive dogs because it prevents these dogs from having young with similar predispositions.Some pet owners believe that dogs and cats become fat and have less energy after being spayed. Sometimes a change in activity occurs because we have gotten used to our pets and are playing with them less than we did when they were young. Other times, pets are truly less energetic following spay surgery. If pets are fed the same amount after being spayed as before the surgery&especially if they were on diets for young, growing pets&they will put on weight after being spayed. This is entirely preventable if we increase activity and decrease feeding size.There is a misconception that spaying will fix all elimination problems. Spaying will not fix elimination problems due to anxiety, submission, or excitement. On the other hand, spraying (urinating on vertical surfaces) and marking territory are decreased by spay surgery if the pet is spayed before the behavior has become ingrained. One behavior that is eliminated with spay surgery is false pregnancy. False pregnancy occurs in dogs that are not pregnant but behave as though they are for up to 60 days following estrus. These dogs transport little toys from place to place as though they are moving puppies. Their mammary glands may produce milk, and the pet may make a nest in a dark, quiet place away from the family. Some pets become increasingly moody and aggressive.
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current rating is 4.03/5
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current rating is 4.23/5
(3230 ratings)Order
Canis lupus familiaris
Life Expectancy
12-25 years
How to choose
When choosing between a cat or a dog, you should consider how much time you can dedicate to the pet (dogs require more time than cats, and don’t like to be left home alone), how much you can afford to spend (dogs are more expensive than cats), and what temperament of pet you would before (dogs are more needy and affectionate than independent cats).
A dog petting a cat
When choosing a cat, consider whether you want to get a purebred cat from a breeder, or rescue a cat from an animal shelter. If you are not getting a kitten, consider whether you want an indoor or an outdoor cat and choose accordingly, as certain cats will be trained for different situations. Different breeds have different temperaments, but they vary less than dogs. For example, Siamese cats are intelligent and playful, but can be very noisy, while long-haired cats are laid back and short haired cats are usually affectionate and even-tempered. Individual cats also have different personalities, so interact with them before taking them home. Consider the hair length you can handle, as longer , such as the fur of a Maine Coon, Persian or Ragdoll, will require daily brushing.
When choosing a dog, consider its size. Larger dogs, such as a German Shepherd or a Labrador, need more space and cost more to feed and care for. Some breeds, such as Labradors, Corgis and Spaniels, are also easier to train than others, and have more friendly temperaments. Take into account the length of the dog’s fur, as those with longer coats will need more regular grooming. Although purebreds are popular, they can suffer from greater temperament and
problems. Mixed breed dogs usually have fewer health problems and can be adopted more cheaply from shelters.
Cats require a
and water bowl, a litter box, a few toys and scratching posts, and a brush for grooming.
Dogs require a food and water bowl, a leash and collar, a dog bed, toys and chews and treats.
The amount a cat needs to eat varies depending on its size, but cats require less food than most all dogs. Cat food comes in . Adult cats require between 250 and 300
The amount a dog eats depends on its size. Commercial
comes in both dry and wet forms, and most dogs need between 25 and 30 calories per pound per day.
Cats do not need bathing, but they should be brushed regularly if they have long hair.
Dogs –especially those with long hair – need grooming and bathing .
Both cats and dogs can get infected with , . When this happens, disinfectants like
are required to rid the pets of the infection. Some of these chemicals contain harmful pesticides. Care must also be taken to ensure Advantix is used only on dogs because it is very dangerous for cats.
The average life expectancy of cats is around 12 to 14 years, but they can live into their 20s or even their 30s. Medical costs for cats are around $160 per year.
The life expectancy of dogs & usually 7 to 14 years & varies depending on the breed, with larger breeds tending to have shorter lives, .
Medical costs for dogs vary depending on size and existing health conditions but will usually be at least $200 for dental cleanings and vaccines.
House Training
Cats usually already know how to use a litterbox or can easily be trained to use their litterbox. This requires cleaning once a day.
Dogs need to be trained, socialized and housebroken. Training usually takes around 2 months.
Dogs can function as watchdogs or guard dogs, protecting their owner and the house.
Cats can live in smaller areas, while dogs generally need more space to run around. Cats can be kept indoors, but dogs need to be taken for regular walks – at least twice a day.
Although some cats will learn to do tricks, they do them to please themselves, not their owners, and so are more difficult to train.
Most dogs can be trained to do some tricks with patience.
As dogs need more personal attention than cats, they are less well suited to people who travel a lot or work long hours. Dogs should preferably not be left home alone all day, while cats will cope.
According to the ASPCA, a typical cat costs $670 per year, including food, litter and medical costs.
A small dog cost approximately $580, while a medium sized dog costs $695 and a large dog costs $875.
Popular breeds
The most popular cat breeds in the US are the Persian, the Maine Coon, the Exotic and the Siamese.
The most popular breeds of dog in the US are Labrador Retriever (with over 123,000 registered individuals), Yorkshire Terrier (48,346), German Shepherd (43,629) and
According to US census data, there are around 86.4
pet cats in the US. 33% of households in the US own at least one cat. On average, cat owners have two cats.
There are approximately 78.2 million pet dogs in the US. 39% of US households own at least one dog. On average, dog owners have one dog.
AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association ) statistics are slightly different & about 74 million cats and 70 million dogs. Dogs are found in more American households than cats but cat-owners tend to own a larger number of cats on average and so the over all population is larger for cats than dogs.
Common Games
Cats enjoy simple games that allow them to stalk and pounce. Popular games include bouncing a ping-pong ball on the floor for the cat to jump after, rolling a crumpled ball of paper along the floor, dragging ribbon along the floor, or playing hide and seek.
Dogs enjoy games that allow them to run and chase. As well as playing “fetch,” dogs enjoy playing tug-of-war, hide and seek, find the treat, and
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