我会成为世界第一的大剑豪3翻译成英文,i will be the top of swordsman,有错吗?

世界一の大剣豪になるSekai ichi no daikengou ni naru
塞卡伊一期 喏 达咿凯恩高~ 尼 那路
n. 剑术家,剑客,军人
1.someone skilled at fencing
1.The swordsman pinked his enemy in the leg.
2.Though it's a swordsman movie, you can hardly see thrilling violence or brutal murder.
I want to be the strongest swordsman in the history,so my name resounding
I want to be the strongest swordsman in the history, so my name resounding
I wanna to be the most powerful swordsman in the history, with my fame resound through the world.
扫描下载二维码我会成为世界第一的大剑豪翻译成英文,i will be the top of swordsman,有错吗?
I will become the world's first big Jianhao translation.
top 作定语,不要用of了,还少了“世界” 所以+ in the world改后的:I will be the top swordsman in the world.
I will be the swordsman who is at the top of the world.希望能帮到楼主!望采纳!TKS!Regards and best wishes
第一课:【Blind Shot】By: Little Falcon原文如下:【LittleFalcon】: Mymuse has been taken by this series and she won't look my way if I don't writeeven a drabble about my current addiction: One Piece. This is my first OP fic Ireally want to know what you guys think. I'm still watching the series andcurrently I'm not even half done so I won't put much detail. Hope you don'tmind.【StandardDisclaimer】: I onlyown the idea that's all. If I did own this series I'll be the happiest personon earth!——我是原文——"Zoro!" It wasn't herannoyed tone that woke him up but her vanilla scent she always wore. Duringtheir years on Going Merry, she was the only one who made him unconsciouslynotice everything about her: the changes in her clothes, the way she flippedher hair, the manner of grin she uses when she's planning something devious,the way she looks out to the ocean when she's down. It annoyed him that thiswoman bosses him easily around but still has no clue of the effect she has onhim.Her constant
her quick witted r her navigational skills impresseshim… everything about her affects him. It doesn't take a genius to figure outwhat was happening to him… especially when, no matter what he does, his eyescontinued to stray towards her direction.The green haired swordsman kepthis eyes closed as he heard her climb up to the crow's nest. "Zoro! Wakeup the hell up! You've been sleeping through a goddamn storm!" His eyebrowtwitched in reply but he knows that if he remained as he is, she'll just sighand give up, like she usually does.As predicted, he heard herrelease a defeated breath but he never expected to feel it so close tohis face. Thanks to his rigorous training he maintained his composure despiteher proximity. Without opening his eyes, he knew she was too close… her vanil it plagued his senses.Something soft brushed againsthis left cheek then Zoro left her breath on his face. "Honestly, I wonderwhy I fell for a guy like you," her tone was barely audible. It was soft…gentle… no hint of roughness he always hears when she's barking out orders tothe crew. His breathing hitched when he realized it did, he was about to openhis eyes when another surprise came his way.He swore his heart almoststopped beating as he felt something incredibly tender but intensely warmpressed against his lips. For a long while, Zoro remained motionless even ifNami already left minutes after. His eyes opened incredulously as his tongue carefullylicked his lips before he bit the lower lip gently. Heat flooded his face ashis shaking fist touched his lips. The strawberry flavor still lingering in histongue."Luffy! A ship's closingin!" Their long nosed nakama bellowed before he took a closer look."It's Captain Smoker with his marines!" Usopp, being himself,panicked immediately and ran to and fro the deck.Zoro snapped at attentioninstantly, jumped from a height and landed behind his captain and theirnavigator. "What's the plan?" His eyes were already sweeping theenemy's ship for a certain female sergeant.Throwing a quick glance to hershoulder, her heart throbbed painfully. Silently, she bit her lips and clenchedher fists as she glared at the distant marine vessel. A zephyr caressed herface and upon reaction, her almond eyes lit up. "A squall is coming…"her composure returned when she was delegating specific orders to each one.True enough, a strong gust of wind pushed their sails and stowed them away froma difficult battle."As expected of ournavigator!" Their carefree captain chugged on his mug, not caring even ifhis drink was spilling from mouth. It was always like this after a quick escapeor a great victory… a grand celebration once the sun was hidden by the ocean."Nami-san is sowonderful!" Their nicotine consuming chef threw in and another toast waspresented.Not even alcohol helped to dullout the pain. Unnoticeably, the guest of honor slipped out of the cabin andwandered to the empty deck. Leaning her elbows on the railings, she let out anaudible sigh. A pathetic chuckle escaped her.What amI doing? Even if he wasn't attracted to that ditzy katana wielding Tashigi,there's no way in hell he'll look my way. I've tried… and I've waited… The when or how of her attraction to theirgreatest-swordsman-to-be ship mate was already forgotten. All she knew was thathis great resolve, unquestionable loyalty, inborn arrogance, godly physique,fanged grin… everything that made him imperfect… gravitated her towards him.She tried all kinds of reasoning to silence her emotions but the more she heldback the more they fought back. In the end, she was left to admit that RoronoaZoro… whether he meant it or not… had swept her off her feet.This isone disadvantage of being on a ship in the middle of nowhere… She wanted to go somewhere else… somewhere were she won't bereminded of his very presence. "This is pathetic…" she leaned herback against the railing and looked up at the night sky to prevent her tearsfrom falling. Look what you've reduced me into…Basking under the moonlight,her sunset colored locks shimmered as her eyes reflected the silver moon, herporcelain skin glowed… her aura was nothing more than celestial. His legsbecame stiff as he gaped at her from the shadows. The sight of her unshed tearsunfroze him immediately."They're looking for youinside," his deep, rich tone almost made her jump out of her skin. Infront of her, he stood… with his unruly hair, dangling earrings and threeswords. Her heart made a painful jump… how can this person make my heart ache and yet stillmake it race?"Is that so? I'll be rightin," she turned around just in time before her first tear trickled downher chin."Err, good job on thenavigating thing…" not being a man of words, he horribly began hisapproach after berating himself a couple hundred times.Feeling him drawing closer,Nami brushed away her tears. "I'm sorry to delay the encounter between youand her," why can't she bring herself to say that girl's name?She wheeled around but refused to meet his gaze. "I'm sure you're lookingforward to it," the painful grin she made hurt her more than she thoughtit might."Not really," Zorohonestly replied with a bit of agitation when he immediately saw through herfaçade. "She just reminds me of…""I don't want to hearit," Nami cut through his words. Realizing what she just did, she lookedaway in shame. "I… I think I'm not the best person who should hear about…this…" she bit back her tears as she started to walk back to the cabin."No," Zoro caught herarm before she passed her. "You're the only person who I want to knowthis. Tashigi just reminds me of the girl I liked…" Nami tried to struggleout of his grip but he won't let her. "You're the classic example ofeverything I hate about women…"Tears sprung from her eyes asshe fought against his hold. "Well… I'm sorry for being me…""Then again… you're theonly one who constantly defeats me in every single way…""I…I'm afraid I don'tfollow…" her voice was shaking as tears cascaded down her cheeks."Nami… I will stand on topof the world… and kneel only before one person…" even before Zoro cancontinue, she already gripped his shirt and pulled him down to let their lipsseal their vow."WHOAH! TAKE YOUR CLOTHESOFF!" Luffy's voice interrupted their moment followed by Sanji's cry ofaguish while the others whistled and cheered.——我是原文——【LittleFalcon】: Alight drabble for my first story. What do you guys think? Read and reviewplease…
——我是苏译——“!”她身上特有的香草清香在那厉声呼喝之前就已经唤醒了他。在黄金梅丽号上度过的时间里,她是唯一一个能让他不经意间牢记她的一举一动的人:身上衣物饰品的改变、手指拨弄发丝的绕转、唯恐天下不乱的狡黠微笑、凝视大洋中波涛起伏的流转目光。尽管这女人对他的颐指气使让他手足无措,甚至急躁慌乱,但是他还是搞不明白,这魔女对他施了什么巫术,让他对她的一切刻骨铭心。她的唠唠叨叨让他烦躁恼火,她聪慧迅敏的回答让他无言以答,她的精湛航术让他心生佩服……所有与她相关的繁琐小事,都能让他的心脏随之牵扯跳动。啊,这原因应该是显而易见的吧。尤其是无论他想要做什么时,他那迷路了的目光,最终总会汇聚于她的方向。当绿发剑士听见她拽着绳子爬到瞭望塔上时,他仍旧闭着眼睛。“!懒蛋快起来了!天,这么大的风暴你还睡得这么死!”他的眉毛轻轻挑了挑,但他知道,如果他还保持原样,她只会叹一口气,转身离开。就像她一直做的那样。就像预言一样,他听到她失败一样地叹了口气,但是他没有想到,她居然会离他的脸这样近。老天,感谢他平常严格的训练,他还可以勉强克制住自己。就算他没睁开眼睛,他也能感觉到,她离得太近了……她身上的香草气息越来越浓,这简直是对他的折磨。忽然间,他的左脸颊触到了一片柔软,他感到她的呼吸,一下一下地扑在他的脸庞上。“实话说吧,我真好奇我为什么会对你有感觉。”她的声音细如蚊鸣,但和煦又温柔,褪去了她平常的莽撞,不再是他平常听惯了的吆喝或是指使。他感觉到自己的呼吸在渐渐加重,而在他刚要睁开眼睛的时候,又一个意外撞了他一个满怀。他发誓,他的心跳似乎停掉了。在她吻他的时候。很长一段时间以后,还是木愣愣地杵在原地,即使他知道娜美早在几分钟就离开了。他难以置信地睁开了眼睛,舌头轻巧而仔细地舔过她亲吻过的嘴唇。在他触碰到嘴唇时,燥热感涌上了他的脸。那的味道仍然徘徊在他的舌尖,久久不散。“!有船在靠近!”还没等他看清,他们的长鼻子伙伴的呼喊声就先传了过来。“是和他的海军!”果不其然,君已经惊慌失措地趔趄到了甲板后方。的思绪一下子断了,他迅速地从瞭望塔中跳下来,稳稳地落在了自家船长和航海士的身后。“怎么办?”他的目光已经轻扫过那戴眼镜军官小姐的船。轻轻瞥了一眼身后的他,娜美的心疼痛地抽动了一下。她默默地咬紧了双唇,握紧了拳头,双目直勾勾地盯着海军的舰队。一阵微风拂过她的面庞,她杏眼微张。“风暴要来了……“她恢复了沉着,按部就班而又义不容辞地指挥着每个人。没错的,一味狂风扑进了他们的船帆,将他们带离了一场险些到来的战役。“航海士赛高!”没心没肺的船长开怀大笑,完全没在意那些从他嘴里喷出来的饮料。每次胜利的脱逃总该如此,船长又以此为由在夕阳西下时开办了欢庆的party。“娜美桑最棒!”在他们尼古丁成瘾的厨师也加入时,一轮不正经的敬酒又被掀了起来。酒精可不止麻痹了伤痛。所有人都没有注意,他们的特邀嘉宾已经离开了欢庆的小屋,默默溜达到空荡的甲板上。她斜靠在桅杆边,轻声叹气,情不自禁地苦笑起来。{我在干什么?即使他没有被那怪里怪气的女剑士吸引,他也一定不可能看向我的吧。我尽力了,我也等够了啊……}她是何时何地被他们那世界第一剑豪吸引的呢?嘛,已经忘记了。她所记得的只有他坚毅的决心,不二的信任,与生俱来的傲骨,神祗般的身材和邪气的微笑。这些,全部这些让他无所缺憾的细节,是如此的吸引她,吸引着她一步步地靠近,一寸寸地不能自拔。她用尽所有方法去了解和平息她汹涌的感情。但是她抑制得越沉重,感情就浓烈地越深沉。最后的最后,她只能承认,罗罗诺亚·,管他的呢,罗罗诺亚·索隆,让她爱到千丈之深。{在船上的缺点就是没有方法躲避迂回呢。}她想要去别的地方,去那些她能够不再想起他的每一个举动的地方。“真可悲。”娜美轻靠在桅杆上,出神地望着天空。{啊,看看你把我害成了什么样子。}迎着月光,她的眼睛倒影出月光熹微的模样,光滑嫩洁的肌肤笼上了一层微光,天女下凡般美妙娇俏。的步伐停滞了,他微微吃惊地在阴影处注视着娜美。她眼中存留的泪水瞬间虏获了他的整个心脏,消融了他封锁多年的冰墙。“他们在找你。”低沉磁性的嗓音险些吓得她灵魂出窍。站在娜美的面前,绿发微翘,耳钉摇晃,三把刀剑安稳地挂在腰间。他的心脏猛烈地跳动。{这个魔女是怎样让我的心疼痛而欢愉。}“是吗,我马上回去。”她转过身,隐约有一滴眼泪划过面颊。“呃,这次预测真的很准……”这不善言辞的大男人,惴惴不安地靠近他,心里已经对这烂爆的开场白扇了无数个耳光。感觉到他的靠近,娜美飞快地擦去了眼泪。“耽误了你和…她的完美邂逅真不好意思,”为什么她说不出那女生的名字?盯着她犹疑的目光。“我确定你一定很盼望这一天吧。”她皱巴巴的苦笑比她想象中的更要疼痛。“没啊,”诚实而激烈地反驳道,“她只是让我想起……”“我不听!”娜美简短有力的收了他的解释,讪讪地看向了远处。“我…我觉得我不应该听这件事吧。”她收回泪水,快步朝船舱走去。“不。”用力地抓住了她的胳膊,“你是唯一一个我想告诉的人。”“达斯琪只是让我想起那个我欣赏的女孩……”娜美试图挣扎出他的约束,但是他却不放过她。“而你,是我最讨厌的个性的…综合体吧。”一颗颗眼泪从她的眼眶中挣扎而出。“对不起…”“别吵。你是唯一一个想不断打败我的人,即使是鸡毛蒜皮的小事。”“我,我不懂你意思……”她的声音开始颤抖,眼泪不受控制地流淌过她的面颊。“娜美,听我说,我是要站在世界之巅的男人,我只能屈于一人之下。” 现在,你懂了吗。 而他还没有说完,他聪慧的小女人就抓紧了他的衣领,用自己的双唇紧紧锁住了他的询问。“哇哦~!”的声音猛地钻进来,接连着山治的号哭,还有其他人起哄的口哨,及欢呼。——我是苏译——
看完了~文的最后娜美好像有点崩了呢不知是手机出问题还是,英文原文好多都是两个单词合并在一起的@_@不过苏酱的翻译真是超棒啊!看起来很流畅。翻译辛苦啦XD(抱大腿!)英语废的我只能靠Google translate来翻译〒_〒我记忆中在fanfiction搜索到的索娜文好像不多而且大多都是年代久远的怎么破(一定是我搜索的方式不对QAQ)
我亲爱的小苏V587~~爱死你啦 FF上的文早就想翻,可无奈我太懒,就这么拖了快一年
小苏好厉害~文写得好 翻译又厉害~赞!话说我一直觉得英文zona文人物都易崩。。可能是东方西方价值观不一样
哇啊啊啊啊 一万赞


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